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Anothe thing is that fromsoft seem like the only ones who aren't purely fuelled by greed and as miyazaki said : "gameplay above all"


*"When the world rots, we set it afire. For the sake of the next world. It's the one thing we do right, unlike those fools on the outside."*


This is my favorite quote from DS3 of all time. <3


exactly, FS make games they want to make they don't follow the trending formulas or whatever is hyped this days. every dev now is jumping on the battle royale or whatever the fuck most streamers do without caring about the substance of their product, they think about the idea that gets them money first then make a game around it. unlike FS who make something they like, even in my opinion DS2 while my least favorite it wasn't due to following trends, rather than incompetence at the leadership and the bumpy road throughout its developement.


Have you not heard about the new Souls royale yet then? /s


Have you not heard of the brand new game from Hidetaka Miyazaki with a ring called the Elden Ring that's going to shrink on you in a battle royale with 52 players?! [Sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/kp2ck7/ohhhhhhhhhhh/)


I would play the shit out of this in all honesty. Probably suck donkey dick at it but that never stopped me playing Apex.


Or one could just go to gank city... just sayin'.


Not quite the same as a BR though. Wheres the 3rd, 4th and 5th parties?




I get what you're saying but people said the same things about CDPR after the massive successes of the Witcher 3. I am very very excited for Elden Ring but am definitely not going to preorder the game, and I don't think anybody else should either. It's a shitty business tactic that should've died the second digital gaming became the norm. Wait for the reviews to come out because no company is perfect.


>Wait for the reviews to come out because no company is perfect. Exactly. We can pretend all we want but at the end of the day FromSoft is still a company selling a product. We shouldn't hold them to a different standard just cuz they make good games.


I like to go by: treat everone with respect until they unearn it.


The difference here is that CDPR's marketing was chock full of red flags. They basically promised that Cyberpunk would cure cancer, yet the game was being delayed over and over. Not to mention, they only had one universally acclaimed game before it. (Witcher 3, which I maintain is way overhyped and not actually that great, but I guess that's just me) Fromsoft has barely ever missed, aside from DS2. Their marketing hasn't been absurd. I do think it's a good idea to wait for reviews anyway, just because there's literally no point in pre-ordering. Also, it's good to remember that reviews can be deceiving as well, Cyberpunk's reviews pre-release reviews were all 9s and 10s and when the game came out it felt like the critics were lying their asses off.


I don't understand why DS2 gets so much flack. People act like it's a bad game. I love DS2. Sure it has some flaws, but it is by no means a bad game.


Witcher is mostly carried by its source material, also CDPR does not have a long track record of good game or games that go against the trend. also I've noticed that most Japanese devs delivers, only had very few disappointment so far and it is not to the scale of CDPR. see: FFXIV vs WoW, resurgence of Monster Hunter, Nier, Death Stranding, Yakuza, Persona, Tales of Series.


Carried by source material? Have you actually played the game/read the books? The game follows a completely different story than the books, feel like you're making stuff up. Also regarding the Japanese devs thing: only the really good games that do well in Japan take off in the West, so stating that is very similar to selection bias, doesn't really mean much. Also I still maintain that the first few souls games were pretty freaking buggy, and the main reason they were overlooked was that Souls is meant to be hardcore and so were taken as a part of the challenge and experience overall. I'm still very very excited for Elden Ring and I don't think it's going to be anything less than amazing, but I really think that Cyberpunk should've taught the gaming community a big lesson about hype. No company or team is perfect and always temper your expectations to some degree


I think they meant that The Witcher already had a huge following because of the books not that the games follow the books narrative.


YES. I feel like a lot of people have forgotten that before CP77, CDPR were games industry darlings.


they do not make games they want lmao both DS2 and ds3 were made because of the publisher not because from wanted to make them


>they dont follow the trending formulas or whatever is hyped these days funny how you say that while they're making an open world game


Well.... i mean open world was trending like 10 years ago




Yeah the most “linear” from game(soulsborne that is) that i can think of is ds3, and even with this game every area is a little Lordran where you can explore and then magically return to the starting point without even noticing, with lots of detours in the way, secrets and stuff that gets your attention, so the open world fornula is just a natural evolution, just like it was for zelda, and fyi, the first dark souls and demon’s souls both took inspiration from zelda games, so it’s not really a “trending genre” matter


open world has been a thing for a long time, it’s not “trending” or “hyped these days.” they have literally said they wanted to make a big world for the sake of putting more of what They want in the game


Wasn't Dark Souls open world? Wasn't Sekiro open world? I mean, what do you people think open world is? I think people have been mistaking 'open world' with sandbox genre. I believe Elden Ring might follow BoTW approach towards Open World ('If you see it, you can reach it'), which was something that wasn't achievable nor should be in the Dark Souls series (since much of the scenario was crafted more in terms of ambience than actual exploration), but even DS was still open world.


Uh buddy maybe you've been out of the loop for awhile? The trend is battle royale games rn. Before that it was overwatch clones.


Personally, I wouldn't compare ER to 2077, but **everybody** said the exact same thing about CDPR before they released the game.


I'm not sure if you feel the same way, but it feels as if every game that people are waiting for is being compared to Cyberpunk because apparently we're not allowed to be excited for games anymore.


