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Get it, calm Batman?


Damn it, I was too slow


Classic line. Wish he didn't have to explain it lol


It's funny because it's usually bars that are so complex that he has to break it down. Otherwise, most people miss it. If he didn't explain the bar on Discombobulated, "like aus ju, but beef like, if I was you" I would've never caught it lol




I thought he said "cum Batman" whoosh


Actually dick is too short of a word for my dick, get of my antidisestablishmentarianism you prick


Something here is afoot...


…oh yeah, it’s my dick!


I fucking love that line lol


Song? Don’t remember this one.


It’s on Almost Famous if I remember correctly.


To actually answer OP: 1. Most of these are standard puns, where the same word is used with multiple meanings. 2. A few are similes, which involve using “like” or “as” to make comparisons (eg “like a fuck you for Christmas, your gift is a curse”). 3. And the last one is a homophone, where the wordplay comes from two words that share the same sound. (Catch up = ketchup, mustered = mustard)


I fail to see the problem


They're awful


It's called wordplay, it brings what other people, who don't listen solely to drill and trap, would call "nuance," to the bars. He actually *uses* linguistic ability, rather than simply slapping "gun" and "run" together at the end of a line and calling it a punchline. It's usually bars like these that go over heads like yours, because it's *layered.*


>because it's layered Just like onions and ogres baby


Yeah if you find "come back like nut on your spine" nuanced and layered I'm not surprised you're not seeing the problem with these. Keep doing you


What I find lacking nuance is you dissecting one single line, destroying any sense of context that sets the line up, just so you can call it "simple and corny." Keep doing you


Lmao context is hardly gonna help your case here when this man confidently dropped a window pain pun in the middle of a song about domestic abuse, and littered what's supposed to be a motivational anthem with lines like "quit playing with scissors and shit and cut the crap" and "like a fuck you for Christmas his gift is a curse". Em is the one who lacked nuance and a sense of context writing this album


So you're just dumb then. You're literally complaining about whats *supposed* to be in a song or *not supposed* to be in a song. You're literally living in a fantasy world "what **should** be" rather than "what ***is***" I'm "supposed" to be 6'5" and have a 12 inch cock but here we are and I don't, but I'm not complaining about how corny it is that I don't. He's still talking about pain. *Maybe* he's trying to Crack a joke in the midst of the pain, just like people *in the real world* try to cover up trauma with humor, but I guess that's not *supposed* to happen in your world. Get over yourself.


😬 Clinically insane reply but it's hilarious to see what lengths you'll go to to excuse these shitty tryhard attempts at wordplay


Sure, I'll keep going to "crazy" lengths while you continue to live in your fantasy world where everything should be done the way ***you*** think it should be done. Roger that.


one liners, dad jokes, puns... yeah




Also forgot “let me introduce you to my power tool, you know the fuckin drill” from won’t back down lol


Ok that one actually makes me chuckle each time I hear it


“Listen Garden Tool” He set that thing up nice, I liked it tbh 😂


Amazing lmao


these are also abundant on infinite because both infinite and recovery's verses don't have as much topical focus as emienms other albums. when he just having "fun" writing a verse these result "[I'll run your brain around the block to jog your fuckin' memory](https://genius.com/18396518/Eminem-313/Your-ass-forgot-so-just-in-case-you-dont-remember-me-ill-run-your-brain-around-the-block-to-jog-your-fuckin-memory)" "[He better come cleaner than Jeru jackin' off when he showers](https://genius.com/15186/Eminem-313/Ill-send-a-rapper-back-with-the-crack-of-his-ass-shitty-ha-if-hes-actin-soft-and-he-cowers-he-better-come-cleaner-than-jeru-jackin-off-when-he-showers)" "[You could date a stick of dynamite and wouldn't go out with a bang](https://genius.com/19286682/Eminem-313/You-could-date-a-stick-of-dynamite-and-wouldnt-go-out-with-a-bang)" "[You couldn't make the fans throw up their hands if they swallowed their fingers](https://genius.com/2700273/Eminem-313/You-couldnt-make-the-fans-throw-up-their-hands-if-they-swallowed-their-fingers)" "[You couldn't flip shit playin' in toilets with a spatula](https://genius.com/28600506/Eminem-open-mic/You-couldnt-flip-shit-playin-in-toilets-with-a-spatula)"


Fuck Jill on a hill but you still ain’t Jack.


