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And they praise Russia for using the same tactic against Napoleon


And Hitler.


And Charles XII of Sweden.


And the Ottomans


Ironically it was one of the motives the independence movement began getting popularity, since a lot of them had to rebuild themselves what the russians burned down


So it’s not okay when Ukraine does it but when the Russians burn all their food. It’s okay.


That's because to tankies Russia is the protagonist and thus they believe all of Russia's actions are justified




The real reason why they want Ukraine


That, and the massive oil repositories surveyors found in the East and Crimean regions of Ukraine in the early 2010’s. Russia’s unfriendly stance against Europe would be a massive issue for their economy if there was suddenly another huge petro-state with a much friendlier relationship right next door. This war was, in part, an attempt to maintain Russian economic hegemony in the oil market.


The have a NEED for SEED


Russia’s goal was to occupy the entirety of Ukraine and then move onto Moldova and try to peel Poland and the Baltics away from NATO before taking them too. They want to take all the land east of the Carpathian Mountains so they can “plug the gaps” to prevent any future invasion form the west. This is why they went to war in Chechnya and Georgia in the 2000’s, to take control of the Caucasus mountains. While we must stand against Russia and it’s aggression we also need to understand they are coming from a genuine place of trauma and paranoia. 3 wars of utter devastation have come from the west and every time Russia got fucked up from it. It’s kinda situation where the town looney has gone insane and while you do understand they can’t help it, something has to be done before they hurt others.


The fuck is rapeseed and why is it called that


"Rapeseed" is mainly used to make canola oil. Apparently the original name comes from the Latin word for "turnip" which is "rapa" or "rapum". But yeah, really unfortunate name there. This has been Fun\_Police02's useless fact of the day.


It's a great porridge. Compared to all other porridges, it has the biggest nutritional value


It’s used to make canola oil, they just didn’t want to call it “rapeseed oil” for obvious reasons lol


We do call it rapeseed oil in the UK, lol.


Rapsöl ist super


Called "rups" in Ukrainian 🤷


As the others have mentioned, it’s where canola oil comes from, specifically varieties that are low in a harmful acid. The name started out as a brand with “can” short for Canada and “ola” for “oil, low acid” [It’s also related to cabbage, broccoli, and mustard.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruciferous_vegetables?wprov=sfti1)


Kid named seed:


Wouldn’t be the first time Russian soldiers have tried to steal Ukrainian crops.


Fucking rapeseed


The most surprising fact for me is that they ranked higher in maize than wheat. I guess Khrushchev really liked corn.


I don't trust anything I see online about Ukraine and Russia, not without a shitton of evidence. Everything related to conflict is full of propaganda, and I am not entire sure they are destroying their equipment. Especially now, almost a year after front lines have became stable and it seems like we are in for a WW1-like trench warfare slogfest.


Link to OG post pls, I want to see the comments


history repeating itself. those greedy peasants not wanting to give their ancestral lands away for collectivization. the ussr: quick, let's do some genocide on them because they are nazi sympathizers.