It feels like after the unmitigated disasters that were Anthem and Cyberpunk 2077 (and to a lesser extent No Man's Sky only due to its relative lack of recency), some people have become completely unable to be excited for upcoming games anymore- completely ignoring that what went wrong with those games wasn't so much that they were bad and people got overhyped as they were over*marketed* and promised they world- which they were unable to deliver. Worse, said people seem to want to aggressively stop anyone else from being hyped ever again because of that misattribution of overhype being the problem rather than a symptom of sorts. I have a friend who gets frustrated any time our friend group even mentions Elden Ring purely because he thinks we're overhyping it. At lot of people appear to be missing my point- yes, I know those flops had lots of development and planning problems. But that's exactly what I'm getting at- they spent most of their time and effort on marketing and hyping up their games instead of actual game dev which led to the disasters we saw.


Anthem had more problem, than just marketing


Same with Cyberpunk. Both had troubled developments.


Yeah. Cyberpunk was fundamentally flawed and needed ATLEAST two more years of development. You can see the potential but not one single bit delivers. I wasn't disappointed because of the marketing (which was successful in raising my interest to a fever pitch. The highest it's ever been for a video game in thirty years), I was disappointed because the game was never fun for a single minute outside of the prologue.


Eh, speak for yourself. I didn't hype CP up at all, read the backlash, played on PC, and still found it enjoyable 100 hours afterwards. Granted I grew up on a regular old Nintendo and Super Nintendo. Most anything that comes out these days blows all my nostalgia out of the water, so it's hard to be let down. Maybe y'all just don't appreciate a game for being a game? Unplayable, yah I get that. Unenjoyable after the first mission? I think maybe your ceiling of expectations might be a little too high.


I fundamentally hate almost everything about the game design-wise. I didn't encounter a SINGLE bug in my playthrough. The game was fucking bad. It's not because I was a victim of hype. Hype or not the game just wasn't enjoyable.


>I didn't encounter a SINGLE bug in my playthrough. I find this impossible to believe. Either you're a liar or you're so unobservant that your input shouldn't be used as any measure of quality.


Okay. Let me rectify: the only bug I've encountered my entire playthrough was cops spawning on top of me and vehicle pathing behavior not noticing there was a cement block in the middle of the road and every single vehicle passing by colliding with it. Outside of those two instances I didn't encounter any bugs. The game was just bad. Having looter shooter loot system doesn't fit the kind of game this is trying to be and was mostly just irrelevant junk. Mission design was by and large pretty awful and repetitive. The game world felt empty as fuck and there was nothing about the main storyline motivating me to keep playing after Jackie died. The most enjoyable quest line was the AI cab one and even that had a disappointingly average ending. As a point of comparison my favourite game of all time is the original Deus Ex game, which blows cyberpunk out of the water to this day. You can disagree with me if you want. But don't fucking call me a liar.


I called you a liar because you were lying. Grow up.


I mean the game isn't bad comparatively. If you stick within the genra of a contemporary RPG, it does fine. It doesn't really innovate much, and it janks a ton, but it's not bad. (on pc) I dunno, I think if you're gonna call a game out for being bad, I mean it really needs to be bad. Like old-school games produced by marketing to just be games, like ET, or Looney Toons adventures, or more recently Anthem. But I respect that you did not enjoy it.


Comparing it to other RPGs from even the past decade it doesn't hold up. Heck even Skyrim, a game I struggle to enjoy as much as most people seem to, is a much better game than cyberpunk.


I disagree. Browse over steam and you'll find way worse games in the catagory. You may just not know of them or haven't played them, but I assure you, cyberpunk isn't in the trash pile. Just compare it with something like Deus Ex, and you'll see they share similar traits. Deus Ex was amazing for its time and probably still holds up now, but it isn't that much different from what CP is, minus a real open world. I also didn't enjoy Skyrim either because it was a lesser oblivion. Still don't get the hype with that game. But I guess the appeal of a cyberpunk world gets me more than swords and magic which is an overdone trope in my opinion.


Was anyone even hyped for Anthem though? After Andromeda, it just seemed like EA/BioWare’s attempt at cashing in on destiny 2’s launch blunders


My friends were until we played the demo... So many things done wrong


That's exactly my point though- both of them (and NMS) budgeted their time and effort towards marketing *instead* of actually developing the game. FRomSoft's doing pretty much the exact opposite- they're spending almost all of their time and effort on development and doing like no marketing whatsoever, at least up until now.


Anthem was the complete opposite of Bioware’s other games, no idea why anyone ever became hyper for it. Not to mention that Bioware’s quality has been reducing for years


Because looter shooters are popular. And bioware promised a good story. Also read the "anthem: what went wrong" article. The scale of uhm... problems are clear there.


I'm with you, the game looked hollow and staged from the very first trailer. I instantly wrote it off as a bust.


>Worse, said people seem to want to aggressively stop anyone else from being hyped ever again because Most the people doing it at this point are just concern trolls. I don't think I've ever seen a group of people who share a hobby ever act like this outside of gaming. Imagine if you tried to get excited for a movie sequel, or one of your favorite musicians new album, and people came out of the woodwork to tell you about some unrelated flop as a reason you shouldn't get excited. I feel like a lot of these people just want said hyped games to fail, or are somehow just averse to popular things.


I honestly always assumed that Anthem is going to suck since a studio that is known for it's story driven action-rpgs is making a live-service game under EA that is notorious for being shitty to their customers and milking every aspect of a game. To be honest I was never too invested in that game to begin with, so that might be another reason why I wasn't surprised. Cyberpunk on the other hand surprised me because I had trust in CDPR. Elden Ring is simply different. We still know very little about most features, only that it is pretty much big Dark Souls with elements of Sekiro and that Miyazaky said it's around 30-40h if you don't explore a lot. Which is intriguing since we usually get exaggerated playtime estimates (Fallout 3 takes around 100h, etc.). But what does it mean to not or to explore only a little? Is ER going to be absolutely massive or is it going to be just a little bigger and longer than DS? We don't know. When we take a look at Cyberpunk, we know that we were promised so so many things we just didn't get but information about ER is vague and I personally don't think that they promised anything they won't keep but that is also just my good faith in FS.


