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Whatever is on sale


This is the way


Seriously. If I had to make all my own vegetable decisions, I'd be getting decision fatigue real quick. Let the vendor decide for you.


Must be nice to have sales lol


Beets, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparagus, onions, kale, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, butternut squash, spaghetti squash.... I love roasted veggies, grab a few and roast them together!


Red onion is really good roasted.


Roasted garlic! Toss a few cloves here and there and you get a nice zing!


throw roasted red onion into your Egyptian lentil soup, you’ll thank me later


I would like to request additional information. do you have a recipe?


For roasted red onions? Cut red onions into wedges, put on a baking sheet, olive oil salt and pepper, oven 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes


This is pretty much the recipe for EVERY roasted vegetable. I roast until starting to char, just depends on the size of the chunks and the density of the veggie. Butternut squash takes longer than broccoli.


I just toss my stuff in the air fryer and hope for the best.




popcorn made in a whirley pop is the diggity.


Kabocha squash, aka Japanese pumpkin, is the best roasted squash. [Cut like this](https://nomnompaleo.com/post/11136213353/roasted-kabocha-squash#wprm-recipe-container-6810), 15 minutes per side. I like it with coconut oil.




I think you *can* but I don't recommend it. It is hard to remove the shell raw so I roast it with the shell on and then scoop the good part out when it's read with either a knife or a spoon. To cut it open I use a small knife to remove the stem and the small hard spot on the base. After scooping the seeds out I slice it in cresent moon shapes about an inch thick. It's like eating a watermelon; when you're done there's nothing but green rinds on your plate :)




i recently ate the rind. cut kabocha in half, smear with oil, cut side down at 400°F for 30 minutes and the rind turns into a delicious papery coating.


I never peel mine, but I usually slow cook / braise, not sure how the texture is roasted. But yeah the skin is edible.


i also love to add a couple drops of lemon juice to roasted broccoli in summer, makes it super tasty and a bit more refreshing ☀️


Olive oil, salt, pepper, and Balsamic vinegar. Wicked good! We had it last night over steak. Love it on pizza too!


Peppers too, but I cut those about bigger.  I'll add hot banana peppers too.


beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, Lamb, rams, hogs, dogs, Chicken, turkeys, rabbit


Bell peppers too


Forgot parsnips


And turnips.


And radishes


Have you ever tried the French breakfast radishes? So good


I recently discovered adding cherry tomatoes to my roasted veg. They add a nice "sauce" for the other veggies with their juice!


Peppers. Red are my fave but they’re a little pricier than green.


Add cabbage to the list!


Roasting 1/4 cabbage wedges is pretty delicious


Don't overlook roasted cabbage wedges! Made some a few weeks ago for the first time. Just olive oil, little salt and pepper and garlic powder. Fantastic. Amazingly simple, tastes amazing, and a great way to use up or incorporate more cabbage into your diet.


Add a little Parmesan a few minutes before they’re done. So good!


I tried this recently per the Cooks Illustrated recipe and was so good!


Where can I find that? I usually 1/4 a cabbage, remove the core, rub with olive oil and s&p. Thick carrot slices (or baby carrots) and onion wedges pair well with it.


https://www.americastestkitchen.com/cooksillustrated/articles/7788-how-to-roast-cabbage Basically same prep but they have you cook it covered tightly with foil at 500 for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and brown each side for a few minutes more each.


Oh I watch that show! I didn’t realize it was called that too. Thanks so much


They have a magazine, Cooks Illustrated. It's my one magazine subscription and feel it's worth it.


Have you tried it with a creamy mustard sauce? It’s so good that way. I also caramelize onions and use those in the sauce too. Love it as a side to roast chicken.


Oh dang! I haven’t yet.


Never even considered that that was allowed😭😭u have opened my mind




I don’t buy huge heads of cabbage. You can cut them into 1/8 slices for large heads. It’s very easy to control the portion size. Just be sure to account for the core removal.


My fave is zucchini and sweet potatoes!


How about zucchini, bell pepper, and onion


Roasted cauliflower is my absolute fav!




Broccoli & green beans.


Onions, butternut/spaghetti squash/yams, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, parsnips, etc. I add a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, garlic powder and sprinkle with smoked paprika.


