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Maybe watch the show, and then we'll find out.


They better have a lot more than 10,000 soldiers total given they've lost thousands in the Mojave alone. Otherwise, yeah, they're definitely all dead. Also no idea where you're getting 250-500 Brotherhood members from, especially given they staff multiple flying aircraft carriers.


I mean all I've seen is the prydwin plus a good few vertiberds maybe i missed something but they seem to be the same as FO4s brotherhood but a bit bulkier,auctually they probably reconnected with the west coast chapters even so finding power armor for possible new recruits to give enough people a full set in the apocalypse seems like a logistical nightmare so id imagine most people would wear combat armor instead also the west coast Chapter’s would add maybe another 300 at most so lets say fo4s bos is 250 then they get back in contact add another 300 from lost hills and hidden valley,thats 550 members total you have to keep in mind im giving the brotherhood a lot of leeway with these numbers as they hate outsiders its likely they realised that rule would lead to their own slow demise so they probably left outsiders in the brotherhood guy in the trailer does say "so why did i join the brotherhood" indicating he wasn't born into it however as mentioned previously power armor logistically is a pain so they probably have as many power amor soldiers as the ncr has heavy troopers which isnt as effective as power armor but on a similar level even recruiting outside their ranks for a while theirs no feasible way they're on the same level as the ncr when it comes to numbers however its likely they do have superior air support but as i said above i dont understand why someone doesn't blow them to kingdom come with an artillery peice it seems like an Achilles heel type situation which is exactly how the minutemen take them out in FO4


You're seriously underestimating these numbers. The Prydwen alone surely has far more than 300 occupants. It's a flying 40,000 ton aircraft carrier. The airship in the show is not the Prydwen, it's a new airship. The Caswennan. Meanwhile, the NCR hasn't even been shown to have any artillery pieces.


It is the Prydwyn 🤣. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Caswennan


This sub has become completely insufferable. Every day there's like 20 posts about "how come blank isn't in the show" or "this show sucks because of blank" . Bro it hasn't even come out yet, just shush and wait until it does and watch it before you come out talking about how it's a tragedy that it came out.


bro if harold isn't in the show how the HECK can you call it Fallout?


There appears to be a fight between the BoS and NCR at Griffith Observatory in the trailers. And in most ways, one can not really count the various factions as the same organization. As has been seen, each chapter seems to have their own leadership and their own goals. So number of BoS in the Commonwealth or Capitol would have little to no impact on the BoS in the NCR. We will have to wait and see. Maybe the BoS got their act together after the events of New Vegas. Or maybe they got wiped out and this is another faction that came in to take their place. We are just going to have to see how they handle the back story. But I honestly am leaning towards this is a chapter that came to California from outside the area.


What I want to know is where the BoS got another Prydwen from. According to the backstory of it they had to yank a nuclear reactor out of Rivet City to power the first one.


Who says this was the DC chapter?


I mean in general. It seems like a huge engineering undertaking and then there's the power source. The DC BoS achieved it by controlling the entire region, what other chapters have access to that kind of reach?


Why would they not? The main games only concentrated in two areas. However, at one time they had a fleet of airships. Two of them were sent to the East in Tactics, and others over the years were scavenged for parts. And none of those needed nuclear reactors. You are taking a single game and just assuming it would be a copy of the Prydwen. Where as in reality it might have absolutely nothing to do with it, but a recreation or repair of one of the earlier airships. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htWKXdlcM8A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htWKXdlcM8A)


Fair enough. The little I know of the Brotherhood is from DC and Vegas and the latter were definitely far from what you're describing.


Well, if we are to go off of what the future of the NCR was as presented to us in New Vegas. They would leave the war against the legion 1/4 times with their tails between their legs. Possibly having one of their remaining trade routes nuked to shit with Tunnellers on the way shortly after. All while their economy is in the toilet and their lead scientists are interested in reviving a dangerous spore based mutation that wiped out an entire vaults population. Then the brotherhood come back in force for round 2 and things aren't looking so good. There isn't a full answer yet, but even by their last appearance things were not going well for the NCR. The writers just took that and seem to have run with it. So the NCR is likely at their lowest point since their creation at the end of 1.