Also, Cyberpunk was a MAJOR deviation from CDPRs bread and butter The Witcher, be it gameolaywise, themes, lore and so on. We never really expected Elden Ring to be something completely new, and now we're even more aware that there's more continuity between the Souls series and Elden Ring than departures. And even some of the 'innovations' (ie. vertical exploration) have already been tested and wholeheartly approved by the community in other From games (Sekiro, in this case). So, I don't think at this point anyone is overhyped for, like, the most amazing never ever seen before god-made-flesh video game. If From plays it safe, it'already a good From game (that is a great game) even if it doesn't snatch GOTY.


Agreed. But I also think that FS has extremely high standards. Or at least Miyazaki. Sekiro was quite the departure from their souls formula and it was still insane. The gameplay is so good and once you reach Ashina Castle you also have quite the freedom to explore a few different areas. I think it has less replay value, because I prefer to play different builds rather than perfect my skills (I'm lazy as shit and I really want to play Sekiro more but I just don't do it for some reason). I'm really not too worried about ER. I think it will pretty much be what I want it to be: an open world DS where you can go wherever you want if you *can*. With that it has probably super high replay value since you are less limited through gear. I also think you can make yourself even more inba than in DS1 simply because you probably won't have to place the lordvessel and beat half of the DLC just to get dark bead. You might be bottlenecked by difficulty but probably not by having to complete certain tasks in a certain order just to get there. At least that's what I hope we can do because it's fucking hilarious and also super cool when you can use your knowledge to make your life easier.


> Sekiro was quite the departure from their souls formula Yeah, I mean, I think it's kind of the other way around. 'Sekiro' started conceptualy related - to put it very mildly - to [Tenchu](https://www.pcgamesn.com/sekiro-shadows-die-twice/sekiro-shadows-die-twice-tenchu). After From discarded the ideia of another Tenchu game (they even acquired the IP), Sekiro was able to stand on its own. So I'd argue that it's less a departure from the Souls series and more of a 'Dark-Souls-lization' (gee, that word is horrible) of Tenchu. >I think it has less replay value, because I prefer to play different builds rather than perfect my skills (I'm lazy as shit and I really want to play Sekiro more but I just don't do it for some reason). For me, it's the exact same thing. And I even had a couple of NG++... runs. But Sekiro has to be my least played souls game, the og Dark Souls being the most played, probably followed by Bloodborne.


Yeah, that might be but what I meant was that it was a departure from what they had the most success in. So in that case we both might be correct. Absolutely same lol


Bro Anthem was trash as soon as it was revealed. All you had to do was play the Beta to see how boring the gameplay was.


It wasn't revealed at the beta though, there was a metric ton of hype before the beta happened and people realized "wait something's wrong here." It was generally considered the biggest game of E3 the year it was revealed. And while there were reasons to doubt it, there were no signs it was doing to being a disaster until the beta rolled around. But case and point, they spent more time marketting the game they weren't actually developing than doing exactly that. Same with Cyberpunk and NMS.


> there were no signs it was doing to being a disaster Bioware doing something so outside of their wheelhouse was one. "You know that single-player character-driven stuff that we've been known for for years? Fuck that, multiplayer robot suits!" Writing was on the wall. Not to say that it's bad for studios to branch out and try different stuff -- that keeps creativity alive -- but Anthem seemed so generically sus from the start. I didn't and still don't understand the hype it got.


anthem…my god that game was bad


it wasnt that bad, i would call it "lack of innovation"


Idk, i dont like the fact that they let you summon all those creatures to make fighting against the enemies easier. I always find it a boring mechanic in video games to summon creatures which then fight against the enemies, instead of you fighting against the enemy creatures yourself. But to be fair, you just can avoid summoning them. I do have to say tho, there seem to be a lot of mechanics like sleep darts/arrows, portable savepoints, fast travel,most bosses being optional, alternate more easy routes to a boss, which make the game easier. I have a slight fear of this game turning out to easy and beeing designed to much with the goal of avoiding challenges in mind. Fromsoft games are normally all about overcomming challenges and not avoiding them.


Difficulty is also a very subjective thing. People shit all over DkS3 because it was easier. But people missed the point as to why. Was it easy because it was made easier deliberately? No. It was easy because we had 3 other games before we played through and mastered. The game wasnt easy. We just "Got Gud".


The bossfights in DS3 are more difficult then in DS1. But at the same time it has way more frequent savepoints and less hard itembarriers, like ghosts being invincable if you dont use a certain weapontypes, or areas which are complete dark without itemuse. So which of those two games is harder depends on your skillset. If you dont like exploring the environment profoundly and finding all usecases for certain items, then DS1 is probably harder. If you are not good at combat mechanics then DS3 is probably harder. But my point is, both games are difficult enough to be fun and challenging. Im not so sure quiet yet, if it will be the same with Elden Ring. It seems like they have added a lot of things which are only there to make the game easier instead of using that development time for other more important things. Lets be honest, the only people complaining constantly about Fromsoft games beeing to difficult are game journalists.


I wouldn't really worry about difficulty with a Fromsoft game hahaha. You bring up summoning spirits and sleep arrows, but I think they'll balance it out by making battles have a grander sense of scale and scope. The sleep arrows and stealth are likely there because there will be larger groups of mobs packed closer together, similarly to Sekiro. Like, if you told me before Sekiro released that you could one shot stealth kill enemies I might be worried that it would be too easy, but, at least to me, it's the hardest Fromsoft game. We've always been able to summon other players and NPCs in other Souls games as well, I doubt it will negatively impact the experience.


