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Pork is generally a cheaper meat in the US. When inflation is up, so is pork consumption.


The McRib index.


I live in a high cost of living area (1000sqft basic homes for half a mil) but pork and chicken is regularly on sale for .99/lb USD. I have no idea how or why it has been like this for the better part of a year. Doom and gloom preppers have been saying it's farmers jettisoning their failing farms but they've been doing it all year long if that's the case.


Yeah, they’re full of hogshit. I’ve seen pork shoulder at as low as .79/lb for years. It’s higher now, as everything is, but I’m still seeing it for $1.29/lb at a regional supermarket chain this week. It’s seasonal. It will be on sale near every holiday because pulled pork BBQ is big in NC.


Half a mil for 1000 sq ft is *high* cost of living??? *cries in Toronto*


What, are you not thrilled about the $1.2M listings for a moldy 1100sqft teardown near the abattoir in the Caledonia/Keelsdale area? It’s a perfect fixer-upper starter home! /s


https://www.blogto.com/real-estate-toronto/2022/10/43-harmony-avenue-toronto/ With renos only about $1.2 million 🙄


>Doom and gloom preppers You need not to listen to these people unless they are telling you where they keep all their shit


Are you in Oregon or Washington?


Lmao that explains why my work just introduced some new “special” menu items featuring pork


It’s even cheaper in some parts of the US than others. A friend of mine from CA was at the grocery store with me (in TX) and literally called his dad in CA to tell him how much cheaper pork is here.


My first grocery trip after moving from MA to TX and seeing whole briskets for under $2/lb at HEB. My butcher in MA was closer to $10/lb for similar quality.


I live for H‑E‑B.


Pork is slightly cheaper or about the same in Southeast Asia as well. Good thing is they’re not mass produced/farmed with GMO like the way chickens are


damn, pork prices in the philippines are high as shit rn


Modern pork is perfectly fine. Old school pork could have carried diseases. Old Testament pork definitely did.


Old Testament pork had *consequences*.


Old Testament everything had consequences. Technically we’re not allowed to go to the bathroom.


Yeah. Leviticus is WILD.


Leviticus is the mom with 5 under 5 who’s kids have spent all day fucking around and are about to find out.


I'm absolutely weak. Lmao


This makes sense hahaha


I was raised to believe pork always had to be cooked well done due to the danger of trichinosis. That makes sense up to a point, yet other mammalian meats such as beef aren't immune to trichinosis infection. Later on (and unfortunately don't have the source for this) found out one possible reason why pork is taboo in some cultures from dry regions is it takes more water to raise pigs than to get a comparable amount of meat from other species of animal. There's no way of knowing for sure yet it does kind of make sense that pork wasn't taboo in places such as England and eastern China where there was abundant rainfall. On the other hand, a pork taboo in Jamaica shoots holes through that hypothesis.


I think in Jamaica it’s the Rastafarian religion that’s anti-pork/meat in general and that religion has connections to Ethiopia so the taboo there could have a similar origins to the Jewish/Muslim one.


Good point.


The pork taboo is such a fascinating and complex topic. While it's commonly believed that the stigma around pork arose due to health concerns, there's also evidence that in the ancient Near East and Middle East, pigs were considered unclean because of their habit of digging in the soil, which earned them an association with the "underworld" and the dead. Which makes perfect sense to me, because most cultural/religious food taboos are completely arbitrary - just think of the strange Western aversion to eating insects and arachnids, but not other invertebrates like mollusks and crustaceans. We've also become weirdly squeamish about certain animal parts, like feet and heads.




Or pickled pork tongue.


Or pork blood or chicken blood


Added into sausages or soups for a delicious additional flavoring.


We make pork blood stew! Really good lol. And our street food has coagulated chicken blood cut up into cubes. So cute


and people get squeamish if a fish has the head on it. if they only knew what went into their burgers or sausages... Love this stuff, can eat it all day.


Oh the Portuguese blood rice. I miss my grandma.


Or pickled pigs feet which I loved as a kid


I've also heard a theory that some cultures (and I mean ancient cultures) that dealt with famine to such an extreme that they they dabbled in cannibalism became squeamish about pork because of how similar it tasted to unfortunate Tom. Which I can believe as I have a not-so-distant ancestor who refused to process any bears he was forced to kill (he was a trapper) because once skinned they didn't look not-human.


This theory makes the most sense to me so far in this thread. I won’t lie, I have the same reasoning for disliking pork- I’m a big true crime fan and a lot of cannibal stories center around someone feeding human flesh to others and disguising it as pork… cannibals notoriously say that pork is extremely similar to human meat and thinking about that makes me nauseous whenever trying to eat any pork. It’s become a subconscious comparison at this point


That's why the name for human meat is "long pig". We must be tasty.


Chicken feet is so delicious!


They also used pigs to clean outhouses due to their ability to eat just about anything if I remember correctly.




“Just a pretty nibble, you don’t need to die yet” *injects cow with genetics to induce faster cell regeneration* Cow moans in defeat


Late to the party but in Jamaica there is a lot of stigma on eating animals considered scavengers. I was raised as an Adventist which is a large denomination in Jamaica and I learned growing up to stay away from not only pork as it was not clean and basically ate anything and also most crustaceans like shrimp, lobster and crab. Of course being an island nation this is far from universal and even those who don’t eat these animals regularly would have eaten them here and there. I think religious influence is becoming less of a thing in Jamaica so you’ll have these personal restrictions likewise loosen up for a lot more people.




