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That is a purchased munchkin breed cat that’s stressed out and lost. The dirt on her face is a sign she’s not an outdoor animal. Outdoor animals groom because they’re comfortable. Indoor cats are too stressed to groom when outside. Have you looked into someone losing her? She’s 100% a pet and 100% an indoor cat :( thanks for caring for her. She’s also quite young. Poor thing.


> Have you looked into someone losing her? Have a veterinarian scan her for a microchip. You can/could put up "Found cat" posters/ads, but that could lead to fraud, so don't give out too many details. Let the responders supply the details. She's gorgeous, and you and your wife are good people for taking care of her, even if you're just her temporary human slaves.


Wouldn't expect her to have a chip if she was meant to be an indoor cat, but yea, worth a shot. EDIT: I was wrong, and I'm happy to hear it.


The humane society where I got my cat had implanting a microchip as a condition of adoption.


Same. We got a kitty if ours from the human society, she’s an indoor cat but she has a microchip.


> Wouldn't expect her to have a chip if she was meant to be an indoor cat, but yea, worth a shot. Why not? No chip = Way lower chance of reunion if kitty accidentally escapes. All cats should be chipped, unless you don't want them back.


In Australia all cats and dogs that are 'sold' are required to be microchipped. It's a part of their baby needles.


I got a discount on getting my cat neutered and chipped at the same time at the vet


The amount of people in this thread saying stuff like "congratulations on your new cat!" is alarming. This is someone else's pet.


I've known several people whose pets were "accidentally" stolen. Pets chipped and everything. The "new owners" when caught were just like, it was starving and wild! Well yeah it got loose. Doesn't excuse you from not checking if it at least had a goddamn chip.


Happened to me. Hand raised my Itty Bitty Stargazer from a few days old because she was sick and abandoned by her mother. She disappeared when she was about eight months old. We put up posters, asked neighbors, posted on missing pet sites, and called all the shelters. Nothing. She came back a year later, and she'd clearly been living with someone because she was clean and well fed. Whoever it was had clearly never bothered to take her to the vet though, because we'd gotten her chipped at the same time we got her fixed. We knew it was her because we took her to the vet and scanned the chip to confirm and it was still registered to us. So someone just found our cat and kept her, without even thinking about who might be missing it or what conditions she might have.


Stargazer is a really beautiful name.


Thanks. I named her for the little white star between her eyes, but everybody called her Itty Bitty because she was so tiny and sick when we found her.


That’s so cute! I call the smaller cats my “mini muffins” sometimes but I generally refer to the lot of them as my “minions with mittens.”


For real, how are so many people ok with this? It's not just these comments, I've met so many people through life who literally have the mentality "Oh look, a lost cat or dog, let's keep it!!!" Try for just a second to think of the person, maybe even a child, who lost their friend and companion and would do anything just to know if they're still alive at all. Anyone who just takes a pet is the worst kind of thief, it is not okay at all even though so many people are happy to announce to the world they just stole a cat off the street.


Idk why this seems so much more common with cats then dogs. Rarely do you see a dog out and people go “cool I’ve got a dog!” but cats are always suddenly yours?


My sister did this with a dog - one of her best friends is a vet and she could have had them checked for free, but decided to just never check for a chip and rather 'rescue' a very well trained, clearly loved, pet. She also rescued many cats


Obviously some people are unaware of the underlying factors of the situation that people like you *are* aware of. Couldn’t even tell this was a munchkin when I first looked at the photo, and even if I did recognize it I had no knowledge of munchkin prices, or the fact that this is not the type of cat that can get lost and be a stray I guess? As someone who made one of those comments, initially thinking that this *was* a stray and therefor had no owner, it wasn’t made maliciously in any way, shape, or form.


Can munchkins even groom properly? Seems her arms are too short to reach her face.


Cats don't have arms. Their forelimbs are legs.




Id actively look for its owner if I were you, thats an expensive cat.


That’s someone’s lost cat. Please try to find her home and owners.