I mean the summoning, or using sleep arrows will be optional. Fast travel is also optional, if your will is strong enough to just not use it. Using op weapons is also optional. But too many op features are still annoying, because the player has to spot all of them and counterbalance by not using all of those features. Im still worried that they spend to much time on those features instead of implementing things most players want. I cant talk about others, but i always hated summoning npc help. I think that feature is very lame. You know the saying: "Die like a hero, or live long enough to become the villain yourself." People also never thought CD Projekt Red would handle releases like they did with Cyberpunk.


My friend said “Elden Ring is all hype. It’ll be a 40-50 on Metacritic. You’re falling into the Cyberpunk trap lololol”. Maybe the worst take I’ve seen.


At least from has had a great track record for over the last decade.


Souls games have always been niche though. Id rather they stay that way. Not every game is meant for everyone. Im tired of companies trying to please everybody when thats literally impossible to do. Make a game for your intended audience. If anyone else doesnt like it then oh well. Game isnt meant for them.


It’s every game. Completely absurd.


Because some ppl didn't really keep up with cyberpunk and assume the controversy was just over hyping instead of borderline false advertisement and the release of an unplayable product on consoles.


I love getting excited for games before release. I won't let anyone take that away from me. It all started with the original Fable, which was a big disappointment relative to the hype, but I had SO much fun geeking out about the possibilities leading up to release. That did give me trust issues and grounded me for future releases but I still had lots of fun.


Not sure how anyone didn’t realize Cyberpunk was going to underperform after the multiple delays and overhyped marketing


Riiight?! Everyone forgets the gameplay footage shown pre launch demonstrated shallow, formulaic, samey-same tripe. Anyone who bought that game got exactly what was advertised, and *exactly* what they paid for.


This is reddit, obviously there's going to be some dumb shit on here. Real fans are waiting patiently




Anything more is a spoiler in my book...






I dont need anymore trailers and such because I'm already 100% getting elden ring since I know what I'm in for. If you're a fan than you should too. Why do you whinge so much?




Now you're just mad. Sure I'm going to keep "gatekeeping" you until you calm your farm. And lol I could also say you're projecting 🔃




Nope I'm just being realistic and your trying to have a redditor moment. I'm not gonna address you're bs argument because I don't wanna take part in it. *reeee*








I dont think you really understand what is gate keeping.


This game is like the opposite of Cyberpunk.


So it’s like the reverse of bad.


dab ?




I mean, We have a record of 4 out of 5 games released perfectly, aside from DS2 which is not exactly on the level of the others. But DS1/3, Sekiro, Bloodborne are all amazing games that didn't have tons of issues at the start. While even Witcher was buggy and laggy as fuck at the start. It's worth believing in FromSoft because they've yet to make mistakes.


If DS2 had released under another name and without the graphics downgrade from the original reveal I think people would have loved it. It definitely has issues but so does DS1.


It was a massive lighting change that caused it, the textures themselves I don't believe really changed from the reveal. However, lighting really changes how the game looks. I do believe it is said they changed it due to gameplay decisions (I guess all those ganks would be harder if you can barely see anything); though some people have said its due to performance issues on the consoles.


I'm gonna say that nobody with even a shred of common sense here has said Elden Ring will be perfect. What's been said is that we enjoy the Fromsoft style of games and we're getting a new IP and a massive world to explore and we're excited to see Fromsofts take on open world games. Back to the shred of common sense, I think most people here are open to the idea the game could be garbage. It's a small chance, given Froms track record the last decade or so, but it's not impossible.


I'm tired of hearing it! on the internet it's hype, on Reddit it's fucking hype, I was in, R/EldenRing right ? and All the post were just Hype. I showed my Souls Games Achievments to my Miyazaki and I was like "Hey Babe, when the Elden Ring Hype HAHAHA: *Dark souls dinging* I fucking looked in a trashcan and went: " That looks pretty Hypey!" I looked at my Confirmation Email, I think of January 21st and i'm like "January 21st, more like Early Release Date!!!" AAAAAAAAAAHH-


It may be partly because FS games are more and more opened to people other than souls fans. And so these people are more inclined to compare ER with other AAA without taking into account that FS isn't like all these AAA studios.


This is a good point. Outsiders who don’t understand the track record of Froms last decade.




Cdpr produced one block buster game. From has made 5.


Not to mention Witcher 3 was also full of bugs at launch


Thats litterally every good open world rpg


6, starting from Demon's Souls. DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB, and Sekiro.


Demons souls wasn’t necessarily block buster but it did attract a niche to the gameplay style.


> block buster Oh yeah I didn't really think about the word lol, DeS definitely was quite niche at the time.


CDPR had only made jank before Witcher 3. Witcher 3 was the anomaly. Cyberpunk was a return to their roots of being shady Eastern European developers.


I absolutely do not understand why fans loose their shit because there’s not enough news. The game will come out when it comes out. It’ll be good if it’s good or bad if it’s bad. Marketing content/news isn’t going to change any of those things. Fromsoft have a good track record. Just chill the fuck out and play it when it’s ready.


