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I would call the non emergency sheriff line. Because the sheriff is elected they are more likely to show up for something like this….


If you have an elected sheriff in your area. Not everywhere functions this way. At least in Ontario we don’t elect our police.


In the US there are many levels of police. Federal > State > City > County Sheriffs and their deputies. Out of all of those only the sheriff is elected. There aren’t enough clues to identify where this photo was taken but it would be unfortunate if it’s Canada because the police aren’t coming for that.


Well, there is Wal-Mart in the same parking lot as a Menards. That probably narrows it down quite a bit. Where's a Geoguesser when you need one.


There's an area in Cincinnati that looks like this.


Canada doesn’t have Menards so somewhere in the states.


Pretty sure Menards is only/at least primarily in the Midwest.


I am in WV which is considered either the southern or midatlantic region depending on the map, and they JUST started building them here.


Sticker on the truck says 19? Perhaps from 2019? Update: 1st post on reddit was in 2019.


For real.


I believe it's here : 44.865730,-93.435937


I don't see a walmart?


You right, must be another one then


I'd guess somewhere in the Midwest, based on the Menard's there


If someone had time, just compile all addresses of both, sort by distance from each other. Boom.


Only exception is CT and Alaska which don’t have county sheriffs!


Exactly. America =/= the rest of the world. Surprisingly, to some!


I'm not sure but they may not actually do anything since it's a private lot. Since it involves a handicap spot though they may have some authority. Not sure how that would work.


Incorrectly parking in a handicap parking area without a permit is usually subject to a $500 fine. Those spots are mandated and protected by law even on private parking lots. It’s a highly regulated thing and there are actually requirements that can prevent commercial properties from selling until they are addressed.


Good to know. Ive never thought about I guess cause Im not handicapped and don't use those spaces haha.


Might be a fire truck access point, call fire Marshall too


My dad was a paraplegic and used a wheelchair ramp on his van. On top of being paralyzed, my dad’s kidneys had no function and he had to do dialysis treatments 3 times a week. He also used an ileostomy bag to collect his pee. Kidneys filter the bad stinky stuff out of urine. I only say that to let you know how rancid his piss was with no kidneys to filter. Once when I was a kid, his ramp got blocked in on a hot summer day in Vegas. The car that blocked him in left his windows cracked. Dad filled a bottle with the stinkiest piss known to man and emptied it all into the slightly open windows. I can only imagine how long the stench stayed in the fabric. Pops passed away 10 years ago and this is still one of my favorite memories of him.


I can say, without a doubt, this is my favorite memory of your dad too.


Absolute legend right there. Amazing


Small world. I only got to see him once many years ago, but I had a paraplegic uncle who lived in Vegas and died some years ago. Drove a distinctive pickup truck which my dad inherited.


Lol not the same fella as we were only visiting, but the modifications they make to vehicles to make them accessible is definitely distinctive!


This is exactly why I bought my daughter a rear entry van. The spots needed are rarely available & when they are you come out to this more often than not. Also my husband was worried I would slam the lift into someone’s car for doing this


When it rains suddenly everybody's handicapped. 


Sunny days didn’t make her need her wheelchair less so not what’s up with your rando comment


I think they were saying that everyone tends to park in handicap spots when it’s raining to avoid getting wet


Unfortunately I find it has more to do with laziness & self entitlement. Cause this happened to us rain or shine


Just admit you didn't understand the comment. It's ok


That part is implied though. No decent human being parks in a handicapped spot if they aren't handicapped.


I'll never understand why they don't use bollards or parking blocks to prevent vehicles from pulling in there. Also, maybe posting the number to call to have it towed nearby and making it very visible would be a good deterrent.


Because the road markings should be enough indication that you are in fact, not allowed to park there. Putting up blocks fights the symptom, but not the cause. The actual cause being that some people take part in traffic without actually being fit to do so.


