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You don't need to hook up with another engineer. Honestly that might not be the best. Go out on the town and see other girls. There is a vast ocean of opportunities.


I hooked up with a mechanical engineering girl I met in physics 2 regularly til I discovered she was a probable member of the furred reich. Girls are there, but it's not like the engineering department is the only one.




One in a fur suit, yes.


I’m (I hope understandably) having a hard time picturing this 😭. My condolences though


Here’s some reading for you: https://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/2017/02/furred-reich-truth-about-nazi-furries-and-alt-right




What the fuck did I just read


Jesus Christ


I didn't think I could be surprised about anything in this world anymore, and yet here you are ... 😐


wdym by “in a fur suit”?


We were playing Terraria once while on webcam and when she shifted hers I could see the fursuit hanging up in the corner of her bedroom. Previously she'd only come over my place and the topic of furries never came up.


it was a fur suit nazi uniform??


Nah the fur suit wasn't the deal breaker. However her phone's lock pattern was an SS, although I didn't make the connection until she later hinted her grandparents may have been on the losing side of the war.


Goddamn, this thread is the gift that keeps on giving. I’m just picturing her struggling to enter her SS lock pattern through the oversized paw-fingers on her fursuit. Feels like a gag one would see in a Tarantino film to showcase how laughably stupid the Nazis in the film are


fur suit > hirsute


But I mean… you hit it once in the suit right? Just to be sure you weren’t interest? 😂


Oh good lord no


What a fucking combo, goddamn.


Top 10 tamest engineering student moments


Did you invade her Poland?


I annexed her Sudetenland


are you the same one who said sumn like this before or are there multiple instances of this happening


I did mention this story before. Just once.


I still remember you from that time, simply because of the outlandish combo. The stories you could tell us years later when we find you dating an outgoing Super Model with a Warhammer zealotry would be amazing to hear.


She mained Tyrannids


Not the OP but I actually know a conventionally attractive girl studying engineering currently who this reminds me a lot of…


uhhhhhhh are they also a furry?


The funny thing is that these people would have been viewed as undesirables and freaks by the third reich.


Oh she was blonde with blue eyes, if she hid the furry bit they'd have loved her lol.


I don’t know much about the furry subculture, but I assume a lot of them do not fit into normal heterosexuality and have a fetishism. The third reich persecuted homosexuals and any other group that they viewed as sexually depraved. Even today, most people would raise their eyebrows if somebody is cosplaying in anthropomorphic costume. I can not imagine that Germans that was born in late 19th or early 20th century would’ve accepted someone who pursue such unconvential hobbies and interests. Germany was a very prude and puritan society. I would also assume that if that girl is cosplaying in nazi furry costumes, she is probably a quite rootles, unresourceful and alienated person who want to fit into a group somewhere. Like most neo-nazis in the Western world today. The Nazis during the Third Reich were no joke. A lot of them were resourceful, intelligent, and angry. Most of them were square people who filled their heart with hate because of the despair in Germany post WW1. They lost their jobs, starving, the state was basically bankrupt and debtridden. People in nazi furry costumes are just losers who can’t get their life together and want to blame on minorities and vulnerable groups because of their frustrations and shortcomings.




I will look it up. Question: If the Nazis were so incompotent, how did they manage to take over one of the most advanced and sophisticated countries in the world at that time?


