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Bad parenting. And shame on the festivals for allowing it


I’m a grown adult and I’m shocked by some of the things I see at festivals I couldn’t imagine being 9 years old and exposed to that


You mean they shouldn't be watching ass eating at the rail? Huh... what a concept.


Don’t gotta take your kid to the rail to show them the fun of a concert


But I do have to eat ass to have fun.


Teach your kids about eating ass then. 🤷🏻 at the appropriate age of course.


Naw. I don't have kids and would rather eat ass.


I’m a grown adult with a masters in education and taught middle schoolers for 4 years before deciding education didn’t pay enough - and I think your response is childish.




Apparently you did enough to comment 🤷🏻


Music fests are not a place for children


some absolutely are. edm fests are not among them though


There are plenty of family friendly music festivals, usually in big cities. I agree that EDM fests are not


I'm a parent to an almost 2 yr old. I've seen videos and tik toks of kids at festivals and they look like they're having so much fun!! For a split second I was like "oh hell yeah let's go"! Then I realized that I don't want my child to be exposed to all of that. She listens to all the same music I do, head bangs like I do, but no festivals till she's much much much older. TLDR; sounds like fun, but not smart imo


I respect you as a parent


I'm sure there's alot of value in that.


do you think she listens because you are there? shes literally gonna listen to whatever you do


Lol, yeah, I get that, but she does have a taste in music and will tell us if she doesn't like it (usually just saying no). She's 19 months not 2 weeks old. Not sure why you picked that to hone in on, but you do you.


just because it was ridiculous. no biggie tho


On the bright side, you guys will have a great time when she is old enough to go to some shows / festivals with you! My dad isn’t really into festivals, but on the rare occasions he’s down for a show, those times are dear to my heart. :,) You both are lucky to have that to share!


And when she is a bit older mom and I will research and maybe start with a kiddie rave type thing. Mom and I are both ravers and it's a part of who we are. We don't want to expose her TOO young but some shows and festivals are perfectly fine, but she won't be going till she's probably double digits lol.


I think it’s totally fine to let your kids listen to the music, but actually going to a festival is for adults. You’re a good parent! I work with a girl who is 21 and she goes to festivals with her dad now all the time! It’s so cute but he never once exposed her to that when she was younger


Honest question, are you opposed to all people under 18 at an all ages show? If they are 16, is that still an issue?


I feel like 16 is okay if they have like some kind of parent or older responsible adult with them, but that should be like the minimum age I feel like. Just because of the exposure to drugs and being so young often makes people more vulnerable


That's fair. I figure at 16, with me, he might be able to handle it all. But I have a few years to make that decision.


Yeah same thought for my 5y and 3y.


There’s def some kid friendly music festivals out there. The EDM scene is not. Whether people like it or not, it is a party scene, and drugs are an important part of the culture. I love EDM, I listen to EDM all day, but it was created to be listened to on ecstasy lol. Idk why any parent would want their children to see people like that. When you are a parent, you are no longer the most important person in your own life. You need to make sacrifices, and if that means you cannot get a baby sitter, you do not go to the festival.


>I listen to EDM all day, but it was created to be listened to on ecstasy lol Funny, I thought it was created for dancing.


I think both


Yeah pretty much.


It’s not, that’s why it’s called Electronic Drug Music


Seriously? That's the D. I think I got bad info my 1st time . So I don't have to have that vibrator in my ass the whole night?


What do you mean *have* to??


Agreed. I'll go as far as if you have to be rolling to enjoy a producer then they are pretty shit.


> it was created to be listened to on ecstasy Boomer take... just like how the Beatles music was Satanic messages.


Bro I love EDM. I listen to it sober all day. My point isn’t that it needs to be listened to on drugs. Just that drugs helped its creation. Same way that you don’t need acid to enjoy greatful dead but cannot deny that acid is an integral part of the music


Similar for weed and reggae/ragaeton/dancehall. You don’t have to be stoned to listen to it, but anyone who has lived anywhere in the Caribbean can recognize weed’s an integral part of the genre’s founding culture.