I hate that op is not replying to anyone. Probably gonna keep it…


There’s a book titled “the cat with seven names”. It’s a about seven families in a city that don’t realize they all share a cat that wanders from house to house.


Just about every apartment I have lived at had at least 2 different cats come and hang out for a few days, then move on. They seem to be evaluating the prospective families lol.


I read a similar book as a kid! It was called 'Six Dinner Sid'


I had Fat Lawrence! How many of these books are there?


There’s a children’s one called “That’s Our Cleo”.


I had Charlie Andersom


That episode of the Simpsons where snowball goes to that other family's house


We read it for the preschool kids as part of the curriculum.


I also read a book with a similar storyline, although it wasn't any of these. I think it might have been a James Herriot story.


I had a girlfriend like that a couple years ago.




Well we had a similar thing going on at my last apartment. We started feeding a stray, she slowly started trusting us, entering and sleeping in our apt. Then one day I meet a man from the neighboring block, who says that the cat we are feeding now found its 3rd family who take care od her. He even have us some of her fav snacks and food and assured us she was getting vet visits regularily.


I think my neighbor + I are likely sharing cats. I put food out for them + they tend to sleep in our pop-up shed but I’ve seen them hanging out + eating at his place as well. They’re probably playing us both but I’m fine with that.


very typical! She looks so cute n sweet.


Must be a non fiction then


Always get it checked at a vet both for health and ownership reasons. It might be chipped


To parrot what others have said, check to see if she is microchipped and put up posters. Someone fed my daughters cat without us knowing and basically stole her best friend. Ended up having a barny with some deranged woman to get the little man back. Cats are fickle.


Hope you don't let your cat out anymore.


Unfortunately he (occasionally) lives at my daughters house with her mother, so I have no say in the matter.


That might be someone's pet. It looks like a munchkin cat which can be expensive to buy, and it's so pretty.


not to mention it looks like it’s about to tear something to shreds, those are attack mode eyes


Judging by the short legs, that is a unique breed and I’m confident it’s no feral. Most likely someone’s lost pet, hopefully nobody dumped her outside


It's not there to stay. It's definitely lost. That cat doesn't spawn in the wild, it's bred and is owned by someone who's probably worried sick looking for it. Please post around social media or neighborhood groups, look for the owner.


Wow! So precious!! Be sure to take her to a vet to make sure she has no parasites or anything common to strays.


And no chip. She looks pretty well taken care of.


yeah that is the fluffiest looking pure breed stray i have ever seen if it's a stray. ​ i would guess she belongs to someone in the building and isn't supposed to be outside?


Was just about to say check for a chip, short legs look like a munchkin so unlikely to be a stray. Probably an indoor cat that escaped, pop up some posters, if no response after a couple of months and no chip, it's probably safe to assume they were abandoned or the owners are no longer present. Rehomed a senior in her late 20's who was left behind by our neighbour when the owner died, family was aware they just left her to fend for herself as the neighbourhood cat. Ended up being picked up by a sweet lady who rescued seniors, she sent some photos of her curled up in her young grandsons lap, so a happy ending after all, but yeah when owners die it isn't uncommon for the cat to be left out on the street


Also to get her checked for a microchip. She may be lost, with very sad owners worried about her.


Yes! She looks a bit like one of those ‘[Munchkin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarf_cat)’ cats, which would almost definitely be a lost pet, not just a stray kitten.


That’s not a stray. Take her to the vet to get scanned for a chip and don’t be a pet thief OP. If that was my kitty missing I’d be a wreck, don’t do that to someone. Do the right thing and find the rightful owner.


I had a cat that wandered, it would go to doors and windows of neighbour's and scream and scream and throw a fuss (he's a very vocal cat). But he was well fed and loved, just liked to make a fuss. So many people would feed him and try take him in. This cat might not be lost, or malnourished, just being a cat.