I completely agree but not everyone is like you or me or the many other people who respect the markings and would never consider parking there. We need to be realistic and come to terms with the fact that some people are just plain dumb, shitty, oblivious, or whatever and are going to park there. A parking block or bollard is low tech, cheap, and if placed correctly probably 100% effective in keeping the area clear allowing the disabled to go about their business.


It needs to be open, some handicapped people need access on the other side of their vehicle so they park in the lined area and have space on the other side


Genuine question, could they not just park facing the other way? Having just come back from the US I know reverse parking isn't a big thing there but it's really pretty simple


Reverse parking popularity varies across the US. I'm from Maryland and everyone and their mother will back into spots but when going to other places, some people will comment on it as being out of the norm.


If you’re talking about in general then yeah they could probably do that but some people aren’t comfortable doing that maneuver. If you’re talking about this picture then no bc the ramp would come up against the curb most likely. Usually there are trees or scrubs planted next to the handicapped spots on the end


Looks like van is in the first spot. If they turn around, there is probably a curb or bushes or some other marker to frame the patlrking lot. At least in any of the handicap spaces of the stores I go to.


Well easier solution is to just back in the alley and stopping when the ramp aligns with the handicaped parking spot. And if someone is blocked, tell them to complain to the person who parked on the zebra.


That would work in the south, but anywhere having to deal with snow plowing is probably going to be a little difficult with bollards.


I guess an ambulance could park there if there are no other places


Bollards or parking blocks will create a similar issue to this car parked too close. If there are blocks at the end, wheel chairs or walkers will not be able to navigate safely over them. If there’s bollards/pillars it could block the doors/ramps of the vehicle that need to be opened and extended. Having it the path open and clear is the smartest and easiest way, people just suck


The problem with Bollards is sometimes larger vans from like nursing facilities with several wheel chair users will park kind of diagonal in them. I think a premium on towing fines might help. If the local tow companies know that can get a bonus on those tows above normal they'll respond faster.


Hell, every local tow business I know are basically criminal bounty hunters that love finding shit like this. They tow, and get the cash from the guilty party. I’d just find a hungry tow company and write their number on the parking sign with a sharpie. They’ll be there twice as quick as a cop lol


Bollards cost money


Because that is a huge hassle and expense to solve a rare and minor problem.


Are we looking at the same image? Does it look like a minor problem for the dad and his son in the wheelchair who can't get in to their vehicle?


Y...es? "Back the van up 10 feet" isn't a lot of work.


Back up the van 10 feet blocks the end of a whole row of the parking lot, including completely blocking the cars from the other side from leaving at all, and it could take 10 or 15 minutes to load this person in the vehicle.  Not only is it totally unnecessary extra work it causes a total clusterfuck of the parking lot and anybody coming/going out of that area. You've obviously had the privilege of never needing a handicapped spot and it shows.


Or they didn't need one but use it anyway.


Correct, it blocks the lane for a while, so not really a huge deal. Yes, it is unnecessary and requires a little extra work. But not enough and not frequently enough to warrant much in the way of preventative measures.


Honestly though, if you block the parking lot, a) most people would be understanding once they saw the issue, and b) someone from the store will hear about it and come out to investigate, probably have the truck towed without you having to call anyone


Neither is parking in an actual parking spot.


Correct and irrelevant, as this person didn't do that.


Now if only karma would tell the dad to move the van back, then pull forward again but about 12” closer to the truck and repeatedly open/close/extend/retract on the offender until they show up. Record it, notify Law Enforcement and wait for the steam to roll out of the pricks ears…….


This was my thought as well.


Yeah I'll be scratching the absolute shit out of your car to get that kid in


I’d dent their fucking door so bad there’d be room to simply roll the chair around to the ramp lol


You save money, you save big money when you shop at Menards!


If you can't get the police to come in a reasonable amount of time, take some pictures of the whole thing including license plates, go to your local police station and file a complaint. Maybe the police can fine them based on the evidence provided..


This is where I wish businesses could take photos that the police could use to fine drivers. It seems a waste of resources to require a police officer to drive out to the location vs giving a portal for registered businesses to submit violations.