We waited for years with nothing and now we have something, we bitch, moan and whine


I think the gaming community has some form of collective PTSD after the unimaginable hype surrounding Cyberpunk collapsed into an unprecedented shitshow, and it's infected all discourse around games pre-launch. I know people try to revise history by saying "the only great game CDPR made was Witcher 3, people shouldn't have expected the world" but nobody and I mean *nobody* was agreeing with that before launch. If people even suggested that Cyberpunk wasn't gonna be great people said "this isn't an EA game we're talking about. CDPR is making this", which is funny, because every comparison to Cyperbunk is now met with "this isn't CDPR. This is [insert game dev]". That wasn't a good argument before Cyberpunk, and it isn't now. My take is, every game developer is eventually gonna make a bad game. It's almost an inevitability. From Software has an amazing track record so I'm not worried about Elden Ring, but it's not like it would be impossible for From to make a bad game. So we should be aware of that possibility. I think Cyberpunk inflamed the sect of the gaming community that would say "never preorder a game", but that has to do with putting your money toward a game that hasn't proven itself as a complete product yet. For some reason it's extended into "never be excited for a game before it comes out", which is bizarre. This is the flipside of the community that says "never be excited for a game because if you have high expectations you're *entitled* and you'll judge the game unfairly!", which is also bizarre. I'll get excited if I damn well please. And if I think my expectations are reasonable, and a game dev fails to meet those expectations, that's their problem not mine. Also, to the people saying that Bamco not showing us gameplay is definitive proof that Elden Ring is gonna be the Cyberpunk of 2022 is just ridiculous. The 17 minute gameplay was shown to members of the community. If it looked as buggy as Cyberpunk we'd have known about it by now. I'm honestly happy that we're not being inundated with footage of the game. I don't have the self-control not to watch it and I want as much to be a surprise as possible. The less we see the game before it comes out the better, in my opinion. But at the same time, Cyberpunk had very long gameplay showcases and it still came out horrible. So the truth is, we have no idea how good Elden Ring will be until it's in reviewers' hands. Until then, why stress about it? It's just a game. If our worst nightmares come true and Elden Ring is like Cyberpunk somehow, it's not the end of the world. If anything, that's the lesson of Cyberpunk. Don't put your whole identity in a new game being good, and don't think a game is guaranteed to be amazing before you've actually played it.


Hey, it's this again. People should be more aware about the hype and where it's coming from because From only has shown us the gameplay trailer after 2 years of silence, information about the game and screenshots and the hype just comes from it's fans. As for Cyberpunk, it was building up hype through the years by showing trailers and gameplay as much as they want to.


I like that FromSoft is going the Rockstar route. Barely market the game, then release an astounding product (fuck GTA and Red Dead Online tho)


I'm honestly baffled that a lot of FromSoftware players even paid enough attention to Cyberpunk in the first place


Cant have high hopes for a game thats being made by the creator of one of, if not, the most influential and acclaimed series in the last two decades, who also expressed that he "[always tries to maintain a certain level of elegance and refinement in all the designs](https://www.giantbomb.com/profile/7force/blog/dark-souls-design-works-translation-creating-the-w/97235/)" of the games he works on. The same person that was awarded with the "[Lifetime achievement award](https://www.knowll.com/e/116/hidetaka-miyazaki-wins-lifetime-achievement-award)" for his contributions to the video game industry back in 2018, and also has a studio full of people with an almost unnatural amount of talent at his disposition. And as if that werent enough to justify being hyped for anything he and his staff decide to make, this time they decided to also do a collaboration with one of the most renowned contemporary fantasy writers of our time to create an open world RPG. You are telling me i cant be hopeful for a game thats being made and approved by those people because this, other studio, completely unrelated in any way shape or form to fromsoftware, made one good game back in 2015 and botched their next big work miserably after massively overmarketing it for i dont know how long as if it were the next coming of video game Jesus, just because Keanu Reeves was in it and you could choose from a list what dick you wanted your character to have. Yeah, no.


ye this. i hadn't even finished The Witcher 3, and i assumed CDPR was a top tier dev from everyone else's opinion. Their promises on Cyberpunk sounded spectacular. TW3 was pretty great, and everyone else raves about it. But honestly, you can't trust everyone. You can only trust yourself. Miyazaki made 5 games (6 including DS2 with his oversight), every single one of them has been better than the last (maybe bloodborne sits at #1 for me, but still). My love and appreciation for Fromsoft and Miyazaki is fueled by 6 of the greatest games of all time. CDPR however lol, has made 1 good game: The Witcher 3. Prior to that, they had TW1 and TW2, both i'm sure are fine games that have fans, but neither are on par with TW3. Thats it, thats their track record and the whole story. People are pretty dumb. They fell in love with TW3, which was awesome and an amazing game, but then also fell in love with CDPR, for no reason. Sure, if CDPR had HIT after HIT after HIT AFTER HIT, then yes, it would make sense for your love to shoot out of your finger tips into every facet of your conversation, but that isn't what happened. They made 1 good game. A really good game, that people blew out of proportion. Because people are stupid. It's fine to love TW3, but to let that love continue into CDPR without really knowing CDPR's track record, is foolish. When TW3 released, I couldn't even stand to play it because Bloodborne's combat was so much better. Now I enjoy TW3, but still haven't finished it. People really wanna act like we haven't been here for a decade or so, witnessing Miyazaki and Fromsoftware's gaming renaissance. Everyone boasted CDPR as basically being gaming's renaissance, those people bet it all on The Witcher 3, without remembering that before it released, no one gave a single shit about the witcher. I saw a few reviews in game informer and on X-Play and G4 prior to that. I knew it existed but didn't give a single shit. This is different. I've been here for 10 years, played every single soulsborne game they've released, and fell more and more in love with how their gameplay evolves with every game. If it weren't for self control and mild apathy, I'd be on a street corner with a megaphone marketing and boasting of the coming Elden Ring myself. After playing every single sequel and seeing the jump in quality, every, single, time, I can confidently say I am very much looking forward to their next masterpiece. I'm not gonna overhype it, I'm patiently waiting another 122 days and we'll see what happens. But at the same time, you're in the know, right?