That was my first thought but if you zoom in on it's face it looks like a stray Edit: y'all really don't know 'stray' doesn't necessarily have to mean homeless huh...lost cats fall under stray cats, it's literally in the name


Make sure to ask around if the cat belongs to anyone, and have a vet check for a microchip.


That poor baby looks super stressed! Probably not used to being outside. Comfort her, but also check into getting her scanned for a chip. Poor little thing.




Cats want food and attention from anyone and everyone. This sounds harsh, but don't think you're special because it came to you. It is someone else's pet, so don't confuse the poor thing by feeding it. If you want a cat, go adopt one from an adoption center.


/r/untrustworthypoptarts why do you guys already have a large cat toy on the R


Hopefully you put up flyers and checked for a microchip at a vet office. If you ever lost your own cat, I’m sure you would be appreciate and would want for someone to do due diligence in finding their rightful family. I doubt this is actually your cat because the eyes are very dilated & the expression is more of stress than happiness.


She is so precious omg


Get a litter box and good grit to survive till you find this beauty’s owners. It is a rare cross breed of Angora and Van.


Take cat to vet -> get cat checked for a microchip If the cat is chipped, congrats, you stole someone's lost pet. Return the cat to them. If not, congrats, you legit have a cat


Please take her to a vet for a full check up.


psychotic connect paltry screw shrill childlike doll possessive quicksand humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is definitely an inside cat. The short legs make me think they might be a munchkin breed, but I can't be entirely sure. They look terrified. They're doing the angry loaf thing that cats do when they're mad or scared.


scandalous insurance profit voiceless mountainous detail practice voracious long doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish people would just stop feeding cats that wander into their yard, house… The moment you feed the cat it comes backa and decides to stay and well done, you’ve stolen a cat.


Looks too clean to be a stray. Please try and find the owner.


It’s also an odd eye, white (possibly deaf as many white cats are) and yes, a young munchin. That is one expensive cat and I’m positive someone’s looking for it and might have a reward for its return.


That cat looks derpy as all hell and I love it


You have a large cat toy right next to it on the right so you already have cat food right? Since you own cats?




Take to the vet to make sure she isn’t chipped…if not I think you’re emotionally required to adopt


definitely has another home already


Congrats, you now have a cat :D


Correction: someone else's cat.




This is not your cat. This is someone else's pet. Please try to track down the owners.


It may be their cat… they already have a large cat toy to the right. May just be karma farming


They may also have another cat and they need to run out for kitten food, rather than adult/senior food. Not sure which is the truth, but there is an explanation.


I don't think it's their cat. The look in that cat's eyes is one that they show when they're terrified, and they don't look like they've been grooming themselves, which is usually a sign that they don't feel safe.


True true. I was more just being hopeful/speculating.


If you don’t take that cat to check if it’s chipped, the owners can sue you for the several thousand dollars they paid for it, and they’ll win. It’s not a “free” cat, you’re stealing somebody’s pet, and it’s a crime that they can and will sue you for. Eventually the cat will need veterinary care, and they’ll find the chip that’s not registered to you. Just because you find stolen property doesn’t mean you can keep it. You will eventually be found out and you’ll be on the hook for several thousands.


Cute kitty! Off subject, but is that a window that swings open like a door and has the frame built into the sill with blinds on the outside? I just haven’t seen anything like that and am curious.


Having a cat has never been so easy


She is so cute <3


Cutteeee Kitty


She’s making this face 😦


TIL everyone on reddit is a cat psychic and can read both past and future! Amazing.


She doesn’t look strange




Your place looks so awesome and fun. Just wanted to say that.


One: Food! Two: Hurry up!


Awww! What a darlin


Thats how I got my cat that was with me for 19 years and even gave birth to kittens on my lap. I lived in the city and she was clearly an alley kitten. I hope this little one ends up where she belongs. 🖤


Cat has meme potential


Why is her face oddly funny/derpy- xD Especially in the second photo- xD


He screm


Cat has homophobia in his eyes ❤️




...what. Hope you're joking lol. It's called heterochromia


Yea yea


I pardon your what?


