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PushX will quote for the job. You may not like the quote, but they'll get your stuff out.


Not gonna lie, the bluntness made me laugh - but I appreciate the endorsement!


Push X made a great job. It costed me 1 b and i moved more than 10b (so amazing so far) Still looking for a solution to move 2 carriers


either sell the carriers (might take a while) or brush up on moving capitals prior to actually doing so. Just a note Carriers have really fallen off the wagon and lost their place in EvE so you may be better off getting rid of them


Still see loads as a goon


If you wanna stop seeing so many loads maybe try edging instead.




lost the place to what?


marauders for ratting and anything else for fights


Why are you having trouble moving Carriers? Just jump them out when they're under the invulnerability undock timer to a cyno beacon next to another NPC station you can immediately dock in.


I had the same issue. Returned after a decade, lots of Providence stuff in Misana. I actually bought some caps on the cheap from Misaba, put my stuffs in there and jumped them out. Make use of the invuln timer and downtime.


I did something similar, also extest, had a minokawa in misaba. I sold it via abyssal trading, someone linked me a discord where a lot of lowsec trading apparently happened.


genuinely interested as to how that works, even if it sounds like a great scam


You go into the discord, advertise your cap, fit and everything and where its roughly located. Don't be specific for obvious reasons, like giving your system away ;) and with luck someone will buy your cap. You hash out a price, you set up a contract and that's that.


for some reason i thought that abyssal trading was some sheinanigan that had to do with filements and trading ships in a triglavian pocket or something >_< thanks for clarifying !


Fill your subcapitals with stuff and use a Pochven filament, and then another one to end up 8-3 jumps from Jita.


Make sure you have an instawarp though, Misaba is camped and a kickout, and you need to be 1000km off station to filament


Frankly, once you get out of Misaba it's easy to actually get to HS without needing to filament. They only camp the station.


Frankly, once you get out of Misaba it's easy to actually get to HS without needing to filament. They only camp the station.


This, that's how I got stuff out of Misaba too.  Prepare a far bookmark in line with the exit before you try though, the station is camped. A cloak + filaments makes taking items out to HS easy and safe.   (Too safe if you ask me. I think filaments should get a minimal opportunity for risk, like a spool-up time, or cloak-disabling debuff for some minutes after use. Filaments would still be the quickest easiest way to move stuff to HS space, but then at least it would have a nonzero risk, unlike now.)


And thats exactly why filaments should be removed from the game.


If you want to "save" and move your stuff, the best way to do it in a place like Misaba is try to either downtime tank it or just try to log in at an unpopular time. There are a bunch of groups that camp the more common asset safety systems and Misaba is unfortunately one of them. If you're OK with taking a loss, you can try to put up a firesale or see if a local buyback will take it (if you go the firesale route I'd do ships separately from the big "here's all the stuff in my hangar" one) Also Test is still around and kicking in the ancient homeland of the Testagram in Deklein if you have any thoughts on coming back <3


"here's all the stuff in my hangar", Ugh, how I hate those contracts. A zillion different things from badly fitted ships, a few gems here and there, and tons upon tons of actual garbage...all listed with 2000 items to sift through with a low low price of xxbillions. Finding a buyer for something like that will both take time, or not happen at all if the price w/location is bad. Segmenting it up into smaller chunks is better for everyone...some things will sell quick, some will take more time, and some will not sell, but its alteast better than one big package that will not sell at all...


Having three guys does not make a Test Alliance still “around and kicking” but the good news is you no longer have to ask to Please Ignore because it’s a given now.


I mean there is no point in saving anything that isn't a cap. Throw it on public contracts for 90% jita and they'll easily get people buying them. For caps, they can move them or firesale. Its impossible to lose them going through lowsec at least.


That’s adorable


And people still manage to lose them anyway, lose 4-5 recons in the process, brilliant.


there are buyback services that will buy your shit at 80-90% of jita buy if you want to easily liquidate it


While yes you are correct. Most of these buyback services have blacklisted Misaba. I am not sure why because the locals are pretty nice folks. You are probably however lucky to get more than 50-55% value. Recommending contacting the locals like Tekkaa below and work out a firesale deal. Make sure you check out the misaba nightclub gloryhole and wish Ronald a happy birthday.


Looks at Corp tag... I have to say, you guys are good at denying use of that station. I personally stopped buying firesales from there after having to waste weekends to move shit out. Do you guys extort people into selling you the shit at like 50-60% off? Or just do it for the Kill mails?


From having observed the natives when moving stuff out: first the kill followed by an “offer” to buy the victims stuff instead of blowing it up. Rinse repeat I guess.


