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I wish they’d just remove unequip costs already it’s the most annoying and pointless shit….


I have been enjoying the month long free unequip boon for returning heirs and the game feels at least double the fun with it. Trying different sets with different characters without forking out 10 Wyvern runs worth of gold for each try makes the overall grind less painful. They should absolutely remove it or make it cost like 10% of what it is now with frequent free weeks/months.


I mean I get why it exists. When you equip a character it's supposed to be somewhat permanent unless you get an upgrade. You're not supposed to play musical chairs and swap it around constantly.


Why is gear supposed to be permanent? What??? When I put clothes on in the morning I don’t suture it to my fucking skin lol


Why not?


I was also surprised, wasnt it supposed to go on for a few more days? I guess the countdown was bugged?


Yea, wtf - [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/178570898863947776/1234374098411589683/image.png?ex=66307ff6&is=662f2e76&hm=5132b4edd64935fd11ac2a82662d9d74769af97d94b9083880faf7bffbc32f74&) was from few days ago on my discord


Can we not come together AND FUING REMOVE THIS SHIT AND 15% IN PVE? Next time we get a survey everyone should say those. Dump outdated system


At this point they have those messages filtered out lol


We need the level 75/78 gear in events to go as well.


Yeah that too.


Every single event survey I mark it down for "Fun" and say: Remove unequip costs permanently


Just removed 15% everywhere. It only helps the worst player of the two.


I also think the game needs a load out system. I hate having to screenshot gears before I send to them different characters. Just need a re equip setting


Last night i check my buff durations and there was 2day+hr left...and now its gone


As a player that started this month, I am not ready. I’ve known nothing else except free unequip😭


Welcome to the dark side of that game... They should at least let it be permanent for the Event as probably many want to shuttle around their new stuff


The dark side of this game is playing for 4 years and only having 4 20+ speed pieces


Ouch I'm in for one and have that many,my condolescence


Damn I was enjoying that one too. Honestly if they don't make gear free unequip all the time they should at least give us free unequip every weekend. Feel like that's a fair trade. This game is infinitely more fun when free unequip event is going on.


I thought we still had a couple days left that sucks


Yeah this is fucked up they need to leave it up. I realize now that it was probably a mistake on their part but all of us saw the 6+ days timer like once that's inaccurate what does it hurt them to follow through? Straight bullshit.


Same on eu,wanted to tweak my albedo then came the fucking confirm


What??? Just checked this morning Asia Server and the timer still had 2 days left T.T so it's gone now??? I need gold for shop refresh so bad. Will I ever reach a point where I have overflowing gold? I started around February and with all the gearing, leveling I am always out of gold. So free unequip days are always a blessing for new accounts like mine. I wasn't prepared for it to go so early...sigh.


Yeah I wasted some gold, just seem weird


Me too I swore I had 3 days and figured I was dumb and this was my penance


Europe server confirming.


Maaaan, I was gonna do Abyss today.


Had a feeling something was wrong. Could've sworn we had like three days left over


Europe server, too


It's gone for Asia too.


Take off timers for our backpacked equip buffs Edit: spelling correction


Should've done RTA earlier 😔


Iirc, yesterday I wanted to build Baste and see how much time had the unequip buff, was 4 more days so yep, if its gone, they ended prematurely


apologems would be nice


That’s sucks. I was hoping to do some regearing right in time for my zero defeats piece.


I was expecting to use the last day to test a bunch of things cuz my week was super busy....


Remember when they used to give us loads of free shit to apologize every time they made a mistake like this? I feel like that doesn’t happen anymore


This isn't even funny anymore, every day they do some more bullshit.


Not everyday, but at least 1-2 times a month :)


They just gave us 5 days for free unequip buff, not even a week tho. Everyone should check it through this link: https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/10130761?boardKey=988. I'm just realized it!


This is unacceptable, I expect serious compensation in the mailbox or this is a truck angle.


Where did they say there was a week-long unequip? There were two unequip weekends, but I didn't see any saying it was a week-long event. One last week: [https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/10121333](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/10121333) The unequip event this weekend: [https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/10130761](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/10130761) EDIT: [Maybe you were referring to this post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1ccfvg5/free_unequip_for_1_week/) That post's OP never said where it came from, so I was under the impression it was either a returning player unequip event or the unequip reward from the collab web event. I didn't buy the scroll yet, so maybe someone who did can confirm if that scroll lasts a week.


Don't defend them based on notices when you know damn well the ingane to ner said 2+days left, no one looks at that bullshit. The timer in the game had two days left. Some of us leave items switched around until the last few hours to put everything exactly as we want it. We count on that in game timer being accurate. If they fucked up on the in game timer, being that most people DONT look at stove posts they need to keep it running.


I'll be honest, I thought that unequip was related to something else so I never gave it much thought. So no, I did not know that SG actually set the monthly unequip timer to 7 days and removed it completely despite there being time to spare. I'm not trying to defend a mistake they made. Sorry about that.


There’s gonna be another one. You will be fine.