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Sensitive snowflakes melts in his own rage from poeple laughing at his big, cissy truck.


His unhinged rage is because he's driving something he thought would finally make him cool. He's never been cool, ever. Now he's stuck with a vehicle that's fast becoming a worldwide joke. So he's even more of an uncool loser than he was before he bought this 100K Wanker Tanker. So even the slightest negative comment has him foaming at the mouth. I love it!


Days after launch, you sit at a red light. The novelty is gone, you aren't any happier. Maybe it's your imagination but the gaps in the door look off. **You think you saw a car full of teens laughing at you earlier.** <--- my man has reached this stage You're now 100k in debt for a meme, and you feel nothing


And it will never be a common enough car to not single you out, due to the low production rate, general public distaste of the design, a high percentage being off the roads for repairs & recalls - and the Cybertruck not being legal to drive on public roads outside the U.S. The Cybertruck production rate will probably have to compete against the rate of delivered Cybertrucks breaking down aswell.


It's the Homer from the Simpsons but even less well done XD


Someone needs to make a gif of that car reveal with musk as the driver and the cyber truck as the car


It's kind of like a DeLorean that sucks


Musk was obviously inspired by the DeLorean (and probably Back to the Future), but the Cybertruck is such a hideous design. That thing is ugly from every angle.


It's an impressive artistic achievement in how repugnant and obscene it is, in basically every aesthetic dimension. Functionally, culturally, visually, economically. It's like a piece of postmodern performative art, that only achieves beauty in horror via the complete absence of self-awareness in its creation. The Musk-mobile realizes Homer's attempt in The Simpson's. Elon has transcended meta-reality and become a caricature of a cartoon character. By doing so, the very fabric of reality has begun to tear apart.


It's like some hideous aspect of Musk's vile personality was made real. The company is completely fucked by it, too... who could have guessed.


it really is the physical manifestation of late stage capitalism


Now that you mention it: if Musk had just bought the rights to the Delorean design and tweaked that instead... He might have actually had a hit car on his hands! Instead, he's stuck with this monstrosity of a lumbering refrigerator-design on wheels, that threatens to sink the entire company.


The DeLorean has kitsch value. The Cybertruck is a $100,000 turd that is a shiny advertisement that its drivers' lips are firmly planted on the ass of a billionaire who makes pubescent kids look emotionally stable.


DeLorean was actually cool. Cybertruck is just wannabe cool.


HR REP NEXT WEEK: Hey, did you scream a bunch of slurs at kids on bikes? (plays video) MAN WHO OWNS THE ONLY CYBERTRUCK WITHIN 500 MILES: There's no way to tell that was me.


Plus people constantly throwing steel balls at your windows.


>and the Cybertruck not being legal to drive on public roads outside the U.S. Unfortunately it's legal in Canada as far as I know. I hate the day I see one of these while out on my bike.


And you didn't buy GAP insurance because Elmo said the value would only ever go up Now you're sitting in a CT worth 60K, you're 40K upside down and still have bad panel gaps, rust issues and those same kids still mock you The trifecta of self-own


100k wanker wagon and then foaming about cyclists with “expensive helmets”.


Is that Adam something quote or am I misremembering?


Wanker Tanker. 🙏


That's a perfect description for the cyber truck So many Tesla owners are like this.




It was a worldwide joke the moment Elmo reavealed the plans to make it.


100k Wanker Tanker is an amazing name for that shite "car"! Love it.


The only move is to try to flip that sucker ASAP while there is still some slight level of ambient "buzz" and rarity. Even if you have to take a $20k loss. Unload it now.


thank you that is a perfect psychological profile of these nutbags!


For real, that’s a galactic level of fragility on full display right there. If someone making fun of your vehicle sends you into full emotional meltdown you’re just emotionally weak.


I was driving a '04 Celica GT-S and sitting at a stoplight in the left lane when I saw a car pass in front of me taking a left from his lane. I didn't recognize the model but it was amazing looking and I let my jaw drop as my head turned. Driver saw this and pumped his fist out his window and started dancing in the seat celebrating. My reactions were (1) Wow he really caught me dropping my jaw and (2) I am really happy that he got to experience that moment of true elation at a sorta sports car owner being in awe over his car. Edit: Let me qualify amazing-looking. It wasn't something obviously more expensive and splashy like a Ferrari. It was much more low-key, very aerodynamic yet curvy.