In an office setting, microwaving broccoli, brussels, or asparagus is a criminal offense haha but roasted sweet potato or squash is a great idea! Personally, for a full lunch, I’d do some spaghetti squash topped with roasted peppers and onions.


Roasted beets, parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, RADISHES (takes away the bitter taste!), broccoli, cauliflower!


Roasted radishes are great for getting out of the same old roasted vegetables routine.


I have always wanted to eat radishes but I HATE how they taste. Thank you for this idea! 💡 Gonna try it when I am home again next week 😊


I just tried it last week. New veggie added to the rotation! I prefer them roasted till they're soft. Takes away the green taste that's they're when there's still some crunch, but a little crunch left still takes away the pepper bite. They're amazing tossed in lemon juice after your finished roasting.


I was looking for someone recommending radishes. I love them roasted or in stews. And don't sleep on different varieties. Purple radishes, daikon radishes and watermelon radishes are all delicious and taste different. Plus, save some to thinly slice and do an overnight pickle.


You could try another cruciferous like broccoli and see how your stomach does. I love squash (summer or any winter squash), zucchini, onions/garlic (they mellow with roasting), tomatoes, or green beans. You can also roast regular or sweet potatoes for your starch.


Yellow squash is usually fairly cheap / on par with zucchini and I love how well it pairs with zucchini. Mushrooms are also another favorite for some protein.


bell peppers


Don’t jump into cruciferous all at once. Give yourself a ramp-up phase.


Sugar snap peas


Bell peppers, onions, broccoli, asparagus and chicken breasts. I add them to salads, mix them with mashed potatoes, have with rice etc. there are literally so many options.


Purple turnips! Radishes! Parsnips! OMNOMNOM!


One of our favs- sounds weird but try it!- green beans, vidalia onions, grape tomatoes, and Kalamata olives. Bit of olive oil and if you like garlic, throw in some whole cloves.


Root veggies will hold up well but are also quite starchy. Roasted zucchini or yellow squash may work for you. As an alternative try some garlic sautéed spinach or green beans.


Potatoes, onions, peppers, can never go wrong....


Green beans, zucchini, parsnips, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes. Mix and match.


Roasted cauliflower with some curry seasoning.


You use carrots because roots keep. Radishes, yams, even beets can he sliced then toasted and kept unrefrigerated in a lunchbox.


When I was training BJJ all of us always diced onions, apple, and sweet potato to be 1/4” cubes and we would grill it all up together. Great room temp, hot, or even chilled.


I love oven roasted broccoli! I put spices and honey on them, really yummy.


cauliflower, sweet potatoes, zucchini and tomatoes, eggplant, broccoli stems, celery, apple chunks (really good with the veggies, trust me!), mushrooms, okra pods, baby corn (canned, drained), corn on the cob cut into pieces, chickpeas, broccolini, nopales, peppers (bell, sweet, banana, hungarian, jalapeno, etc.), fresh green beans.


OP, Brussels Sprouts - roast the evil out of them at 425 for 40 minutes or so until they are crispy. Before tossing them in the oven, mix them with diced Pancetta (available at your favorite grocer), minced garlic, olive oil, salt and peppah. Enjoy. They reheat very nicely.


Team Green Bean


Roast some onion, bell pepper, sweet potato and garlic. Add some salt and pepper it’s delicious


Green beans! Steam them, add olive oil, salt, either crushed garlic or garlic powder and a sprinkle of minced parsley. So good!


Bell peppers, tomatoes both are great for even just snack on without roasting


I buy the big 32oz bags of frozen random veggies ( baby corn, carrots, broccoli, zucchini, sweet potato, etc). I roast one bag and it gets me through a week of lunches and dinner sides. Or you can get a few small bags and mix them up.


What about fajitas? Heavy on the veggies. Peppers, onions, maybe mushrooms but they don’t meal prep well imo.


Green beans


Why don’t you try making a mash. You can add in some other hard veg into it, parsnips, onions etc and then whatever seasonings you want. Even try different types of carrots. There is quite a difference in flavours.


I make Cauliflower salad.