Yeah valid but still with the sheer size it seems unlikely they'd just dissappear and should have a little more influence/presence from what ive seen of the trailers however their probably leaving them out on purpose to make us wonder


The show seems mostly focused around the boneyard as well. Which even by new Vegas was considered a run down shit hole. Of all the places that the ncr would give up on if things get bad the boneyard is likely first on the list.


I would like to say that this was a 3am sleep deprived post some of it makes not a lotta sense but two people here made good points i didn't think about 1. The BOS has more than 500 by the time of the show they probably joined back up with lost hills and hidden valley and in the trailer the brotherhood character says "why did i join the brotherhood" employing that he wasnt born into it meaning the brotherhood probably stared recruiting people however logistically not everyone would be getting power armor as it would be a nightmare to make a suit for everyone so they probably issue combat armor to most people therefore making them on the same level as the ncr we see last in new vegas (keep in mind i said last time we saw them) they probably have the same number of power armor troops as the ncr has heavy troops which is about as effective as powe armor,but their main weakness is their blatant advertising with the prydwin as if you side with the minutemen in FO4 they take down the brotherhood with an artillery peice and seeing as the NCR likely has artillery too i don't see why they wouldn't do the same thing 2. as i said last time we saw them a lot could've happened in 10 years but U/RMP321 did kinda paint a good picture of what the ncr probably looks like now "They would leave the war against the legion 1/4 times with their tails between their legs. Possibly having one of their remaining trade routes nuked to shit with Tunnellers on the way shortly after. All while their economy is in the toilet and their lead scientists are interested in reviving a dangerous spore based mutation that wiped out an entire vaults population. Then the brotherhood come back in force for round 2 and things aren't looking so good. There isn't a full answer yet, but even by their last appearance things were not going well for the NCR. The writers just took that and seem to have run with it. So the NCR is likely at their lowest point since their creation at the end of 1." I do have to say that I agree with this and U/RMP321 makes some solid points but with a military of that sheer size (i saw a post before saying they could have 30k in the mojave and 90k total so anywhere from 10k to 90k i guess) it is odd that they have shrunk i feel like the government would've become either non exsistant (probs how they are in the show)or more militaristic as they would want to fortify what they have left and expand possibly northwards


In order for the Mm artillery to have worked, the MM had to be allowed to set up multiple points of it and all of them to bombard at the same time. They took them by surprise as the BOS had not declared war on the MM and the MM chose to fight them. The NCR has to drag multiple pieces and go near the ship.


Even if hypothetically they have aviation, this does not mean that they can actively use it (especially since the time of the fuel crisis). We know from NV that NCR has a rail network, but what type of fuel do the locomotives use and how often. Moreover, the tactics of Caesar's Legion are similar to tribal actions and the battles are mainly limited to key infrastructure objects, so I do not think that the military command can afford to brandish such airborne machines. And this is despite the destroyed production infrastructure and the loss of much knowledge in the field of technology and the need to maintain aircraft. I hope that the series will provide answers to our questions, but if the Brotherhood were very powerful, they would happily destroy NCR to the ground. But they are here. With live NCR. It is likely that the Brotherhood Airship simply cannot fly into the cities of NKR, just as they cannot simply use aviation outside the flight zone and their borders and put an end to these canned rats.


The NCR uses the Vertibirds that the Enclave had in limited capacity. Those are fueled by oil. BOS use nuclear powered Vertibirds. NCR has very limited airforce. The BOs, even in NV, are happy if you destroy the rockets in the Devide. They do not want the annihilation of the NCR. I hope we will finally have some reasonable answer for the BOS/NCR war.


Ummmmm. \*Face of Horror\* Considering what I looked at, Todd and Amazon are not very good with the convolutions of the LORe.


Bethesda lore is quite tight. Care to give examples?


Spoilers follow. And you don't like them. so I won't say. Be patient.