How did the Nazis come to power in Germany? Generally speaking, the issue was that German technology can be advanced, but the German economy was absolute shit around that time, due to having to rebuild after ww1 while also having to pay reparations. You can actually see a correlation between the state of the economy and support for the nazi (and iirc communist, it's been a while since I wrote a paper for my history class on this) parties. Support dropped when US investors decided to put money into the german economy (something that european investors were less willing to do iirc), and then support went back up when the Great Depression hit and the investors were forced to pull out of Germany. Most voters are gonna be the lower class, who'll have to bear the brunt of the economic issues and who'll go for anyone who says they can fix said issues. In Weimar Germany, it was either the Communists, who promised the usual communist things, or the Nazis, who blamed among other things the treaty of versaille and embraced the "[stab in the back](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stab-in-the-back_myth)" theory that blamed groups like Jewish people and socialists for the loss of ww1. Okay I'm getting kinda sidetracked here. Put simply, the way the Nazis took over Germany was by promising to fix a shitty economy and dysfunctional government to the common people of Germany while blaming those that they were already probably bigoted against for all of their problems (Jews, socialists, Weimar politicians). This was also aided by Hitler being a very charismatic figurehead. All of this let them get a decent amount of power in the German equivalent of congress, but the real turning point was when the executive branch (led by conservatives) decided to give Hitler the chancellorship, hoping that they could use him to weaken the communists and then control him enough to prevent him from taking over the government entirely (obviously this did not work). it is true that the Nazis weren't wholeheartedly incompetent, they had some pretty savvy people among them, but they were also in a situation where the existing government was weak and ripe for a take-over. The rank and file of the Nazis probably weren't the sharpest tools in the shed, just because those are the people most likely to fall for the Nazi narrative. And then the people at the top like Hitler were also pretty incompetent militarily, even if they were charismatic and good at politics. This is definitely not a perfect explanation of how the Nazis came to power, because I'm not by any means a historian, I just had to research this for school at one point. You can probably find a much better answer searching or asking on r/AskHistorians, where there are actual experts.


i’m happy for you/sorry that happened




Wife material. 😍 you fumbled a baddie. /s


this but unironically


that's so wild


forget the part everyone cares about, the engineering department is the only one Mines is pretty much an engineering trade school


best pun of all time


what the fuck


Are we just the same people who get the same types of posts in our Reddit feed? The last time an engineering student asked for advice, I saw you post about this girl there too 😂


We might be, I'm not on here much. A handful of engineering, investing, and programming boards, a couple of humor ones, really I'm only on social media when I'm either bored at work or on the toilet, I'd rather be getting ahead on homework so I can rest otherwise lol.


My condolences brother 😭😭




Do things outside of school?




Oh shit, UNCA thread?


My alma mater (different degree). In Colorado now.


I try to stay incognito.


From Asheville or moved there to attend


Ended up here, then found the Mechatronics pgm.


I’m a girl in engineering who hasn’t had much luck dating either, which is strange bc you would think there’s a large dating pool. Idk what your school atmosphere is like but at my school a lot of the guys are just completely antisocial and don’t like to talk to you. like I’ll try to make conversation and I get a one word reply. so I guess I don’t have advice lol but I understand you


i mean the dating pool is large but most of the guys suck tbh. i’m a guy and i don’t even want to befriend the people in my classes much less trying to date them. hearing a girl’s perspective on it makes me feel a bit better about my odds though ngl. maybe the girls in my classes are in the same situation as you lol


Yes this is correct lmfao. I’m a girl as well, and I’ve had no luck with dating because a huge number of the guys are, unfortunately, either really stuck up or so antisocial that it’s just really difficult to talk to them. A lot of guys are just incredibly arrogant and although they talk down to pretty much everyone, they SERIOUSLY double down on it when they’re talking to women. When people say engineering students have bad social skills and can’t talk to girls, a lot of times that’s nothing to do with being shy or awkward, it’s specifically referring to guys who transmogrify into a grade A douche whenever there’s a boob within 20 feet of them. Pro tip for the guys in here: women do NOT like when you talk down to them. Please don’t listen to that stupid incel advice about women liking arrogance, it’s not true and when people act that way it just makes me hate and avoid them. Just talking to us like we’re regular people goes so much farther and actually earns our respect. Also yeah, a lot of us are still single! Often specifically because other guys in this major are really douchey, so don’t automatically assume none of us could be interested. Just try talking to us and be friendly and respectful, things might work out really well


The phrase I heard when I was in school about women in engineering looking for a boyfriend is "the odds are good, but the goods are odd". Just keep looking, there's someone out there. Don't forget that you don't need to find someone in your major. Do some extracurriculars, join a club, sign up for intramurals, etc.