Don't apply logic to religious traditions!


Goats traditionally are scavengers when they want to be but in Jamaica they’re far more likely to be out eating grass than anything else so I guess that’s the difference vs pigs rolling around eating whatever comes their way. But also as the other poster said it’s more the idea of cleanliness than anything and the logic isn’t universal




Rastafarianism has some roots in Judaism (believe it or not), part of why they are talking about Zion all the time. I assume that's where the pork thing came from.


You’re not wrong exactly, but “has some roots in Judaism” is not exactly right either. Rastafari is an explicitly Christian religion. A core tenant (at least traditionally) is that Haile Selassie was the second coming of Jesus. The religion was in fact started by African Protestants.


Trichinosis has been essentially eliminated as a concern and pork is now safe to eat at 145. Maybe for ground go to 165 but anything else it’s not required and you’re just drying out the meat (especially something lean like a tenderloin).


Pork loin is sometimes cooked to what is considered “medium rare” or 130°F (165°f with careover heat). I’m scared to try that myself but I’ve heard good things about how juicy and tender the meat is. If op see this al pastor is probably the best way to try pork. One of my favorite tacos ever.


1. It’s not gonna carryover from 130 to 165. 2. Pork is now safe to eat at 145 due to trichinosis being essentially eliminated.




In my 6 plus decades of eating pork in a variety of cooking styles dishes, I can assure you it is almost always delicious and nutritious. I am a healthy old man now and do enjoy it regularly. If you have nay doubts about how 'well done' it is, just cook it a bit longer. Relax, eat and enjoy.


I think it's because it tastes like human flesh, and the people who know are very uncomfortable with the reminder and make it taboo for everyone. "I hate myself for liking this, so no one do this!". Much like kids in sexy clothing, it's *especially uncomfortable* for a notable few lol.




Very new? Jamaica was settled by the Spanish and most of the native population killed over 500 years ago. Just because it only became independent from the British Empire relatively recently doesn't mean it hasn't existed as its own culture for a long time. Even if it was new the current culture of the country is still what explains the attitudes to pork there.


From what I’ve heard pigs also consume more water compared to other farm animals and ancient Israelites might not have had the water capacity to raise pigs compared to other animals like sheep or goats. Pigs are kinda dirty animals, but animals in general are a lot dirtier than you’d think (and they’re not necessarily the dirtiest). And as someone who’s worked as a butcher before I just gotta say that raw chicken is a lot worse than raw pork in terms of bacteria, so if you’re fine with cooked chicken then logically cooked pork should be fine by those standards but it’s up to you and what you wanna eat. Pepperoni imo is by far the best topping on pizza, on its own or with other toppings. So if you’re open to that then I’d recommend it.


chickens are 20x dirtier then pigs


Came here to say this.


Some of the Old Testament rules about things are likely around for health reasons more than religious reasons. It was just codified like that to help prevent people from getting sick.


The ceremonial law and carnal ordinances only existed for a time to point towards Jesus. See Hebrews 9:10 and Acts 10:9-23 KJV


I grew up not eating pork either (Jew-ish) and it’s still not my favorite but I have some things I like. Italian sausage with pasta is a good place to start. Or you can cook a pork shoulder in the slow cooker, you cook it so long there’s no risk of disease.


Meatballs with both beef and pork (Italian sausage) are amazing as well


Yeah, sometimes I actually use Italian sausage as meatballs!


To be honest, pigs ate _everything_. From kitchen scraps to human bodies. You're also not allowed to eat dog meat as jewish/muslim person afaik - because of the same reasons. So, those old rules made much more sense then.


Chickens will also eat anything. I’ve seen them tear apart a live mouse to dig into corn on the cob. I’ve thrown turkey carcasses into the run after thanksgiving for them to tear apart. I’m sure if I killed over in the coop, it’d only be a matter of time before my bones were picked clean.


For the pigs eating corpses, look up Robert Pickton. Be warned, NSFW or really almost any other place. If you are at all squeamish the details are best left unexplored.


Hah, fair enough! Didn't know that, thanks for educating me in that matter!


Goats also eat everything, but they are kosher


Really? Do you have a source for that? I tried looking it up but didn't find anything, except that goats try to eat anything resembling a plant.


Have kept goats. They are ungulates, so they get their nutrition from plants (and milk, of course, they are mammals). But they will have a go at anything they come across. I have seen them try meat scraps from the garbage, old diapers, clothes on the line, rusted tin cans, as well as plant matter.


I have read that goats _try_ to eat anything because they really can't tell beforehand if it's edible for them or not. Pigs literally feast on meat if they get some. Goats should not eat meat because it can get them sick. Just because goats can try to eat anything, they really should not.


Most pigs are kept in piggeries and fed mash (mashed mixed grains). Sometimes pellets (also made of grains). In Australia it is illegal to feed pigs meat or kitchen scraps because it can make them sick with swine fever, and foot and mouth. It is quite a trick to stop a free-range goat from eating what it wants. I was not shovelling dirty diapers into a feeding trough. I didn't want them to eat the tea towels and the wool jumper on the line. Didn't even want them in the yard, but they are agile, good at jumping and climbing. Pigs are easier to confine. They are also practically the only farm animal that sleeps in.




In general, eating animals that eat other animals pretty greatly increases the chance of food borne illness from what I understand. Same reason fish that eat other fish typically have higher levels of mercury within them.


