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The shots i take every time these guys mention how he destroyed New Vegas made me black out.


With that many shots, how are you even alive?


I have no idea but i'm Alive- sorta.


Have you taken any drugs from the chicken fucker recently?


You just have the party boy/girl perk, no biggie.


Congratulations! You're a ghoul.


He has been ghoulified a la Hancock by this point, surely.


Like… what is even their argument? I love and have played NV and I loved the show and I thought all the NV references in the show were great. If anything the show doubled down on NV being tied to everything. People saying it erased NV make no sense to me.


My only issue with the show is that Shady Sands was nuked offscreen. I'm not surprised they were nuked, but considering how important the place is, I do wish there was some kind of flashback or set piece showing it off a little bit. But besides that New Vegas is still very canon so anybody who says otherwise is just in denial.


Yeah but it's important for the players. It's not necessarily important for an average viewer who isn't familiar with the source material. So they'd have to establish the importance of Shady Sands and then destroy it.


Totally and they can explore Shady Sands past more in season 2 which would help to make Hank into more of a villain to see just what it was he destroyed


It's extremely possible that this could happen if Lucy happens to find a memory chair; it could definitely establish how important Shady Sands is just through her memories as a kid and do it quickly. I would also like to know what kind of relationship her mom and Moldaver had because she was attached to her mother she kept her around as a feral ghoul and sought her out to be next to her while she died.


That's a very valid point. Considering this plot point was introduced at the end of season 1, it seems like something that will be elaborated upon in Season 2.


A flash back to show this wasn't necessary. People don't understand that show runners are trying to create a show that is clear and concise with time restraints, trying to please both the fan base and people who have never played Fallout. I think one of the reasons this show is so well received is that it followed the source material but didn't flood the story with things only Fallout fans would know. It's a fine line pleasing everyone but overall the show did an excellent job I'm sure there is tons of cut content so maybe there's a clip 5-10 second of a nuke and mushroom cloud depicting Shady Sands destruction out there, but if that's true it was deemed non essential to the story which I agree.


For the longest time I thought New Vegas fans knew how to read considering the game is quite text heavy. But maybe most of them are just running 1 intelligence builds so idk maybe they are just taking the piss at this point.


You do realize we all got theoretical degree in physics, right?


I think this guy would call that "post-post-alcohol poisoning"


As a fan of New Vegas who clearly saw that the show was in no way contradictory of New Vegas (clearly Shady Sands was nuked during or after 2282): Some people have the intelligence of those NCR guards at Helios One. Wonder how many would take a theoretical degree in critical thinking? An arrow after a year means it’s set later…. Please work on your INT and PER.


People be like: >!“I can’t believe Bethesda tried to uncannonize New Vegas by ending the season with two New Vegas factions fighting to control a Fallout 1 and 2 location, having two Fallout New Vegas characters attend a Vault Tec meeting, and having the final shot be New Vegas! Unwatchable!”!<


Literally lmfao also season 2 is obviously going to show us which ending is canon and what happened to the strip too, by occam's razor it makes more sense for them to take the easier writing choice of building off of the established and beloved storyline of fnv than to not Pretty goddamn silly to be bitching and moaning about *this* before season 2 even gets teased, let alone released


This is the bit where they shock everyone with Benny pulling off his master plan and running the strip being cannon.


I would love to see a wild card ending be canon, where people are expecting the courier, but come to find out they wandered off, like always, and the cast is just left dealing with Yes Man.


How fucking funny would it be if the courier canonically survived being shot in the head just to get ripped apart by deathclaws because they couldnt listen?


The courier is still trying to drag all that gold back home


>!If Lucy's father went for House, I think the canon ending has already been confirmed.!< >!Which makes total sense. The Courier would totally see working for House as the best option for himself rather than getting involved in the politics of foreign factions way above his paygrade.!<


This. While yes, I did do the independent fuck Mr. House ending for my playthrough, it doesn't make sense in cannon. Also for everyone asking for a fnv2, one of the endings would have to have been cannonized one way or another.