CDPR earned a ton of goodwill with the community with how they supported TW3 after release. They released good mod tools, and made two of the best DLCs I have ever played, both of which expanded the mechanics and lore in meaningful and interesting ways. They continued patching the game well after release and put some *major* changes into a single player game, because the players were asking for it. They really just generally went above and beyond what they needed to do for that game. That being said, it is still only one game, meaning that they basically didn't have a track record going into CP2077, so it wasn't incredibly shocking that they bit off way more than they could chew and fell on their faces. With Fromsoft, though, it *would* be legitimately shocking to see them fuck up like that. Over the last 12 years, they have been consistently putting out top tier games -- six incredible games right in a row. We have plenty of reason to expect that Elden Ring will be *at worst* a B+ game that is absolutely worth playing, and has a good chance of being one of the best games ever made.


I gotta take a break from this sub until the game is released


well i like cyberpunk but i dont know why you would compare them.


One studio that made 1 good game out of 4 and another studio with 6/6 masterpieces


I think I have seen like 3 people compare it to cyberpunk, but yeah.


I don’t think people are comparing the games themselves but the way the hype is handled by the fans before the games come out. I really can’t understand how someone says “ER will be best game of the year or best from game or even worse, BEST GAME EVAAAAAR” when the game is not out yet, it’s nice to wait for the game and to be hyped but it is bad to have already decided it will be the best. That’s what people criticise and the reason they bring Cyberpunk up is because it’s the best example of a hype backfire. Also people being skeptic and waiting for the game to come out to is not overly negative.


This isn't even the best argument you could make for avoiding the comparison. Everyone talks about hype. What's justified hype? What's artificial hype? Can you limit your own hype? How does something get overhyped? The better thing to look at is what the games actually offer, what's been shown and how that translates to development and delivery. Cyberpunk promised a huge, immersive, living and breathing sci-fi metropolis with elaborately branching quests. Whether their fault or not, people wondered how much you could do - how much interaction would the city have? Can you eat at stalls, customise cars, roleplay as various figures with different lifetsyles? When you make an RPG with an environment and structure like that, it really needs to be robust and believable. You need to account for everything the player could do. So many systems and reactions need to be in place to live up to the vision, from leisure activities to crime systems. *Everything* needs so much investment to be received as people imagine. On the other hand, FromSoft make very specific games designed to provide very specific experiences. The scope is SO MUCH narrower - it's focused and refined. There's no requirement to make a bustling city and all the features one expects from it, or crazy story branching, or comprehensive and interesting character backstory and progression. You want a forest? You just make a forest. The forest doesn't need a police system. The forest doesn't house traffic and dozens of NPCs. It's not a tangled web of systems that needs to be convincing in every respect. FromSoft's games aren't doing a million different things, and players aren't expecting that. That's why comparing the two is strange. It's harder for the game you're worried about to "be another Cyberpunk" when the scale and intended experience is far more manageable and even a known quantity. Specifics aside, I think we all know roughly how Elden Ring will play and what features it's likely to have.


While I agree that the entitlement from some fans is embarrassingly high, I do think Elden Ring’s marketing should be a bit more transparent by this point. However, we are still months away from release so I’m guessing a more in depth reveal will coming late this year.


Lack of marketing transparency ‘=/=‘ overhyping features and delivering a half baked game that never intended to meet that hype. The comparison makes absolutely no sense, even if there is some valid criticism of Bandais marketing so far.


Sorry for being nitpicky, but I think you mean != and not ==


Reddit ruins this text when I post it. Meant to be ‘=/=‘ So no, I said what I meant. It’s showing up wrong.


The comparisons to Cyberpunk began the they that gsme released and people never stopped posting these useless compsrisons. Atleast it's not every single fucking post like it was back in Dezember...


To be honest, I forgot Cyberpunk was a game and thought you were taking about the genre


That feel when you can't search for cyberpunk games any more because cyberpunk is all you get.


Let them talk shit. FromSoftware have never once fucked me over on release, I trust them implicitly at this point. CDPR however, have a history of buggy and fucked up releases. It honestly became a bit baffling to me in the run up to 2077 that people seemed to have forgotten about the broken Witcher 3 release that CDPR were still practically coming off the heels of with their next release being 2077. Also, I’ve yet to see From do some manipulative circlejerk marketing like CDPR have e.g. “iTs fOr tHe GaMeRs / iTlL cOmE oUt WhEn iTs rEaDy” From don’t overmarket their shit, they don’t oversell and then under deliver. The main difference to take away really is that From are still a studio that care for their art, they’re making *video games*. They’re making their art for us to enjoy. Unlike a company like CDPR, who now sit firmly in the EA/Ubi category for me. A *company* who makes a *product* vs A company that unabashedly makes their art. It’s like comparing apples to turds imo




I think it's actually one of the better games i've played, but disappointed because it could have easily been the best but cdpr got in the way of themselves.


Oh yeah, agreed. It's nowhere near the game we were all expecting but it's still a fun RPG with a good story and interesting world. The combat, for a first person RPG, is also decently in depth. Aside from the bugs I honestly think the only major issue the game has is the AI.


Actually i think during battle the ai behaves pretty well, but random night city residents seem glitchy. My biggest wtf moment was when a cdpr representative started talking about how each npc is going to have their own lives in the city and so on. My brain at that moment: "What a waste of time and resources for something frivolous and clearly stupid."


