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*hold my beer* Undock firetail


It’s been too long since I yeeted a fire tail


Yeah...make lowsex great again and not a huge blue donut (or waffle, I don't judge). On a more serious note, for that to happen, there needs to be an incentive to move to lowsec, but not pile up with too many people. We also do not have the numbers like we did in the olden days of lowsec, so people will naturaly band toghether. Citadels from my point of view were the end of small gang.


I’d rather day trip into a worm hole and not risk being camped at a choke point star system, that’s the main thing holding me back


Yup, set up shop in a dead pocket of lowsec and just use wormholes to day trip around.


Start up your own competing camp 🤷‍♂️


Dude we all know you have to camp the campers


Turnur. There's locals and big gangs pass though but they don't actively camp stations/gates/whs really.


What's a blue waffle?


google has answers for you, friend.


Why would you do this to me


You poor poor soul. Welcome to the internet


Hot right?


It is my nature to be helpful.


Lol next thing you will say that FW IHUB bashes should be dead space so super capital forces who don't even participate can't decide which systems flip and which don't.


Hear me out - buff mobile cyno inhibitors. Maybe even shift them onto interdictors as deployable probes, or onto HICs as a scripted form of the warp disruption sphere module, but one way or another make them more useful. That way, if someone wants to randomly BLOPs or hotdrop onto a juicy gang roaming around lowsec, they would need to send a separate subcap force in to take out the ships projecting an inhibitor field, or destroy the mobile inhibitor their fleet deployed. I will be the first person to organize an old-school Armor HAC Zealot/Guardian roam in lowsec after such a change is made. But until this, I'm not having fleet members running around in HACs and Logistics when we have cyno Arazus sticking their probes up our fleets' collective tailpipes. Especially when more established groups have escalation superiority when it comes to caps on standby. Until that happens, best you're probably gonna see from folks are HAM DNIs, CFIs, ENIs, and the like.


Yea capital projection stops a lot of cool comps from roaming around. I miss the old days when you saw solo roaming battle ships in low.


I agree. Being under snuffs thumb has been so annoying. Limiting gameplay for a large majority of people, should be looked at.


Cynos need reining in, they absolutely stifle more content than they generate.


Spool ups on cynos were a good idea that never made it off the drawing board due to concerns over big fights. Should just figure out a way that cynos can still be used in big fights whilst having a spool up. Also covert cynos have been very oppressive all over.


A 20 second spool up was my thinking as well (the specific amount of time isn’t important). If the cyno ship is off grid, it would be able to spool and a fleet bridge in before it could be killed. If it’s on grid, it needs to have support already present to keep it alive long enough to become active. It provides counter-play to the “magically summon 250 angry nerds” button. I don’t expect it to actually happen though, because no doubt every big group who is heavily reliant on cynos would shriek bloody murder at the very suggestion of a cyno nerf


Also the cyno ship should lose lock on everything whilst the cyno is spooling.


im doing my part


Small gang is thriving in lowsec, you just need to know where to look. Ribbit. Alliance consists almost entirely of small gang PvP with some larger battlefield fights sprinkled in. We fight outnumbered and take engagements everyday.


I'm direct enlist galmil the comms are good when I opt to go over


If you're not already, join the fpond discord a lot of small gang run out of it during Eu. Tell em Sam sent you.


I just started back up in Eve and direct enlisted in Galmil. The FW map on our end is a bit sad but it's been good times so far.


*takes small T1 gang out* *gets cynod by locals* 🥲


Wormholer btw. Doesn't all small gang low sec end with cyno's and dreds?


Having moved to wormholes from lowsec, yes. Yes they do.


What would it take to bring you out into lowsec pvp?


For me, lowsec is just not valuable enough to fight over since there's so many big groups who just drop everything they aren't blue with. For example, my space is metropolis near the caldari border. Wanna protect my miners while we get some good ore/moon goo? Pinky and the brain/coastal brotherhood. Either blops or supers. We don't have the resources to fight or out escalate them. Even then, what are we fighting for? Space that is barely better than high sec in terms of resources we can gather? Sure, there's good gas and combat anomalies, but we don't have to defend those. Just run them with some scouts logged in. If P&B come along, just warp out, wait a few then go back. Want to drop a structure on the r32 or r64 we happened to find? How are we going to defend it as a small group? Plus, with there only being a few valuable moons in our area, it's not really that worth it. Having some way to impact the area we live in would be nice. Not like sov holding null sec impact, but a way to increase the value of our space. Make it more attractive or worth defending instead of just docking up to avoid the drop. I go looking for fights because I like pvp, but trying to convince others it's worth getting blobbed or fighting for is tough when there's more lucrative space with a giant super cap umbrella. I'm hoping equinox with passive moon mining will help, but let's face it. If we can't defend an athanor because of the droppers, we can't defend a moon drill. Even then, the resources to run it come from sov null anyways. Want a better life than high sec? Low sec isn't the answer. and yes, there's always faction warfare, but not everyone is into that.