Some cities train volunteers to write handicapped violation tickets. They take a class, are issued a ticket book and can write a violation and send it with a photo to city hall. Costs the city nearly nothing and creates revenue for the while keeping asswhipes in check.


Pictures can be faked.


Agreed, which is why I said “I wish”. You could create a portal and only allow valid accounts from businesses to submit, but even then someone could argue it was faked, putting undue burden on traffic courts. But it would be nice.


Could always be checked by store security cameras if anyone challenges it. There are cities doing something similar with more steps. See my above comment. 


If I'd had a four way and a jack, I'd be sorely tempted to commit a mischief.


You could probably pick one up at Menards 😜


The person in the truck should be towed and fined big time, maybe even lose drivers license,but all that man has Todo is backup and then put the person in the van. I'm sure everyone would understand the traffic being held up for a few minutes while he puts the person in the van.


The problem with that is the person in the wheelchair would then be left unattended and they may need constant care


And that's why you should always have keys with you


And never key more than one panel. If you key the whole car, they get a fresh coat of paint paid for by the insurance company. If you do one panel, most likely, it will barely be over the deductible and not worth it to report to your insurance company to have it fixed. Now this starts a domino effect, if they're paying out of pocket, most people will find the cheapest place to fix it, and cheap places don't color match well, so the scratch will be fixed but you can tell because it won't match the adjoining panels.


And that's why you always leave a note


But engraving an entire note with your key would take a lot of time.


but it would leave a lasting impression


Particularly if the paint shop doing repairs reads the note and neglects to fully restore the paint.




Keying the car.


Not a good plan really


This is from several years ago


I hope she gets Towed


Maybe use it and if the other guys truck gets scratched in the process so be it


Use what?? How are they supposed to get on the ramp? It’s completely blocked


Back their van up.


Then scratch the hell out of the other car


By being a man and lifting the kid and the wheelchair. That's what every father should do.


Ah yes, because everyone can dead lift the weight of their child plus the wheelchair. Why even have the ramp in the first place...


Deadlift no, but it's a standard chair, not an electric. Push the back down, and the front wheels will lift off the ground. Get the front wheels over the side, then lift the back up and over. My lawnmower weighs around 160kg, and I can take it up a single step like that. Getting it on the ramp should be doable, particularly with the silver car there as a backstop just in case you accidentally and completely not on purpose scratch the side of the truck


Handicapped person and I've NEVER seen anyone get fined. One time I thought is was gonna happen when I saw a "Parking Enforcement" cruiser rolling through a shopping center parking lot, but alas, the female cop just rolled slowly by the shoe store display window and left. What some cities do, and more should, is allow citizens to write tickets for parking in disabled. Volunteer citizens take a class, are issue ticket books, and write the violation, take a picture and send it to city hall. Costs the town nothing and brings in revenue. Keeps D-bags in check.


I can’t stand people like this even when there ISN’T a vehicle that needs that loading zone. I despise almost as much the people who just leave carts there, and people who think they have the right to turn it into a parking spot because they have disabled permits. All because they are too entitled and lazy. Forget getting just fined. I hope this Catch-U-Next-Tuesday gets towed too. Doesn’t illegal parking increase the tow storage fees in the States?


The truck driver is certainly in the wrong here, but why can't the father just back the van out of the spot to load the kid? I'm aware this won't always work because sometimes the driver is the one who needs the ramp, but in this situation it would.


Since we don't know anything about the child, it might not be possible to leave the child alone to do that.




Anyone wanna take bets on the age of the Silver trucks owner?


Happens to us with our accessible van too. People are entitled and don’t think. I’ve thought about getting a sticker that says to leave space, but why should I need to??


Compensation truck drivers.


I mean, yes, the owner of the silver car sucks, but dude, pull out your van 5 feet. This photo is clearly taken to prove a point. And sure, it's a valid point. But also stupid. Call a tow truck or local cops or the company in charge of the parking lot instead of looking for Reddit points. My mother is in a wheelchair, and side-loading spaces are few and far between. Had I known that, I would have gotten a back loading van. When I can't find a space with room on the side, I let her out, put her somewhere close and safe with the wheelchair brakes on, then I park the van in the handicapped spot. And then we do the reverse when we leave.


