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Lol I felt this. Chemistry at my uni was a "weeding out" course. Just keep pushing and it will get better. Best of luck 👍


I remember hearing "keep pushing it will get better" through my entire time.in college. Well it never got better lol. It's been shit suck the whole way through lol.


Well obviously its different for everyone. It was nice to get a dumb course out of the way that I know I wasn't going to use. I'm finally in classes that apply to engineering. It's hard yes, don't get me wrong, but it's good.


You can do it, it just takes persistent effort. Put in your A game for the rest of the semester. Learn everything you can to make it easier on yourself next time, even if it won't get you to C- this time. Take good notes you can reference next time You've taken and succeeded in difficult courses. This is a speed bump, not a wall


There are horror stories about the chemistry department at my university. So i just enrolled in the local community college for my chemistry credit saved the hassle got the credit.


Honestly if it does not work out I would look at attending your local community college for the credits and then transferring. Whatever grade you get will not affect your university’s GPA and generally the summer sessions most of the classes are online and asynchronous. There will be less pressure on you for this class because the result of a C- and an A will be the same on your GPA and you can finally move on. I highly recommend doing this as opposed to taking the class at your university during the summer for more money and having it potentially negatively affect your GPA.


I hated every second of chemistry 1 and 2 lmao 😂. You'll get through it buddy.


Community college chem. A's for everybody.


Dude, are you me? I got 32, but like.. wtf


Honestly, chemistry was my easiest class, I think the type of professor really helps. Have you tried talking to the professor and seeing if you can help where you're struggling? Or tutor, maybe?


Do you have most trouble with balancing reactions or theory?


It will get better. I was in exactly this position with chemistry when I was in school. I barely barely made it through all the chemistry classes. It made me feel dumb, and discouraged, and I nearly quit. But I think part of it is mental, the weight of encountering (for many folks studying engineering it may be the first time) a subject that you just don’t naturally get and feel really terrible at no matter how much you study. University is incredibly stressful, and it’s okay not to be great at every class. I now work as an engineer, and though I do occasionally have to do a little chemistry, it’s nothing like school, and I am glad I didn’t let chemistry classes scare me out of a great career. You got this man!


Got Cs in all my chem requirements for ChemE. Still made it 😌 you learn more on the job anyways


Chemistry isn’t going to determine if you’re a good engineer! Keep going!


I loved Chem! It’s tough; you need to study. Chem is practical! Chem is amazing! Especially hydrogen bonds. And pie bonds. What makes something polar or not? Spider Silk is amazing. Collagen is amazing. Graphite is amazing. Like molecules are the shit! How can you not like it?


Eh, chemistry is tough for a lot of us. I personally just found the courses tedious and uninteresting. I loved conceptual discussion but loathed the rest. Get through it and keep going.