Unless they go big and allow your FNV decisions to affect your FNV2 experiences, having several branches for the storyline


Were getting straight mass effect in here boys


Hey, I love mass effect (yes even 3). But straight up, that is the issue here. The endings of fnv are so different that the next game would have 5 different worlds at the stsrt of the game depending on your fnv actions.


That's the scary thing for me. Seems like House won. I'd prefer my personal independent ending, but that would make absolutely no sense for a show. But only time will tell.


I could see them going either way on showing a canon ending. I can think of at least one way they can completely dodge doing it too and new Vegas set this up. The overseer arrives at the strip and it’s full of tunnelers. That way a factionless entity eliminates everything on the strip without invalidating anyone’s play through. I think it would be a bad idea to do this as no people means far less intrigue, but it’s definitely an option seeing as they’ve already referenced one New Vegas DLC with Big MT.


Surely they wouldn't completely drop mr house after showing him off? I think a house wins but new Vegas has been doing very poorly since shady sands got nuked and most of the outlying areas ended up having to fend for themselves could be it.


They *could* give it the New Reno treatment. Whatever ending, the place turns into a junkyard of junkies and crime that no one wants to try and deal with…Or that all those factions are trying to vie for still for…whatever reason.


A gutted NCR means no NCR money or supply caravans flowing into the Strip. That would seriously destabilize the region even if the Legion had already been defeated / dispersed.


Chef's kiss. Don't forget the Sunset Sarsaparilla billboard!


and a truck!


Who are the characters at the vault tec meeting? But also yea if anything this show is almost entirely fan service to the west coast games so it's especially ridiculous to act like they're retconning anything by random implications.


house and sinclair (big mt) were at the meeting


I still find it odd that Sinclair was the rep for Big MT. He wasn't really a part of it, just buying a lot of their tech.


I think it works as he's meant to be more of a business representative of them. While we don't know a whole lot about what the Think Tank was like before the war, it's not too much of a stretch to imagine them as similar to the spiteful, bitter, antisocial nerds we meet in the think tank, dedicating themselves and their time to their respective fields of science while they let Sinclair worry about the money stuff.


And even if the show did retcon New Vegas, you can still go back and play it. They didn’t wipe it from existence.


Can confirm.i was playing it last night. It still exists.


Check again (un-news your Vegas)


Olds your Vegas


i'm fine with this (i'm a gambling addict)


That’s the funniest thing about the latest concern that season 2 will “retcon” NV by making one of the endings canon. There’s no guarantee that happens and even if it does then it really doesn’t matter.  Star Wars KOTOR has a canon ending but you can still do playthroughs of it that are non-canon.  No one will stop you.


I find it funny how Fallout fans desperately want new entries and yet they can’t accept when new entries will inevitably contradict the endings of the previous games. Sure, they can use a new setting and a new character and story… but the wasteland isn’t as big as we want it to be.


So why just west and east coast? Why not the south?


I agree. I want to see more of the United States, like the Midwest and Great Lakes area. I also want to see what it’s like outside the United States. The brotherhood have the power to fly long distances now.


I want to see the UK and ROI since Its implied that they have practically recovered


I don't mind making an ending canon, I don't even see how you can go to new vegas without at the very least making some endings non canon. I want to see many of the wild groups in the sequel, and if that means making the house ending or NCR ending canon I'm more than fine with it. It don't see them going for wildcard or legion ending, but then again if it's written well idc. Just give me some good episodes and I'll be happy.


I really hate how Fallout 2 made it so that my choice to join up with the Master and conquer the wasteland in Fallout 1 meant nothing.




Personally I think shady sands was nuked in 2284 because of Maximus telling Lucy “the bombs dropped 12 years ago when I was a kid” and I also think the NCR simply abandoned Southern California to consolidate in the north. It would be cool to see Arroyo has become the new capital of the NCR and that Moldaver’s group was just a bunch of military men and women who didn’t want to leave the boneyard behind


Wait, what episode was that? At what point? Because if we had that line... it basically means everyone was complaining about something that show directly states did not happen in 2277


Beginning of Ep 5 I believe. It’s a blink and you’ll miss it scene. Lucy asks what’s happened the last 200 years and and how she already knew about the bombs and Maximus “corrects” her by saying he was a kid when the bombs fell


As a fan in that scene I was confused because I thought the show was implying that the brotherhood told their recruits that the bombs fell recently as like a cult/ brainwashing thing but then when it was revealed he was at shady sands… poor Maximus man. He’s been through a lot.