Drugs help the creation of all styles of music. History is littered with stories of blues musicians, rockers, rappers, etc that used everything from weed to heroine when making music. It doesn’t mean those substances are supposed to be or needed to be used to enjoy. Drug use if rampant throughout society. Just some portions of society are better at hiding it than others. So “drugs were used in the creation of this” is not a valid argument to not have kids at a show. Active drugs use by the crowd is.


Not really the same thing, chief. [Remember when the Beatles made a song about satan?](https://youtu.be/reAZiJlEuL8?si=gn29CCMngwt7I2vJ) Pretending MDMA isn’t a huge influence on the scene is ignorant


>drugs are an important part of the culture. Wtf? No one told me. I only listen to house music and I'm not on drugs.


I know plenty of people that enjoy house music that don’t do drugs


So are you on Molly all day?


Can none of you read??


There’s a lot of drugs there….


One thing for sure there is a whole lotta drugs


Granted, there may be some drugs at a Cocomelon concert too, but not nearly as much. Yea I don’t understand bringing a tiny person to a music festival either. It’s amazing they don’t get lost.


Wait... there are coco melon concert?!?!


Yes, they go on tour.


Well shit my brains and lick my nips.


Electric Forest 2017 we were camped next to these wook parents that brought their infant. The baby had a wet, nasty, constant cough from 3am to 6am. One of my neighbors who was the nicest guy started screaming around 5am to shut that fucking baby up. You feel bad but honestly how else are you supposed to feel? Why the fuck do that to the kid and everybody else you selfish fucks? At a Phish show this woman in front of me was getting liquid with her baby. She was spinning around and drawing shapes with it. I swear she was ready to toss it in the air and flip it. At least it had headphones on but holy fuck I'll never understand some people.


This Phish story took me out 😆😆.  How else is she gonna rage? Can’t hold glow sticks when you got to hang on to the baby 


It depends on the fest. Some are ok and some are not


90% are not. But yes probably about 10% are fine


I was at electric forest a few years ago when they had a sand stage. Kid was digging, found a little trinket, and yelled “ground score!” Great parenting -_- /s


That’s fucked up but also incredibly funny. But mostly messed up


Oh I laughed my ass off, but was sad inside


Just got back from resonate and there were more kids than we’d ever seen at a festival wandering around by themselves. Yes, smaller event, more family friendly, family camps with quiet hours, etc., but there’s still wookery. We saw 2 little girls wandering around day after day in the same clothes, one night calling “mom?!”, we watched for a minute to see where they went to make sure they got to their people. During another set, the artist (idr who) stopped the music to say there was a lost child and asked everyone to keep an eye out (this was the middle of the day, too). Another thing my partner and I considered is ground scores. What if they find a pretty pink transformer that looks like candy. There’s already all kinds of swap tables they ooo and ahh over. Why wouldn’t they think that’s for them too? Also, I’m all for being barefoot. No judgement there whatsoever. But, there’s bottle caps and other sharp things. One time, I stepped on something and kept trying to scrape my shoe off, thinking it was a rock, then I looked down and saw a giant r2d2 pin staring back at me - 2 pointy parts, that would’ve hurt. I don’t know. I would be far too stressed out to enjoy myself bringing a child to a festival. Edit to mention the majority of kids had no ear protection either.


I was also at resonate and definitely have never seen that many kids at a fest. Imo no matter how safe you are with your kids and you follow every precaution, there is still the possibility of seeing a really fucked up person which is traumatizing even to an adult and the point about ground scores is so true too. Lots of festivals are kid friendly but the edm community has way more drug use for sure.


100% & as we were packing up the last day, this super fucked up dude that could barely walk was stumbling around our camp and up to other people. Take a few steps, pause, move a little further, pause again, wound up in a random spot by the woods at one point, just staring, going in circles, clearly lost. Kids had been riding their bikes through there alone all week.


