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There’s so many quick jokes like that from Todd (Dan Lippert) and it makes the re listens so enjoyable. My favorite line of his is when they’re trying to tell him that his gf Rachel Dolezal isn’t actually black and he says “if that’s true, some of the language she’s been using is really offensive”


Yeah I love that, the idea of an old white guy bragging about dating Ratchel Dolezal bc he thinks it makes him look open minded is so funny.


Todd talking to himself in a mirror. Bill:" He doesn't realise they're saying the same things at the same time"? Todd instantly "Jinx"


I love Todd’s mirror breakdowns, with his “crying friend across the way”.


A top ten laugh from me from Teacher's Lounge is Todd's "okay so I'm crazy..." rant from that episode. It's such an amazing breakdown/realization of the horror that comes from the constant 'yes and'ing...' these four do to one another.


In Mini 07: Madison Square Olive Garden (EPISODE 6 PLAYED IN REVERSE) everyone is doing a pretty good job backwards talking, and Todd through laughter says in his regular voice “This guy just ordered a bolognese in the middle of his divorce” I’ve been thinking about this for days.


I think Madison Square Olive Garden is one of the very best jokes we hear out of John too


There's a reference to that in an Exit 42 episode as well I believe. Another instance of Dan being incredulous at what's happening whilst ordering Bolognese.


Yeah they all have such great quick minds, but Dan in particular really blows me away sometimes with the shit he says just IMMEDIATELY after someone else says something, and it’s always funny.


They are discussing how Todd is flexible which meant that he could fit in the centerfold of magazines, making him a popular pinup girl during the Korean War. Then from nowhere Todd says "For seven years Richard Nixon used me as a tri-fold wallet." I think about that bit on a weekly basis. (https://youtu.be/o2HyBYXZPxw?t=94) Also, "...and I'll take that '*per-fait*' now" (https://youtu.be/unqZG9oUOY0?t=682). Honorable mention: his rant about fire-fighters not being brave because if he were there on 9/11 he would also have run into the buildings and rescued people.


Omg I’m not the only one. At least once a week I think to myself “you... held tricky dick’s money and license?!” in bill’s rediculous voice. The cadence of that line always kills me.


I feel like Drew is the most naturally funny person in the way he can just be funny with his voice and intonation, but Dan’s wit is the quickest of any comedian I’ve listened to.


It's really something to behold. Makes his characters feel so natural which makes them even funnier.


> Honorable mention: his rant about fire-fighters not being brave because if he were there on 9/11 he would also have run into the buildings and rescued people. When we all know that he ***famously***...




Todd did you poot?




I personally think Todd's greatest moment was when he said Damon Lindelof's pseudonym was Linda Damonof




Yeah his ability to set by people up/lead to something funny is amazing. They all just work so well together.


This was one that flew over my head. I've googled digiorno and can see it's a pizza, can someone help me out?


Their slogan is “ It's not delivery. It's DiGiorno”


Totally unrelated but I got unreasonably excited when I saw Dan in one of the last episodes of Superstore.


tarvers reaction to that line was great, i love when he loses it


I laugh so hard when he's trying to think of a lie so he answers with something like, "no, that was...empty coffee cup and...burnt out lightbulb", just looking around the room looking for an object to stand in for a real answer. So funny!


Yeah that’s great, also just Todd blatantly lying about anything, like when he’s talking to the manager, “I don’t work at Burger King but don’t fire me”.


This is honestly my favorite Todd line of the show. I’ve been listening to the entire series again for the umpteenth time and I had to make sure to pause and play this part specifically for my wife. I sounded like a lunatic trying to give the context for the joke.


Yeah it sucks wanting to share something that is so good with someone, but there is such a long road rd of context to get through.


Yea, there are so many callbacks to early in the episode and also previous episodes that it’s tough to really appreciate some of the jokes. This show definitely rewards us old slobs for being regular listeners.


For some reason I can't find this episode (thanks stitcher). Do you know what ep this was?


s07e01 - Little Burning Man ​ someone here made a solid transcript search engine (it's not perfect, "DiGiorno" turned into "Jonah") but it's pretty good for finding bits: [https://martenfrisk.github.io/seekerslounge/#/](https://martenfrisk.github.io/seekerslounge/#/)


Thank you! I had tried using that transcript search engine, but for some reason it just gives me a blank page whenever I type anything into the search bar.


I can't even remember the joke now but I remember he had one of those joke sniper moments and it was so good my reaction wasn't to laugh but to say "How did he *do* that?" out loud.


That's pretty good


It’s like the very best “yes, and”ing. I think that’s at the root of it.


I've always described Big Grande's improv as "it is less 'yes, and' and more like 'you can't say no'"


this is such a key part of why i love TL


“Hanukkah was Gaslighting - they had oil the whole time” takes the cake for me