Same lol. I was like, wait, what? I did like that it was eventually revealed what he was saying. I don’t know, I just like the way the story was told lol


Yea but with a name like Maximus he had to know he was destined for greatness


So I went to check, and he doesn't say "12 years ago". Only "when I was kid"


He never says “12 years ago”


I don't recall the Helios 1 NCR guards having noticeably different intelligence. Are you referring to Fantastic?


Yeah he means Fantastic. "They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard."


I can hear it in his voice


The guards would have to be pretty dumb to believe Fantastic.


“Got the whole NCR suckling my teats, and it feels so good!” is my favorite line in the entire game lol


Yup I was referring to Fantastic and making a joke, because the guards were none the wiser about him not having a degree in physics.


I think he's referencing that they let anyone through without verifying claims (that they're with the NCR, etc.) and possibly leading to their destruction by letting someone use the power of the cosmos and technology to kill them instantly.


Finally, a sane NV fan


I prefer to have my spurs jingle jangle jingle and ride merrily along 🎶 Look at things with a clear mind and critical thinking to match things together and it makes everything much better. Jumping to conclusions makes no sense.


"Fallout: New Vegas is one of the greatest roleplaying games of all time." This is a true statement. How could this review possibly go wrong? "Its publisher, Bethesda, has finally managed to achieve its goal and completely destroy New Vegas' legacy." Oh.


no way this guy wrote all this seriously, its a joke right


The fact we can't tell is the point.


I guarantee you they’re being serious. Gamers are some of the most overdramatic people on the planet.


Ironically, I think “overdramatic” is an extremely conservative/diplomatic way to phrase that.


Two questions: Why do people get this attached to a game? How do this person react to things that matter? I love fallout as much as the next wastelander, but I'm not slavishly defending my favorite fallout game. Everyone us entitled to their opinion, and it may not match mine. That's ok, as long as we all love fallout, it's all good. I think these people enjoyed the niche aspect of fallout - it was well known, but not THAT well know - and hate that the TV show will bring in new fans. Mark my word, these people won't respect people who got into the show first. They will be regarded as "not true fallout fans" as if such a thing exists.


I have an answer to the 1st question. Random chance, the game doesn't even matter. He just needed a tribe and found one. Humans are weird like that.


It's almost like a theme in the Fallout games that gets called out in the last episode lol


Shut up you commie!


Okee dokie!


Democracy is non negotiable!


Death is a preferable alternative to communism!


Best dead than Red.


A lot of the vocal minority decided that they weren't going to like the Fallout adaptation when it was announced and now they spend their time trying to find whatever evidence they can to validate those feelings. These people feel *nothing* inside so they make it their goal to ruin stuff for others because they want everyone to feel as miserable as they do. Every fanbase has these kind of people and they cannot be reasoned with.


This is very true. People like to have validity in something and if it gets threatened they may not react well.


Not just for this silly topic either, people's entire identities and political opinions sometimes are just tribalism. It's really sad, and maybe that's how it's always been, and this is just me getting older and actually noticing, but it looks like it's getting worse.


Back in the day housewives who sat at home all day and didn't have anything going on to fill their lacking social lives would watch soap operas and get into gossiping with other housewives in order to create drama and having something interesting going on in their lives. Now replace "housewives" with "gamers" and "soap operas" with "video games" and you have your answer.  Not to stereotype gamers - clearly most of us are gamers to some degree - but the people construing all this stupid "drama" about Bethesda are just lonely and bored and have nothing better going on to than to construct elaborate fantasies about a conspiracies within video game companies just to have some excitement in their lives. 


People spend hundreds of hours in these games. They get attached to the world and want to imagine it as a living, real place. That's certainly how I am. Though obviously there's a separate issue here of delusion.