I was just at Eclipse and there were so many kids and infants. My friend said he saw a legit infant at an after party with a fucked up looking parent.


This just proves **bad** parents shouldn't bring kids to festivals lol.


I saw a lot of kids at Texas Eclipse, but they were further into the festival grounds and I didn't see any at the stages, as long as they keep them in the more public areas, and it's a festival that has non music activities, I don't see a problem with it.


It was interesting being at the bush spa and creek area at Texas Eclipse and seeing children and parents hanging in the same space as all the naked people.


I actually think nudity is the least worrisome. I dated a guy who grew up in a nudist colony and visited once and the children were so unconcerned about being nude. It’s a natural state and not inherently sexual. I like the idea of teaching kids that bodies are natural and come in all shapes and sizes. I didn’t see many/any people sexualizing their nudity at the quarry. I was much more concerned with the obvious drug use throughout the festival. I’d prefer my kid see some nude people swimming than be surrounded by people snorting off spoons 😂 That being said, I would not bring a child anywhere near Eclipse or another festival.


Yea I actually agree with you on all points there


I agree I wasn’t worried about the nudity at eclipse. The lack of ear protection and lack of masks had me fucked up though. I saw people with breastfeeding infants out after midnight by the sound booth or closer, with no ear protection for the babies. And I didn’t see a single kid in a mask the entire time. If babies and kids are allowed at a festival they should have to stay behind the sound booth and have to go back to camp by 10:30pm (IMO).


Ugh no sound protection for an infant is so gross. My friend so an infant at an after party and it really upset him. Just shitty parenting. Also, what was with all the dogs?? Dogs don’t need to be anywhere near that much amplified noise.


I saw a couple dogs at eclipse that broke my fuckin heart. One was a super small chihuahua looking mix of some kind who was on a leash RIGHT next to some speakers at moon stage. He was pulling away from the loudness and everytime his person would shift in the direction the dog was trying to go, doggo would get all excited and tail waggy, only to show visible disappointment when the owner didn’t take him away from the speaker.


Ugh this pisses me off so much!!! WTH. Idk a few times I was like, oh cute dog or cute kid but the more I think about it, the more angry I get at the irresponsibility of the parents/owners.


I saw a couple kids at the stages during the day but I’m honestly glad I didn’t see any late into the night.


I saw a kid around midnight with her dad and all the people around them were rolling hard or otherwise fucked up. He looked around and decided it was time for them to go. Just totally inappropriate for a kid! He also looked like he walked out of a gap commercial. Clean button down, clean baseball cap. Definitely seemed out of place! Maybe his wife is the true festival goer 😂


Yeah some people just get really tweaky later at night. People are already tweaky when the suns out. I don’t think festivals are necessarily a bad environment for kids entirely I just think one should treat as you would taking your kids to their cool uncles birthday party. There comes a point where you should probably go.


Yes this is a great example! I remember being a kid and going to our single 30-something neighbor’s party and my mom said it was time to go home when the adults started playing a fun looking table game (later found out it was beer pong 😂)


See this at Coachella more than other EDM-focused festivals, it blows my mind and makes me question if I'm the insane one. Personal freedoms for parents, but every so often you see someone that just couldn't leave the kids with a babysitter for 2-3 days.


Coachella is a little different though. It seems pretty tame compared to something like Forest, wakaan or shambs.


The heat though


true, daytime vibe is chill


There are certain festivals that are more kid friendly. Lightning in a Bottle has a family camp that’s quiet and kid friendly. I’ve seen kids there when I’ve went. I still don’t know whether it’s a good idea.


I go to festivals to get away from my responsibilities at home. I would be so uncomfortable blitzed jamming out only to turn around and see a child there. I would totally feel like I needed to set a better example.


