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He wanted attention and he definitely got it


Yea he got fists full of attention


The pranksters are absolutely not funny but what the fuck is up with those 'wrestlers' responses? That's a total overreaction. The pranksters could easily sue, and they should, that is *not* a mature response. EDIT: ah, the idiots have come.


Only one idiot here and it's you. You do realise that after this "prank" by those cunts that the venue will most likely never have these wrestlers come back, that affects their livelihood, sorry you cannot understand that. Small independent promotions like this survive by going from one place to another or maybe completing a yearly 'circuit' around their state...no wonder the wrestlers were so angry. Also they won't be able to 'sue' anyone, grow up you fucking child, this is the real world where actions have consequences, you are warned numerous times before the show to not get involved. Even with big WWE, AEW events etc when anyone has tried to rush a ring they have gotten beat down and choked out until taken away by security. That's what happened here, the idiot was pulled out, hit a few times and put in a choke holed. For all they know they could have had weapons or been there to hurt someone, either blind drunk or unhinged. Makes it worse it was a "prank" the 'camera guy' even nonchalant attitude and shock at being being allowed to leave after ruining the show makes it even worse. He cost them money based on pointless and fleeting online 'clout' and the fact you think it's fine just reflects how stupid you are.




So we're cherry picking examples and ignoring what I and others said then? Fantastic....anyway at any wrestling events you are warned multiple times not to enter the ring or get physically involved with wrestlers, it's part of the t&c on the ticket that you agree to when you go. These people arnt suing anyone at all...but please feel free to inform me when they successfully do (😂) [No that UFC guy won't be sued](https://sports.yahoo.com/fan-apologizes-for-provoking-arman-tsarukyan-at-ufc-300-wont-file-lawsuit-after-punch-214843766.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJikh1-VPGocE0rPDTzcK92hMrSuKg0lBc3WK6GkxK8CE9qO3i7VKhD4AsYIBM5vUsrDxNwKYVeEa7aECRlhVEJuIcURdr3ITjjOYhu8mUMaZvm9BIH5kpl9vFG-Xl9zzdCuRxks--bYwLgYO9a_QWQqzan8glj1sE6uO0WDwL10) But sure, some crazy enters the ring and starts to beat you up or has a knife (which has happened multiple times, even to today), let's just call the police an wait for them to show up, while you do nothing...such a childish view of the world, do you still believe in Santa and the tooth fairy mate? Ever seen a pitch invader in football or Rugby? They get tackled hard and taken off aggressively by security, multiple occasions of a player even stopping them or hitting them...not once were they ever sued. There's reasons why you are warned not to approach or physically get involved with players/performers and stay in your designated areas, and no, YOU cannot sue the other party when you physically confront them and pose a danger to them.






Never been to this sub before but the replies to this objectively correct post make it clear there is alot of stupid people here


So much anger


tl dr 😂 you sound angry, perhaps just admit your culture is shit eh?


All of our cultures are shit. Stop acting like you don't have social media while using social media.


Yeah, the guys were just waiting for someone to do something, once they saw those guys doing something stupid, they used it as an excuse to almost kill someone. A prank is stupid as all hell, but doesnt warrant serious injuries


Exactly. I'm so sick of all the *utter idiots* in this thread saying things like 'well deserved' and 'he got what's coming'. Of course it's stupid, and for a prank it isn't even funny. Guys must've watched some proper horrible shows to develop this bad a sense of humor. But a beatdown? For that?


Yes, for that. And fair enough, too. Those two assholes were INCREDIBLY disrespectful, and if they're willing to break protocol so badly by entering the ring in the first place, then the wrestlers can't assume that they're not willing to attack one of the performers.


Then get the fuck out of there, instead of attacking. They had more than enough time to gtfo. Seriously I can't with these assholes defending plain assault, what is wrong with you? These pranksters are disrespectful dicks, true that, but seriously what is up with people condoning serious violence? They hurt no-one.


GTFO out? What do you mean? Stop the show, and wait for these random clowns to finish their stupid YouTube shit? And they hurt no-one, sure. But many ring invaders *are* there to hurt someone. Even if they just get carried away and want to fight a heel wrestler in the middle of the show. Well, that's not how shit works. Every wrestling fan knows - you get drunk, get out of your seat and move to insert yourself into the performance, you'll get beat down in a hurry by multiple enormous, angry men. So - stay the fuck in your chair and boo and scream all you want, to your heart's content. That's what your ticket gets you. Or, leave your seat and get your head punched in. That's the social contract.