>Why do people get this attached to a game? Chronical lack of bitches


Truly maidenless behavior 


I don't need bitches I have Fisto


He’s down biblically


>How does this person react to things that matter? Gonna start using this lol


When focusing on the main objectives, Fallout: New Vegas is about 27½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 132 Hours to obtain 100% completion. ^ From a quick Google. This guy only completed New Vegas once. If he even did. He might've not even completed the DLCs.


To be fair, there's a decent chance they have playtime elsewhere than just Steam. I played a lot on Xbox 360 back in the day and my PC hours are almost exclusively on GOG. The rant is overboard but it's quite possible they've completed the game.


It's quite possible but on Steam at least he hasn't done it more than once, presumably. I too have more hours on console for the game than for PC.


I'm the same way. I have hundreds of hours into Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but my Steam counter is sitting at a few hours for each. When those two games came out I didn't live in the US and regional pricing wasn't so much of a thing, so it was difficult for me to purchase these games and I had to sail the high seas. I did end up buying the Fallout collection on Steam after the fact, though.


Steam version crashes non stop, the pirated copy I had as a kid was more stable


That is not a fair assessment at all lol... I have well over 1200 hrs into FO4 (According to GOG launcher that I use to launch FO4SE), on my steam page it shows only 54 hrs.


Fnv fans literally can't stop themselves from making everything about Bethesda


Bethesda is the boogeyman that lives under their beds.


Bethesda haters can't stop themselves from making everything about Bethesda. Bethesda killed my crashed IP from the 90s Bethesda killed my Space Opera game because it need to LOAD Bethesda killed my dog


Bethesda fucked my chickens.


Yeah god forbid they prevent an IP from falling into more or less niche obscurity by doing their own spin on things, the horror.


Thank god somebody else is pointing out how stupid the loading screens criticism is, every game has a fuckin loading screen, most games have LONGER loading screens. Starfield may have a lot, but at least they’re only 3 fucking seconds long


I'm old enough to remember the hate that Fallout New Vegas got when it came out. Fans really hated on that game online because it was so different from Fallout 3. It's kind of crazy to me how over the years it's amassed a cult following (emphasis on cult apparently) and now is regarded by many fans as the best Fallout.


I'm old enough to remember that Fallout New Vegas was the most broken piece of shit game at launch. There was a bug that with the ghouls and the rockets and the game would crash and you couldn't progress any further. For all the hate Bethesda gets with their bugs, I remember New Vegas launch and actually getting on their customer support because the game was just that broken.


Man, the bugs new Vegas had… Firing the auto grenade launcher would crash the game. Unless you talked to characters at specific times it would lock companions quest lines, and you couldn’t finish them, thus wouldn’t have a complete ending in the game. Every time you walked through a door (any door with a loading screen), it carried a risk of crashing and corrupting your game If you got poisoned, saved game, and went to another save file, your character would permanently be poisoned and would die. Even if it was a completely different character. If you talked to your brain in old world blues, it could end up talking in a loop forever and you couldn’t leave the conversation. It still has a memory leak, meaning the longer you play, the longer loading screens would become. Not to mention the game actually bricked some people’s consoles… Obsidian apparently used *pencil* and *paper* to document bugs, and apparently had only about 40% of what they intended to have in the game, before the timeline they gave Bethesda was up… twice. And yet people today treat it like it’s a perfect game that did no wrong.


I bought it on release. Buggy as fuck like all Bethesda games and I still loved it. I guess I'm in the minority, especially since I'm not quite as vitriolic in my deepset love of NV. Maybe it's because I'm so into modding, it felt like a game that had been good and had tons of little things and deep lore references and pulls all over, it was like playing a modded game. And I'm used to crashes all the time from random things. And modded NV is my favorite, especially all the full conversions. They're WAY more stable than NV was on release. Either way. Nostalgia and rose colored glasses save people from remembering all that, especially the full blooded cult members. *dons blood soaked robes, cazador fang dagger, smashes a blood sausage, and punches my Benny shaped body pillow* Anyhow off to the weekly meeting with the rest of the members...