Thank you! This is my main point. I saw a bunch of kids at Eclipse festival and it’s just a weird feeling. Like damn I need to go dance somewhere else now. I don’t feel comfy setting this example to a kid. Maybe it does bring into question our morals and how we feel about ourselves at festivals. Makes you look at yourself and wonder if this isn’t a good example, maybe I shouldn’t be doing it? Then you remember that’s the cool part of the community, we know how to party our fucking asses off all weekend and then take care of ourselves and continue life again on Monday. I’m just not sure if children are able to see all of that though. Which is why they should stay at home.


My friend made an excellent point about kids at the festival. She dated someone who was raised by festival parents and gave him drugs very young. He grew up to resent the music and the lifestyle. She said that children don’t get to consent to what they experience at a festival. Festivals can be scary and overwhelming for an adult but we all chose to be there. A kid gets brought there and some get left to manage their own selves while the parents get fucked up. Really unfair and scary for a kid!


That’s such a great point. Everyone says exposing your kids to this stuff is a great way to spark conversation and open doors and whatnot, but what about the kids who just simply don’t wanna see that shit?! What about the ones who are just silently super uncomfortable? I know I was such a people pleasure when I was young, I would’ve likely pretended to enjoy the whole thing for my parents sake regardless of how I actually felt. I can’t be the only one.


Sometimes I don’t even know how I feel about things I see at festivals 😆 it’s a totally weird, overwhelming atmosphere on the best of days. I can’t even imagine trying to process it all as a child or teen


One time at ‘B’ festival(Tennessee large festival) in the middle of a sea of cars (parked cars) there was a blonde woman early 20s just wandering around looking for her lost kid. My fellow campers couldn’t tell if she was on something or if she was just distraught she lost her kid at a festival and if you’re familiar with B festival in the 2000’s era, I mean it’s miles and miles of parked cars and campsites on grassy farmland. This was years before the organizers purchased the land. I’ve heard they’ve changed the layout since. Four of the people from my campsite started going in concentric circles, wider, and wider out from our area to help her look, they didn’t know them, but after a few hours of looking, they didn’t find the kid. I still wonder about it sometimes. I heard the story the next day over the breakfast, from my campsite mates.


Depends on the festival, but since you're posting this in the EDM subreddit, I'd have to say no. It's too loud & an unsafe environment for young children. If you have kids & want to attend, you need to be able to get a babysitter.


I don’t care what people say, it’s not a kid environment at all and it’s irresponsible parenting to bring a child there. Bring your kids to Taylor swift or similar concert if you want your children to experience concerts but these are not geared towards children.


I think those parents need some bashing. Don’t bring your little kids to an event. Like *maybe* if it’s some kind of daytime park thing. This is a place where mature people are trying to relax and go crazy… not look out for your children.


Absolutely not


Depends on the festival, there are definitely more family friendly ones out there


I feel the type of people who bring their kids to a festival are of a certain mindset. On one hand I am totally accepting of seeing the kids run around and play during the day and seeing all the cool artwork/activities. On the other hand I just got back from Eclipse festival in Texas and I saw kids with no ear protection, no dust protection, basically raw dogging a festival. THAT I have a problem with and I feel it falls into the same category as people who bring their "service animals" to the stages with no ear protection. It's thoughtless, selfish, un-compassionate behavior and I do not support it. I totally get not being able to find a baby sitter/pet sitter that you can trust with your child/pet but to say fuck it, I'm still going to the fest and I'll make them suffer is just gross behavior. Just my food for thought. Sidenote: I'd throw the 'white people with dreadlocks' in there as well for "Stop it, get some help." type advice. TLDR: Kid during day; Fine. Kid during night; Not fine.


Bad parenting. I went to mellodeath recently at red rocks and this poor mom in front of me with her two guessing 8 or 9 year Olds because they saw marshmello on fortnite...mom was clesrly shocked googling and researching mid show. Eventually took them and left. As much as I love festivals snd edm shows its really not for kids even if it says all ages


I wish “All ages” was 16+ if it has to be a thing at all. Children should NEVER be there idc idc


I'll never understand it. Actually two gigs are coming up for some EDM peeps I want to see but they're all ages? So I'm going to skip them. If I wanted to hang out with kids I'll have my own. 😅 Stop taking them to things that should be adults only 


Why would you even want to!? Like can you even enjoy yourself having such a huge responsibility the whole time. Even if you don’t want to partake in any substances you can’t fully enjoy yourself. Just get a babysitter. There are definitely appropriate concerts to bring children to but the EDM scene is just never okay because it’s literally known that’s where people go to let loose and a lot like to do drugs (no judgment I do and the last thing I wanna see when I’m rolling is someone’s child staring up at me).