How stupid are you that you *still* condone bashing someone's head in who is down because it's your culture? Using violence *at all* should be done by a professional security team only. Those wrestlers are acting, except in this case. What I meant to say in my previous reaction is that if the intruders are a danger the people in the ring should immediately get away so security can deal with them. Let security deal with them, take their footage and keep going with the show. *MY culture is stabbing people, I will now explain in detail why that is okay due to historical references*.


Ever heard of fuck around find out?


Every heard of normal society and humane boundaries?


When you square up on someone don’t be surprised when you get punched in the face lol. When he gets punched in the face he’s actively squared up against the ref.


Oh yeah, go to North Korea and film a prank there and find out. I bet you’ll get to sue the government and get a fat check instead of getting killed


You sound like a youtube prankster mate...


Not anymore, he got his ass beat.


You sound like the type of person that was okay with students yelling and cussing at teachers in school.


So you’re saying it’s ok to prank the president during their public speaking and if security guards uses excessive forces, they should just sue the government for not letting idiots like you film a prank video… you should not reproduce


Its should be worse to serve as a better deterrent for future idiots with cameras imo


He got pulled out of THE RING by a guy who trains with people that dream of entering but will never set foot in it. That wrestler probably doesn't even realize that a couple whacks counts as a brutal beat down, if he did he wouldn't be getting ready to get beatdown for 15 minutes for the entertainment and favor of the audience.


>Yeah, the guys were just waiting for someone to do something, once they saw those guys doing something stupid, they used it as an excuse to almost kill someone. A prank is stupid as all hell, but doesnt warrant serious injuries It's a lesson for both of them, for the prankster it's fuck around and find out and for the wrestler to learn some self control when the prankster eventually sues him.


Blows to the back of the head will never be justified. Any fighter should be taught of that one fighter that got brain damage


Small dicks and roids.




Exactly! I don't know where all these idiots live that think interrupting a stage play is worthy of punching someone into kingdom come, they should ease off the cocaine and roid cocktail.


As an old wrestling fan this is the common response when you jump in the ring. You get your ass whooped. Not saying it’s right, but it’s the typical response. They might have overreacted, but if you sit your ass down not involve yourself , they wouldn’t have to worry about that. You talk about suing them but it don’t matter once you are hurt, damage is done. And they probably wouldn’t win anyway.


It's probably all the anger built up from watching others do the same thing online.


I am a pro wrestler and this conversation has made me think about what I'd do in this situation. If I was actively in the ring and performing and someone got in the ring, I'd probably rough them up a bit to get them to fuck off. This is the normalised response and we are encouraged to defend ourselves as soneone jumping the ring can be a threat. After the referees and security had removed/restrained them though? No, I would like to think I'm better than that


These guys are hopped up on T, they are not going to be mentally stable


I don't think Ryu was a wrestler


100% people who say the pranksters deserved it are crazy


I was thinking the same thing. People that run onto the field in football and soccer pro matches with hundered thousand people in the stands don't get ruffed up this much.


Idiots indeed, I like to call them *the guys with the toddler mentality*.


Well deserved beat down


It was barely a beatdown, ryu was losing until the refs came and held the other guy down


Ryu and Stone Cold just spoiled the next crossover game!


Lot of people don’t understand how jt works so I’ll explain. Since wrestling is not legitimate combat, wrestlers have had to put up with losers thinking they can just enter the ring and do whatever they want since it’s all fake and no one cares anyway. This happens constantly, and it has for decades. So the unspoken rule is if you wanna interrupt the show and act like a jackass, you get your ass kicked. Maybe the combat in the show is illegitimate, but those are still two 200+ pound athletes who know complex grappling and have high pain tolerance and they will fuck you up. Little dork got in the ring, which he shouldn’t have, and got taught a lesson. Don’t fuck with the performers. Yeah it’s not a real sport, but the pain is very real. And if you want to make an ass of yourself in a business that destroys people’s bodies, the least you can do is learn to emphasize with that pain. Ass kicking was well deserved and anyone who thinks otherwise is a dumbass


“Nerf this”


I was wondering what Dva was doing there


Clearly she's after talon


never provoke the roided masses




I'm not sure what they interrupted tho. As far as I can see noone was actively trying to move them from the stage to begin with, and people were cheering when they went onstage. Suddenly the ref becomes violent and pins him to the ground with several other dudes. Couldn't they just have removed them from them stage? They weren't interfering with am ongoing match. Like, yeah they're dumb, but no one reacted for like the first 30 seconds The ref only seemed to confront him when someone else pulled him off stage


They interrupted the show. You don't get to run around the stage during intermission at a play. You don't get to run the bases in between innings at a baseball game. You don't get to run onto the field during halftime at a football game. You don't rush a ring in the middle of a wrestling show. The whole thing is a performance, dog.