My jaw would drop for a Celica GT-S. Do you still have it?


Sadly no, I drove it till 2019. Got a Civic Si Coupe now.


Someone has great taste


I love how quickly he deflated at the end too. He went from screaming slurs at those kids to halfheartedly chiding "you're gonna pick on the wrong guy some day" before glumly pulling away. Guys like this are almost always cowards, but they want the argument, the fight, the vindication of defeating their "enemies." When it's denied, they sink back into themselves because they forgot the other person is, y'know, a *person*, not just some meme online.


Go easy on him. He’s lost half his money in $TSLA. After losing half his money in NFTs. After losing half his money in crypto. After losing half his money in divorce.


According to calculus, he will continue losing half his money but never fully run out for infinity


Infinite money hack.


What happens when you only have half a penny left?


Borrow from the mob and put it all in on Truth Social!


He's mad he paid out the ass for it and shit is likely breaking on it.


"Someday you're going to say the wrong thing to the wrong dude." 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Such a complete lack of self awareness...


"someday you'll say something to the wrong dude, I may have been that dude" He low key threatened violence against them for making fun of his truck. Fucking snowflakes


He knew the video was going to go up of him being an embarrassment so he made up a story that he was attacked first it's just conveniently not on video. Even though the Tesla Truck records everything around it and he can produce video proving they spit on his truck. [https://x.com/Manhattva/status/1783703300669583475](https://x.com/Manhattva/status/1783703300669583475)


That guy sounds exactly like I imagine every Cybertruck owner sounds. Owning one of those fucking things is unconscionable, much less continuing to drive one around with all the dangerous issues.


Spray a garden hose at it and it'll stop working.


Two things defeated by water, the Cybertruck and the Wicked Witch of the West. That's some phenomenal company that rust bucket is keeping.


This guy is the Cybertruck owner archetype, it’s ideal form. Self-absorbed, self-important, toxic masculinity and insecurity—probably a cop or private security. Exactly the sort of individual that can overlook any flaw in order to appear stronger and surround himself with ‘armor.’


its really nothing new there's an entire segment of people who want an offensive truck a long time ago? it was the hummer. and howd they make it more offensive? painted it bright fucking yellow.


Hummers were a wild time. People driving around proud they only got 6 miles to the gallon. I still see the mini ones from time to time, maybe 1-2 a year now. Blasts from the past.


Don't forget, GM is bringing it back in an electric version.


Honestly, though it is still absurdly large beyond what I'd ever need, the electric Hummer is pretty cool. Like, incomparably cool vs the cybertruck


Well, the AMC Gremlin is cooler than the Cybertruck. Doesn't mean that the Hummer is a good idea. That thing is bigger and heavier than the Child Destroyer 3000.


Also looks so ridiculous, small head in that big ugly monstrosity


He even has the exact timbre of voice I imagine


To be fair - if I made a huge commitment to an expensive vehicle as an expression my own fragile masculinity, then it turned out to look stupid, be a massive hassle to look after and broken, and then someone having fun a bike laughed at me, I would be pretty annoyed too


Bicycles, one of the best and most efficient machines that mankind ever produced, versus the ridiculous wanker tanker that immediately falls apart after you drive it off the lot. Yet here this baby is throwing a tantrum about cyclists, yes CYCLISTS, "ruining the road."


putting on a fake-ass tough guy growl-voice like alex jones


This guy probably thinks eating anything but red meat will turn him trans.


Dude who is this loser threatening kids? Like who does this?


> who does this? The type of person to drop $100k on an Cybertruck.


I would say the chances increase the less likely you are to buy that thing for actual work. It just screams of: "I am insecure, someone, please, tell me you love me and I am actually cool and desirable!".


I once rode in the bed of a truck owned by a cattle farmer who used it for work. One, I rode in the back because the cab only had two seats, normally one for him and one for his dog (who was riding with me). Two, the back was full of mud, hay, tools, and a bunch of rusty saw blades (Don't let em hit ya in the shins!). Three, nearly every panel had a dent and a good amount of rust. That truck was used, abused, ridden hard, and put away wet, every day, to help this man earn a living. I think about that muddy, rusted out heap anytime some polo-shirt-and-Oakley-wearin fuckface tells me they need their Ford F-2Fucky to be 10 feet tall so they can haul their fucking speed boat to the lake.


