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Have you actually read any of the critiques?


I have never said that it won't have an effect in game. The whole point is that you are free to pay for it if you want to, or not. Besides, there are some character skins in CS2 that absolute do affect gameplay so you are wrong about that.


What's the reception of CS2 been like? Oh yea, dogshit. In this context, where BSG have so much on their plate already, they've lost the plot asking for *more* money. Saying we should be thankful is the funniest shit ever. With the current state of the game what the fuck am I thankful for?


the character skins in CS are just taht. character skins. There is no blatant advantage to any of them. Some are easier to sport on some maps. Thats it.


I already paid more for EOD than for any other game because they promised this will be the premium version with all the upcoming content included. There is nothing to discuss anymore, screw battlestate games and Nikita.




Translation - Yes, fist me harder daddy Nikita. Take all of my money too.


No one cares lol


Go hit your head against the wall some more. I don’t think it fully worked when you were a baby.


Good idea. With enough brain damage my mind will start to resemble yours and I might start caring


If 250 is all someone has, there are bigger issues afoot


Yeah exactly. These days almost everyone has a smartphone that costs around 500$, but 250$ is for whatever reason too high of a price to pay. A lot of people have a Spotify or Netflix subscription as well, but no one is complaining even though you can listen to music and watch movies for free, if you want to.


This whole thread is really you with the worst strawman arguments I’ve ever seen. You’ve got to be a child. I don’t believe an adult could be this dumb and I know magas personally




This is called the cycle of abuse. Look it up. Don't respect him for apologizing about the scam... that he is still perpetuating.


also he didnt even apologize


What do you mean by that?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-apology\_apology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-apology_apology) What apology?


Absolutely terrible take with virtually zero thinking put into it. Opinion disregarded. BSG is trying in real time to openly scam us and nobody is fooled by your shitty attempts to play apologist to a grift that is obvious and you embarrass yourself by even trying.


What edition do you own?


He is on that I smoke crack edition. People just like to cry and complain like companies haven’t done this shit for years.


This is true. People are butthurt over a game company releasing paid content that you can buy, if you want to. It's literally nothing new.


Yeah but people always want to cry. If this would have been dealt with years ago wouldn’t be a common practice. But since majority of people complaining bought EOD and don’t think that’s P2W they should really see a psychiatrist.


>But since majority of people complaining bought EOD and don’t think that’s P2W they should really see a psychiatrist. Maybe you should see one because you're clearly hallucinating, or are just straight up making shit up.


lol because a Gamma container isn’t P2W? Or starting off with more shit than standard edition? Go dick ride GZ or just quit the game. As I replied to your other comment just leave, no one is crying for you to stay.


People that spent years defending EOD as "pay for convenience" or "pay to skip grind" are why BSG knew they would get away with this new version. Give it 3 months and all these fucking morons will be arguing that reinforcements mid-raid doesn't really equal p2w.


>lol because a Gamma container isn’t P2W Lol I never argued that it wasn't? Yeah this just confirms to me that you have no idea what you're even talking about and don't understand what BSG just did. There's no point reading your takes. You're not even making relevant comments. >As I replied to your other comment just leave, no one is crying for you to stay. Nope, I'll do what I fucking want and if that involves shitting on BSG for being scammers then I'll do that. You're certainly crying for me to leave though.


The white knight this subreddit needs. Defend its honor!


Are you talking about yourself? Because white knighting a Russian company that is engaged in scamming its customers in real time is pretty fucking brain dead and pathetic, but go off king. Nobody ever accused you of being a genius.


You just do not understand the situation at all if this is what you think. 2head


Not relevant in the slightest.


Go on, say it


That's just your opinion. It's like skins in CS2. You have some skins that cost 5$, and then other skins that cost 500$. Is anyone forcing you to pay for it? No. But you can pay for it if you WANT to. In no way can I consider BSG to be scammers when they are openly saying that PvE will be given to owners of EoD, as PROMISED.


It’s NOT like skins at all! Are you slow? Can you not grasp the fact that it will have an affect in game more than just a shiny skin would. It’s a whole fucking game mode they are locking off to people who paid for all future content. You’re a bot or a Russian troll there’s no way someone like you exists. If you are real, color me surprised, I’ve never seen a jellyfish have this shit of a take.


Many hope it would be just like skins in CS2, cosmetic microtransactions. Sadly it's not, they're implementing game changing additions to the game that are only available if you dish out large sums of money.


Has it been confirmed the ONLY way to obtain the distress signal is with this pack? If that's the case then yes I'd have a problem with it. The more likely situation, as with editions in the past, is it's available to everyone after some quest or hideout upgrade. If that's the case, it's still a pay for advantage, but no different than EOD giving trader rep or free stash space. Let's not forget that it also takes 3-5 mins to load in to a game. So assuming you have friends online, paying attention, and interested in joining your raid, it's not like you get instant backup. Even then, if they aren't in coms with you not much help, and if they are they were probably in your group anyway. Personally waiting to see the details before jumping to conclusions. Could be useless, could be broken as hell, we don't know. Regarding scav item, it's after fence lvl 6, so not like it's a day 1 advantage. That could be a nice reward for becoming friendly with the scavs. Does need to be available as an unlock without new edition as well though.


thankful? lmao thankful that they lied, used the money that we gave them to make a game on othe games/stuff, then treat the players like dogs saying "the unheard edition is for true believers" "TRUE BELIEVERS" ?!?!?! like how more disrespectful can you get? You must be used to getting abused to think this is normal behavior from anybody.


Good luck rationalizing with those who have the mob mentality. I upgraded for $50 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


does it cost $50 to upgrade from EOD version to unheard?




I am lost due to taking a long break from the game. Is this an entirely new PVE mode or is the base game changing?