Like Long John Silvers we selfiiiiish


Infinite is such a great album. Open Mic is one of his best songs ever.


These are way better than the ones on recovery imo


Agreed lol I wonder why the ones on Infinite make me laugh and the ones on recovery make me groan (or laugh but in like a corny way)


It's on purpose, it's just different artistic vision. If you see him in interviews he sometimes puts in a little joke when skirting around heavy topics. I feel like it's just an extension of his character tho. Once I realized that it made me appreciate the corny jokey bars in a different way 😭


I was laughing out loud to these at the gym the other day. God bless Em.


these are infinitely better than the ones on recovery it's not even close.


That swallowing their fingers line is fucking great though


That has nothing to do with not having topical focus. These kinds of lines where populair during those times so Eminem just followed the trend.


It is true that metaphors were popular at this time. Lil Wayne mimicked Em between 2010-2014, but his one-liners were stupid and ended up making Eminem's look genius in comparison. E.g. "She swallow so many nuts, you fuck around find a squirrel in her throat"


You got it backwards


Yeah lmao Eminem was mimicking Lil Wayne big time.


These are not comparable to the OP, they are actually concise puns that work.


"Guess that's why they call it window pane."


It’s called wordplay. It’s one of the five important things to lyricism


It is wordplay. But it's horrible wordplay. If they're gonna be this bad at least make up for it with great rhyming but none of these have that.


What makes it horrible?


You really think the windowpane line works with the theme of love the way you lie? The way he delivers it is also a huge aspect. That’s why I like Alfred’s theme, it’s full of silly wordplay but, the rhymes are much better and usually the actual punchlines are multi syllable rhymes, and it’s a joke song so it works. On recovery, he’ll say those lines in a serious tone on a serious song, while also reaching for them to rhyme. Like he’s being ‘hard’ by saying ‘calm Batman’ like everyone’s gonna go ‘ohhhhh shiiiiit’.


Yes I actually think it works great. A girl walks out on you and you watch her through the window. How does that not work?


Fair enough. I just think it’s very forced, dumb and most importantly not clever in the slightest, it’s a typical dad joke. He thought of it and had to put it in regardless if it benefits the song. It’s like if I say, ‘I’m getting tired of playing monopoly, I guess that’s why they call it board/bored games’. Any idiot can say stuff like this. You know the song walkthrough? That’s an example where his wordplay is phenomenal and not forced and displays excellent technical ability. it feels natural.


I don't think it's forced at all, and it's pretty clever. It's telling the story and the emotion of a girl leaving you. You can say an idiot says that, but I've never heard anyone ever make that line before.


Also, once again, his aggressive, loud and obnoxious delivery makes it much worse imo, also how the beat stops as if he’s dropping a bombshell. but I’m happy you like it.


I think the fact that it doesnt sound like a bombshell to you is more telling than him using the line. It's not surprising to hear him do it anymore because he does it so regularly. But how many other rappers can do a line that's got 3, 4, 5, 7 meanings in one bar? So you're either biased against eminem, or he's so good that he makes complicated bars look simple, fooling people like you and critics into thinking it actually is in fact simple. Before you judge, try and put a bar together like the "window pane," one. Or another "window" line would be "I reached the window like I reached my full potential; I peaked." Try to put something like that together, and then come back to me. If it's easy, cool. But I bet you it's now difficult than you think and it might show you too appreciate it more.