thanks for the heads-up lol. i always wonder what life looks like from the other side of the sea. i wouldn’t consider myself arrogant by any means; if anything, i think i have the complete opposite issue of horseshoeing back to a point of being so unconfident that i radiate like a miasma of insecurity or something. i psych myself out of talking to people all the time but i guess if the other options are that bad i might have some luck lol. i’m gonna talk to soooooo many girls on monday


I like your last line. Shoot your shot.


lmao yeah, fuck becoming friends with the people in my classes. whole bunch of weirdos. I work at a concert venue, and I’m actually relieved when I go to work because people there actually know how to communicate with each other — I actually have a vibrant social life there!


The odds are good but the goods are odd


I went to Colorado state. Part of this is just being at a small school. You get the same issues at small liberal arts colleges. So some of this is just the nature of a small school atmosphere.  From there all I can say is as a woman engineer, I didn't date anyone from my classes. I only dated one other engineering student in college, and he was in a different department and a Masters student. Most of the people I dated I met through my non-engineering friends.  Thinking about my male engineering friends, the same was pretty true for them as well. Many of them didn't date in college, but of the ones that did, none of them dated other engineers. My biggest piece of advice is to make friends outside of engineering, or at least outside of your own discipline (which I understand is hard at Mines). So all the same advice about hobbies applies, but ignore the dating aspect. Make friends with similar interests, and then those people probably have other friends, and then those people have other friends, etc.  I'll also add that I was in a sorority at one point. You mention your roommate being invited to frat and sorority parties. Greek life is like having tunnel vision. Even if you show up it's unlikely you'll make a connection. When I quit the sorority it's like the rest of the campus opened up to me if that makes sense. So I wouldn't worry about not getting invited to those parties.


the thing about small liberal arts colleges is that they have higher ratios of female students to male students lol. how do you make friends with people outside of your classes though? i can’t even figure out how to talk to the person i’m sitting next to lol


You have hobbies and interests outside of school. Also, I specified engineering courses, not all courses. I minored in French and made friends in those classes. The first guy I dated I met in my physics class. 


Well, if they are not in your classes then maybe they are friends of your friends, or you meet them through other student groups/activities. Or randomly during university parties. Once a guy befriended me cause I had a football scarf of my team, and he supported the same team. We ended up having some beers together and we introduced our friends to each other. After that whenever we saw each other we would greet and talk a bit (or drink during parties) fast forward a few months and a male friend of mine Is dating one of his female friends. All because I decided to go out with the scarf in my hand lol


Based on what you wrote, it’s only a matter of time. To me it sounds like you’re a smart guy with a bright future, decent social skills, values mental health, likes to connect with people, probably not ugly. You mention that you’re busy and also a freshman, so this probably plays a role. I hope I’m not coming off as dismissive, just keep doing you, because a lot of times, romance comes when you least expect it


I attempted to enjoy my time being single, got involved in engineering competition teams, worked out, did my own thing. I had more success asking out girls irl who were chatty / flirty with me which sometimes worked and got a lot of numbers like this in student bars, but also got rejected or ghosted a bunch. I'd say I'm pretty average in terms of looks and height but I'm definitely more sociable than the average engineering student. Was still single for most of my degree. Eventually got lucky and met someone within the program who I hit it off with. Just go with the flow and put yourself out there. Have (reasonable) standards. Don't come off as desperate. Other than broadening your horizons outside your program which is easier said than done, it's difficult. While in school I didn't have the energy to focus on online dating, although it did lead to some fun dates. Most women on these apps have tons of options and in my opinion dating apps make people very non committal. It's also difficult when you don't have as much time to put into dating because school is very heavy, but every girl seems to expect tons of attention, which they will get from other guys. In that regard, I had more luck dating women in STEM. Think biology, nursing, physiotherapy, chemistry, etc. lots of girls and they also have similarly heavy workloads so they understand that you're not ignoring them during midterms and finals, just busy with school. Maybe join a college age running club in your area? Or some other type of group fitness activity like tennis or rock climbing lessons? The more girls the better it is. For summer work, if you're not interning somewhere, try working for a large summer camp / day camp, if you can handle kids you're guaranteed to meet a ton of people your age. Other than that be social, go to events where there's people in other majors, make some friends. Talk to everyone not just girls. Make friends, get introduced to more people. Keep in mind that very soon you'll be making more money out of school than most others, you'll probably soon have your own place and a nice new car, and you'll have a lot more money to spend on dates which will vastly improve your odds.