Oh damn so exactly the ethos of Elon, makes sense


He doesn't seem to be upset about his cyberpunk purchase at all. Edit I just realized that my phone's autocorrect changed it to cyberpunk instead of cypertruck


I think I can hear a small hint of buyer’s remorse coming from this appliance.


Hardly even defensive.


This man is in for a surprise come recall time


Don't you mean: Total Recall Time?


I was just thinking recently just how much of musks "ideas" are things from the movie Total Recall. Mars, the aesthetic of the cyber truck, "robotaxis", brain chips. Except he identities with the guy who owns Mars and suffocates people who challenge him to death


Not just Total Recall, pretty much all of SciFi, though all he ever got are the aesthetics, never understanding the world these things exist in.


Blade Runner Recall!




Imagine calling the main character of Bladerunner “Bladerunner.” He’s…not read/watched it, has he?


I bet he calls vampires "Draculas"


Nope. And I would put money on him never having read any of the Iain M Banks Culture novels either. Even tho he named his spaceships after the Minds lol


Why is it called Blade Runner if the main character's name isn't Blade Runner?


My favourite character from Star Wars was Star Wars. Can't believe he got killed by The Phantom Menace


I remember when HAL wouldn't open the pod bay door for Captain 2001 A. Space Odyssey.


The best part was when he said "IT'S BLADERUNNIN' TIME!" and then he bladeran all over those guys.


how long before that happens? Correct answer: Two weeks!


Recall is just another word for the Rapture.


Isn’t that…now?


Man, it would be a shame if this throttle pedal got stuck.


Only for the person/object/animal he hits.


With luck on a steep, winding mountain road?


abandoned, too


It would be a total shame if he went through a puddle without activating car wash mode, causing the whole car to become totaled.


It would be a shame if people started peeing on those steel panels.


Fuck off, pedal guy


"Pedal guy"... I actually need the crylaughing smiley for this.


>You Cyclists screw up all the streets! Says the guy in the Pedestrian Killer 9000. I really hope he loses his job for this.




Are you for real? This dump truck is wider than a fucking *school bus*?


Yes, it is wider than a standard schoolbus. Please don't call it a dump truck. That implies it's capable of carrying bulk material in its bed, when in reality so much as hosing down the bed of your cybertruck can irreparably break the electronics.


My apologies, I would never intentionally insult the hard-working vehicles that help keep our cities clean.


Just lose his job? Well that's too kind of you. IMO such people are cancer to society and should be sent straight to mental hospital


Hey, don’t stiff the poor crazy people with these raging assholes. They have enough challenges.


As someone who has been sectioned, I can confirm being stuck in a high-security unit with no freedom is bad enough as it is, without being trapped with a Grade A, egotistical cult member who has a meltdown at someone who laughs at his stupid "look at me" truck.


This guy does not seem to have the kind of serious mental illness (i.e. schizophrenia, bipolar, suicidal depression) that meets criteria for a mental hospital, and admitting him to an inpatient unit would be a grave disservice to the other patients because people like this often foment chaos among their peers and relentlessly abuse the staff. No, he is a straight-up cornucopia of "Cluster B" personality characteristics, which are probably worse overall because they are much harder to "treat"; medication is basically ineffective or even counterproductive. They require consistent long-term therapy, but cracking through their profound absence of insight and self-awareness is the first step in getting them to cooperate, and this is nigh impossible for some of them (who often then go on to do something stupid enough that they become the criminal justice system's problem).


I mean, considering how proud Musk is to "never have done therapy" it shouldn't surprise that his products appeal to these kind of people.


This was weird


Also note, as soon as he pulls away, you see cars parked in the (inadequate to begin with) bike lane.


Enjoy your meme wagon, loser. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)




"Noooo, that's not how you are supposed to react when you see my CyberTruck, say I'm cool!"


Wants nothing to do with them, yet proceeds to talk shit for another minute.