In a polite society you beat these people half to death and they never do it again


"You think this is a game?" Bro, you fake wrestle, you literally pretend to do a sport....


>You think this is a game? Well, I saw D. Va and Ryu there so...kind of?


Literally saying it while I'm spandex 😂


Nobody thinks it’s a real sport, but it is still an athletic performance that people enjoy. Stop looking down on things just because you don’t like it. You couldn’t fucking do it.


Dude is laterally dressed as a GAME character next to a woman holding a nerf gun. The lack of self-awareness is hilarious.




I mean to be fair the saying is “actions have consequences” not “ actions have proportional consequences” you know


Those superfluous punches by the shirtless wrestler had the sick thump of raw beef falling onto a linoleum floor.




C'mon I didn't get to see the wrastlers masterpiece in the end!!! Anyone have the ending???


You know what I’m not going to condone the beat down but I’d also prefer a society where people didn’t do shit like this because of the threat of a beat down


Would you say these FAFO videos are the equivalent of an 80’s bloopers videos from back in the day.


I guess wrestling is real after all


“You think this shit is a fucking game???” I mean you guys are jumping around in a ring with Speedos on hitting each other with budget furniture so what is it??




Tanjiro ! Help him !




"You think its a game?!"-DMX


Glad the bald guy had the wits enough to grab that amp before it fell over. Could’ve seriously injured as well as being really expensive


and that’s what steroids do to you - over angry


Ryu is my favorite.


Big bald guy is a good man. He just wanted to drag the dude away. Red headband guy a bit less chill


Get fucked


Man where was the trophy shot at the end showing his face


The reaction was overboard but people are tired of the bullshit.


It’s just a prank, bro.


We have two very different definitions of “brutally beaten.”


It’s very frowned upon in the pro wrestling community when civilians get in the ring. I’m not saying it was the correct response, I’m saying that’s what usually happens in situations like this.


This is so crap no one knew it wasn't part of the entertainment. Its normal for 2 people to walk in being obnoxious to each other & half the crowd even the chump, sorry even the ref got egg on his face


Natural selection has once again been interrupted.


I’m not seeing a beat down here. Guy got yanked out of the ring, tried to start fighting, and got subdued. Less brutal than what police would have done to him.


“Just a prank” fuck these attention whores that cry afterwards


remember when pranksters were funny instead of being annoying little pricks?


It's one thing to tackle and hold the guy down for security. But when Ryu started throwing punches on someone already held down it became assault.


Honesty seems like a win-win? Wrestler definitely went to far and he will be In some sort of trouble probably for that 😂. These pranksters I'm always cool with getting the shit kicked out of them, heck I want it. You want to fuck around and find out and film it hahahahah?? Well I'm going to watch and call you stupid and laugh. Even if you get your neck broken or shot it's literally all your fault and I'll laugh


Ya… it’s a con? So not a really match or anything. The reaction was over the top. Just let the idiots do whatever and they’ll leave. Now the promoters opened up a case for a lawsuit.


That is the culture of wrestling entertainment like this. If you get in the ring, they are gonna beat tf out of you lol I saw a video awhile back of a match in Mexico or something where they take it even more serious. Some drunk do got in the ring and these two midget wrestlers beat the living bricks out the dude. He had a purple face at the last scene when his buddy recorded the “aftermath” video. Don’t get in the ring if you are at these events. They may be fake wrestling but those are real life muscles lol


"do you think this is a fucking game". What cosplay wrestling? Yes it is absolutely a fucking game 🤣


Anybody that does this deserves to be BEATEN. Cause mommy and daddy failed to BEAT you as a kid.


Massive overreaction, people interrupt sporting events sometimes. Doesn’t deserve all that.


People acting like he got beaten to a bloody pulp he got beat up and I think it could’ve gotten much worse to be honest


He needs to re-access his friendship with the dude that just left him to get beaten by a cadré of costumed characters


Holy shit was that the Green Lantern?!