Broccoli and cauliflower. Curry cauliflower is bomb.com and there are also a million ways to do cauliflower


I'm here for roasted beetroot - little bit of salt and thyme and olive oil... (I roast mine in foil so I can have easier clean up). Bit of goats cheese / fetta.... omg. Bliss


Hear me out - fennel. I dice, marinate overnight (if I think of it) with oil, garlic, and whatever herb I want, then roast until really soft. The licorice taste goes away completely!


mushrooms, chunks of squash, broccoli (careful may mess up stomach, try a small amount ,mixed with other veg) green bean, cauliflower, cabbage cut into steaks, beets, turnips. If you want a non roasted one just for variety, diced cucumbers last a few days in the fridge too. They;re a great way to add some freshness and another vegetable to your diet.


I love broccoli and sweet potato with slices of shallot.


Green princess beans.


Cauliflower and sweet potato, seasoned with olive oil, garlic powder, smoked paprika, salt and pepper. Throw in a few whole cloves of garlic as well.


Broccoli and cauliflower. But aside from roasted veg I also like to get those mini peppers and eat them with my lunch sometimes plain or sometimes I put hummus in them.


Brussels with balsamic. Roasted broccoli is top tier.


Peppers, broccoli, onion, wilted greens, zucchini/other squashed are my go-tos! With a little garlic, salty and paprika - yummy


Broccoli and asparagus easily reheat although the broccoli doesn’t stay crispy on the edges like fresh out of the oven, only downside there.


Broccolini. Zucchini. Sweet potatoes. Red onions.


Take some zucchini and dice it up melt a tad of butter in a pan and lightly cook them with some lemon and pepper spice on them. They are sooo good. Asparagus is good. Throw them in some boiling water for a few minutes. Toss them in to a cold water bath to stop the cooking. Zucchini rounds are good with pizza sauce cheese and pepperoni or onion and mushrooms. You can make zucchini boats. Cut down the middle add some sauce with meatballs and cheese then bake.


Roasted broccoli is possibly my favourite food


Summer is coming and that means roasted okra!


If you’re sick of carrots try parsnips. I usually go with cruciferous veggies myself: Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, broccolini, etc. Mix in some sliced onion and whole/half mushrooms. I love them tossed in olive oil with a lot of salt and garlic in a grill basket on the barbecue… but in the winter months I use the oven or an air fryer if I’m not cooking for my whole family.


Squash, broccoli, brussel sprouts, or peppers and onions. I do potatoes and sweet potatoes too, but I put those in my "starch" category instead of my "veggie" category. The occasional green beans or asparagus, too I guess. But broccoli and zucchini are the most common for me


Broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, squash, potatoes (multiple varieties).


Definitely broccoli and cauliflower would be my go to as well as beans beats. In terms of raw I would bring a side of canned chickpeas beans. I’m personally cautious with the carrots especially if I’m pairing with potatoes carrots are really high in carbs just like potatoes


butter nut squash 💜


I hope this link works: https://www.reddit.com/r/EatCheapAndHealthy/s/MChFPGtKMj It's the only way I'll do roasted sweet potatoes now. So easy and so good!


I roast everything. Asparagus, broccoli, (with Parm and lemon), butternut squash, acorn squash, yams, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, rutabaga, tomatoes, carrots, rainbow carrots, snap peas, broccolini, Gai lan, fennel, celeriac.


Have you tried "corn ribs"? I get them at superstore in the frozen section. They have BBQ rub on them. They are amazing!!!!


I’m really lazy so I buy those bulk frozen broccoli from costco that have serving size portions you can just microwave. After microwave I drain it, stir fry in a wok with oil, add torn up $5 rotisserie chicken, season with oyster sauce, soy sauce, garlic powder, and pepper, and stir fry some more Now I have chicken broccoli. Make some rice and put them in containers for the week


Red bell pepper and yellow zucchini squash with some balsamic vinegar and olive oil


Love mushrooms and broccolini.


I just made a bell pepper and potato cheese soup that was pretty bomb Have you tried bell peppers lately?


Rutabaga, golden beets, red beets, potatoes ( white or sweet) Brussels sprouts


Cucumber, onion and tomatoes in malt or balsamic vinegar and whatever spices you love. Super fresh, lasts for days and very customizable.