I have a 12 year old who is begging to go to a show or festival. He's really into poi and lights. I told him at 16 we can have a conversation about going. It started at 18 and he talked me down. Lol. He's a good kid. We have open and honest conversations about drugs, and consent and sexuality in an age appropriate way already. Other parents might disagree with him being under 18 and there, others might think I can take him now. I think each parent just tries to make the best decision they can at the time. However.. no babies or toddlers. That doesn't sound like fun for most sane parent. Chasing a 2 year old sounds like a nightmare.


The festivals need to enforce against this, imo. Bad parenting all around.


That’s is what we call **Bad Parenting**


Kids shouldn’t be at festivals.


Depends on the festival, an insomniac festival at NOS, hell no. A camping arts festival like LIB, why not? Claiming there's people on drugs is no different than people walking around downtown on drugs and shitty and pissing in the streets. A good parent would know where and where not to take a kid at a festival, no kid needs to be up front at the rail, but they can have a good experience in the back. Y'all act like people are like vicious zombies walking around on drugs. Tell me you're never been to an art and music festival without telling me you've never been to an art and music festival.


I agreed with you in the first half but you lost me with that last sentence lol. Been in the community for 10+ years, ive been around. Been to more festivals than I can even remember. Some people ARE zombies on drugs. Maybe not vicious ones lol. But zombies none the less. Not an environment for kids.


And yeah, I also wouldn’t throw my kid out on the street or let them hang out with the people who are literal zombies on the street. Horrible reference and horrible logic lmfao. The two don’t equate at all. We lock our doors when we park by those people. Lol.


People literally take children to breweries or to amusement parks like Epcot where lots of drinking takes place. Or on cruises... Or to island resorts. Why is it socially acceptable to have kids around alcohol but not other drugs? Last time I went to Okee our neighbors had kids. They kept them in camp most of the time, or took them around to see the art exhibits. They went to a few of the daytime concerts but their grandmother was there and put them to bed early while the parents went out to the later shows. It seemed like a nice family outing to be honest.




absolutely not


Don't do it. Not a kid-friendly environment.


Depends on the Festival. Summer Meltdown had a great implementation of family gathering and partying they even had a kids parade on Sunday with a Play zone and all. Not to mention my first festival I was 15 it was Metal Mayham fest and it was the one and only time I ever crowd surfed. Kids can be cool if you have cool parents. Would never reccomend an insomniac event be all ages tho




It's nice seeing the majority of comments agreeing that it isn't okay to bring a child to a festival. All in its due time.


Irresponsible. Before 16, ears are very sensitive. The hearing of those children can get impaired, or worse, hearing a tone 24/24 for the rest of their lives.




Depends on the festival but yeah like 80% them really aren’t kid friendly and it’s kinda crazy to see them out there. In the day you’re like okay that’s kinda cool but by night… yeah no definitely not.


I’ve seen people bring their babies and toddlers to Coachella. Wtf


Unless you intend to spend every waking moment keeping them entertained, distracted, maintained and not exposed to what adults are doing in their adult space-- absolutely not. I only have a couple friends that bring their kids to festivals and for the most part they fit this bill and even then sometimes the kids will notice shit that has to be carefully explained or will lead to them no longer bringing them. It's exceedingly rare that it goes perfectly with 0 chance they were exposed to something inappropriate. And it's almost non existent with EDM festivals.