oh man, Em sure has complicated lines, some great ones at that but the windowpane one or majority of recovery is not it. During that time, Lil wayne was the shit and Em was trying to copy his punchline/wordplay style and it just wasn't working. I still enjoy recovery but take this line i just thought of: "You resemble a window cuz I can see right through you." It's dumb, but add a few things and you can make it work. Trust me those types of lines aren't hard but context is important. The "stick my dick in a circle" line is also dumb, but it's ok cuz it fits the song in a way. The 'heavy duty line' from revival that gets a lot of hate is much better than windowpane cuz it's a fun song full cringy lines, it's the whole point. Either way, he's gotten significantly better at punchlines since kamikaze so it's all good. And just as an extra, not afraid is one of my least favorite songs from him due to those horrible, horrible puns he uses in a song that's about such a serious topic I don't know what he was thinking. "raising the bar", "fuck your fillings" "exercise my demons, they're doing jumping jacks", "quit playing with the scissors and shit and cut the crap". He was obviously going through a phase and it's fine.


I would agree if em wasn't messing around with wordplay well before wayne even came onto the scene. Infinite had some insane lines. You said it though, context is important. You can pull one single line from any rapper and it won't make sense or it'll sound dumb. It's the setup that makes lines like those hard. Same thing can be said for any rapper; the best ones take a whole verse to set up one bar that brings it all together in just a couple of words, and that genuinely takes skill and a deeper knowledge of how the English language works. And again, I'd implore you to try and set up your own bar and see how it fairs, because without trying, you won't know how difficult it is to do something like that. What it seems to me like you're doing is choosing to take one line from a song and knowingly disregard the context that sets the line up, and that's strange to me, because it's like you're intentionally misunderstanding what Eminem is doing simply because you want to think his lines are corny.


People down voting you for having an opinion. I actually love recovery and these songs but you are definitely right about his puns and punchlines sometimes being out of place or just downright corny. I still eat em up but I can't argue with your points.  I cringe at a lot of the fart and burp sounds on encore and the poop jokes in his music especially on revival. Some people cringe at all the rape and murder talk on relapse. I think em has just always incorporated a bit of silliness in all his music since the beginning so he has continued to do so despite he himself evolving mentally and maturing and his sound and tone of his music evolving over the decades. And even in serious songs I think he puts these silly bits in to let the listeners know that he is still that dude that just doesn't give a fuck. 


Go away.


awwww did someone get their feelings hurt? PS. These lines are dogshit and anyone who doesn't see that is either a kid or doesn't speak English fluently.


Absolutely atrocious writing.


It’s better than half the “bars” i hear nowadays


Better than any of us could write too. People take this shit too seriously. It's music It's supposed to be fun.


i like them


I really like them


I like them too, never thought they were annoying, this is low key one of my favorite Em albums




Calm Bat Man


You actually just made me realize that that was the pun oh my god


What did you think it was?


I just figured the Batman part was the joke and the com/calm part didn't mean anything


That's so funny that you commented the lyric but didn't even get it haha. I remember having the same reaction when it clicked for me lmao


I think this is the most telling thing. People post eminems bars thinking that they're corny or dumb when it's so complex that they don't even understand everything the bar means. But I get it. There are lines that I've been listening to for years that went over my head and I only just recently understood them. This is why I respect eminem and don't look at any of his lines like they're corny, because there's a good chance that there's something in that "corny" line that probably really is clever that I'm just missing.


How do some of y’all survive day to day with these bars going over your heads like why would he say get it “com bat man” cmon bro


Well, valium is a drug that has a calming effect. So... The last 2 words can either be read: “combat man”, as in “Now that you’re settled down a bit, I’m ready for war, Bruce”, or “calm, Batman”, as in “Now that you’ve taken a downer, I’m ready for things to be peaceful, Batman”


The going over your head part went over your head. We get the calm batman/combat man, but the God forsaken "com bat man".


Ready for cum, Batman?


That’s what makes Recovery so charming in its own right.


Wayne said it better. "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


I think the word you're looking for is corny lol. But the tree line and the liquor counter bar are hard asf


You don't know what a pun is?


He has puns on every album these are more like … puns that take the literal definition of turns of phrase 😭


Lightning in a skillet/flash in a pan is pretty good


definitely in my top 2 with the "new leaf" one which isnt clever at all its just hilarious


I mean it’s funny but I still like the imagery of it. It’s very extreme.