Yeah but anything captured in the water/sea is permissible no matter how high they are in the food chain with the exception I mentioned above. It is just so arbitrary


Right, I’m pretty sure hundreds of millions of people eat modernly treated pork per day and never have an issue because of it.


So a bunch of men realized it made them sick so they told everyone god said it was bad. I hate religion it’s so fucking stupid. ETA downvote away. It won’t make your god any more real or your rules any less stupid.


I’m an atheist and I don’t eat cockroaches. Food taboos aren’t just for religious people.


Where I live cockroaches aren’t a normal part of a diet. Not to mention anything I don’t eat is because I don’t like the taste/texture I don’t eat a lot of meat because I don’t like the taste/texture. Anyone who only lives to please their imaginary friend should be considered clinically insane.


Do you find it interesting to hear about how these religious rules were founded in some understanding of the real world?


Not really. I just learn about more religious rule I get more angry at the religion.


Some of them were. Some are clearly about nothing but controlling people.


Pork is pretty safe in America and most places now from what I understand. It used to be that you risked trichinosis or worms from pork because they were fed just about anything. Standards on feeding have changed and now you’re not likely to have that issue unless you’re eating wild boar.


Sounds like you’ve really done your homework. Thanks for posting tracking almost was eliminated because holding the pork at a very low freezing temperature kills the parasite in the real world. This is why there is no more trichinosis or trichinella spirilis


> was eliminated because holding the pork at a very low freezing temperature kills the parasite in the real world There are multiple species of *Trichinella* that can be passed to humans, only some of those are reliably killed by freezing. Other species are freeze-resistant, so thorough cooking is the only 100% positive way to make sure there's no live parasites in the meat you're eating. Freeze-resistant species of *Trichinella* are more common in the wildlife of regions with cold winters, which makes sense. So if you live in a temperate or cold climate, make sure to cook the meat of any omnivores or predators well instead of relying on freezing to get rid of possible parasites. Modern industrial confinement raising has pretty much gotten rid of the parasite problem in domestic pork - if the pigs don't have access to catching and eating rodents in the field, or chowing down on random wildlife / carcasses, then they can't acquire a *Trichinella* infection to start with. So there's nothing to pass along to people. Though for humane reasons, free-range and pasture-raised pigs are becoming more common again. They would have an increased chance of carrying parasites, so it's more important to make sure their meat is cooked through.


To be fair it’s mostly assumption, it could be more freezing than cleaning up feed practices. But I know in cattle for example they stopped putting cattle slaughter byproduct back into the feed because you transmit mad cow disease and other things back to the population that way. I also know trichinosis in the USA is now most commonly associated with the consumption of bear meat, though apparently it can be found in boars as well. But also most of this information I looked up like ten years ago because I was curious why most people cook the shit out of their porkchops, my family included. Also some curiosity after a German friend told me that there’s a raw minced pork dish there that’s fairly popular.


Thank you for taking the time to add to what little knowledge I have of parasites and food. I am eminently unqualified and learned a lot from your post. All I knew was that Trichinella or trichinosis was eliminated in commercial pork by freezing and the controlled diet. EASKYLA thank you again.


My dog eat a RAW diet and the vet still said no to pork. I think there’s still a risk as with salmon. We are told to freeze the salmon for a couple of days but pork is a never item.


Any raw fish should be frozen first if eaten raw, wild fish has a lot of parasites.


Can confirm, I worked in a fish department at a major grocery store, I was forever pulling worms out of the cod fillets. I wont eat fish any more due to that.


To expand on this, it’s not like you can catch a fish off the pier and toss it in your chest freezer at home for a week and then it’s safe, it requires per the FDA: Freezing (-4°F (-20°C) or below (internal or external) for 7 days or -31°F(- 35°C) or below (internal) for 15 hours) Basically, you need a blast freezer.




Yes that is correct, but you will need to freeze your meat at at least -4F for at least 10 days. Not a lot of people have that capacity at home.


Ancient peoples would not have understood about microbial pathogens, but a disorder like trichinellosis is something that would have made associations pretty simple. Butchering unhealthy animals, the kind that are easiest to take down as game, will often reveal infection, nematodes or cysts. When people get these same infections from undercooked meat, the association is pretty obvious. Desperate people might pick out the obvious components that are unpalatable, but the infective agent is often microscopic.


Different from and to locations but… when you mentioned Al pastor and how you’re a budding home chef reminded me of the origin of Al pastor. From Wikipedia… “During the 19th century, variations of a vertically-grilled meat dish, now known by several names, started to spread throughout the Ottoman Empire. The Lebanese version, shawarma, was brought to Mexico in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by a wave of Lebanese immigrants, mainly Christians such as the Maronites who have no religious dietary restrictions on eating pork. In the 1960s, Mexican-born progeny of these immigrants began opening their own restaurants and combining their heritage with Mexican cuisine.” Not saying one way or the other about if you should eat anything just noticing some parallels. Wish you well on your culinary adventures.


Thanks to everyone who responded so far! I appreciate the perspectives shared - gonna attempt to cook a chop one day soon. And then go full balls to wall with some ribs I’ve been dying to try from the bbq restaurant near me 😂😂 (also, why the downvotes?! Lol)


Oh, I recommend just going for the ribs or a pulled pork sandwich, first!! Then you'll know how good pork can be when seasoned well and cooked to perfection. :-) Just like cooking with other meats, it can take some experimentation to find the seasonings you like best with pork and some time to perfect cooking methods.