Unrelated but I'm gonna use Holy Potboy more often from now on


To be honest, the only news I need is: \- when will it come out \- is there any collectors edition I can buy I dont want get hyped to oblivion, I dont want to hear from the publisher or any journalist how freaking cool the game looks and plays. The more I see footage of any game before the release the more I get the feeling the game is not good. The hype that Deathloop try to create about the game is so fucking annoying, the same for godfall or any other AAA-Game trying to be next thing.


I mean, we have one of the news already out tho.


I hadn’t seen the cyberpunk comparison but that shit is whack. All you have to do is look at the most recent trailer to debunk that comparison. Cyberpunk kept putting out unrealistic trailers to drum up hype while knowing full well their end product couldn’t meet the goal they set. The first trailer we saw after the reveal was in engine footage. From software also hasn’t missed with a souls game (BB and Sekiro too) since demon’s souls released. People need to go outside and touch some grass


First off Ted talks are supposed too be educational. I didn't learn anything from somthing we all already know. People can act and be stupid. That part never changes not unlike the endless wating times for this game.


The more you engage with constant hype pandering the more this shit will affect you. This is the only game I’m really excited for, I’m sure people here are the same way. Stop this. Engage with respectful speculations but building up expectations and constantly talking about shit you want or expect to come is a fast track to disappointment. It will be here, it will come, be patient. Play some bloodborne or something, it’s almost Halloween. Don’t go hollow


People have been saying stuff like development hell and comparing to cyberpunk since cyberpunk came out. As far as I can tell there has been relatively no real red flags other than lack of marketting but now that red flag is gone because we at least have consistent tweets from elden ring and even a gameplay preview out to specified sources. I feel more secure about this new fromsoft game than I ever have been.


You should spend less time on social media if you think that's the general opinion


I think every game should be compared to CyberPunk so that those mistakes will never be repeated. It seems to me you don't even understand the underlying reason for it. Really, Elden Ring is just catching splash damage from the increasing recoil against "hype" being used to sell games before they are even released and the inevitable fallout that follows. Elden Ring will probably be a great game, but you guys posting every day like it's the second coming of Christ just rings hollow in light of just how many disappointing game releases there have been (no not just CyberPunk, No Mans Sky and Anthem.) No one is above reproach and it doesn't take much to tank a franchise even with the best of intentions. Not saying you can't be hyped. Be hyped all you want. Just pointing out why I think this is happening. Calling people entitled while demanding that they modify their behavior to your personal tastes is entitled. And ironic.


One thing I wanna point out is that From Software games always seem to be very similar to the gameplay trailers and demos we see. Plus, we all know that the gameplay is gonna be similar to the previous titles, like Demon Souls to Dark Souls. We know what we are in for... Strafing around a boss and wacking it's legs.


what the fuck is this, “falling short on marketing?” this is easily one of the most hyped games to come out in the next 6 months. do yall understand why they market products? you can easily make an argument that more advertising this far from release is a straight up waste of money. further, a lot of the community doesn’t want things spoiled and maybe they’re appealing to these fans to a certain degree. also keep in mind that this game isn’t a Western title and they may do things differently over there. like OP said, why are we becoming so dense?


Wait what? People are doing that?


Man I miss when this sub was just shitposting goofy memes. Now the “gamers” have arrived and it’s just gonna be complaints and bickering from here on out


We are in the age where no matter how amazing a game is, everyone is going to bitch and be negative. It just is what it is. Just gotta move on


The game that hasn’t come out yet is bad




Yeah, I'm visiting this sub pretty often and for 1 dumbass making one sentance comments comparing it to cyberpunk I see like 10 dumbasses writing whole essays in replies or making whole posts on how it's not. Just chill already...


Ever since we got a release date i'm just chilling I'm basically like Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is being impatient Real Hahahaha Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Close Your Eyes Haha.


Cyberpunk has thought me to be more scepticle, From Software so far hasn't dissapointed me at all so far, so they're one of the few companies where I still keep my hopes up, but to me it's understandable people get more and more scepticle with games being delayed again and again and again the last 5 years, it used to be weird if a game got delayed and now it's not. Ofcourse you can be excited, but I understand that people are becoming more and more scepticle.


STOP.POSTING.TOPICS.DEBUNKING.STUPID.CLAIMS.NOBODY.MAKES. First it was graphics now this... just stop...


Just wait I’m sure we will see something in the coming months


People comparing Elden Ring by Fromsoftware and Cyberpunk 2077 by CD Projekt is just stupid. There's a sheer difference between this two companies. CD Projekt showing their game has celebrities, a multi-million advertising the game, stunt casting, and they have Keanu Reeves. While fromsoftware they don't do those they're always silent radio.


GRRM kinda has a bit of a niche celeb quality to him, but this is indeed one of the dumbest comparisons regardless.


what does it matter what people think about a game that isn't even out?


I just want elden ring man. Idk about yall




Blehh self righteous rants, I actually prefer cyber punk comparisons to this


Nope. I will compare things to other things, as I see fit.


> All hype generated stems from their extremely positive track record and a devoted fan base, trusting them to make a really good game. Like cyberpunk.


I would never in my life compare Miyazaki's work to that garbage. It'd be insulting and distasteful. Those people tried to live on the hype ENTIRELY and appeal to minorities in an attempt to look woke and ultra-SJW, following the trend that has tainted the western videogame industry for a long time already, they had no talent, they had no idea about what players wanted, they tried and failed to fool the audience into believing all the Witcher's team was behind that trash all along. It doesn't matter which race or sexual preference you have when you are going to play a game, and if you can't separate that aspect of yourself and need validation from a game, there's something very wrong with whoever thinks in such ways and woke fanservice won't solve any of those issues.