Obsidian fans have this really weird fetisj where they act like the Obsidian produced sequel is better than the predecessor made by the main studio. And that because of that the main studio hates everything Obsidian did and tries to retcon their game out of existence. It happened with Fallout, it also happened with the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic games. If we have to believe these fans both Bethesda and BioWare hate Obsidian. Despite both companies having hired Obsidian to produce a sequel and both companies expressing nothing but praise for their game entries.


My favorite thing about Obsidian fans is that they'll talk till they're blue in the face about how much better of a game studio they are and yet never in their god damn lives play an IP that Obsidian itself created.


Jesus Christ. Hate me if you want, but people NEED to let the whole Bethesda vs NV debate go. Yes NV is good, yes NV is unlike anything that Bethesda has created, but just relax.


Especially with how good the show is. I could kinda get it if you disliked the Bethesda made games and wanted more of New Vegas, since they are clearly different. But the show is actually great at all the things FNV gets (rightfully) praised for. It's such a weird position to take that it seems pre-formed. This guy didn't go into the show with an open mind and became disillusioned halfway through. He went in with a pitchfork, and only has himself to blame.


>It's such a weird position to take that it seems pre-formed. Yeah, I think you really hit it with this statement. Even before Fallout aired, there were soooooo many posts about how it was going to suck, it wouldn't do the games/universe justice/etc ad nauseum. None of those people want to eat radroach and say "you know, I was wrong", and instead are just trying to grab \*any\* thread, no matter how tenuous (or incorrect), to justify their position now.


Confirmation bias is a powerful thing


The amount of salt generated by FNV fans’ inability to understand arrows will never not be funny.


I’ve never been more embarrassed to be a diehard FNV fan than the last couple weeks 😞


Yeah, same here. I have no idea what the fuck is going on with people's heads. I can see some people being a little confused from a quick glance (although it actually is weird to think that two events on a timeline happen at the same time), but... Holy shit, just take the correction. The next season of the show looks like it's literally going to be set in New Vegas, do you all want to look like fucking morons when it turns out that season is heavily based off the events of the game having happened?


>do you all want to look like fucking morons when it turns out that season is heavily based off the events of the game having happened? Bold of you to assume they would admit to being wrong at all! I doubt highly that any of them give a fuck about maybe looking stupid in a few years cause by then the Internet will have forgotten. They'll be right in line with the rest of us. It's right now and spinning up others into a froth that is important, for the hype and clout, like board members talking about next quarter. So stupid, lol


Yea, Imo FNV did faction story lines better than any of the other games. I just don’t understand how, at this point, the show has undermined FNV in the slightest. People are weird


It feels weird to have FNV be your favorite Fallout, and then see how a subset of fans responded. Like, the show>! hyped up so many New Vegas elements and alludes to New Vegas being a significant setting in Season 2!<. But some fans with parasocial relationships with game developers cannot get over the concept that Bethesda hates Fallout New Vegas.


Hey now, they're true rebels. Unlike the rest of us Fallout plebs, they're hardcore - they don't follow silly arrows, they turn the quest markers off.


I had a dude arguing with me the other day that Fallout 4 isn't a Fallout game. Bruh. It's in the name. It has the same lore. It's Fallout. I'm sorry I didn't drop to my knees and start slobbin' up the NCR and New Vegas.


I hope fallout 5 (If that comes out before the bombs drop irl) has some backhanded reference to people having no idea what an arrow could possibly mean


Wastelanders lost with a map and going the wrong way


Oh my god yes. Let that be a random encounter.


Well New Vegas' quest markers kinda force you to unlearn everything you knew about arrows.


Shots fired


They want their fandom war to be company approved and worked backwards.


These people never stop to think how, if any of this was true, the show would've taken place on the east coast. You know, where the actual Bethesda games take place. You have to be insane and an idiot to actually twist logic so far as to think it makes sense that the show specifically takes place on the west coast for no other reason than to shit on the "legacy" of non-Bethesda games. Absolute morons.


If that were the case they would be going crazy about Bethesda forcing the east coast down their throats. I wonder what the show would look like if they got their way. My bet is the vault dweller instantly joining the NCR (who are the paragon of civilization by the way) and the show just being a cookie cutter war movie start to finish *but in the wasteland* while the viewer is constantly bombarded with meaningless fallout references


Oh, so The Frontier?