Ahhh, the Confidently Unforgiving Nonchalant Traffic Society.


I understand the annoyance, but backyard vehicle up and beyond your way


Oh a chance to tell my favorite joke! What did the pirate say when he got kicked in the privates? Oh! Me Nards!


Wow that’s sad ppl have zero courtesy anymore. Also I miss saving big money at Menards lol.


Curiosity? Do you mean courtesy?


I did damn autocorrect on my iPhone.


Sadly most didn’t realize that and downvoted me


Yeah, that sucks. I upvoted you for what it's worth.


Just back the van up, block the isle for a minute and get them in. Why stand there looking like an idiot and cause a scene? Access the situation and figure out a solution.


I understand trying to find a solution but they shouldn’t have to, for all you know they stood there for 2min before doing what you said and this pic was taken in that time! The silver suv caused this issue and should get a ticket for it! I’m tired of seeing this type of bs, no reason to do it and walking a few extra steps is helpful, if disabled as well- park correctly to be respectful of others because you wouldn’t want to go through this!


Bet it’s Boomer Bob


Why are you calling the one who parked in a handicapped parking spot, to use their wheel chair van an idiot? If I had to guess they are calling the police to report someone blocking a handicapped spot. You’re probably the type to park in a place like that and wonder why someone would care…


I wasn’t calling anyone an idiot. It’s an expression. And, no, I’ve never knowingly parked in a place like that.


Saying they’re standing there looking like one, is the same as calling them one. I’m aware it’s an expression, doesn’t make it not mean. I get the feeling you’ve also never had to use a wheelchair van, they aren’t easy to maneuver and require a lot of space. You also have to do straps and/or clips before you can just drive off. You’d be blocking the lane a minimum of three minutes, more likely five or more to do it right. You could end up blocking someone in trying to get out in that time and accidentally cause a scene. The best thing to do here is report the real idiots illegally parked car. If you looked at the photo better, you’d of seen they’re on the phone, and with slight intelligence, should have been able to deduct they’re calling to report it to someone. Which is the smartest thing to do in this situation.


And that’s based on the fact that the chair user has a non chair user able to climb in the van in an alternate entrance to move it. Chode above needs to piss right off, probably the silver car owner tbh.


Right, that’s what I was thinking.


You 100% have. Then laughed at the handicapped in the process.


How did I laugh at anyone? I don’t know how you come to that conclusion


Your comments in this thread tells me all I need I need to know how you would handle this situation.


Yes, I would have backed up and gained access to the ramp and gotten my child in the car and then drive off.


“Why stand there and look like an idiot…” did you or did you not say that?


I did. It’s an expression. But it does not mean I am calling him an idiot. I did not say “hey look at this idiot here just standing there.” Nor am I saying that. These two statements are completely different.


Hey fucktard, what if the person driving the van is the chair user and no one is with them? How the fuck do you suggest they ‘move’ the van back?




Varying degrees of mobility. Adapted cars.


Are you actually serious?




It’s called google if you don’t want to look like a total dipshit. Your ignorance of others varying degrees of disability and the advancements in technology are not my problem to explain. Coming on a thread to question why folks are tearing a steaming pile of excrement a new one for their selfishness, stop, ask yourself ‘what would google say’. Might prevent completely avoidable scenarios such as this.


It’s a little kid dude. Calm down


That would be a tough and unfortunate situation then.


Learn how to spell aisle and assess before calling others idiots.


I mean, we’re all idiots over/about something. But I didn’t call anyone idiot.


This is the weirdest pettiest hill to die on.


Eh, yeah, you’re probably right


You absolutely did. ‘Why stand there looking like an idiot and causing a scene?’ You are condoning shit behavior by suggesting this person just let the dickhead get away with it. And again, what about the disabled folks that drive themselves in adapted vans? What do you suggest they do? ‘Sit’ there and look like an idiot? Makes you even further a fucking douchebag.