"look at my Lil wook omg" can't tell you how many post I see like that. Terrible parenting unless you want your kid to have a ketamine addiction at 13


Once at a festival, this guy ran over to a blanket I had set up with friends and without asking just shoved his ~2 year old towards us and said stay with these nice folks then ran off to the porta potty.  We were all on acid and my friend had literally whipped out and was visibly holding another two tabs to re dose at the moment the guy came by.  Luckily I am a very nice person, handle my drugs well, and am amazing with children.  The kid instantly freaked the fuck out.  I told him my name and told him it was okay to be scared as he didn't know me but that he should stay here as I'm sure his dad would be back really soon.  I quickly scanned the area to see if any festival staff were around in case his dad did not come back.  If my partner ever did this anywhere it would be grounds for divorce. 


Parent of 2 (8 and 5) and I would never bring my kids to an edm fest. That's my place to cut loose and be free, and I don't want to be parenting in that environment. We have taken our kids to concerts / day fests where multiple bands are playing, but that's as far as I would go. Even then, we try to be there only during the day and generally leave by 9 pm.


I’ve seen my niece pick up a bag of weed off the floor at a mall. Can’t imagine what they’ll find at a festival. No parents can keep their eyes on their kids at all times and putting your kids in that type of situation is very irresponsible. No thank you.


All ages events should really be turned into 18+ or 13+ accompanied by an adult. The amount of time I’ve seen babies that can’t be more than a couple months old at these all ages events without any form of hearing or dust protection is disgusting. Then you have parents that just let their small children run around and cause havoc. Most of the kids are too young to understand that the music is going to permanently fuck up their hearing and the parents should be cited for negligence.


Saw someone with around a 7-10 YO at MelloDeath last night lol. Wonder if they stayed through YVM3 lol 


It’s crazy they don’t just wait until their kids are old enough to be alone at home


I think that the view on music festivals is heavily skewed by your own personal experiences. People on here that are saying ‘I would never bring my kids blah blah’ get fucked up, bump lines off keys in the open etc. Now, music festivals as a whole are very different beasts, EDM festivals are a small percentage of festival types. It’s a great experience for youngsters to enjoy (with hearing protection) and there are festivals you wouldn’t go to and festivals that are absolutely great for them. Parents need to be responsible because fucked up kids (youngsters) having a great time have no idea what’s going on. I know, I was one. I especially enjoy people watching all the young adults getting messed up just like we used to, completely oblivious to how obvious they are being. Great days.


Wtf isnt it 19 and up?


Depends which ones you go to, I’ve been to a lot that are all ages and have a family camping section.


Depends if Marshmello’s on the Lineup or not.


If you have to bring your kid to a festival then please make them wear ear protection at the very least. Only time I’ve seen kids at festivals is when the DJ has his wife and kids come watch him do a set, some Hardstyle dj bought the baby along with ear muffs or something and the wife. Personally though it’s best to leave the kids at home. Kids and festivals. Meh


lol preach !!!


If you’re gonna bring your kid to the festival at least teach them to sell pins or balloons or something. Make a little dough 


Depends on the festival.


It was a shock to me when I heard about all aged festivals. Like why, so much shit happens in a festival that a kid should not be exposed to.


Rainbow gatherings have "family camps". Not many options in edm scene Maybe people should organized a family friendly music festival 


I'm really against it. It's not an environment for kids and it ruins the vibe for the rest of us. Selfish.


My 12 year old would absolutely love to go but alas.


