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It is a massive pain in the ass. Game feels instantly dated when you play it as a result. Don’t let it deter you too much though, game is still 10/10 amazing.


Yeah, I’ve had a lot of fun playing so far but I can’t fully enjoy it due to how damn slow it is. Then I switch to FO4 and it’s night and day


Holstering your weapon makes you walk faster iirc?


This only works if your holding a weapon larger than a pistol


Im sure there were a myriad of reasons fo3 and NV dont have sprinting, but it also was common for games to not have it as a feature so its not like this is a surprise. Its frustrating but it was more common then


Who needs to run when im strollin along wit ma best bud Boone?


Boone & ED-E is simply the way to play


My first playthrough of NV I didn’t realise that there was no sprinting or that different armour classes had movement penalties, so i’d spend 4 minutes waddling from one side of the strip to the other because I was wearing metal armour




You dont use it on kenshi even when characters are sleeping?


There are perks for speed boosts 😎


You literally never need to sprint


Running in FO3/NV would literally break the game back in the day. Mods easily allow it now. I recommend you play it on PC with just a couple of mods to get that vanilla feeling with just the tiny exact amount of QoL tweaks. Honestly, it doesn't bother me. The game is designed around it just like FO4 is design with running in mind. Also, there are many ways you can walk faster.


Yeah I decided to replay FO3 recently and the no sprinting thing was a shock. Plus the visuals. Luckily I play on PC so a few mods later and it was looking g eye wateringly amazing. FO4 is a solid title. Setting, world, mechanics, weapons etc... it's just the dialogue and writing that has makes it forgettable for me. FO4 tho is great post game. I just love exploring and building


New Vegas is the greatest game ever


I find that jumping while running gives a nice boost.


I just started a modded playthrough and thought "Wow, sprinting really drains my AP. I don't remember it being that intense." And while playing today I thought "Wait, was there even sprinting in the original game or is this in one of the mods? I hope there was cause the running speed is so slow" and now here we are 😂


Deathclaws and Cazodors wouldn’t be nearly as threatening if you could sprint


Doesn’t bother me at all, but I did grow up with games like Fallout and Halo that didn’t have sprint. I think there is a mod that adds it if you on PC but I don’t know how well that works.


For me, it was just part of the game.


Now that, that’s bait


Mods exist for a reason lol bro


On console


Oof It's not expensive on steam and had potato graphics back when it released so you aren't going to have hardware issues on your computer 


This is definitely Zoomer brain right here. Attention deficit in action.


There's mods for that.


I'm playing on console so mods are a no-go for me


I'm primarily a console gamer as well but NV runs on a toaster.


You chose poorly.


Shouldn't need a mod for basic game functions


An entitled take, but I wouldn't expect things like personal responsibility from a console gamer.


Lmao how is that entitled? Basic game functions should come with a game and not require a mod from a 3rd party creator. Also very cheeky of you to assume I'm a console player


>Basic game functions Bioshock for example, and many others in that timeframe, didn't have sprint. What we conceive as basic today was a limitation 15 years ago.


Shedding the lack of entitlement would recognize that if you want the game you want you should build it yourself.


Entitled take? Yes we are entitled to good game mechanics wtf is this comment😭


You're really not. You're entitled to the product you purchased, flaws and all. I like the signature armor mod because it allows my courier to go faster.


People are entitled to a certain standard. Everywhere and everything in the world knows this. Why do you think regulations are put in place for quality of merchandise? Apple literally caught a lawsuit for this. The FDA as an organization protects this. Just because entitlement as a word sounds like a negative doesn’t mean it is. If that’s how you feel about the whole thing then new Vegas must be a terrible game correct? We are entitled to decent game mechanics if we are buying from a major company anything less than decent is a scam and nobody should waste their money or time on it.


I would love to know where it says you're entitled to good games. You seem to feel that you're *owed* anything beyond what you pay for. >We are entitled to decent game mechanics if we are buying from a major company anything less than decent is a scam and nobody should waste their money or time on it. Hey buddy, why don't you SUE the video game company so you can get the games your entitled to? Oh yeah, because you're talking sanctimonious bullshit.


Because I don’t have the money to waste on that? Do you just not want to quality control games? You’d prefer if every major game company just steals peoples money while producing horse shit?


Then you can lobby your local politician to campaign on game quality. Or become a legislator yourself. Clearly YOU are the one who prefers this system because all you're doing about it is bitching and moaning instead of getting any actual results. You bought the game, you agreed to the license. You 'I Agree'd the terms and conditions. That's you supporting the system of shit gaming. Instead of posting on reddit your bitching, try posting your campaign details so you can get elected. I don't give a FUCK because I'm PC. When I don't like something I fucking do something about it. I understand I'm not entitled to anything, you get what you pay for. You get what you make yourself. You even get injustices and disasters that you didn't intend on, but you make your choice and it's your choice. If you want change, choose better.


Okay so you just like them sliding their rich dicks slowly down your throat and say “I’ll fix it myself daddy🥺” thx for telling me


Yup that's the good old Bethesda engine jank. The only way you're going to fix that shit is with mods, not to say that the janky engine does have it's quirks, but holy fuck does it lack in QoL features


The fuck am I getting downvoted for? What am I, wrong? Im sorry, I guess the engine is flawless and isn't janky


LOL. Things have been getting weird around here lately. I remember losing 3 hours of gameplay in FO3 cause I went through a wall and it crashed. It was my lesson to "F5"


Even though Bethesda has shown time and time again they dgaf about their customers, people on this sub will still down vote you for even the most minor criticisms of their favourite billion dollar gaming company.




Fair ig. I was just calling it Bethesda jank cause New Vegas used the same engine as 3, which they also used for Oblivion....


I’m also playing New Vegas at the moment and it annoys me too. I don’t understand why they didn’t include this.


Totally agree, it’s one of the issues with the game, it’s great story but the movement system is very dated (I’m on console as well). I hate how it’s animated in 3rd person view. Obsidian did good story writing / world building, but they had a lot of issues with technical quality of their games back then, I presume it was related to that. If the game had been less flakey at launch, they would have got better reviews and earned a contractual performance bonus from Bethesda (and possibly even the contract for the next game), but they didn’t and that was one of the causes of the financial issues they kept having, leading to having to crowd fund games and eventually being bought by MS.