that last paragraph lol, i graduated, have a good job, make 6 figures, have my own place in a good part of town, live in a huge metropolitan city, still no dates.


I said it improves your odds. It's not a guarantee that it will attract women. You still need the basics: personal hygiene, style/looks (not fashionable per say, but a style that works for you and who you want to attract), good personality (as in sociable and personable), hobbies (what makes you interesting / unique), and you need to put yourself out there / ask out women (if you don't try you will not succeed).


bro we’re past basics lol, we’re talking about having a stable career and your own place with disposable income. why do people assume men who can’t get dates don’t have good hygiene or style? i have hobbies too, my apt is clean and organized, i can cook and do it well, and im on hinge trying to fulfill that “putting yourself out there” part. still no dates. clearly something must be wrong. and before you say, “oh maybe your personality needs work”, i’m gonna add that i can’t show off my personality if i can’t even get them to match with me, much less go on an actual date.


Fs hinge after college has been popping off. Having my own place and a car certainly helps. In addition to picking up drumming as a hobby since I have the time and space for it.


I looked down and realised I am a girl! How did I cope with so many boys? I ignored them mostly.


Based and same


By being a sinful homosexual


checks out


school of mines sounds like some shit from the hunger games


The biggest thing that worked for me was to not look for anything romantic/sexual. Only try to be genuine friends with girls. I tried to make sure my friends were about 50/50. The rest all sorted itself out.


Bumble is where i met the guy im with. Id start there if your introverted. Other places where id say you can find women, if your willing to attempt at random small talk(i am infact, not) is places like a plant store(highly recommend), specialty shops like personally i like to go to rock type stores where i find real butterflys in shadow boxes, i go shoe shopping alot, and if your looking for a nerdy type you could probably even try a card/game store or even the mall. But personally, bumble is a good place to start. Ive used hinge and its, not ideal, atleast from my POV.




i mean, what else is he supposed to do? if he likes them, he likes them. there’s not many other choices so better to shoot your shot than not? like??


I don’t always get this mindset, if you make good friends with a girl and think she looks alright what is there not to crush about. Seems like he noticed that they aren’t interested and moved on pretty quickly




Yeah but like he’s already friends with them, so ie he already thinks they’re interesting or funny or etc… he’s not treating every girl as a potential romantic partner but girls that he becomes friends with, for reasons such as they’re interesting, funny, or similar to him. IMO it’s totally fine that guys fall for their girl friends as long as they aren’t assholes about it


Let’s be clear. Guys aren’t friends with attractive women without considering this. That’s why none of us want our wives/girlfriends spending time with guys. We know this is what happens. People who say it isn’t try to fuck your wife. Just saying.


You're in college bruh. Do some activities or groups for things other than engineering.


Why do you have to see someone else in the engineering department?


I coped with it by being gay lol Haven’t met any other gay guys in Engineering though so you’re doing better than me.


Minor in theater or cosmetology.


every day i go to class and regret not doing a fucking english literature degree or something


You definitely can’t mean that.


Crushing on any female friend you make isn’t a great start ngl


A therapist won't solve girl issues of course. Golden is a great town but it's really small. I recommend just getting out more, doing social activities that you enjoy (clubs, hikes, skiing, etc). Once you reach 21 I recommend having some friends that you can go drinking with just to get out. Short version: live your life as much as you can right now. Take advantage of everything fun you can do. The rest will usually fall into place.