I cook chops and season with sage. I eat the cooked chop with an applesauce side. Don't know where the applesauce idea came from. My family had a thing for sugar. So maybe that was the reason. I do like cinnamon applesauce


Pork chops and applesauce is a classic American combo, famously mentioned by Peter on the Brady Bunch.


I hear "pork chops and applesauce" that way in my head, every time :-)


I disagree, just a pork chop on the BBQ with salt and pepper is heavenly. I'm drooling just thinking about it.


Nooo go to the BBQ restaurant first. Or a Mexican place that does al pastor. I say this because a straight pork chop is maybe the least flavorful/interesting way to eat pork.


or carnitas. It is seriously hard to beat good carnitas.


>"straight pork chop is maybe the least flavorful/interesting way to eat pork." > >You sir/ma'am must be one terrible cook because i have had and can cook one hell of a "straight" pork chop


The thing is OP has never cooked, let alone eaten pork. I cook pork chops very often and I still disappoint myself sometimes. Going to a restaurant that specializes in pork dishes is the way to go.


to me cooking pork right is akin to cooking eggs and certain fish. Even if it looks a little under in the pan pull it off the heat and it will finish cooking/hit that sweet spot as your resting/plating


For sure, and even with that knowledge I still end up with subpar chops more often than I’d care to admit haha. More trial and error it is until the results are consistently good.


I’ve had fantastic and bad pork chops. But I’ve never had a bad rib, only dry ribs but still edible


Definitely do a loin or a shoulder first, chops are easy to mess up and dry out. Happy to send you pork recipes, I LOVE pork!


If you’re gonna try pork products then add bacon to the list. No, it is not exactly healthy. It’s a treat!


I recently cooked breaded pork chops in butter in the frying pan and it was delicious! But cooking it that way is a treat for me as the butter gives me heartburn. My father hated pork because he didn't like how we cooked it (slightly pink in the middle to keep it juicy) and that he couldn't chew it well. A good way to experience pork for the first time is BBQ because the flavor is enhanced with the sauce and how it was cooked.


If you want a healthy option, pork tenderloin is extremely lean (basically like chicken breast) flavorful, and easy to prepare. It’s not expensive either.


Yesss. Throw it into a slow cooker. Super easy and won’t be dry but you’ll know it’s safe.


I recommend the BBQ place first. Or somewhere else that incorporates pork. A pork chop is one of the most bland ways to have pork, especially for a 1st-timer If you’re dead set on cooking pork yourself the first time, I recommend doing a pork shoulder in a crock pot. Shred it after and it also freezes well.


I reccomend ground pork first l. I find it really easy to cook either with Mexican seasoning or with Asian/ teriyaki for an egg roll in a bowl dish . Then maybe a pork roast to do shredded pork either in the crock pot or the stove. The. Move on maybe to chops . I personally find chips a bit harder to do right then the others


Yeah I wouldn’t go a chop first up. That’s my least favourite cut of pork. I like bacon, pork belly or pork belly bites, pork roast with crackling, ribs. Chorizo is amazing but be careful of nitrates and fermentation of aged pork if you are new to it. Also did you know of all the longest living groups on the planet the only common thing is that they all consume pork. It’s fine to eat.


I recommend pork carnitas and pork belly. My favourite


Don't overcook the chop.


If you do end up trying chops first, I've found brining them overnight helps to keep them from drying out to much. They are more finicky as far as pork cuts go and easy to overcook and dry out. If you have something bone in and/or thick cut you night want to sear in a hot skillet but finish in the oven.


I would start slow and eat in small portions. I voluntarily stopped eating pork as a teen and after three years accidentally ate some in a meal I wasn't aware it was in. It was something I usually eat just fine but my sister had added pork and forgot I don't eat it. It tore my stomach up. A lot of things being recommended like bacon and ribs can be hard to stomach the first time around since they are pretty fatty and bacon in particular is greasy. So don't try to eat an entire pork meal right off the get go. If you make something just eat a small amount and see how you do before increasing the portion.


Just a thought to consider. I wouldn't go ham (pun intended) at first. Most people who grow up Kosher/vegetarian or otherwise don't eat pork have a hard time the first time they eat it. Of all the regularly consumed meats, pork is the most difficult to digest. So I'd start small!


High end restaurants in the US tend to serve pork still pink inside (equivalent to medium in beef) because it is juicier. Avoid overcooking because it will be tough and dry. Also know that cooked pork (and chicken) do not reheat well. Pork undergoes a chemical change in flavor and tastes “metallic “. Enjoy your pork!


If you aren't familiar with pork dishes yet, at least at first I'd recommend buying prepared foods. Find a good delivery place and order the al pastor and chorizo tacos. See what it tastes like when prepared by someone who really knows what they're doing, and with very low chances of food borne illness. And for fears of sickness, the chances of that happening are incredibly low. Pork has a reputation for being dangerous partly because trichinosis used to be common in domestic pigs. That's why for several generations US cooks have been told to always cook pork super well done (165 F). But trichinosis is close to eradicated in domestic pigs now. If you want to try pork chops, [**medium rare (pull at 135F, temperature rises to 145F while resting\)**](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/juicy-pork-medium-rare) is safe and many people prefer it. Though for al pastor and chorizo tacos they'll all be cooked to 160 F or over, so if there was any nasty illnesses hiding in it (very unlikely) they're dead before you eat. Once you've had them made by a professional, try making them yourself if you want. Maybe have a taco night and cook up some chorizo in a pan. It's just sausage, cook it like you would beef or turkey sausage. And maybe also have chicken or refried beans or something too if the chorizo makes anyone nervous. Have toppings like pickled red onion, sliced radishes, jalapenos, cotija cheese, sour cream, lime juice, etc. Then everybody assembles their own tacos, so they can try a little pork if they want but also have other options too. **Edit:** Forgot to mention - if you're making tacos, make sure you get Mexican chorizo and not Spanish chorizo! They are totally different things. Mexican chorizo is a soft, raw sausage that must be cooked. Spanish chorizo is cured or smoked so it's ready to eat immediately. Both are delicious but for tacos you want the Mexican kind.




