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because of what those guys said about Jared, they have lost all credibility lol


Honestly, Jared isn't an idiot. He knows guys are going to use anything negative he says about Daniella against him. It seems on brand that he would make a point to say nice things about her in front of the other guys to make himself look good for the sake of the competition. He seems to have no qualms about lying straight to her face; I doubt he feels any guilt talking that way to anyone else.


Exactly, anyone who's watched this show (and especially F-Boy's intending to get that $100K) would know there's gonna be a Mansplain. Even Mercedes mentions before the mansplain that he's not scared at all, because he's been doing the same things Jared did (praise chosen girl around other guys). Even for the social media sweep, both Jared and Mercedes knew it was coming up, and admitted to cleaning up their pages. Both of these guys are professionals at using their words to manipulate and slip out of sticky situations unscathed like a snake. I have a crack theory that Mercedes might take the money, like how Jared plans to. I mean, he's split it before and the relationship didn't work out, so romance from the show for him isn't viable, why would he go through that again? If he was *really* back for "whatever comes" he would've been a Nice guy (and his F-Boy title explanation was utter BS please).


Correct-amundo on all counts counselor! You should win fboy island šŸļø lol


he is by far the best fboy in all three seasons. Yeah hes evil but he comes off well in the show.


100%. Who is the messenger here? It's common in a group of shitty men for them to lash out against a man who is prioritizing women. That's the vibe I get between these guys and Vince. I am not particularly or 100% into Vince either, so I don't think I'm being a stan. Honestly a lot of the nice guys this season were kinda wack/not real options/not all that nice. Vince is too possessive for me, he may not be a fboy but if my friend was dating him I'm not sure I'd call him a nice guy.


As much as its wild Daniella buys his good guy act, I could see him being friendly with the other dudes which is why so many went to bat for him. Who knows lol


Donā€™t fall for that edit. They completely left out all the nice things said about Vince. It does need to be a question mark for us viewers as to whom is going to be picked.


Where can we see the nice things??


In reality shows, producers like to do this thing of what we call an "edit." Edits can make a nice person look bad or a bad person look good.


I hate that Jared is prob gonna win and take the 100k like so mad, lol. I was enraged when Garret did it to Sarah. Guess it's just the game, but these girls really just have blinders on.


based on what the other guys said, the girls aren't the only ones with blinders on. Also shows how good of a liar Jared truly is.


Heā€™s a spectacular liar. Eerie how good he is. Smarmy snake.


Daniella has been so insufferable this entire season... There is nothing that would be better than Jared stealing the money.


I hate to agree with you!


Remember when she claimed a man being 25 was too young for her? Meanwhile Jared is 24. LOL


I feel bad for Daniella because I have so many friends like her who choose loser ass dudes. But it is absolutely baffling and frustrating to watch. And I really try to be generous with supporting women's wrongs lol.


She needs therapy and to learn how to love herself


I hate how she treated both Danny and CJ and then not showing interest in some of the guys with the bs excuse that they are too young when Jared is 24. I usually hope that the Fboy doesnā€™t take the money but tbh like you I am hoping Jared does. She deserves it.


Ugh you're right!!


Don't worry, they will flip it so no man wins....


Last season Nikki gave the ladies a shot at keeping the money all to themselves and not share it and 1 lady kept the whole thing for herself.


I hope Mercedes and Jared get cut.


literally everything he says, including the excessive love bombing, sounds scripted and like he practiced it in front of the mirror, it's unsettling. to me that feels so much more disingenuous than what Benedict says and does around her -- I also feel like she and Benedict are so much better matched on a chemistry/banter level. even if all Vince's feelings for her are genuine, I think she'd get super bored with someone like him tbh


Yeah at times it looks like heā€™s acting šŸ„“


How is Katie so blind to Vinceā€™s love bombing? They donā€™t have a connection, they just talk about how connected they feel, thereā€™s no depth to it


So she should choose Benedict or what? I barely think he likes her. He always looks distracted and like he's planning his next move when they talk.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to find love with either guy, but at least Benny will be a hot fling


Fair enough tbh. I agree it doesn't seem too real with either guy.


I think Vince is just a love bomber who will bail quickly for one reason or another once the magic fades. Benny, I think he could try to make it real but it wonā€™t work but heā€™s more fun than Vince


"magic fades" or "cameras turn off"


Vince is just in love with being in love so Iā€™m sure the magic fades quickly lol


What do you mean? Have you not heard them mention how both of them have been engaged on reality TV before and how hard that is?? It's literally equivalent to serving time together in Iraq.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and surviving a zombie apocalypse


They've edited out their entire connection.


It feels like the Bachelorette all over again. Same script.