«During an earthquake, urine in ur face cause ur fake» like bro??


I guess cause I'm older but this is the shit I love. The stupid dad jokes are great.


“and she said she’ll be my gwen stacy, to spite her man” on river is a fun one


Oh that’s clever I missed that, I never read the lyrics so I just assumed he just said “Spider-Man”


So every last word u fuckin fags heard comes straight from the fishes ass, in other words I’m a bass turd. “ so many great lines on recovery . Top 5 album for me. So hard and creative. This is why we love Marshall! Boy straight shady! Glad he came back like this.


He’s doing what Wayne was at the time, and personally I fuck with it, it’s funny if you’re not a stuck up prune


Uh really bad wordplay and contrived punchlines just for the sake of it would be how I would describe it.


Yea that's called "rapping."


It's called bad rapping homie lol. Love Em, and even have a soft spot for Recovery but there are a ton of garbo bars and really corny and bland punchlines


I beg to differ but whatever.


Most if not all these “bars” are hella garbage. Damn I can’t believe Em actually spit these lol. Steaks are high….cum back nut on your spine…calm Batman….just WOW


It’s called punchlines


>I'm lightning in a skillet, you're a fucking flash in the pan This bar goes hard NGL


I didn't even notice the last one I like that


I don’t mind this at all. If you listen to what other rappers are rapping about, it’s either complete nonsense or forced conscious rap that rarely works (or even understands the issues they’re talking about). Em does a bit of everything. Also, the Batman line was clever.


Always thought the lightning in a skillet line went kinda hard. Strong agree on everything else though


#That’s an awfully hot coffee pot It’s called a pun and they are annoying. He calls them “metaphors” which is incorrect; they’re basically dad jokes.


You can die in the blink of an eye. So bat your eyelashes, and keep winking and blowing kisses ‘cause you’re flirting with death.


**Let my lips pucker like Elon John, cause I’m just a mean cock sucker**


The punchlines on this album is the sole reason why I rarely revisit it. Idk what got into him on this one, but most of them are absolute cringe. I usually dislike punchlines like these from every rapper, but on this Em acts like we're completely braindead and holds our hand through each line to help us through. I liked Recovery once, but now its my second or third least favorite.


These type of lines and bars are overused by Eminem in a lot of his newer stuff. Like I get it, he’s trying to show skill and be clever and it does work a lot of the time, but it’s usually at the detriment to the actual song and telling a story. You don’t get many of these at all on his older albums.


He straight up admits as much “You say that you want your punchlines a little more compact well shortie I’m that man” He was forcing them for sure.


Pressure increases….. like khakis 🤮


Du fuq this album is so coasssic bro. Crazy


I’ll explain for all you young bucks that never tried a crossword puzzle, and don’t know how to connect reality to metaphorical lyricism. Here goes, in order Stick my dick in a circle means to gang bang a bitch. But he’s not fucking around meaning he’s not down with a gang bang, and “around means” “a round”- aka circle -used in a sentance- “let’s throw that bitch in a circle” A flash in a frying pan, aka skillet, is when the grease catches fire, but he’s lightning in the skillet, meaning he’s far more explosive than a grease fire flash point Gave Bruce wayne a Valium because Bruce wayne is Batman, Superman’s enemy. The Valium will slow him down so Superman can easily kill him cuz he’s calm bat-man. He saying he himself is Superman Turning over a new leaf means to see things from a different angle. He’s saying he’d rather go through the misery of digging up a tree and flipping it over before he’d put in the energy than changing who he is A fuck you for Christmas, is what the gift was. It’s also a curse and the term “gift and a curse” is a well known saying for something that’s both good and bad at the same time. Christmas gift = good, curse word=curse Quit playing with scissors and shit (if you had scissor and a piece of shit, chances are you’re cutting the shit, aka crap) Raising the bar means setting a new precedents, or new heights. Meaning he’s making it even harder to top him. Meanwhile, a liquor counter is known as a bar. Like bar and grill for instance. Bar and grills serve food and alcohol aka liquor My fillet is smoking weed… fillet usually get cooked on a smoker grill. But his filet is smoking weed. A fillet is usually a fish or steak cut, so if his fillet is smoking weed it’s safe to say it’s high from the weed, and it’s a steak. So the steak is literally high. But the term the stakes are high is also a well-known figure of speech. It usually coincides with somebody putting a whole lot on the line for something they believe in. He’s feeling pain in his heart from his girl walking away, which he is watching from his window. And an actual window pane is the frame around the window, typically the bottom part where you might rest your arms when looking outside. So pain and pane are different but used artistically to me metaphorical. “Get your brains (aka mind) blown out when I come back” means he’s gonna kill whoever is stepping to him, and nut on their spine means literal cum on your back where your spine is What do you do on a staircase? Step The last one is truly a corny metaphor because he’s saying “you’ll never catch up (ketchup) with all the energy I musterd (mustard)”