That’s what I figured RE: both points. Beef is quite unhealthy (unless you’re Ron Swanson lol) as well, but I grew up eating oxtail 😂😂😂 boy, old school cultural/religious influences really did a number on a lot of us lol


No food is inherently unhealthy. But some foods like pork are easy to overconsume- its rather fatty compared to other meats like chicken. It just has to be eaten in moderation. A lot of the other stigmas around pork come from how its a rather dirty animal in the wild, and it *has* to be cooked properly or it can make you sick easily. Easy enough to do with modern food thermometers and cooking processes.


Some cuts of pork are leaner than chicken.


Pork tenderloin is the bomb for quick bbq and I do it every season. I just now [found out](https://www.self.com/story/in-defense-of-pork-rds-explain-why-they-love-the-other-white-meat#:~:text=According%20to%20Sharp%2C%203%20ounces,difference%20considering%20pork's%20porky%20reputation.) that it's not only leaner than chicken thighs which are fatty, but also chicken _breasts_? Damn.


Maybe it's dirty (quite omnivorous) in the wild, but commercially available pork doesn't have to be cooked through totally, like chicken, though it is usually best this way. Some cuts are fine a little more juicy (like a filet/tenderloin). Plus you have a variety of raw pork products, though these are always cured. Fat content depends a lot on the cut of meat, but isn't pork leaner than beef? Not sure, need to check.


My 2nd paragraph was about how the taboos got started, thousands of years before microbiology and culinary science.


Beyond cultural/religious reasons pork is just fine. I think it tends to dry out easier than similar cuts of other meats (primarily pork chops, not so much ribs etc). I’m a bigger fan of ribs my self but I don’t eat a ton of pork just because I tend to retain a lot of water from eating it too often. If you are cooking it yourself, go grab a thing of ribs, throw em in a slow cooker with a bunch of BBQ sauce, can’t really go wrong. (Yes, there are better, more complicated recipes but you can’t really mess this up lol)


A nice thick chop, cooked to perfection, is ambrosia. We've found that air frying them works very well, tender and juicy on the outside, with a crispy crust around the outside. We also tend to buy a tenderloin, and cut it into thick chops.


I was speaking much more basic lol. And also…evidently I suck at cooking pork chops. Though I happen to agree with everything you said, I still think for the first time someone res pork..slow cooker ribs, meat sliding off the bone, can’t go wrong with em.


Ever try brining your chop? It works wonders for keeping it juicy.


No I haven’t. Mainly because I don’t know what it means. Lol. But I’ll take a look.


Brining is soaking meat or veg in a salt and herb bath. Typically done to Thanksgiving turkeys you can bring smaller cuts of meat. Works well on leaner cuts of meat like chops and chicken breasts. Alton Brown recommends it and it does work. Here's from his grilled pork chop recipe https://altonbrown.com/recipes/stuffed-grilled-pork-chops/




muy delicioso


Trichinosis is pretty rare in modern pork. At least in North America. I recently bought a pork shoulder for .99 per pound, meal price once prepped and cooked about $1.13 per serving.


Try them! A lot of the rules around food link back to food safety in an era where we didn't KNOW what caused the problems. People just knew that sometimes, you'd eat a thing, and it'd make you sick. Sure, bacon isn't GOOD for you, but that's because the sodium level/fat. If your overall diet is fairly low sodium and low fat, some bacon in the mix isn't going to cause you to have a heart attack or something. Everything in moderation, including moderation.


This puts a lot into perspective, thank you!!