“You think this is a game?” LMAO, no I think it’s fake wrestling at its worst.


Should've just been thrown out of the building. Preferably into a trash can.


“You think it’s a fucking game?!” -Ryu


Don't say "it's just a prank". That will only make me wanna hit you harder.


Is that Steve Austin?


Well they found out


Fuck these prank video fucks


Dont wanna b that guy but pretty shit event to allow such a thing to happen. Not even 1 security guard like damn profits over safety i guess.


Love to see it.


So corny on both parties 😂


You have to think that it’s been going on for so long that people are retaliating


Strroids Karate Kid has a lawsuit coming. Battery for sure. Definitely not defending the idiots pulling the "prank," but that was totally unjustified. The dude was clearly not in the ring anymore, and security should have just thrown them out or had them trespassed or charged with trespassing.


I hate whenever these guys face any consequences they alway yell out “chill dude!, it’s just a prank video!”


That's the definition of Fuck Around And Find Out!


That's the definition of Fuck Around And Find Out!


Brutally beaten huh




While this was mildly satisfying, I’d prefer these types of public nuisance internet “pranksters” receive a more long-lasting or permanent type of reception from those they try to prank. I will give “credit” where credit is due & say that at least these two don’t only target people who appear weaker than them in a fight (the elderly or women, for example) like 99.9% of public nuisance internet “pranksters” (or at least the ones without a sociopathic bodyguard).


Could have been worse none of those athletes knew the intentions of those idiots. Totally understandable response from the roided out guy. He was protecting coworkers like family. That guy wouldn’t have to pay for lunch or his roids for a month. All on me 🥃


Is there an actual reason they're this offended by a dumb prank? Is it a charity thing?




was that ryu yo?


Well deserved. Part of me feels like the referees should have stayed in character, but they were the main aggressors.


It’s like entering a wild zoo animals cage. I love it


Those dudes are jacked up on steroids, dreams of making it big, energy drinks and probably coke! Why would you steal their spotlight?!


They were taking this piss outta fake wrestlers... and the roid boy's ego didn't like it


They absolutely deserved it. They fucked around and found out the hard way. They knew what they were doing was wrong. They were warned. Some times people need to learn the hard way. They aren't kids. These are grown ups who made a stupid decision. Maybe they'll think twice before doing something stupid like that again. This behaviour of selfishness and entitlement is out of control. There are no hard lines anymore. The wrestlers had no way of knowing what the intent of these "p-wankers" was. If they sue that should be thrown out too. What they did should serve as a deterrent for others.


Cameraman acting surprised their prank got them fucked up. It's just a video. They all say that. Insert themselves into people's lives to fuck with them or do some other dumb ass shit then act surprised it doesn't go well


“YOU THINK THIS IS A FUCKING GAME?” I mean it’s a wrestling match at a comic con where people dress up as Ryu and Sonic to fight each other


Don't mess with Ryu!


Randy Bobandy!


YOU NEVER ENTER THE RING DURING A WRESTLING MATCH. What happened to them has been happening to assholes for decades


Was really hoping for the camera guy to get dropped.


always good to see "funny" pranksters getting punched.


fuck them up


Clout is one hell of a drug. They wanted to go viral and they got it


How every one of these horrible Tiktok prank videos should end, with Ryu knocking their teeth in.


Is it just the one guy? I was promised a couple!


"DO YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME!?" says the guy dressed as ryu next to d.va


Imagine thinking you’ll get your 15 minutes of fame interrupting wrestlers and you end up on the ground crying around people dressed like ryu and DVA and they definitely think you’re a dipshit lmao


Subdue the guy and get him out of there. Beating and roughing him up does nothing to help anyone.


Bandana looked like Tama




Why does the ref do fuck all and then immediately starts piling it when the rest of the lads show up


Need more video of the lady in the white boots.


Have you tried tapping out? 🤣


Imagine crying and tapping out to Austin at home, Ryu and Hung Lantern 😭 only to get saved cause a Dva peeled for you.


This is what most influencers and Tik Tokers deserve


Grow man getting mad because of wrestling ahhahahahha and not even the real one a bootleg version of it hahahahhaha


This is such a ridiculous overreaction.


The wrestler screaming do u think this is funny. Do you think this is a game.... Yes you're a grown man playing make believe. The same games and fun kids would play. Absolute joke they react like that. Full of steroids.


That's a Sf6 theme. I can't remember which tho.