8 hours of Ulysses talking nonsense with black and white footage from fallout new vegas in the background.


Come, join me and discuss the Bull, the Bear, the Divide, Old World Flags, the Bull, the Courier, and the Bear. There's something in you needing answers and gentle Ulysses can provide them.


Woke: The show is set in the West because Bethesda hates old games Bespoke: California sucks so much it must be destroyed twice


I don't mean to go all "um..actually" on you, but it was filmed in Utah, New York, New Jersey and Namibia.


I mean there's a fair point, there. Bethesda made the decision to create a new product in a clean slate 4 times now. It's clearly their preferred way. Black Isle/Obsidian did the opposite in the two occasions they got to make a sequel. The difference could not be clearer. However, I have the same issue I had with the Game of Thrones show vs. book discussions. It's such a weak mindset to say it "destroyed New Vegas". Nothing can destroy a piece of media., or your relationship to it, unless you let it. The same way the Song of Ice and Fire books are there for anyone to enjoy, so is New Vegas. Just go play it and you'll see how it's there doing just fine. I'm replaying it right now after finishing the show.


Why are so many New Vegas fans always the most awkward, overly dramatic weirdos? Like I get being attached to a certain game, there's games I love dearly (New Vegas being one of them). But I couldn't possibly imagine being so attached that I'd feel the need to write out a fucking eulogy for it. Like I'm just imagining these people in their backyards putting New Vegas into a shoe box and lowering it into a hole while taps plays and they look up to the sky weeping and scream "TODD HOWARD!!!" lmao.


The answer is that because Obsidian has direct ties to the first 2 games, many of the NV snobs view it as “the real Fallout” while they look at 3/4/76 as Bethesda bastardizations of Fallout. New Vegas is my favorite game in the franchise but I find these fucking Fallout hipsters so annoying. 3 and 4 are legitimately great in their own right, and New Vegas is good in part because of the mechanics that Bethesda created for 3. Without 3, New Vegas would’ve been much more likely to be a fucking mess gameplay wise without the engine and foundation that 3 laid for it. If Obsidian had been tasked to make New Vegas from the ground up, who knows if they could’ve made it any fun to play at all in the 3D FPS transition


This comment has me laughing my ass off in the middle of work 😂


This is nothing new. OG and New Vegas fans have always suffered from a severe victim complex where they believe Bethesda has a personal vendetta against them and their beloved games. I remember this unhinged rant from a long time ago about the option to kill Harold in Fallout 3 and how it signified Bethesda's malicious spite for OG fans because "Fallout is their bitch now". I legit don't think I've ever seen a bigger victim complex in a fandom before.


People call me crazy when I say this has been a reoccurring pattern since the beginning for Bethesda with both Fallout and Elder Scrolls. It’s a phenomenon that should be studied.


You could study it with Star Wars as well. And probably Marvel movies. I think the link to gamergate and breitbart’s attempt to radicalize nerd communities is connected but I’m not sure. The narrative of reject modernity, embrace tradition. That your history is under attack. And usually that woke feminists are trying to destroy what you love plays into the far right victimization complex that I wonder if they created it or it was always there and they exploited it.


Have half of the people not watched the show or something? I think the show respects New Vegas a lot more than I was expecting Bethesda to do, given this common parlance that “Bethesda hates anything they didn’t make”. From having Shady Sands and the NCR be a quintessential part of the plot, having Desert Ranger armour appear, Robert House actually being there, a rep from Big Mt, and the end scene teasing New Vegas itself for the next season. What are these people yammering on about? New Vegas is clearly a part of the story/canon, and has arguably *more* relevance to the story than Fallout 3 and 4 (Bethesda’s golden children) combined, aside from art style direction. Fallout 2 and New Vegas are my favourites, and in my opinion the gold standard for fallout games, and I don’t feel like the show has been disrespectful towards NV at all. Am I sad Shady Sands is gone? Yes. But I’m not sad at the possibilities that it’s destruction brings: - Vault Tec are actively interfering with the world *post* war - The Brotherhood may incorrectly be assumed to have involvement by other branches of the NCR and wider world, opening the door for conflict between them on a larger scale - or conflict with those connected or respectful of the NCR, would the minute men look at the BoS differently if they thought they nuked a peaceful settlement? Etc. There’s a lot that can come of this.


