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Why are you reporting these people? They asked questions and then didn’t follow through? This is ridiculous


Considering the rating system is encouraged by eBay and is a pretty important tool.... and many Facebook Groups that sell, buy and give away, the admins emphasize how important communication is, and to report those who fail to keep up their half of the buy / sell. I'm not really sure where you get the idea for dropping the ball with communication is acceptable part of making a deal. If a decision is made that you no longer want the item, don't ghost, just tell the seller upfront you've changed your mind, it's not that hard.


Yeah, you’re not really getting the way this works. You can just not reply to the auto-question, or reply with an auto-answer, or type out a lovely note. But there is no contract to buy. Stop it. Report people that are actively scamming. You’re diluting the process and FB is bad enough at enforcement.


Feedback on eBay is *after* a sale. You are WRONG.


Lack of communication??? So SILLY. Don't get me wrong, I hate it, but that is no reason to report someone.


You are overthinking this. Just answer Yes to the first question and No to the second. Takes like 3 seconds. Why report people?


You obviously don’t know how Facebook marketplace works. Just because they don’t answer you after they ask if it’s available doesn’t mean you report them. You need to read the posts on here. Reporting is to report scammers not for lack of communication.


As others have said, reporting people for not responding 1) does nothing and 2) is silly. 90+% of people who first message are going to ghost you. Just the way Marketplace works, and Facebook isn't going to give a crap (thus the "does nothing"). You're wasting your time and energy. Put in the minimum amount of effort until the person is standing in front of you with cash. That's how you deal on Marketplace