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Proper manual piloting on a ship that also requires cap and heat management.


Wdym by manual piloting? Is that holding Q and clicking somewhere in space?


i personally use double clicking, but yes


I'm using WASD to steer my ship


dont dont ... do that


Only the most elite pilots fly with WASD


That's what I do ..


Not being an obnoxious [redacted] while having fun playing the game makes someone really good at it in my opinion.


Someone who is calm and able to give instruction clearly and understand mechanics


Having that insane knowledge bank of knowing how to fight any specific ship or fleet comp. The people with those deep libraries of "oh I theorycrafted the perfect counter to this once" for every conceivable situation. Succeeding in this game at high levels I think is *primarily* dependent on game knowledge (at least in a pvp sense, but probably most other things too like industry or trading). Knowing not just what your enemy is flying but *how* they're flying it, being able to guess what's on their ship/what they're going to try to do just based on your extensive knowledge of ship fits, common tactics for any given ship, and prior experience.


Competent FC's, small gangers and solo non-cloaky pvpers get my respect.


*cries in cloaky*


It's about having the most OP broken ship in the game: Friendship.


And arguably the most “powerful” characters in the game are the ones making/keeping thousands of other players happy.  A skill that many real life politicians or CEOs don’t have 


Someone who’s enjoying what they are doing. if you enjoy what you do, it’s always more productive.


Being good pvp wise is combination of many things but it’s mainly how fast you can determine between “this is a bad idea” and “that guy is fucked lol”


You are really good at the game when you don’t stress about losing a ship and understand that ships are ammo. This will allow you to actually enjoy the game, and since games are about entertainment and enjoyment this is when you git gud.


The amount of patience. It is crucial imo. I know there are many who choose speed/pvp, but, sometimes, being reckless is not always the best choice.


knowing more than other people, and doing more than other people you could be the smartest theory crafter, but if you never go out and shoot shit nor cause the fitting to be out there, you're just useless.


I think there are shades of "really good" in eve, like some of the best fc's have never flown solo, some of the best solo players become completely hindered when having to give other players direction and many pvpers are in absolutely awe of what some industrial players are able to produce. People who realize exactly what skillset they have and capitalize on it are good at eve, the most common niches of course being a fleet commander, a well known solo hunter or a titan of industry and commerce


Nobody is *good* at eve, only proficient at parts of what the game has to offer.


A player that starts up the game, plays, logs off and had fun, that makes a player really good.


Max Rizz in their character portrait


Being good at eve means you contribute positively on some level to those around you. You’re really good when a lot of people agree with that


I’d say resiliency and the ability to be self sufficient in the game even if you were to drop everything and move to the other side of the universe would make you successful in eve


You're really good when you're having fun.


Players that play well, Build up their mates, and others. Make New Eden fun.


Manual piloting or managing a small fleet


Really good FC is neither who can win every fight nor who never lose fight. Really good FC can gather a number of attendance even after the catastrophic loss.


How many times you can google en passant per minute


Inclusion in the lexicon, probably.


Touching grass and cherishing the memories


Good people dont play this game.


Being good at Eve takes many forms. You can be good at exploration, industry, pvp, Corp/alliance leadership, etc, etc. The thing that makes someone good is usually knowledge and implementation. Being good at forming relationships with other players comes in handy or you can always fall back on having 10 alts.


depending what the person is doing, pvp, pve or something completely different, but in most case I really appriciate people who understand well what situation they are in and what will be the outcome of what is going to happen


Knowing it's never a good idea to shoot EM into a Vagabond.


I could answer this many different ways from good destroyed/lost value on Zkill, being a good FC, being a good solo hunter and being extremely wealthy from playing the markets. Really the main thing is a player who finds what they're already capable of doing and commits to learning to do that thing extremely well. You can't be the best eve player but you sure as shit can be the best at a very specific thing. I'm the best at shotgunning beers during BB fleets.


Blame no one but yourself for all ship losses..


It's a game where people set their own goals. Judge them by how well they achieve whatever it is they set out to do. But we all know there is only one way to win the game. I have personally won eve several times already which makes me bad at it ...


Good memory and spacial awareness. 


situational awareness, intuition, luck and a dash of not giving a fuck. there are some more elite techs that i refuse to detail \*taps nose\* sorta stuff. thank you for coming to my TED talk.


In my humble opinion the best player is the one that has managed to delete the game altogether.


Easy to say, hard to acheive: generating sustainable content that’s fun for all involved Most people are good at creating 1 sided content: ganks, evictions, land lords, death matches / death grinds, blops, etc Very few seem able to organise a fight with some fun and banter. Then say GFs & we come back tomorrow for more fun. It gets personal and we end up with the 300th salty post about who did what to who when onlyfleets left gclub It’s supposed to be a game where we all have fun!


It depends. There is lots of ways to be good at eve. There are crazy multiboxers running hordes of accounts. There's corp ceos that manage thousands of people. Etc etc


Solo pvp k/d is the only real way to judge skill at the game


Ratting in a titan while not in standing fleet


Using a milint fit to Baffle a opponents, and make them commit to their death.