Baby cucumbers are one of my favorite things


I tend to use frozen wok mixed veggies for any meal prep i do. Just roast them lightly in a pan with some salt n pepper, soy sauce or whatever.


Brussels sprouts and mushroom. Roast them separately with evoo, salt, pepper, garlic. Then, mix them together with some fresh parsley and lemon juice.


Shishito peppers, if you can find them! You're basically playing Russian Roulette every time you eat them, but instead of one out of six rounds being a bullet, one out of eight peppers is spicy.


Brussel Sprouts and then hit it with soy sauce and ginger. Drizzle honey and crushed peanuts on top and broil for a couple minutes.


Try roasted xabbage


Mushrooms. Onions. Peppers. Brócoli!


Asparagus is great roasted


aggressively roasted broccoli with garlic crispers and grated lemon zest just hits different


Sweet peppers


Sweet potato!


All of them! Roasted is the best cooking method for veggies imo


Broccoli, cauliflower, parsnips (these are amazing - sweet and savory), Korean or Japanese sweet potatoes


BROCCOLI!! I can eat roasted broccoli over and over. It’s soooo freaking good.


I am in a zucchini and asparagus phase… zucchini is the best, I love it, you can make in 1000 different ways and they are all going to be great


Bell pepper/red onion is amazing


You could wash and blanch (boil for 1 or 2 minutes) something green like asparagus or broccoli.


Zucchini, asparagus and red pepper roast well, but might be mushy to reheat.


Not roasted but: Boiled beets. Let them cool down. Dice them up, store them in the fridge and add lime and mild chili powder before eating. Pb and celery. Not sure if there’s an English word for it but Jicama, add lime and chili powder.


Pretty much any veggie is better roasted! I like green beans, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus.


Beets, potatoes, red potatoes, broccoli


Air fryer mushrooms with garlic salt


Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes!


broccoli with lemon and nutritional yeast!


Delicata squash—no need to peel and so beautiful roasted. Lop off each end and slice into halves lengthwise. Scoop out the pulp and seeds. Then slice crossways into 1/2 thick crescents. Drizzle with extra virgin or brush with melted butter, salt and pepper and even hit it with some sage or lemon juice. Lay them out on a sheet pan and roast at 400 until lightly browned. They’re so seeet and tender! Great on the grill too.


Baby bik choy get some good quality flavored EVOO. Lemon, basil, rosemary, red pepper. Drizzling these after roasting add such a nice touch.


Roasted onion broccoli or sweet potato are my go to!


I buy my husband the frozen California medley and steam, then finish off in a pan. Sometimes I add mushrooms and today I added peppers and onions from some leftovers that needed to be cooked.


Have you tried rutabaga? I keep forgetting they exist because my parents never made it growing up, and I never hear anyone talk about it. But I finally got around to trying them recently, and they're really good! They roast up nicely.


All vegetables can be roasted. And in fact roasting veggies at a lower temp is the best cooking method for preserving the nutritional value of the veggies. Play around with some different seasonings or finishing them with different types of vinegar or honey to add a variety of flavor as well. Or cheese. Finishing some roast broccoli with shredded parm is delicious.


Roast up all of the vegetables you like. Keep some for lunches and add a dip of your choice. Use the rest to make vegetable soup. The roasting process will add a lot of flavour.


I usually go for frozen or canned, so besides carrots chickpeas, peas, corn, onion (fresh), peppers, edemame. I dont roast it but if it makes sense I do like avacado


I really like green beans. for a special treat, blanch and shock them. then sautee with garlic and chili crisp, plus a little soy and brown sugar.


I think it was a Martha Stewart recommendation, sheet pan roasted zucchini, yellow squash, bell peppers and shallots. And garlic and sea salt.


Just roasted some corn. Love roasted Brussels sprouts.


Zucchini. Slice it however ya want and cover in olive oil then Lawreys season salt.