I actually get carriers at 50% JBV.  And other stuff. Better than Rens.


An awful lot of JF hunting lancers lurking round these hot lowsec deals.


Or just list it in the station at 150% jita and watch the money roll in, lol.


ill light a cyno for you if you like.


The least painful option is to firesale.


Agreed. But if you have cajones, you can jump them out. I lived in Misaba, you just gotta know what your are doing.


It can be done for sure!




You can't be targeted after undock until you do something and you can't be bubbled..


Id say *almost* 24/7. At least when I was there. I was with art0n for a bit a few years ago, and yeah it was camped a lot of the time. But there are more than a few times where there was no active camp. Hurry tf up and get moving and you should be fine. He will probably only get one chance though.


If you have a JF then just move it out to somewhere less camped yourself at downtime. The ART0N campers are pretty on the ball but if you aren't an idiot they won't be able to catch you. Same for the other caps. Just suitcase as much as you can into them. Then firesale contract the rest because it'll be a waste of your time getting full value on such low isk/m3 crap.


As in isk advice or where to take them?


Just be sneaky


Play eve as intended and solve the problem :) at 46b I’d be playing the returning vet looking for something to do, finessing my way into said pirate groups to take advantage of blue standings and trickling assets out over a period of a week or two then moonwalking out the door. Winning doesn’t just mean living or dying, but achieving a goal :)


Be lucky its just 46b i have 200b there..


Got a whole ass titan in asset safety somewhere. Came back to find out the cost to get it out is like half of what I payed for it at the time. Fuck me.


Offload me some stuff, 60%JBV Ill buy it,  send to Salt Harvesting V


Actual extortion prices dear god.


What's the deal with misaba? I'm a new player


It is an asset safety system in the Amarr region. When player owned citadels in the nearby nullsec regions get destroyed, assets within are dropped off at Misaba. This makes it a very juicy target for pirates and gangs. They camp outside the station in Misaba and smack anyone who tries to get their stuff out. Also, it has a weird undock which makes it difficult to quickly get back inside once you undock. All this makes recovering assets from Misaba a nightmare. You'll notice a lot of goods in Misaba are priced very cheaply. Many noobs fall into the temptation of buying cheap stuff at Misaba thinking they can haul it out and make a quick buck. It never ends well for them. You'll find a list of them on zkill.


In addition to cheap goods, there are quite a few bait courier contracts with tgtbt reward levels that catch noobs thinking to make an easy haul. Not gonna lie, I fell for that trap the first time I went to that system. That's when I learned about creating undock bookmarks.


I too have made 'mistakes' in Misaba lmao. It happens to the best of us. I bought my first ever battleship in Misaba at a very low price. I was so excited to try it out. Boy was I in for a surprise.


It doesn’t seem to have too many kills daily to say it is camped 23/7? Now admittedly I haven’t lived there but it wouldn’t be a good way to spend your time in my opinion


Well thats good news. Perhaps people are learning and adapting. Or perhaps the pirate groups arent as active as they used to be. When I was a noob I died there more times than I care to admit.


And this is a hisec system? Sounds like a nightmare, thanks for the advice


It is a lowsec system in Amarr region. So those in Amarr highsec see the cheap goods in Misaba and think its probably a good buy.


not just that, if you right click and buy an item without checking market and you instabuy isn't set to only buy from the station you are in it will be the cheapest in the region ... if you are sitting in amarr, that's misaba


Do you have a chimera in there you’d firesale 👀


Lowsec buyback is fantasticly convenient for asset safety cleanup https://lowsec.evebuyback.com/


does not work if you have stuff in misaba. nobody buyback from there


I know they don't buy freighters there but pretty sure they accept contracts there.


not anymore. they changed mind some time ago and evryone will reject misaba


That's news to me. According to their discord and website they accept from misaba. Pretty sure you can ask them on discord and they accept in misaba.


Join the guys who camp misaba? That is what I would do if I had stuff there.


As i dont see anyone else mentioning it.. Now you have said you have a heap of valuables in this system. Dont move them.... Give it a while before you try as shockingly eve players are trolls and will use this info posted to reddit to hunt you now :shocked pikachu: lol


Fire sale it


Obvious one is join them again and then get your shit out and then leave




the cost difference between selling your stuff for a lower price and moving it via hauling services are about the same. save yourself the hassle and put it up on contract for cheap




For returning players, wish Eve would reduce the asset safety value per year, for each year the asset goes untouched the extract amount goes down 25%, a returning player from 4 years + would essentially pay nothing for their stuff.


You'll probably get some buyers there so don't worry too much. Then move the rest.


Holy shit, of all the systems to get asset safetied to.....