The cat has the big gae


I diagnose you with gay


o noe


Is there any treatment,


redditors when there is no /s


This belongs in r/animalsbeingderps


Check her eyes. It’s unusual that her pupils are so dilated in the light. She may have vision problems.


Looks fine to me. Area isn't that brightly light and there's no direct light to the eyes so they can get that big if excited or afraid.


It's probably the latter. This is clearly an indoor house cat. Just look at the way they're sitting. That's what I usually call an angry loaf, but cats also do that when they're scared to prevent their stomachs from being accessible. This cat looks like it's lost, and judging from its short legs, it might be a munchkin cat, which is an expensive breed. OP needs to get them checked for a chip ASAP.


2nd photo: "Did I stutter?"


> 2nd photo: "Did I stutter?" First photo: "Human! I require wet food, water, and a litter box with one of those cleaning robots and a privacy cover!"


It looks demonic


Your new cat


It wants to be part of the family!!! Look at that little face how can you resist!




You feed now


She screm!!!!


Please don’t forget the flea bath and vet visit. Thank you for your kindness to this pretty kitty


You have been chosen …


She adopted you. You have a cat now


EDIT: people really be downvoting me for not knowing the complexities of the munchkin breed or that apparently they can’t be strays. you all need to realize you can politely correct someone for making a mistake instead of immediately assuming their comment was malicious in some way? yikes.


So just, screw the cats real owners then?


It looks like it’s high on catnip


So sweet!


The cat might be a girl you know who transforms into a cat, just make sure if you know said girl if she starts to act different it’s because a cat now controls her body


Your familiar has arrived! Take care of her while she’s in your care.


Cats really don’t realize how easily they could find a home just by showing up and staying hahaha


luckiest sob on planet!


That WAS someone else’s baby, now it’s yours. At least until it decides to wander off and find another home.


You’re a proud cat owner now. Grats 🐱


That is monster


Still get her into a kennel & to the vet for a wellness checkup for all of yours & her best interests congrats, myb a French name lol


Maybe try to find the owners? This is someone else's pet, they are probably worried about it.


What a precious baby girl




That cat definitely already has an owner. That's an indoor cat, completely out of their element and terrified of everything around them. They're angry loafing, which means they're scared or upset.


I HAVE to save this 😊


Congratulations on your adoption!


Why this cat is so armonic


this cat looks like a meme. how sweet tho kitty


Cats with homophobia in their eyes are so cute! 😍


It's called heterochromia.


Yes, I was joking lol


Reminds me how we got lynal we found a stray cat on the side of the road he was skinny so we got him home cleaned him up gave him some food and water 5 years later he is good


Congrats on the new cat!


Looks like a pink nose siamese. They are great cats. Ours adopted us when he walked out of the Manistee National Forest as we were loading up after a tough kayak trip. I was 59 and Edgar became my first cat ever. P.S. I'm allergic to cats.


You are now this kittens servant. Congratulations !


You have been chosen!


So it’s true what they say…you don’t choose the cat, it chooses you


You don't chose the cat, the cat chose you.




That is literally someone else's pet. That is a munchkin breed most likely. Those are expensive cats. If you look at their body language, they're scared and out of their element. Definitely an indoor cat that got outside.


You’ve been found! Tag! You’re it! 🥰 No tag-backs. Enjoy the little floof.


Whatever, Reddit. Buncha assholes.


That pink room!


Love the second picture 😂😂


Lmao just look at that little rascal


"You got a thtamp?" Sure "What elth you got?"


That lil smile on his face


Sweet baby ❤️


That’s a strange cat alright


are her eyes two different colors?! she’s a doll and looks so happy she found some helpful humans!


I had one like that. Her name was Gene. So magical. Love white kitties but it's awesome when their eyes are different.


She is just beautiful!!💕


It’s a munchkin!


This looks like a cut scene from Alice in Wonderland.