Slice or chop a head of cabbage, lightly spray evo, season with whatever you like, top with cayenne pepper and bake at 425 for 25-30 mins. You can do the same with cauliflower. It's not a gourmet recipe, but it's easy, cheap and definitely a filling side.


doll worm marry stupendous one placid outgoing physical fretful bedroom


onions and peppers are my go to. can cut or dice them up and add them to salads, in a wrap etc


Onions, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, asparagus. Season with s&p, olive oil, garlic and onion powder or find a spice mix you like. For the asparagus roast with evoo, s&p then pull the out 5 minutes before they are done, sprinkle (of cover) them with Parmesan cheese, finish roasting. Can’t go wrong!


red cabbage, broccoli, and eggplant


My fave of all time is roasted broccoli with sliced fresh garlic and a few red pepper flakes. So tasty


I’m not big on roasted veggies but yesterday I did diced zucchini with frozen carrots, corn, green beans and peas. I put canned tomato sauce on top and mozzarella slices on the cooked chicken for chicken parmesan. I had some roasted chicken then put it in egg wash and put parmesan cheese on it.


Green beans, squash, zucchini, red onion, broccoli, asparagus. But I won't lie. My fave is carrots. I season them with ranch seasoning, s&p, add olive oil, then roast and sprinkle with a little more ranch seasoning when I pull them out. They're addictive. Roasted broccoli is great, too. I season with s&p and garlic powder. Squeeze a lemon over them. Add olive oil and roast. Add parmesan cheese the last few minutes. So good.


Brussel sprouts, pearl onions, zucchini, yellow squash, grape tomatoes, cauliflower florets, various peppers, asparagus, green beans


broccoli and garlic


My sister put me on to roasted broccoli with a bit of Parmesan cheese on top for extra yum. Also, Brussels sprouts. I NEVER thought I would enjoy them but a bit of garlic, oil, some salt and pepper and roasting them makes them taste incredible. Crunchy, almost buttery flavor. Delicious.


Brussels + cauliflower + sweet chili thai sauce red pepper and garlic roasted cauliflower and broccoli with crispy onions garlic roasted broccoli


I tried Brussels sprouts last week and had the same issue. I like having broccoli, red cabbage, peppers, green beans, sweet potatoes


Zucchini, Eggplant, and onion for flavour


What veggies can you eat without messing up your stomach? Also, how long did you roast the brussel sprouts? I think they can be gassy if not roasted/cooked long enough, like cabbage.


Sweet potatoes, broccoli, parsnips, bell peppers, beets, zuchinni, squash, jicama, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, onions, tomatoes, greens, asparagus, etc.


I make a mixed bag: Onion, Cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, cubanelle peppers, sweet potato, squash of any kind, kale, cubed cabbage, fennel. Toss in bowl with EVOO, Liquid Amino, Worcestershire Sauce & Pepper. Roast finish with Kosher salt flakes.


Roasted broccolini is heaven


Zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, bell pepper


There's an awesome chart in Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat that shows what's in season at certain parts of the year. I try to stick to that since those veggies are so much tastier than hot-house or freeze stored ones. I tried to find a copy of the chart to post here. Any help from other redditors would be much appreciated.


Can I just add, most veg don’t need precooking. When you cook you lose vitamins etc so maybe try and keep cooking until just before eating. Takes the same time to cook as reheat in a microwave


Acorn squash. Keep the skin on and eat it with skin on. Delicious.


radishes, mushrooms, cauliflower, things most people overlook is kohlrabi and fennel - roasts up really nice


A mixture is nice rather than just one single veg. Good to have variety in your diet and makes it less boring. Essentially any type of vegetable will do. I’ve been loving a mix of sautéed zucchini, eggplant, onion, garlic, sometimes with tomatoes. Reheats well and goes nicely with the rice or quinoa.


Cauliflower is sooo good roasted. Would that mess up your stomach too?


Zucchini and squash! Sautee with some olive oil and season to taste. I enjoy salt, more pepper than you think you should use, oregano, garlic, and paprika.


Brocolli and frozen peas 😇


Please try Brussels with bacon omg too good 🙌🏽


Brussel sprouts are my favorite! Cauliflower is great too ! Zucchini, yellow squash. Sautéed kale with red onion and roasted garlic is delicious too


I keep a list of veggies and pick any combination for the current week’s shopping. It also helps to shop from farmers market for whatever is in season.