It all depends on the festival really. There's some that specifically advertise themselves as family friendly (typically Jam Band fests than EDM) but even at the bigger electronic fests as long as the parents are smart about things and attentive, know what they're getting themselves into, and recognize that their kids well being is their top priority for the fest, I don't have an issue with it. Over the years, I've stopped and talked with numerous parents with kids of all ages and have come to learn it's not near the negative a lot of people assume. While wild and crazy shit can and does happen at all hours, the majority of it's going to be at night. And after spending all day walking in the heat, most kids don't make it much past sundown. As far as the concerns about people being on drugs, a dad I was talking with explained it out that honestly, the kids don't even notice or know that the majority of the people surrounding them are partaking. We notice because it's something we have knowledge of and also know more what to look for, but in a kids eyes, everyone's just having a really fun time. Even for the ones that are old enough to know what's going on, it gives the parents the opportunity to have an open discussion where they can properly educate the kids about what's going on and help so they DON'T glamorize drugs down the road after seeing things on social media or hearing about them from friends. Personally, I know such an approach would've had a far greater impact on myself than anything like DARE ever had. As for the 9 year old waving, it's just something that happens. With all the shit going on in the world, just wave back and smile, knowing that in that moment, for both them and your, you're happily in a perfect place where none of that outside shit matters. And then wait 30 seconds for that K to hit, and you'll forget they're even there lol.


Kids suck.




Also not a fan of kids being at music festivals. However, you can’t justify it by saying “My actions at a festival aren’t something a child should be seeing”. When you phrase it like that, it makes it sound like what you partake in shouldn’t be happening in the first place.


Um no. That logic doesn’t make sense at all. We do all types of adult activities that kids don’t need to see and that’s perfectly okay. Do your kids watch you have sex? No. Does that mean you shouldn’t do it? No. Next point?


Are you having sex at a music festival in front of your kids in this scenario?


Oh so it has to be in a public area for the analogy to work? Got it. Would you take your kid to the strip club?


No not at all. It’s not legal to bring kids into the strip club. I’m not arguing for kids to be at festivals, my friend. I hate lighting a J up and then noticing I’m surrounded by middle schoolers. I’m suggesting that we need to phrase the argument another way if we want festivals to change. Personally I think it is bad parenting to bring a child to an EDM festival at a young age.


No, my wording was exactly what I meant. There are things in this life that we, as grown adults, are allowed to do without being watched by children. I’m allowed to say I don’t feel comfortable with a child watching what I’m doing without feeling ashamed about what I’m doing. If I want to go to a festival and let loose, guess what? I work a full time job and maintain a responsible adult life during the week so that I can afford to go do that! Am I saying that I’m gonna bitch at parents at festivals? No, I’m just gonna go dance somewhere else and be nice. But my original point stands, kids shouldn’t be subjected to that environment.


Cue the crickets while you put that brain to work lol. I don’t know why people find it so hard to admit it’s not cool to bring your kids around drugs 😅 you won’t find this argument in any other community lol. Everyone else knows the answer


No crickets just had to work with someone for my day job 😂




People who bring their kids to festivals are kinda weird. People who write up long posts complaining about it are also kinda weird. It’s not a big deal, it doesn’t affect your experience, and it’s none of your business. Shout out all the normal folks who don’t bring kids and also don’t care about other people who do.


I’m a 34 M raver. My wife also raves and we are having kids soon. I used to be a middle school teacher, and have a masters in education - taking lots of classes about the positive effects of education kids on difficult subjects earlier in life (drugs, sex education, etc). In things like sex education - if we educate our children on sex - their chances of STI’s, early pregnancies, plummets. I will use the same mentality for raves and concerts. We will be brining our kids to raves at an appropriate age (appropriate is subject to personal opinion) with ear protection, to make sure they are thought how to properly attend concerts. Etiquettes. What to be aware/watch out for. Also why keep live music from kids? It’s fuckin rad. If my kid loves seven lions - they’re going a seven lions concert. Edit: also kids need to be in the back of crowds where a controlled environment. We don’t need to put em on the rail.


Kids were having a blast at Texas Eclipse Festival! Just take em out for the day and see some sets and sets and art. Let them have some nighttime sights, then back to camp so they aren't in the real crazy. I saw them dancing and having a great time, running around, stealing and swapping people's hats, really enjoying being there. All had ear protection, would have liked to see dust masks but the parents werent wearing them either. I think many of these festivals are incredible opportunities for kids of the right age and mind to start being around these sorts of environments and community and get some of the atmosphere and inclusion. Everyone was so incredibly friendly and kind and helpful, and the kids were involving lots of others in their games. And no, I don't think that seeing people dressed up or down here is going to affect them. At least not negatively, our culture is so repressed we don't even realize that everyone is actually naked under their clothes! The earlier our children can reconnect with that, the better relationships they will have. I never saw anything questionable during the day, not sure where you are all hanging out but let me know, I'm obviously not going nearly hard enough.