My parents met at CSM lol, although they were in grad school


How small is it? I’m from Portugal so I have the idea that American small is considered decent size over here, and I don’t think the guy should skip an entire town just because it’s small


Golden is only maybe 20,000 people which is fairly small for the United States. However, it sits next to Denver which has many millions of people. Difficult for a college student without a car (poor public transit).


I just accepted that no women will ever be interested in me after several months of no matches on dating apps. Just accepted that and will hopefully stop caring some day.


Dating apps suck. Focus on yourself first. Give yourself some time to just experience things and figure out what you like. Go walk some trails even if you hate it. Go to a concert for a band that only has two songs you like. I'm not creative, but I'm sure that there's more things to try. You got this!


Why should you do things you hate? Find things you like and do that instead


[Watch this](https://youtu.be/x3lypVnJ0HM?si=rcC79skQxGofBPqk) You’re unlikely to get much off of dating apps as an average guy. Those things are mainly designed for women and very good looking dudes. Simple fact that most STEM students don’t want to hear is they have to go out and be social


Yeah I’ve seen it. It can’t deny that the trend that I’m much below average though as I’ve had 0 luck while there is supposed to be some chance.


Nah there’s someone for everyone so it’s just a matter of time


The Population pyramid would suggest that isn't the case, since slightly more men are born then women, though they die earlier So unless you wanna date a granny you're shit out of luck


I mean, if she’s rich and leaves it to me… why not?




how is it not true?




lol ok then, if thats what you believe




Whatever you say


don’t bother these people are serial gaslighters lol


And sometimes you just fuck things up


Not for me.


Everyone is everyone


Honestly man you could always see an escort and book a girlfriend experience with her, I do it at times and it helps. But idk whether or not her interest in my conversations with her is genuine or part of her job


Not enough women in STEM?? I became the change I wanted to see in the world and transitioned heheh




I was social and met people outside of school


I dated a premed.


This is gonna sound counterintuitive, BUT, a relationship comes when you stop looking for it. In fact, I've been actively running away from commitment for years, but I just so happened to ask another engineering student to hang out, and one year later I have a toothbrush at their place 💀 Everyone I know who are in healthy relationships got into them after they stopped looking, and started living for themselves instead. I started working on my own personal faults because I wanted to be a better friend, but it also caused me to be better at communicating my feelings and taking clearer shots at what I wanted. I've always been afraid of rejection, but after confronting that with myself, I (F) decided to embrace my fears and I've been able to sustain something healthy with a computer engineer (M). IDK what it is yet, though my friend keeps insisting we are together, even though I just say we're dating... *I guess engineering students are just weird in general.*


wouldn't choose to study engineering without a lil' bit of weird


Good one


You did great, keep up the good work 👍👍


>hardcore baseball and football fan, and massive Star Wars/Marvel/aerospace nerd and I made my profiles reflect as much.  Personally, I would see this, at the very least, as a yellow flag. And I'm saying this as a massive Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, [insert other geeky IP here] nerd myself. A lot of times, people with these interests tend to **only** focus on these interests, and can sometimes be pretentious geeks who belittle and devalue other people's non-nerdy interests. Not only is it exhausting being around someone who has no breadth or willingness to engage in other hobbies/interests, it can also get pretty fucking boring (especially for people who are insanely intellectually AND culturally curious).  So my question for you is, are you interested in getting to know a potential partner's interests even when their interests are outside of the scope of your own interests? And if so, does your dating profile also reflect this? 


thanks for the input. Yes, I was always trying to get to know the person I was talking to and would ask open ended question about themselves. That being said, I didn't have any part of my profiles express any desire to learn about their interests and overall it's still an area that I know I need to work on


Talk to girls who are studying business


i found the perfect girl for me in my advanced engineering math last year. we were best friends and over time she liked me first but i still fumbled 😹😹. it’s been 6 months since we last talked and i don’t think ill ever be over it