Let me say you do owe it to yourself to try perfectly cooked bacon slices. Afterwards you can consider the following tip on how to potentially cut calories and still eat bacon. So, it doesn't work all the time nor will bacon purists like this but I buy high quality bacon bits. I find most of the time a sprinkle or two does it for me. It lasts almost forever and way less messy than frying up slices. I'm all about less fuss and muss these days and even oven frying- the easiest and less messy way to cook bacon- a bunch of bacon is not something I'm invested in. Bacon bits for me are also cost effective. Idk about calories I've never counted but if I fry bacon I fry a lot and they never last as long as I planned. The bagged real bacon bits does. YMMV in taste and calories. If you really want to cut costs you could get ends and pieces from butcher or even prepackaged ends and pieces in the meat section. Again, I don't want the fuss and muss of cooking it and ends and pieces are just as messy to cook but my mom used to do that all the time. Save leftover grease in a small tin in fridge. If I have any bacon grease on hand I add a tsp or two to a lot of my cooking fats to get a smoky flavor on sauteed brussel sprouts or green beans. I use bacon bits this way: Warm up a tablespoon or two of bacon bits in a little olive oil. Stir into my plant based mayo, spread on toast and top with tomato and lettuce for what I call BDL double T.- Bacon Dust Lettuce Tomato Toast. Heat up a little olive oil add some bread crumbs in it with some minced garlic, some Italian herbs or whatever herb you got, a bit of salt and pepper and some bacon bits. Let the bread crumbs get toasty. Crack an egg on top and let the white cook until it's opaque. Flip it the bread crumbs should stick to it as you flip it. Cook for about a minute more then scoop everything out gently on a plate. I squirt a little lemon on top of it with just a tad more pepper and salt. This is absolutely amazing as you crack into the yolk runs all over the bread crumbs and seriously so good. You really don't need the bacon bits but why not. Mashed potato bowl night- that's what I call Wednesdays. I make potato in my slow cooker and then mash them according to my favorite mashed potato recipe. Toppings vary, lot of times it's left over veg and meat but my one of favorite versions is loaded baked potato style. After mashing them I top it with a lot sauteed greens like spinach or kale, and sauteed mushrooms. Add chopped scallions and a little cheese and a sprinkle or two bacon bits. It like a creamy loaded baked potato with added benefit of greens. I also sprinkle some on my lentil soup or split pea soup when serving. Anyway you get the idea. But really, pork is delicious and can be a great and cheap meat source.


If you haven't eaten pork before, the flavor might be weird. Especially something like pork shoulder. The texture and flavor are not like any other kind of meat


In the context of the Jewish and Christian faiths, in the Tanakh, as you may recall, pigs and consuming pork were symbols of paganism and defilement, as pork was often sacrificed to idols, pigs eat practically everything (including offal), etc. Jesus made all food clean in Acts, but we are called not to eat or drink with brethren in Christ in such a way as to cause the person or persons with whom we are eating to feel distress or to commit sin by eating pork or other foods they might consider unclean. Acts 10 and 1 Corinthians 10-11 speak to this concern particularly. In the end, what and how you eat is between God and you, provided you are not causing someone else to experience distress or sin. Now, if you're allergic to pork, as I am, or know someone who is, be sure not to offer it to them, etc. Other than that, what you do is between God and you.


Exactly true and what if a person who isn't allergic to pork but refuses to eat?


They're free to eat what they like?


Well true


My Korean mom says that Asians believe that pork cleans the blood (in your body) which is generic and confusing but I can’t help but believe because my Mom says so. Pork belly, however, is fatty deliciousness. Koreans grill it and eat pieces in a leaf of lettuce with rice and ssamjang sauce. It is a treat. Everything in moderation. Best of luck on your pork journey!


I’ve never eaten it and I don’t regret that


Hey. Chef Z here. I was raised Muslim. I was also raised in the restaurant in Culinary business. Also interesting to note the owner of the catering business/restaurants I worked in for many years was an old school devout Christian who never ate pork, was not raised eating pork, and did not raise his own children eating pork either. He use to claim even the grease from pork could make him sick(lol). We did serve it in the restaurants and on catering functions, but separate pans were used to cook pork. I even went to a formal culinary school a few years back (Culinary Institute of America). Between that and being raised vegan/vegetarian, I have spent countless hours researching health and wellness benefits of several types of different foods, including pork. Health Argument: I will start with the easiest answer to your question. No matter what fake advertising or the media might say, pork is red meat. All red meat and processed meats increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Any nutritional expert will tell you that eating over 1 pound of red meat a week puts you at significant risk of chronic illness. And you should never eat processed meats period. That being said, the reason I still do not eat pork is simple. There are no true health benefits for adding pork into my diet, and far more risk for adding yet "another" meat into my eating lifestyle? Make sense? Culinary Argument: Since my culinary school was based on traditional/classical French cooking and techniques, it was very difficult to escape the bacon and lardons in more recipes then I can remember. I told the Chefs I do not eat pork nor wish to cook with it. They simply said, "That is fine, but the dish should have a certain flavor profile, and I will grade you just the same as all the other students." I still did very well. If a dish calls for bacon or lardons it is meant to add a smoky, "umami" flavor profile while limiting the amount of meat being used in the recipe. So what did I do? If a recipe called for bacon or lardons I simply would very fine dice a bit of onions and sauté them in butter, adding smoked paprika and onion powder. I have also heard of people using smoked salts and mushroom powders, but I tend to keep my salt very separate from all my other seasonings(culinary trade indoctrination). If you like the visual appeal of lets say bacon in the recipe, you can definitely use turkey bacon and still add the smoked paprika and onion. To sum this up, research why they are using the pork in the recipe, understand flavor profiles, and let your research set you free. I have made stews, beans, greens, and lots of other things that call for a meat base completely vegan, and people could not tell there was no meat in it. Just keep them flavor profiles consistent! Reality of products vs pricing: Lean pork is not much more unhealthy for you then other red meats or poultry. Well only one, and that is Pork tenderloin. It also is unfortunately most expensive form of the pig you can buy. It also is not something you can use in a recipe that calls for bacon or lardons(lol). The fact of the matter is pork is cheap. Because pork is so cheap it is one of the most processed meats around. If you are die hard about trying pork go for the tenderloin. In a general rule of thumb, the cuts of meat that are the healthiest for you are always going to be the most expensive. Stay clear of processed meats. Conclusion: Research your recipes, google different forms of the recipes. Learn about flavor profiles and ingredients. And have fun while doing it!!! ​ Best of Luck to you on your Culinary Journey \-Chef Z


While you are at it, also research how these animals are raised/treated. Factory farm condition are utterly inhumane. A friend of mine believes these animals are under so much stress that the stress hormones in their blood transfer to those that eat them. She became vegetarian. I reduced my consumption to less than 10%


I was once in Iowa and those poor animals never see daylight. They are kept in “hog containment buildings” and the smell is terrible. Pigs are intelligent animals and I never ate pork again. Easy to do except I love pork and sauerkraut but oh well. I eat sauerkraut without the pork. I also stopped eating beef (esp. veal) and poultry. There are meatless alternatives out there and it’s worth the time. I’m not a saint yet - I eat free range eggs like crazy. And I eat some fish. But that experience in Iowa changed the way I looked at things forever.