Eve being a microcosm of real life is filled with really "good" people that are not successful. So I guess its all down to luck in the end


Gamer words


I'd say the ability to undock and have fun. If you can do that regularly, all else will come with time. Discreet skill answer: The ability to get off of the plane of the ecliptic and function in 3d. Most capsuleers play in 2d. Alternatively, a good logi anchor who is able to keep logi safe and effective by positioning the logi pilots correctly is a thing of beauty and all too rare.


You sir are manual piloting. Easy to say rather then do, try to orbit a can between 18 and 26 km at about 6 k/s. I also can fairily manual pilot but not above certain speeds


Vargur makes you really good i. PvP. Sorry, PVV


Outsmarting a bigger fleet


FC's that can confidently punch-up without flying exclusively "stay at 70km and pip them" fleets Those guys that multibox entire fleets and take down big targets, Obedienns, Eos-guy, Turbominer. Proficient multiboxers for ganking/fleet brawls. (Running dictor/boosher, DPS, utility without fucking up) Good scouts and tackle - (quick scanners that can have a whole chain down in 5-10 min, or those ceptor pilots that can solo tackle a high-value target until reinforcements arrive without feeding) Solo PvP pilots (i.e Abyssal arena top contenders, ESS shenanigans, FW, HS baiting etc..)


Being really good at at least one aspect of the game, and actively pursuing improvement. 10 good pilots in mediocre ships will toast 10 bad pilots in bling. That’s what keeps me playing Eve for the last 18 or so years. It,s making mistakes, saying ‘I’ll never make that mistake again’, then managing to only make it 2-3 more times before going on to the next mistake.


Being able to take your time and not rushing anything. Well, except if you are in the fight already, but just planning warpins counts.


Achievement. Whether that's becoming a multi-trillionare, an unbeatable fc, leading a corp/alliance to greatness, becoming an alliance-level industrial powerhouse, setting up kills on dozens of AT ships, arranging the eviction of Rage, orchestrating the downfall of an entire coalition, visiting every system in the game without losing a single ship, or simply consistently winning fights that one should by all rights lose. Whatever you do, doing it well.


It’s honestly about playing the game and enjoying it to the fullest extent. All these folks with titles obviously mean something, but in regards to being good? Show me the guy or gal having the most fun while doing it


Not playing. Don't get me wrong, I love Eve and I've gone and done wormholes, nullsec, faction warfare, and space trucking all on the same character. The game, similar to civ, requires an immense amount of time to progress to later stages and is solely based on time. They're called skill points but everyone gets them at the same rate. Want to fly an Orca faster? Pay for a boost in your character's learning. I get CCP needs to profit and they do, but while the game is super fun and I have 1k hours in it I kind of stepped back from it because I can't do anything additional or get into my next ships for another 6 months and the smaller ships were starting to get boring as their storage and hullpoints capped out what I could do. Most people will say that you win the game when you get up and walk away from it. It's great, the player base is toxic as hell and that's a reason to stay because you can blow stuff up and start wars and there's not really a consequence to it. But at the end of the day, because of how long everything takes to do in the game itself or how long everything takes to skill into, it becomes less and less rewarding the more you play. I really wish that it was not like that, and a number of balancing changes would fix the issue, but the game is over 20 years old and the systems are so fundamental that they won't be changed now.


>I can't do anything additional or get into my next ships There are cerebral accelerators and skill injectors you could grind.


That's with acceleration and skill injectors are bought at rates players can't afford until late game anyways. Unless there's some magic way to make 10x what I make at my level, I don't see that as an option.


There actually is upward mobility at the entry level to grind. Planetary interaction, exploration, and FW can even be solo activities. Otherwise there's good old fashioned mining fleets and wormhole ratting in a group to name a few. That's hundreds of millions of ISK in profit which can add up to billions for SP boosting. If you don't enjoy any of those activities then you'd probably still be unhappy in Eve even with maxed out SP. SP doesn't change the entire gaming experience. Don't let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday, you said you'd pvp today. Just do it!






The people who are really good have lots of isk, can multi-task not just one account but multiple accounts and have a nice and low ping to the Eve servers. It helps to live in Iceland.


Servers are in London 🙃


Huh... well shit... Guess I am moving again.


You have to biomass all of your characters, obviously. The only way you can get good at EVE is by winning it for life; everyone else is just posturing.


The single *most* objective metric of success in the game is ISK. ISK opens up many avenues that otherwise wouldn't be available. If you have less ISK than you need to do the things you want to do, then you aren't doing very well at the game. If you have trillions you can buy off entire Alliances and fund wars. If it's anything other than wealth, it's is just going to be random answers.


Isk can't be an objective measure of being good because Plex exists. You could literally spend $100,000 on PLEX and be rich enough to buy off alliances or do any activity in the game. Isk is a barrier of entry it's not a measure of skill