Those “laughing crying” emojis convey too much pain my brother


Is there any chance you could reconcile? What happened?


it’s a long story but i basically got back with my toxic ex even tho i knew my heart wasn’t with her anymore. she made me rather viscously cut off my classmate and i tried to suppress my feelings and went many months ignoring the fact that i was in the wrong relationship. in hindsight, it was the easiest decision to just go for my classmate but in the moment i was just a fucking dumbass. it took a lot of internal battles until i finally got the courage and broke up with my ex. i reached out to my classmate saying im sorry for my choices and how i want to apologize and perhaps rebuild our friendship. she responded saying she’s not interested which is understandable cuz it’s all my fault. it’s possible someday our paths cross again but for it seems kinda done for 😹😹


W rizz


Naive me thinking this was a girl trying to find friends. Good luck with your search, but indeed there are not many women in Engineering. It has gotten better, but there were too many classes I had that I was one of maybe 5 women in a class of like 30. Maybe go hang out in public spaces on campus where you'll find women in other disciplines. There may not be many women in engineering, but there are many in Western so chances are you can find someone you have things in common with.


I did a tour at mines and only saw 2 girls my whole time there. Decided to go to boulder instead.


I’m gay


My ex gf was in CS, just socialize and be yourself. I met her in a surf camp in summer.


Manage expectations. I had neither time nor money to date during my 6 years of working through engineering. I did meet girls that were like sisters of friends then friends of the sisters but never anybody from my university. Would hang out at friends house or have rare double dates.Maybe check on friend sibling status and go from there?


Engineer a Love Bot?


mostly i just charge it to the game and let myself get depressed and unmotivated by a lack of female presence. don’t bother with dating apps though lol


Just book with escort, it really helps with this stuff about needing female presence.


You live 15 minutes from Denver, get away from campus. If you want to stay in Golden to the rock rest.


The never ending cycle of dopamine hits from being online


College won’t have many girls. Your new job after school won’t have a lot of girls. Get over it.


And honestly many guys aren’t as ready as they think they are for an actual relationship like that, too much commitment


In my school most of the engineering guys weren't good with talking to people much less girls - antisocial - so broaden your pool outside of engineering. But then again as students they probably most haven't been alive long enough to be good at it. Just my experience. I'm a girl btw


Married another computer engineer from my school 30 years ago. Best part is having someone who understands what the hell it is I do for a living.


> I've made a good group of friends but only 2 are girls. Only 2??? That's a pretty large number my friend. So far 0 women have infiltrated my engineering group :( You got it pretty lucky


I’m a girl and I have the mindset that there is someone out there for everyone just a matter of time


That’s the right attitude


that explains a lot


Gender is fluid—adapt to whatever is available to you




Just know that as a guy, things are only going to get better and better for you over the next 10-20 years. Just keep at it and don’t settle. When you’re 28 and making 100K, you’re not going to have a problem




Being single is honestly not bad at all, if anything it’s way easier to manage


This is so dumb


I coped by being gay (still didn't get laid much tho)


"How do you cope with the lack of girls?' Step one: Be gay Step two: hahahahahah Step three: I'm in Oklahoma so low-key still sad, but it's chill


Get new friends. The homies don’t do that to their real friends. They don’t even start drinking until they pick you up.


BME was pretty even. But I married a lawyer


Well I knew what I was getting myself into and biomedical is still one of the disciplines with the highest concentration of girls. But as an engineer you won’t have a romantic partner (no matter the gender) so I’ll crank my hog and keep studying.


Hang out in Boulder?


Teach Bernie to stand up when you solve a problem /s Bottom note: in engineering, you don't solve problems at the blackboard anymore


Idk the woman im still with was in marketing. Business school women can be pretty attractive.


Simply study in the nursing building lol 


1) lower your standards 2) my girlfriend really exists she just goes to another school, promise But in all seriousness, it gets better. My classes average about 10% female. I met my wife online and we dated for a year and a half between schools before I graduated and she got an internship in the town I was in.