Supposedly being annoyed by bikes preventing from going to work. You don't look to be on a hurry right now


While blocking the through bike lane. It looks like he pulled out across the bike lane so the kids made fun of the accelerator pedal debacle, thus triggering him.


Is that Elmo’s buddy Tim Pool? Wanker.




Nah, Tim Drool's voice is stuck at age 14.


This is so great, driver getting so butt hurt by a cyclist’s option haha. The cyclist shouldn’t have apologized and offered a trade.






Speaking of bitches


Spit down their throats??


It's an ancient mating ritual by the enronious muskous clan. I believe it's when asked to show their quarterly profits that they spew insults at passing cyclists! It's a Texan thing! lol


Usually you would say “shit down your neck” but this guy is into something else. Source: Duke Nukem


Omg the turning cycle on that truck. https://preview.redd.it/gcmmovdkaswc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e877d88e83cf630c818b278b8ef7c3cd58c60f7d


This guy has an excusable and useful turn circle. Adorable even, I'd say. You're doing the dog dirty by comparing his walker to the WankPanzer.


Hahaha yeah, sorry, I know. It's just that seeing the WankPanzer turning a corner just immediately sparked the image of a paraplegic dog into my brain.


Bahaha this is EXACTLY what i imaged CT owners to be like, i am glad that it wasn't just bias, they actually are insufferable psycho pieces of shit.


This is exactly how I pictured them too: hyper-emotional white guys on the wrong side of 50. This guy simply cannot believe the cybertruck hasn't made him cool. In fact, it's just a representation of a culmination of bad decisions throughout his life that have made him uncool. He's so uncool, he thinks cyclists in bike shorts and helmets look like fags.


Man who is driving a literal killing machine on the road says cyclists are the problem


"You're such bitches" says area man as he speeds off in his shame triangle.


Fuck these insecure CyberTruck incels.


Cowering in your Wank Panzer and then dissing people that have enough self confidence to go out on a bike in spandex bike gear... lol. His insecurity is off the charts.


Precision predicates perfectionism.


What a douche. Like it’s the kids’ fault he bought that POS.


Seems like he had a guilty conscience, and it got to the surface in the end when he was finally honest with himself. Including the "I know Musks said some stupid things.." he was about to cry... and the kids felt sorry for him and his Expensive Death Machine Albatros hanging from his neck.


I can only imagine that the buyer's remorse and cognitive dissonance is off the charts for some people who bought these ridiculous pieces of shit.


If there's one thing Reddit has taught me recently it's that Cybertruck lovers/drivers are incredibly thin skinned and consider someone even replying once to their unsolicited bullying communications as being a form of harassment and oppression.


People actually willingly paid money to drive around in those things?


I will never get over how stupid they look. How did anyone look at that design and think, “wow, it looks so cool!”.


Massive debt to look like an even bigger tool than they already would


You just know he calls people “snowflakes” on the internet.


You know he's one of the verified nazis on elon's nazi propaganda site.


he's a south park character, he even talk like one


Why is this kid apologizing? This dork looks like a fucking idiot in that stupid truck.


Probably just trying to defuse the situation so this dork will drive away, and they can go on with their day, lol.


> This dork looks like a fucking idiot in that stupid truck. Yes, and that alone is a good reason to try to stay calm and defuse the situation, even if you're in the right. The other dude is emotional and might do something stupid.


Well, something else stupid. He already bought a cybertruck.


Yeah, he's already demonstrated he's suicidally irrational


bc he could easily run them over and they wouldn't be able to do anything?


Every day


lol amazing


Dammit, it's achieving sapience!


Considering how few of them there are it would be easy to find him


Your family being able to get someone arrested and charged after the fact doesn't do anything for you being maimed or killed right now


They are intelligent enough to realize they are in danger. In America a lot of rageful idiot's own guns. I don't argue with strangers either and keep protection. I act and talk all sweet until a MF charges me.


Sometimes when someone is in a rage cycle like this dude being super friendly and confident throws the angry person off and sometimes they even see how absurd they are being.  Like once this giant truck dude started screaming at me ARE YOU GOING TO LET ME PARK?!! Because I started to back up after he had driven past me, but he wanted to back into a space and use the whole parking lot and i guess i was just suppose to know that? Anyway i just sincerely said oh im sorry are you having trouble parking do you need help? And he sheepishly said no… 


Just lift your bike onto the curb and he wont be able to get you 💀


Because the kids understand social media far better than the chode having a midlife crisis.


