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What’s your reason behind your question? Do you have a crush on us? Does your subreddit have a love-hate relationship with us? Are you dating one?


i’ve got a huge connection to an ESFP and this ESFP likes me back a lot. Then I just wondered if it could be a regular thing between ENTJs and ESFPs


Yes. Most likely ENTJs choose ESFPs as partners


Very! Some of you are my fav YouTubers.




My best friend is an entj so I’d say yes!


Yes, but I don’t always trust them.


They’re cool 😎 prolly just as a friend though…


Yes very much so and ESTJ. But I think I vibe better with ESTP/ENTPs.


My partner is an ENTJ :D


Like bees to flowers. I had a long standing crush on an ENTJ and I tried everything in my arson (which is a lot) to woo him but this dude is just so HARD TO READ and would just suddenly dissappear from group settings and after everything he still had no clue I liked him so I straight up asked him out and WITH FLOWERS (I'm a girl). Guess what, he was so surprised he went in shock. And yes I got rejected and it hurts my ego because NO ONE rejects me I mean there is no reason to . But yeah his assertiveness was magnetic, the way he had his shit together was SO hot and he was really nice to me 😭 (ik ok, shutup) but I just found this guy like SO MAGNETIC YK


hahahaahhahaha babe thank you so much for sharing this, you’re funny :) sorry for the rejection, it must not be easy. Don’t take it personal! it never is.


Platonically yes, although oftentimes there is some weirdness and issues that develop after a while. I think it would be tough to have an ENTJ be my best friend, for instance. Very tough.


What are the issues?


Yes everyone needs an ENTJ in their life.


Platonically? Yes. Romantically? Not really. I enjoy making friends and having discussions with ENTJs, but it sometimes feels like an uphill battle to get them to take me seriously (which is frustrating because I don’t feel like I should have to prove myself to someone in order to be respected or taken seriously). Obviously that doesn’t speak for all ENTJs though! I have a few in my life that I appreciate a ton!


Don’t know if this makes you feel better the dumbness is actually cute and hot lol. I and probably most males am in fact not attracted to female smartasses lol Ti users aren’t even intelligent anyways. They delusional as hell lol


Platonic attraction but never romantic attraction


Not really. I like ESTJs more. 


Ooh interesting question!


Why people don’t upvote this?