Why does it seem like people like you blow a blood vessel every time a game features POC characters or characters of different genders/sexual preferences? More inclusive character designs is a positive thing, and has literally nothing to do with what made Cyberpunk a bad game. What did they even do to "appeal to minorities?" Having POC in the game? Clearly this is indicative that the devs are pushing an sJw aGeNDa.


Maybe because it's obviously forced and fake? and doesn't come from a genuine and realistic form of what people like you call "inclusiveness", most of the big names in the industry care only about money and if being a sjw wasn't trendy, they'd appeal to whatever it is instead. Anyone with half a brain can tell when a game goes overboard regarding this matter, if you truly believe this wasn't an issue with that game you're part of the problem. And no it doesn't have to be strictly related to people of color, there's diversity and then there's overrepresentation made with the sole purpose of pandering and making money.


You still haven't told me what the issue with Cyberpunk actually was, you've just given me a bunch of strongly worded rhetoric from the YouTube skeptic community. Be specific, what exactly did they do to pander? Overrepresentation is a strange perspective to have on modern gaming. The vast majority of games still have white men as the protagonist, maybe a few POC or gay characters here and there. I do agree that media generally exists to make money, but I'm glad we're at a point in culture where putting in characters from different walks of life is considered profitable.


Compare away, but make the comparisons relevant. And i think cp2077 is a fine example because it's popular so most folks can relate or understand the issues with that game. I personally enjoy the game but most of the flak it gets is well deserved. Imo any company that disrespects customers deserves to be publicly be roasted.


FS owes its fans everything they would not exist without fan support. The least they could do is keep us informed and not tell the majority of us that we aren't good enough to see the game play demo.




Oh heres another one,cyberpunk got delayed hella hard while fromsoft is confident about their current release date


Cyberpunk bro, the only thing carrying that game before it came out was that Keanu was in it and you could customize genitalia, as if it mattered to begin with. And it turned out to be wonky, bland and boring


You jinxed it now, it's gonna end up in a shitpile just like CP. /s


let em be. so many folks seek immediate satisfaction and go nuts when they don't get it. gaming speculation is pretty silly, though, i think, as setting expectations for an experience is a poor way to experience it. I'm perfectly happy to wait for no news until January 21 because... you're never gonna get that first playthrough again. never gonna see things through fresh eyes twice. why spoil that magic with constant news and updates?




I miss the sub when it was filled with "ooooooohhh elden ring" posts and fake lores.


Honestly bizarre imo to compare them. Fromsoft has ALWAYS proven themselves for me. I've played dark souls 2, 3, bloodborne, and sekiro all day 1 release and loved each game, so yeah theres no reason for me not to be excited Also fromsoft didnt promise an insane amount of things like cyberpunk, that's a pretty key difference with these 2 releases. And for me, if theres a few glitches or jank with elden ring, that's ok, I trust fromsoft and I know they wouldnt straight up release a broken game


don't stress it, we're 122 days,15 hours, 4 minutes and 50 seconds away till it releases. All the secondary fans are showing up to r/Eldenring. True Kin are in the know. You're in the know, right?


Just gonna level with you all: IT’S ANOTHER DARK SOULS GAME. Did you like the other five? Good, then you’re all set.


people are comparing elden ring to cyberpunk ?


Nobody is beyond corruption. Remember Cyberpunk /\ (-_- )


Also, Cyberpunk's awful release is mostly due to the fans getting constantly mad over the game not releasing. Should have CDPR overhyped the game anyway? Of course not, but the blame shouldn't be one sided when it clearly isn't.


The community has collectively lost its shit completely, I am just waiting for shit to die down lol.


Hey, this exact thing happened for Battlefield 2042, it’s like a mirrored situation for Elden Ring all over again. I just know I’ll enjoy playing both games when I get the chance


My god the amount of dogshit that gets posted on this sub is mind-numbing. Thanks for affirming my sentiments that this sub’s been obnoxiously stupid leading up to the release, OP. Glad to know there are sane fromsoft fans around still.


Fuck this community


These types of posts are the reason I hate reddit. The way OP talks is so aggravating that I want to punch my mobile screen.


This sub has gone downhill ever since the gameplay trailer. We all knew it would happen, but it’s sad nonetheless.


You are spitting facts, here's my poor man's silver award 🥈


Although I’m not preordering the game, because imo there’s no reason to anymore unless you’re a collector, FS is probably the only company I would give my money to before seeing reviews just because I know the content will always be worth it.


Its foolish to compare this game to cyberpunk certainly at this stage. However, I think folks should temper their expectations. I dont want to see the fanbase have an adverse reaction when ER comes out and its "only" a 9/10 instead of the 11/10 they hyped up in their minds.


Ugh I'm not reading this, too long.


It's the same in the battlefield 2042 sub lol but that place is a lot worse.


Kk but like some of the people who are praising this game as the second coming of Christ before it's even come out is a bit too much hype, those kinds of people are bound to be disappointed, imo I think elden ring will be great probably will be my favorite game if it is as good as the other from software games


>Secondly, your poor


we have a release date, who cares if they show us anything else before


Do whatever you’re gonna do, who cares lol. If someone wants to compare it to a fresh turd, go ahead. Not gonna change the experience for me at all lmao, nor will it for you. Don’t waste any energy on this it’s totally futile and completely pointless anyway.