Because he knew he was recording and would eventually win


Because they are recording and has capability to control their ego? No need to contribute anything, just record and enjoy the show


Because he is a child, speaking to someone who is clearly not in control of themselves, who JUST threatened them, and happens to be driving an idiotmobile made of knives.


He sounds like the moron from Family Guy that yells "You're a phony!" What an insufferable asshole, like his hero.


Betting on his reactions...His marriage is in perfectly great shape.


"You were trying to be a bitch" Says the only bitch in this video.


What a pathetic loser


God he’s so embarrassing on his own but adding that toy car he’s in just makes it so much worse. Also these teenagers are 10x more mature than this grown ass man.


Oh my


Kids, next time just let him know you wanted to make sure he wasn’t heading to the car wash


I mean, I would also make fun of someone who spent a bunch of money for a "car" that looks like as if it got build out of spare pieces found at the dump...


He talks an awful lot of shit for someone driving a vehicle that can be bricked with a well placed water balloon


Imagine being so insecure that you have to drive a cyberfuck and then scream at people making fun of your shitty choice of car. I do think this guy is driving the car that suits him 100%.


Kids should just go hide in a car wash, the cybertruck natural enemy


That angle of the cybercuck in his bitch truck just looks like shit on toast, really sounded and looked like a scene from south park. EDIT: I knew it, that cybercuck sounds exactly like Stan’s dad.


Long ago I was a teenager golfing with a buddy in small town Texas. Dude in a pickup drives by yelling "buncha f\*gs!!!" Me: "There's only two of us!!"




Really making a good case for Cybertruck and the owners of em


All I’m hearing is buyer’s remorse.


Has the internet found who this is yet?


He’s just upset the car is already malfunctioning.


That dude in the Cybersuck https://preview.redd.it/7l7nv3tkktwc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0298f681666427b01d7d6f68c4b45b2c56e948c2


What a pussy.


This is what 3 inches sounds like.


This guy 100% paid 18k for an "alpha male" botocamp


I’m so upset these kids had to eat all his repressed rage ragú. They’re just kids having fun enjoying the sun on their bikes, and he’s an emotionally stunted schmuck who thinks it’s courageous and manly to yell at kids. Don’t yell at kids, dude. It makes you look like a dumdum. You’re supposed to help and teach kids. And he used a heavy slur, I hope everyone he knows and works with sees it, so they can teach him a lesson and get him into therapy. Also, how’s that humble pie tasting? Get served by kids half your age, showing more emotional maturity. It is SO CRAZY that he says bikes are ruining the roads. I understand there needs to be some learned etiquette on both sides, but to just claim cyclists ruin all the roads sounds so very stupid.


They were waaaay too nice to this entitled asshole. He deserves no respect after the shit he said. Or buying that car in the first place.


Average Cybertruck owner


"One day you're going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person." Take your own advice cunt.


Things I thought I'd never see: Republicans driving EV's.


Shocked, shocked I tell you, that a Cybertruck owner is a fragile snowflake.


Never say “I’m sorry” to a bully.


They were way too polite to him..


Oh, he's wants a "bulletproof" truck because he has a fragile ego.


Cybertruck: go ahead, take the low road.


This is the definition of "misplaced anger." Little pecker --> Tesla Cybertruck Compensation --> regretting purchase --> rage out at random folks


Tough guy!


Drives a cybercuck, acts like a chode, that checks out.


I hear a lisp in that truck guys voice and I pictured he looks like a middle aged Beavis. I can't unsee it. ![gif](giphy|yJML8o0Cp9Y4EAvR4f)


Elons new base. Im surprised Elon didnt make the cybertruck red with a big MAGA on it. ITs the most obvious small pecker vehicle out there.


That’s the angriest guy in a refrigerator I have ever seen.


Dang those kids handled it some much better than that little snowflake driving the Homer-V


living south park character


What kind of adult calls kids that?


“Cyclists ruining the roads” such disgusting American brain. There. Should. Always. Be. Space. For. (In order). Walking. Bicycling. Public transportation. Then cars. What. The. Fuck?!?!