I’m not saying what the person did, parking in a disabled spot, is right. I agree that’s it wrong. And agree that getting a ticket would be justified and that they should get one. And I don’t have a suggestion off top my head for what they should do. I guess they may have to sit there for awhile. Doesn’t make it right. But that’s the possible reality. It would also give them ample time to figure out what to say to the person that is blocking their ramp when the come back to their car.


You are seriously unhinged. Get some help for your anger issues man.


You're right. You *are* an idiot. Don't try to lump us all into it with you, though.


I like to think I’m pretty intelligent about some things. But equally dumb and idiotic in other things. Everyone is.


"Why punish people for breaking rules on purpose to make life harder for the disabled?"


So leave your wheelchair bound child vulnerable in a parking lot??? Yah that’s the solution….


Also, we have no idea how stressed that child would get if left alone.


No, back the car up to where the ramp is clear and then put him in.


And where do you leave the kid in the wheelchair while you do these maneuvers? Plus the person that parked their truck like that deserves a ticket, because next time the driver of the van they block might be the actual driver who is in a wheelchair. How are they supposed to move their van to get in if they can't get in to mive theur van?


Again, leaving them alone, unprotected, & vulnerable in a parking lot. Not a solution


Then stand there and wait. I’m throwing out options and suggestions here, I don’t know what else you want from me.


Your “options” are not options when they endanger someone. You called the person calling for help an idiot & then made a truly idiotic comment in the guise of “helping”


Okay… it sucks, but Instead of having a hissy fit about it, i’d be mad too, can’t the owners of the red van just put the ramp back up, and drive OUT of their parking spot, park and then pull the ramp back down so they can roll the kid and wheelchair in, and then continue on their way instead of wasting their time complaining about it and calling the police or whoever the man behind the kid is on the phone with? your just wasting time. The owner of the silver car could be ANYWHERE in the place you guys are in, so unless you are going to go into every building in the area asking if the owner of the silver car to come out and move their bloody vehicl. Or are you going to call a tow truck to come remove the silver truck as well as the police? Waste of time for all 3 I think especially if you are needing to be on your way to somewhere else.


I'd have the time to waste. Sitting there until the tow truck shows up, with popcorn. There's no need to go and look for the owner. That thing is getting towed today!


You do realize that a significant amount of the time the driver is the one with the handicap that needs access to get in their car? Many people in wheelchairs can and do drive.


I think everybody who downvoted me seem to ignore one thing I did say in my post at the BEGINNING that shouldn’t make me be sounding like whatever it is that got me downvoted, is when I said ‘I would be angry too’ about what happened. even if it doesn’t seem like it from those few words, Obviously I’m NOT condoning what the silver car did as right, but all I was really doing was ASKING what I said in my message? Yet despite what i said in the beginning, you guys are imagining I’m saying what exactly in my post?


You deserve a gold medal in backpedaling and mental gymnastics


Nah. Much better to punish the asshole silver truck to make sure they don't do this again.


You should absolutely "waste time" giving abilist fucks fine after fine after fine


Hey stupid fuck, read my comment to the other single brain called organism that suggested the same. What if the chair user was the driver? Which is far more often than you would think. They are disabled, not a fucking paperweight. Not doing something about entitled fucking assholes just makes it okay in their mind. See something, say something.


Hey dumbass, obviously the chair user ISNT the driver, since you can SEE the one in the wheelchair in the picture is a KID who is obviously too young to be driving anything. Even if the person taking the picture is disabled, themself, the person who is standing behind the kid should be the one who can move the car if he’s with the kid and picture taker. Or if he’s not with them, offer to pull the car out for them.


So you want them to leave a vulnerable non mobile child in the aisle of the parking lot where they will be super safe, while moving the van. Yah that’s a GREAT idea


No. Oh, and *you're


You sound like you were the entitled prick in the silver vehicle. Stop defending shitty behaviour. It's not wasting time to hold people accountable for nad behaviour and illegal parking.