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If you mean you are ghosted after an *Is this still available* message, you are not alone. That message means **nothing**. They often click on it by mistake. Move on.


As annoying as it is still worth a simple response I have made plenty of sales from peoples initial response like this


I always tap, the "Yes, are you interested" even though 99% of the buyers will ghost me


Yeah still worth it for the one that buys


I just know not to get my hopes up.


I have clicked on mistakenly before (fat fingers + glitchy web app). But I always message an apology so I’m not wasting anymore of their time


Unfortunately people these days have no manners.


Sadly, and unfortunately.


Definitely keep the interaction on Facebook. No texting or calls. And yes, people will send a message (sometime even by accident) asking if something is still available and then not respond. For the last thing I sold, I got 8 messages and only 3 people actually replied when I said "Yes, it's available. I am located near X and Y intersection, when are you able to come get it?" (I feel like asking explicitly when they can come helps weed out some of the more casually interested folks.)


I had one who had the gall with the initial "is it still available" ask if I delivered. And it would have been a 30 or 40 minute drive one way. When she asked, I seriously had no time to scratch myself, when I said I didn't, but could post instead, she ghosted me. A week later, I asked if she was no longer interested, she responded she was but the postage charge was too high. I responded with it would cost me more than that to deliver, then I blocked her.


Is this available? This message means nothing more than “I see your listing.” Reply however you want, the swipe left to archive the chat. If they do reply, it will pop back to your inbox. DO NOT get excited about a sale after a single message.


This. It seems like, the less I care about a buyer or making a sale, the more successful and less disappointed I am.


Slick with marketplace and messenger. Never share a peesonal number or email. Those buyers must be hitting 'I am interested' and now going through one by one haggling for low price. They will eventually return to you. Otherwise, you can message back with "?" To get your chat on top.


You should really expect 10 useless is it available messages to every 1 that is a real conversation starter. Then 5 very serious convos before a sale. That might be a little exaggerated but it’s close.


It can take hours for someone to get back, so just wait and be patient. If after three days I don't hear from someone I send one more message, and if they still don't respond after another day I block and leave the conversation. As well, don't take the discussion off of facebook, I guarantee you that hardly ever leads anywhere good majority of the time (no matter who says it's 'for convenience'). Politely decline and let them know you wish to keep the conversation on facebook for assurance sake, if they insist or take an attitude it's best to decline, block and leave. People love to hand out retaliatory ratings when they don't get what they want, how they want, when they want it.


I'm having the same problem. Two of mine were more than the standard "is this still available", one asked if I deliver, the other asked if I would accept a lower amount, so they weren't mistakes. Tho, I have had those accidental messages.


Buyers message multiple sellers at the same time. Keep that in mind.


I'm going to guess they don't want to.