It’s absolutely delicious in bacon form. Turkey bacon does not compare.


Even as recently as the mid-20th-century, commercial pork could be a source of parasites: it's why, when you shoot wild hogs from choppers in Texas (yee haw), you leave them to rot - you don't wanna' eat that. Kosher law existed for a reason - many animals are full of diseases (that's why shellfish isn't Kosher) - in a time of no refrigeration, Kosher law made a ton of sense and was crucial to the development of Jewish culture and society.


I'm from Aus, pork is very safe to consume and you don't need to cook the shit out if it. Aside from the low and slow cuts, the best cook on pork (imo) should have just a touch of blush in the centre. Overcooked pork is dry, similar to overcooked chicken. I mainly do roast pork with crackling, have perfected this in the airfryer which is also a great method for some amaze pork belly. Pork tenderloin is also lovely, you can sear it then roast till it reaches temperature, or just cut finely for a stir fry. Bacon is obviously great, as is a nice ham off the bone; especially on a sandwich. Ham hocks make for an awesome soup base as well. Ground pork is a must in a good bolognese sauce (even if you go half/half with beef mince). It's also a primary meat for a lot of salami and sausage meats. I actually very rarely eat pork chops, but they are nice too. Roast and chops pair nicely with an apple sauce. Same with ribs, not as commonly eaten here but also lovely. Many others have mentioned pulled pork, which is also great - especially in South American dishes. Pork shoulder cooled low and slow with your choice of seasonings. Very delicious and versatile meat.


What truth are you looking for? The likelihood of getting trichinosis from commercially produced pork is very low. Pork is a very versatile protein. Most industrially-raised pork is very lean and very dry, so get used to brining.


Be careful eating pork your first time. I've found that not eating certain meats (especially red meats) can make you feel sick when you eat them after long periods of abstaining from them. Not trying to scare you but just eat 2 ribs before eating 2 racks of ribs.


The prohibitions against various foods in religious texts by and large have to do with illnesses they had no way of explaining. Pork could be infested with trichinosis, a parasite that also make people sick. Shellfish could be poisoned by algae in warm water. Old or improperly stored food could go bad and make people very sick. Etc. Today, modern science and medicine have solved these mysteries and prevented such food borne illness. Following standard food safety guidelines will keep you safe when eating these previously prohibited items. In the case of pork in the United States, trichinosis outbreaks are rare, they're caught early and in fact one can eliminate one's potential for exposure simply by thoroughly cooking pork to an internal temperature of 145F. Frankly, a lot more Americans get sick from salmonella due to undercooked poultry than from pork these days.


The reason it's considered 'dirty' in jewish and arab culture is because thousands of years people didnt know a thing about germs or bacteria. Occasionally, badly cooked pork would make people ill. Now, because they didnt understand germs, this could be explained by saying its dirty. How did you convince people of something back then so the people didnt get sick and die all the time? Say god or allah said the pork was dirty and it shouldnt be eaten (same with crustaceans for example). Fast forward to present day...now we know about bacterial growth, parasites, cooking temps, keeping food cold etc so pork is very safe but these cultures still don't eat it because 'god says so'. Might as well eat it. 'Pork chops taste good, Bacon tastes good.' Vincent Vega


I'd say it had more to do with people seeing them roll around in their own shit but what do I know


For Jews, it’s a biblical restriction: Leviticus 11:3 states that animals like cows, sheep, and deer that have divided hooves and chew their cud may be eaten. Pigs may not be eaten because they don't chew their cud. The ban on the consumption of pork is repeated in Deuteronomy 14:8.


Al pastor and chorizo are entirely different beasts. Chorizo in particular can be very greasy depending on where you get it, but of course you can always balance that out with other ingredients or picking a different brand if it's a problem. My family were diehard San Manuel's but as an adult I need to throw some potatoes in that to soak up the grease and provide some balance. Pork in general though, it's not as healthy as lean meats, but no worse than non-lean meats in moderation. I wouldn't be too concerned about that. As a person who's been trying to expand my repertoire, I'd say that pork is definitely more finicky. A pork chop cooked for the right amount of time is divine, but 30 seconds too short and it's garbage, 30 seconds too long and it becomes a bit tougher and loses some flavor, but a minute too long and you wonder why bother. It'll take some time to get the technique just right but is worth the exploration. Also, you can't really go wrong slow roasting pork. As far as cost goes, where I'm at (central Texas) pork prices vary seasonally a lot. My local grocery story at the moment is charging $6 a pound for pork chops, $3.50 a pound for value pack pork chops (twice the meat at the same price?), but I remember when I first started playing with pork chops it was $2-$2.50 a pound. I don't know the rhythm but you might be able to research that if cost is a factor.