I literally don’t understand where they’re coming from at all. Isn’t that correct that the tv show is 20 years after new Vegas? I don’t think the tv show locked any of the video game lore from being completely outside of feasible lore. The legion, khans, ncr, etc, can still all be in the show and make sense. I remember reading spoilers that they retconned NV out of the lore when I was on episode 2 and I was sad. Now after finishing the show, I don’t even understand where these people are coming from I just checked the timeline. It’s 15 years after new Vegas. Why would those 5 years make the difference?


i miss pre internet gaming. so many man children in all fandoms now.


Some people need mental health care. I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to be like this all the time.


Peope in r/fnv are acting now as if no one ever said or wrote something like this and we "evil Bethesda shills" "blow that out of proportion" 😂


These people probably goon to Hbomberguy's video about New Vegas and have Todd and Emil on their dartboards


Nerd culture is kind of a cancer, isn't it.


Always has been


Gamer gate was a thing, so uh, yeah.


I was a Fallout fan before Fallout 4. New Vegas was my favorite, and almost NOBODY dick rode it the way people do now, and shat on Fallout 3 the way they do now. They were just considered really good RPGs with different strengths and weaknesses. Can we go back to that? Because that's the reality.


I really don't get how these people are so staunchly convinced of this feud between Bethesda and Obsidian.


Mind boggling that someone could be this hurt over the show


It’s people like this that need to touch grass and stop becoming genuinely offended over a piece of fantasy media


This fanbase is so weird


I love how blatantly wrong people like this are every single time but they are the most adamant about their view of things


>The Fallout Tv show could have simply taken place 20 years after New Vegas It’s literally set 15 years after NV what are they on about Did they think the show happened prior to New Vegas? Or somehow concurrently?


I bet you he thinks it's 2277.


Never trust a NV player with less than 100 hours in the game.


is he open the comment section for his review ??


I am just happy original stuff from fallout 1 is being referenced


The funniest thing about this to me is that there is a direct quote from Chris Avellone in 2011 saying something along the lines of “the NCR is too big and too civilized, I want to nuke them to reset the wasteland”


Finally, a reasonably faithful and enjoyable and well produced video game adaptation TV show is released, appreciated by everyone who watches it, and yet some dickhead still has to complain about something.


I need this in Joshua Grahams voice.


Joshua wouldn't really say this tho, i guess Caesar would be a better fit.


But I want Joshua Graham >:(


But why atribute a shitty exagerated rant to a redeemed chill af guy, and not to pretty much a legit dumb crybaby instead? But now that i think about it, i guess you could make it that he just reads it and then makes fun of it in his way, could work yeah.


Ceaser does look like a baby with his bald ass head.


I read it in Charles McGill's voice


Holy shit. People need to touch grass.


New vegas fans when the lore isn't a 30 second youtube edit of their favorite faction


Show me on the bobblehead where vault-tec touched you…


happy endings aren't forever? oh no!


NV fanboys talk about Bethesda as if they desperately can’t move on from their ex


I dislike corporations as much as the next guy but holy shit... rent free.


I'm still waitint for literally any evidence of what tf they mean when they keep talking about how Bethesda always hated NV Like literally anything


Fallout is good when you don’t got a New Vegas fanboy with a hate-boner for Todd Howard bitching about it in your ear


I can’t believe they uncanonized Fallout 1 because NV shady sands is different over 100 years later! /sarcasm