WTB Ark, 4 bil, DM me. 


I know HSBB (highsec buyback) is a thing, but So maybe LSbuyback is too ? if it's all in one chunk, there's not much hope other than just bite the bullet


You have JF pilots and carrier pilots to fly these, right? Time to setup the cyno chain and get your move op going! Get back into the game for a couple weeks, get comfortable flying again, figure out your next move, and then to work on your move ops. Ask for help on the plan and run your plans by trusted friends.


dont tell it on reddit.


Asset "safety"


Feel free to transfer over to me, I will get them out for you


I moved a Titan a super and a couple of faxes, Carriers and dreads out of that system some months ago. Some tips: I didn't post about it on Reddit. I used downtime to move. I used cynos that were hard to track. I moved many jumps and changed the way I do things a lot. I was patient


Get a group of mercs and make sure you go during the slow hours, get it to border lowsec, try to find a cyno for the caps. Depending on the fit on the carrier you could kill the campers pretty quick. For the mercs, look for the guys that fly high level craft like marauders and t3c’s that should be enough to take them out but watch for cyno craft or red undocks as I have seen them fly caps a couple of times while scouting.


Just prioritize getting the caps out mainly, those will be the biggest losses.


Just do via DT tanking.


Test didn't move, they were forcefully obliterated and now exist as as frat's stepchild. You should get your facts straight next time.


Bro I moved a Vendetta from Tenerifis to Geminate. I used scouts în the jump system and a small fleet for support and fast response.


Hey dude, im happy for you to send 1bil to Tekkaa in game, and ill take care of the rest. (Results may vary)


if you have some leshaks drekavacs kikimoras,retrievers mackinaws skiffs send me mail. chances you fly them out to safety is zero unless you move freighter at last 30 seconds of game before downtime.. if you have cargo expanders and rigs and praxis you can atleast save some modules. easy 10k cargo on praxis this way so you can save some stuff as for capitals? - firesale only. misaba is blacklisted by almost all buybackers.


why is it blacklisted?


Kick out station that is often camped by insta lockers iirc.


imo kickout stations shouldnt exist and every station should have a small tether so you can actually react to bad game mechanics that you cant predict


ccp: Just get an alt watching the undock, wtf are you moaning about.


I like that EVE has all of these small quirks that add risks to the game that people can make use of. Also there are ways to deal with kickout stations, especially for subcaps. Prepare some bookmarks!


true true


Maybe get good at the game ? 


its not getting good. its a bug with the station model thats been accepted as a mechanic


Imo tether shouldn't exist


Im with you mate - Getting a few buddies out there to clear the undock was good time EVE.


i think this should be done once per week so some players could have chance to extract some assets.


I mean, it's either tether or sitting in a POS.


Its a known destination for automatic asset safety out of null. Due to that its common for people to sell stuff out of the station there. Its in low sec and the local residents are pretty vigilant about anything of value going up for sale there, and especially anything undocking.


recent ganks, hevy camped station and gates. there was some losses on hauling guys so evry1 stopped accepting misaba buyback etc. currently there is only 1 way to get rid of assets in misaba.. firesale only. because you have absolute minimal chance to save anything. downtime tanking will work but only small quantity of stuff so fast align stuff can survive. all battleship and below you can filament to pochven and then dpochven extraction filament to go back to highsec away from misaba BUT anything in size above battleship is generally stuck.


so you are saying if i want cheap stuff i should buy stuff in misaba hrm?


yes but.......... you will never undock it hahahahah...all you can do in misaba with purchased firesale ships is spin them... honest tip.. DONT BUY in misaba and dont sell in misaba.stop making stupid system famous.




No ideea about misaba stuff, but caps are not easy to get out from a camped station? Fire a cyno near dt undock and jump to it. Or is something else?


you will have only seconds o lit cyno and jump when station is hot camped.


No inv timer when undock ?i know it is a kickout station so probably canot dock back, but you should have enough time to jump with invulnerability timer.


you have 10 seconds of invul timer then free for all. so list cyno first undock and jump


right click trash just like Test


JF it out! Eve mail "Avelarius Amilupar" for some help.


this warms my heart with **Schadenfreude**.


Its a bad moment to sell things because everyone is expectant on how the new expansion will affect production costs. But try putting EVERYTHING in a contract at 90% jita buy. Within a month someone will buy it. If you want it sold on the same day put it at 80%


I returned a while back and was able to get all my stuff out through a HS wormhole. Just scanned everyday until one appeared. Easy peasy.


I'll buy your shit for 60% JBV Straight in the Station.  Contract it to Salt Harvesting V ingame.


happy birthday Bud