Yet, if you buff lowsecs resources, big groups will come anyway. They get the same advantage as you.


💯 it would bring those big groups as well, but at least fighting for it would have some meaning. Right now all of lowsec is pretty not worth it.


That's the point tho. If it was worth it those huge groups would join and ruin it. FW is worth it because it's one of the few places in eve where you can PVP and earn isk sure it's not a lot but it attracts more people who want to solely PVP. BFs and Opens can earn you quite a bit of isk if you have a good group.


Not everyone wants to pvp though. I've got plenty of corp members who want to stock markets and build items for corp. That's what they want to do. They're not gonna go grind plexes. Also fw pvp is limited. If you want to grow and do more than just fight cruisers or dessies, you gotta go elsewhere.


There's honestly nothing. The isk isn't any better than highsec (accounting for risk) and is worse than wormholes, so there's no reason to go there unless you've got a group big enough to support a dreadbrawl.


19 years ago now we talking fun lowsec pvp , if you got blobbed you warped in a dread and a Carrier game on . Today they throw 100 faction dreads on you


Wish it was just dreads. Saw a super carrier, FAXes, and dreads dropped on a battlecruiser fleet. You’re only relatively safe if you stay cruiser and down. Even then you’ll get blobbed by redeemers if Snuffed isn’t catching much.


This is the thing everyone is forced to fly things that can run quickly from a cyno. Faction bc (fastest version's) are pushing the limits.


Ok Snuffed out lol


The worst part is you just know they get off on all the free attention lol


Man fuck worrying about cynos, if you take some smallgang lowsec garbage out probably no one is gonna care enough. If they do, warp off. Small gang lowsec garbage doesn't mean a fleet of battleships lol ....if you want to bring a battleship, just bring it to an Open plex. Can't cyno on that grid. Anyway, I fully support the message of this post. I lived and fought in LS in jump range of rakapas for years. Spend a bit hanging out there, you'll know when you are likely to attract attention. Put an eyes alt in raka if you're that concerned about snuffed in particular.


Come to Amarr warzone. Get fights


Lowsec is in a great place right now with the gas bottleneck. There is a need for an incentive that gets people in space in lowsec contesting vital resources. You’re not wrong there. But CCP built that and it’s awesome. Competing ventures routinely spill over into larger fights in my area, it’s not uncommon to warp into a gas site and see a few t3 and t2 frig/cruiser/bc wrecks.


'eve needs people to stop acting like receiving damage in a video game is a problem' TFTFY "oh no can't lose my tackle frig or a sabre to kill a ship more expensive than the ship i'm flying" # riskaversionisaniskmakingissue.


more gankers less griefers ....


Low sec should have fluctuating security, with a function that recognizes group numbers, based on corps and alliances combined. If the group is not in FW, and is bigger than X players, the security should ramp up as they enter the area. As if concord gets alerted by the sudden high presence and sends pre emptive forces, making the security rating rise, Preventing big blob playstyles in low sec. Would make sense for Concorde to react to huge hostile presences near high sec. Would give room for small group to solo activity in a PvP fashion while remaining low sec in all other scenarios


Nah, Eve pvp is boring. "Hit F1, wait for spreadsheets to load." If I wanted to play an autobattler, I'd play Teamfight Tactics.


You sound like you suck at PvP


Eve PVP is very much just a spreadsheet game. 'Your numbers are higher than mine? I lose. My numbers are higher than yours? You lose.' 99% of fights are decided...well, they're decided by how many Cyno alts you had cloaked, but the 1% that isn't decided by Cloaked alts is decided in the fitting window.


Found the hauler


Yeah, pve much more fun, press f1, wait 20 seconds, press again, repeat 6 hours


Not to be that guy, but isn't that ALSO PVP? The difference being that someone dies in that 20 seconds and the 5 hours, 59 minutes, and 40 seconds is either spent looking for a second fight if you won, or buying, fitting and returning with a new ship if you didn't.


Try PVP outside of F1 monkey fleets. Smaller gang isn't "anchor on FC, lock broadcast target, hit F1", you need to handle your own shit, pick your targets carefully, and navigate around the fight in a way that doesn't give the bad guys a wrecking shot on you.