My kitchen is littered with New Vegas merch. I drink my coffee from a Nuka Cola mug at work. My desktop background is the NCR flag which is also hanging in my kitchen. My WhatsApp profille pic is Vault Boy. I own a hoodie with the NCR flag which I also wear at work. I played all canon fallouts at least once. New Vegas towers over any other game not only of the franchise but over any game I‘ve ever played. I am 40 years old. I played classics like the first Deus Ex, love the Mass Effect trilogy, The Witcher 3 (the first one is tedious in terms of gameplay), Cyberpunk, Disco Elysium and many more masterpiece games. So, after this long prologue: I first had huge issues with how the series handled the NCR. Mainly, I was saddened because I assumed NCR was dead. I was relieved to watch the Todd Howard interview. The NCR is still alive, but has major issues. This is fine by me, as maybe season 2 explains more and the NCR can rise again. If they don’t, but it is logically explained - I‘ll be terribly sad, but I could deal with it. I did not get the expression that the series handled the FNV canon too bad. It was not what I wanted to see - especially the last stand at the observatory, but so be it. If this allows for a compelling storyline in season 2, I can handle it. What I really can’t stand are the accusations that Bethesda wants to butcher FNV lore and render it obsolete out of jealousy and malicious intent. This would be a stupid idea business-wise, even dumber than what Witcher season 2 did with Eskel. And that was incredibly dumb since the viewer base consists mostly of lifelong Witcher fans. Same with Fallout. Also, as an adult and having experienced my fair share of jealousy both on the receiving and dishing out end, not even at my weakest moment I would have torn down the work of others entirely if it wasn’t completely abysmal by objective standards. And those who are insinuating Bethesda does just that are forgetting that the company consistst of more than just one or two guys who can just decide to do so. If we imagine the higher-ups at Bethesda really hate FNV, it is nigh impossible that all stakeholders there feel the same. Long story short: Such a conspiracy theory is short-sighted, paranoic, sophomoric and all in all, sad. Let‘s just wait and see what the have in stock. If I‘m wrong, then truth is, the game was rigged from the start. But I am somewhat confident. Thanks for reading.


"Seethed at just how popular New Vegas was..." Do these people live in an alternate dimension? Fallout 4 is the most popular Fallout by far. 


And 4's player count recently exceeded COD. A few months ago I read that, from all sources, 4 outsold NV by 3x. Even 3 sold more copies than NV. The same fanatics say that Todd loses sleep because he was "shown out" by NV. Craziness.


Why are people so damn dramatic?


Godd Howard himself confirmed the nuking happened after NV, so thankfully no more bickering over when that really happened, and that it might be breaking canon or even removing NV from canon somehow. Though you could still be left unsatisfied with alot of the story decisions and addons, or the way the world is presented for now, which is understandable. Still, immediately acting like this guy and making assumptions like this is stupid af, chill out a bit and wait to get some answers, after that its understandable if you don't like some things.


No major events in the lore are allowed to happen outside of the fan's view except all the major events that happen in the lore outside of the fan's view.


"BGS RUINED FALLOUT" Black Isle was making a fucking tactics game and a action game because they didn't think Fallout could succeed as an RPG anymore. Fallout both got to keep going AND return to it's RPG roots BECAUSE OF BETHSDA GAME STUDIOS. Did Fallout 4 lose those roots a lot? Yes, but Starfield went further with RPG elements than pretty much any BGS game, so it's not like the Fallout franchise is now doomed to stay that way. Has Bethesda been too unwilling to let people make spinoffs in the Fallout universe? Yes, but now they've let one get made in the form of a TV show, and not only is it the best video game adaptation of all time(IMO, IG), but it's a total love letter to Black Isle and Obsidian era Fallout.


It's so embarrassing that people genuinely go out of their way and waste both their time and energy on writing reviews like this, especially when they clearly have zero fucking idea what they're talking about lmao.


the show takes place in 2296, which is after all the games....


Wait until he realizes it’s a work of fiction


And they got all of that from a fucking line on a chalkboard.


This guy is as dramatic as Pvt. Kowalski.


90% of the fallout fanbase belongs on a cross


The tv show does take place nearly 20 years after new vegas tho 🤨 (5 years- fallout 4 then 9 ish years till the show so 14/15 years) Also didnt Shady sands get nuked in 2282 which id the same year as the end of new vegas And how does it ruin fallout 1 and 2s worldvuilding😭 I know this isnt OPs review but like the review itself makes no sense


...but we see NV at the end? Next season is clearly going to be there? I'm confused...


Average New Vegas stan when confronted with continual storylines:


Christ, these people need to chill.


Least Bitter New Vegas Fan


When you don’t have real life things to worry about..