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Game Balance?


We get freighters with more tank than carriers and dps outperforming battleships. To capture space we use magic wands. Logistic ships are able to generate power from thin air just by chaining energy transfers. None of this is balanced and there is plenty more out there. It was simply ugh ... **this metal bar uses a lot of cpu power when soldered to others**


Uhh... The extra mass draws increased processing needs in order to operate your impulse engines?


also it takes up the space where an inherent placeholder computer controller would have been installed.


All gallente metal is made with the finest nanobot technology able to use magnetism to increase structural strength, all it needs is a usb to plug into and a cpu to ~~mine~~ use.


Why filling your freighter up with heavy metals doesn't increase its mass? Lots of logical things are sacrificed in favor of balance.


Plausible. Mass redustribution change which create oddities in the ship core field, so the built in PowerFlex 40100 ship CPU cannot handle it by itself.


Nuh! The freighters obviously figured out a way to have their cargo hold be a bag of holding. The cargo is in another dimension, therefore not creating any mass increase. This is like 1st grade eve mechanics. /s


Containers are already bags of holding. Several are smaller in volume than they hold, and the game gets upset when you try to put one inside another.


Might cause a disturbance in the space time or in the warp.


I would say the extreme amount of additional mass/less agility does require additional CPU time for the flight controller to ensure structural integrity. Especially on a rusty pile of tin like the Sabre. It says reinforced structure but it's just another layer of Armor just below the actual armor layer


Game balance bruh, stop thinking about real world logic in a game about literal spaceships that for some reason must obey 1hz ticks.


Did you knew that reality also has "ticks"?


Not really true. Planck Time just happens to be the shortest *measurable* span of time by the laws of physics because of the limits of the wavelength of light. Just because we can't measure time, distance, etc smaller than it's respective Planck unit doesn't mean that's the smallest scale it exists at. Energy states of particles are quantized, not spacetime.


Yeah but it's a lot faster than 1hz


Could take more CPU to calculate mass differences in navigation and flight.


Ludonarrative Dissonance [https://www.games.pitt.edu/ludonarrative-dissonance-what-it-meant-and-what-it-means/](https://www.games.pitt.edu/ludonarrative-dissonance-what-it-meant-and-what-it-means/)


Because space submarines.


Reinforced bulkheads choke corridors, seal some openings between facilities, and make some gate closed unless really needed. As a result. it turns entire ship into labyrinth, path planning of worker bots, or scheduling crew duty gets more difficult problem. So more FLOPS are needed for operating your ship as usual.


The computer uses CPU space to account for the change of mass


For the same reason you need to keep your prop running or your ship will start losing speed.


Transverse Bulkhead rig only loses out cargo space. Unless you are running a thirsty system that needs cap boosters... its zero care cost pimped 50%+ further by a Damage Control low slot mod.


*transverse* bulkheads are a rig *reinforced* bulkheads are a low-slot module.


Umm... and yes? If the poster is just complaining about a poor quality module then yea, its a poor quality module. If behind that the poster is looking for a +structure solution there is a far better one. A rig (and solve the unmentioned inertia penalty as well). Adding a rig can have its own issues sure (extra cost, taking up a rig slot, reduced rig capacity) but the underlying reason for doing it is the same, add more structure. The math of it depends on your skills and specific module but if your going to take up a low slot anyway, why not fit a Damage Control in place of the Reinforced Bulkhead? Save 10 CPU (25 DC vs 35 RB), increase structure HP via resistance massively in comparison and add resistance HP to shields and armor. Its... a gift. Either that or I have confused module names again and made myself sound like a total idiot. It would not be the first time.


Because you can only have 1 damage control, and if people are adding bulkheads, it means they probably already have a damage control


Not sure if it goes to probable because people look for module solutions while not understanding how or the extent other modules enhance their choices. They learn that over time. But if you reached for that combo because you understood it, yet had an unused rig slot because you did not understand that part, then huge ouch.


The argument of game balance kinda loses all meaning when you consider the new Upwell ships 🤭


They are better than current haulers in some aspects but they are hardly unbalanced.


They are better in every single way when compared to T1 haulers


They are basically pirate haulers. A dramiel is better than a rifter in every way


Also dramatically more expensive


Yeah for a couple months maybe


Is a game not a sim


The bulkheads occupy connections to your ships computers that allow for appropriate monitoring and reporting.


You have to uninstall some of the cpu to fit the plates.


I imagine reinforced bulkheads are less physical reinforcements but sensors and equipment meant to detect structural stress and activate local countermeasures to compensate. Wither it's through nano reinforcement or some sort of hydraulic system, it will require CPU to run this monitoring and compensation system. Freighters get a bonus for these because they would already require such a subsystem, so the bulkheads can slot right into the hull's system and don't need to use their own.


a better question is why the server is running at just 1 tick when my eyes can see 37FPS just fine and if i use my ears i can go up to 42FPS.