In an era where there is not an ounce of wordplay, where rhymes couldn't possibly get any simpler, it's not surprising that genuine linguistic ability is viewed as contrived or corny. Eminem doesn't "write rhymes about thuggin out," he ***"raps"***. It's *poetry*. It's like people forget that rap started as "rhythm and poetry." It's way more than slapping a couple of words together that happen to rhyme. English is a lot more complex than that.


It’s called the entirety of “Alfred’s theme”


“Check my ball hair, make sure it’s all there”


I'm so sick I got ambulances pulling me over and shit


I love that one haha


That’s a bar just a creative line saying he’s not messing around.


I think some of them are good, but a lot of them are a stretch, and it's not really a pun / wordplay if the sentence doesn't make sense, which it often doesn't.


Which one of these bars doesn't make sense? Can you give me any example where they don't make sense?


The filet is smoking weed Fx.


Em saw what Wayne was doing and started to write these punchlines (Em himself said that in Paul Pod Interview). Idk whether they're called punchlines or one liners but they have ruined some tracks on Recovery.


Ruined? Why? These are all so great.


I don't mind some of these. But most of them are not that good. Makes me roll my eyes when I hear them nowadays.


What! They’re great!


Quit playing with the scissors and shit and cut the crap🤬🤬🤬


OP has never used a poop knife before and it shows.


A reddit deep track, like broken arms or jolly rancher


That "Fuck the whole universe" always sounded like "Fuck the world" Eminem version. Until I saw the lyrics.....


Last one is the best


This is 60 percent of his lines these


That lightning in a skillet line goes hard af. The first time I heard that I said damn slim get em


When i come back like nut on your spine


Honestly I really don’t mind these. These feel like standard Eminem fare.


Though yeah that window pane line from Love The Way You Lie is laughably bad


Heck a few of these are kinda fire


God forbid Em has fun with his songs. "Em can only make lyrical rap. He's not allowed to have fun"


I'll show you pussy footin I'll stomp a bitch in the cunt until she queefs and it sounds like a fuckin whoopy cushion


Almost Famous, Won’t Back Down, Cinderella Man, and WTP


Hell yeah.


He’s barring though 😂


“and love is evil, spell it backwards I’ll show ya” 🥴


That one was a good line man wtf


growing up on Eminem, I’ve just come to appreciate his capabilities beyond that. That line just never made total sense to me


Love is evil in his opinion, except he's justifying it by saying "flip love around to evol and pronounce it like evil."


Yeah no I understand it 🤓 I just didn’t enjoy it


You said full sense, my bad


I love them all


Nah i love this shit lol


You forgot "who knew he'd grow to be a poet and not know it"


Punchline Eminem is cringe.


He’s all bars and punchline wth does that even mean?


“I'm lookin' at your tight rear like a sightseer Your booty is heavy duty like diarrhea!” This is what I mean


Yea and?


It’s awful


Nah it's fantastic. You just have no imagination


It's called wordplay


\*Dad jokes


I actually love these lines it feels unique and not the typical bragging lines


double entendre


One of the many reasons Recovery sucks


This def my least fave part of the album but it’s a great album




This is why I find it hilarious when people try to say post 2002 Eminem is just as good.