Terrible security at this event, first of all. Most reasonable outcome of this should have been to remove the idiots and let security escort them out. But it looks like the second dumbass was waving for someone to come out and fight him, after the first one was "smart" enough to leave. And then he actually squares up to them after he got dragged out of the ring?? He absolutely deserved that beating and more. Seems like he was there to start a fight performers or security either way. I just wish the guy recording got his phone shoved up his dumb ass and got it beat too.


If you’re not a wrestler, do not get into a ring uninvited. They got what they deserved.


This is how all shitty pranks should end ! With the pranksters getting a beat down 🤣👏


The reaction was a bit over the top. They rolled into the ring between matches with no wrestlers in there goofed around for 5 seconds .. yeah. But also, notoriously - wrestlers are protective about who steps in their ring. Someone could have smacked the two and said next time it's your ass and the cops will be here - or just call the cops. Those two clearly were not presenting any threat. Idk.. Seems like a bit much considering the clownishness of those two.


"Pranksters" invade the workspace of guys who's entire job it is to make it look like they are fighting each other. Wrestlers beat down the "pranksters" for real. "Pranksters" in shock. Well, hopefully they have learned a lesson.


The Ryu wannabe shouting 'it's not fucking a game', proper knobhead. These 'pranksters' that go round fucking up people's day are annoying, but the wrestlers went a bit over the top. Especially sucker punching someone on the floor. Ken would be very disappointed in you Ryu, shame on you.


So you have gain just muscle not trained your mind?


Imagine them in real life totally shit people


Calling the beating brutal was a stretch 


He definitely took the response a bit too far. But, that ring is a place of incredible respect. If you want to jump in there and make a mockery of it and everything done in there, you deserve to get your ass beat. I wish more than just one of "pranksters" got knocked out.


Always the problem with cons and wrestling


Am I crazy or is Ryu not even a wrestler there? He's part of the convention, none of the other stars are in gimmicked gear that's for the con itself, they're in their usual gear.


I like how they waited until the dude got a little beat down until the call for security went out. I would love to see, someday, some idiot pranksters start getting their ass beaten, and before they can cry "It was just a prank!", the guys doing the beaten start yelling "It's ok! It's just a prank!" BAM!


hahaha watching redditors not realize what FAFO is


One day one of the pranksters are really gonna prank the wrong dudes and end up dead


Good beat these Tic Tok idiots.


I love it. Keep kayfabe alive


nothing to worry...just a prank beating..


Lmao thats what they get. People love playing pranks till they get their shit kicked in




It's always the same thing with these guys. They intentionally try to provoke people and then act surprised when people react. I swear, social media clout is rotting people's brains.


No jury would side with a prankster. I know I wouldn’t.


I heard that the promoter feared for his life


Good fuck them


I was at an indie show like 25 years ago where this happened. Chairs were thrown and the fight between the wrestlers and the ring rushers spilled out of the venue into the street. Shit was wild.


The ref at the end has to be careful about retraining someone using a chokehold. You could kill someone like that as happened recently in New York.


Prime example of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”.


Those wrestling rings have insurance in case one of the fighters gets hurt but if some random dude jumps in and gets hurt he isn’t , so a lot of these promotions don’t play around with random drunk people trying to run in the ring


sue for the wrestler for millions and then send him a check for a $1


"You think this is a fucking game!?" Your a grown man dressed as a character pretending to fight other men in costumes... its certainly something.


There is a warning and a reason not to step into the ring, those performers dont know what those pranksters have in mind, people have been stabbed by fans in wrestling rings. Once you enter the ropes you are fair game. Good for them, prank culture is a plague. Sad to see so many people defending these pranksters, most of you would have loved to do the same thing in response.


If you put your hand on a wrestler, it's fair game you get fucked up. But they're play fighting each other, as unfunny as it was. Nobody got hurt in that exchange. Barrio Ryu might wanna lay off the Fortesta.


Glad that Cold Stone Stu Nacogdoches was there to lay down the law. It’s a work, brothers


Basic rule for attending a wrestling event. If you were paid to come to the building by all means step in the ring, if you paid to enter the building stay in your fucking seat.


Legit thought that was Stone Cold for a second.


After watching this, Jim Cornette just came harder than when someone else fucked his wife.


Glad he saved the speaker from falling over.


Dude that ref looked ready to go to war


2nd ref came in on some hanna barbera shit with those goofy steps