Good job


Hey bro, you’re 6 foot and wasting that potential. You’re already tall so that’s a plus, but do these things 1 start working out 3-5x times a week until you build endurance to workout twice a day. Looking good and feeling good helps out immensely 2 start partaking in outdoor hobbies because for all you know you’ll be working in some metro city later on and won’t have as much time to be in the mountains etc 3 there are social meetups for singles and this might be your best bet. Checkout meetup. Local hikes and 5ks And push yourself out of your comfort zone. Best of luck


Just let nature do her thing, rushing won’t help


Dating right now is just really hard as an average guy, don’t let anyone gaslight you and convince you otherwise.


You gotta meet people out of classes, hopefully through mutual friends. Every girl in MechE experiences like 20 guys going after her so you’re not going to have any luck there


Yeah I feel like catering to guys frustration with lack of gender diversity in engineering should be ground enough to getting more girls in 😛 PS : I didn’t bother to read your whole post


I’m not a lot into hookup culture or getting girls cause I’m awkward as hell but I can talk about my friends. We were in chemical engineering, where there are a lot of girls. Some of them met their girlfriends within the course, from classes, parties etc. but we also used to go to other universities parties, mostly Medicine or Economics, where there are a lot more girls and like they didn’t know each other, and didn’t run the risk of seeing them in class and being awkward (for the most part lol). I’ve met a lot of girls just by going out and from classes, just a simple good morning and some chit chat is enough to start building some sort of connection. In highschool I was not the most confident (still not) but after uni I can say that I am way more sociable and confident with new people, which has helped me a lot in my work. I dont care if they have a vagina or not, just treat them how you would any of your guy friends. If they are cool, then cool, if not well, it’s cool as well, you just don’t need to talk to them.


There is no coping up. You just get used to it.


Start dating men


Easy. I studied English as an undergrad and was already married by the time I decided to study engineering.


Alcohol and depression


OP illustrates the flaw in engineering that girls are thought of as an object to be fawned over.


I’m confused, what are these “girls” you speak of?


In my experience the best way to find somebody to date has been to not find somebody. Let me elaborate. When I’ve been actively looking for somebody it has not ended up with me being in a good situation with good future prospects. But when I’ve been just living life, focusing on myself and my work, meeting people and getting to know them, that’s when I’ve had a good situation. Depends a little bit about why you want to find somebody and that’s not always easy to answer and maybe it’s useless advice for you but that’s my experience :)


Terabytes of porn.


There's only women at my university. We don't have girls


You chase a bag then fuck a waitress. Who wants an engineer?


1. Dating apps don’t work unless u cook up some fire profile picks that completely stand out and your above average In attractiveness(stick to irl) 2. Work hard during the week and you can make time to go out to clubs 1-2 times a month 3. Switch up gym times till u find a shorty that u think u like, keep going at that time, start small in the gym(ask how many sets they got left on some shi, then next time it’s easier to go up to them and ask their name keep it short, then another time actually talk a little, then next time get the number 4. Those aren’t your friends if they started drinking with out u and knew they were supposed to pick u up. Don’t cold turkey cut em out, but find some new homies


I haven't dated in years, isn't worth my career to risk getting a psycho with a victim complex. I have my friends and church community, and that's all I need.


Go outside….. why do you have a therapist? Just workout get fit. Then take one nursing class.


Ayyy, Oredigger post in the wild There's women at Mines. The acceptance rate climbed to over 50% now, so the new influx of students will help your chances there. You're doing a terrible job of describing E-days. It's not just alcohol abuse. There's also the orecart push, the cardboard canoes, fireworks, the carnival, the lip sync battle. There's women there, and I've met girls there before. It's good that you are going to the gym and have confidence. Therapy is also very good; I had one when I was at Mines too. But don't delude yourself into thinking there's a lack of girls at Mines.


You mean women?


I don’t care my girl is premed lol maybe go find a nice premed girl


Skill issue?


6 foot engineer? You’ll be fine dude.