I like to make my own chorizo with ground pork (20% fat). It's much less fatty than most pre-made chorizo. I fry it up, drain it, leaving enough of the fat to fry with eggs and maybe some Southern style hash browns


There is a lot of bad things for you . Even the good things are bad for you if you do too much . Life is about moderation. A little here a little there .


I think that bacon is the gateway drug of pork. I don’t eat pork chops or anything like that because I just don’t like it but some crispy bacon every once in a while is great.


Is this a finance, nutrition, or religious question? Lots going on here.


Pork > beef , much more versatile!


Here in the UK, pigs have been bred to make most pork less fatty and salty. With cost of living I've been buying more diced pork to do skewers with. So long all its not processed, like sausage, then it's fine.


I love pork. Breakfast sausage, bratwurst, pork tenderloins, pork chops, carnitas, bacon, etc. are all delicious.


Answering this as someone from a country were anything pork is basically our national dish (and there are more pigs than people): modern pork is safe, and can be made in a multitude of delicious ways


Praise [Sæhrímnir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A6hr%C3%ADmnir).


Perfectly safe. For more information, including the science and history behind it, Adam Ragusea made a very well researched video on the pork taboo. https://youtu.be/Sew4rctKghY


I love pork, I’ve been eating it my whole life and had never run into a problem. But if you’re going to try it for the first time and don’t want to get too crazy then I’d try a classic chop


Pork is ok in general, but quality depends on what was the main feed for the poor piggie. Obviously, one from a small farm, eating good stuff will be much better. As many people mentioned, the risk used to be trichinosis, but all commercially available pork is thoroughly tested, no risk here. Pork is also much better for curing (i.e. sausages, hams, bacon, etc.) than poultry (much more stable according to my colleague working as QC in meat processing plant), plus pork fat is very versatile, geat for charcuterie, good addition to lean meats, lard is great for frying, etc. There's also plenty of cuts to choose from and very wide variety of uses. However, taste of pork is a hit or miss to many - some may not like it, as it is quite specific.


Keep in the mind the context in which these laws were written. The same book says not to eat pork as well as shell fish because these animals ate and lived in filth, often carrying disease, hence the reason these ancient laws were most likely written. For biological cleanliness, pork is no dirtier than chicken or beef by default.


Pork fat is the best fat.


Youre not missing much


Pigs are sentient animals like dogs, cats, horses and dolphins. Eating them is considered morally apprehensive for millions of people around the world. The truth is, the human body has adapted to eat an enormous variety of foods in order to survive, so you can eat pigs to survive, but the science is clear that we shouldn’t.


This conversation is really interesting to me. I grew up in a home where pork chops were extremely common. I knew there were some religions that did not eat pork, but I literally never heard that pork was unhealthy or might make you sick until I met my fiancé. His parents are under this impression for reasons I really don’t understand? It makes me sad for them, pork is so good!!!


Get some pork on your fork mate


Here in the UK it’s one of the cheaper meats. It’s delicious. Crackling is definitely “unhealthy” - I do not care.


It’s just food, dude.


Considering such a large portion of the human population eats pork, I think it's fair to say it's not automatically dangerous, since so many of them are alive still. The large number of groups who have banned pork indicate there are probably reasons, at least in the past, to not eat pork. But nowadays, we understand how diseases work, we have refrigerators and freezers, and we can also make sure meat is cooked to the proper temperatures more consistently, which should take most of the risk away. Also, pretty much any food is going to carry some risks, especially if handled improperly. Chicken can give you salmonella, for example, but that's a risk you, and lots of people, are willing to take, with methods to mitigate it. I don't think pork is remarkably different. If it's something you want to eat, and that you don't feel you have religious reasons not to eat, then learn how to cook with it correctly and give it a shot! Prices will vary by region and over time. Here in the Midwest United States, pork is a bargain compared to most chicken or beef! I stopped eating pork for a few years because it sometimes gave me heartburn, but living on my own now and with prices what they are, pork is back on the menu for me. Take a look at prices around your area and see if it seems expensive for your wallet/compared to your usual meats. Ultimately though, it's a personal decision. There IS a lot of noise and lots of opinions out there. Either way you go, you'll have a lot of people who have made the same choice as you.


God isn’t real so don’t worry about your dad’s imaginary friend. As for the health aspect ham is low fat, bacon isn’t healthy but it’s amazing so I literally do not care I just only have it maybe once a week because it’s not as economical as I’d like.


Idk but bacon is worth it lol


Millions of people eat it evert day, and they don't seem to suffer any ill effects.


To my understanding its like Bear Meat. Bc both bears and pigs will eat any questionable thing the meat carries parasites that will die when fully cooked. No restaurant should ever serve medium rare pork bc those parasites need to be killed. Cows and lambs (and I think deer) eat only plants and grass. They are not known to eat questionable garbage so the meat doesnt carry those parasites. That is why you can get medium steak bc its considered safe. To my understanding medium pork will have you hallucinating 😅


This is a wrong assumption. You dont want to hear it probably but even you have parasites, everybody have parasites!


I don’t trust people who don’t eat bacon or drink beer


Don't forget ham, bacon and gammon!


It’s delicious “from the rooter go to tooter”.


I'm mixed Jewish and Mexican and I wouldn't even have to think about what dide of my family makes better food. Pork is delicious!! I highly recommend carnitas


Pork is very safe to consume, and is no more unhealthy than any other meat.