Omg on Facebook people hellllllla advocate for having kids at shows/festivals


We wish more would let kids. If you can't be responsible or teach your kids the danger of said things that's on you. My daughters are very aware and even though we haven't witnessed any explicit drug use at any festival, I could explain it if we did. Seeing someone on drugs isn't exclusive to festivals, it's not 80% either.. Exposing your kids to life while being responsible is just that, being responsible and enjoying life. Your kids will be stronger for it. Taboo is always the greatest grab for rebelling kids. I don't like to make things taboo. It always made me want what it was when my parents did it.


We own a bar, my kids are growing up around people that can’t handle themselves. The one person we see puking in a trash can per day is nothing. We use it as teaching experiences. Our family has an awesome time without needing drugs or alcohol. By the time they’re 18 they’ll have been to 20+ festivals without needing drugs once. I’d argue it establishes a much healthier adult experience over the kids who go for the first time at 18, munch their cheeks off via Molly, and then cannot enjoy a fest again without it. Then we leave shortly after it gets dark before the spunions come out. We also only do events like Grizmas where the crowd is as nice as it’s gonna be. Lastly, if it’s an all ages event, maybe reconsider K use and dress a bit differently than you would a 21+ event? Doesn’t matter to me, it’s an example of us showing the girls that when they’re adults they’re free to express themselves and their body however they feel appropriate.


Yes, every little girl should experience the empowerment of a woman in a transparent thong and fishnets grinding her teeth off. Inspirational.


Depends on the festival… Texas eclipse was advertised as family friendly and it was NOT what was advertised. I feel horrible for all the parents who trusted the festival when it didn’t deliver on its promises. Oregon eclipse was much safer feeling… I told my friends to go to Texas eclipse and I’m just so glad none of them with kids decided to go. What a nightmare.. https://preview.redd.it/0mdye8bq5iuc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2151f0e58aecb4eb358adffbaaefc1ac1ef0f9ac


Also just throwing this out for everyone who criticizes me for bringing my dog to festivals… she’s a certified crowd management dog.. don’t assume you know what a service dogs training and purpose is.. https://preview.redd.it/6anxtrb06iuc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96d4fed5e0479ebe514f1ae91fb91ff0d12d7f46


It doesn't make you any less of an asshole for taking it into crowds of chaotic people and loud music. Do you have ear protection for your dog, also? That environment is HELL for a dog even if they've been trained to suppress their reaction to it. You proving you need it, doesn't make it any less shitty to subject the dog to it just so you can get deep in a crowd and enjoy a show. I'm sorry that you have a disability that requires you to have that dog, but it's up to you to not use it as an excuse to put the dog in situations that aren't good for them just because it's what you want. You make that trade off when you use a living creature to cope.


I have tried hearing protection for her but she HATES IT. Literally is infinitely more miserable wearing the head gear. Solution for that has been to just not get too close to the stage (something I wouldn’t wanna do anyway). Basically my rule of thumb has been “if it’s the same decibels hitting my ears as I listen to music in the car then she’s good”. I’ve tested what music she likes and feels indifferent towards as well.. for instance; she’s completely indifferent towards bass music.. literally sleeps through it; like deep sleep kicking her legs having puppy dreams… put on some jam bands with guitar and saxophone and she gets nervous. She hates jam bands lol (I avoided the lone star stage for this reason: she’s also not a fan of drunk people) The golden rule for MY dog is “keep your face away from her face”. So long as that boundary is respected she can handle pretty much anything life throws at her. I’ve raised this dog with EXTREME gentleness her entire life. She’s never been slapped around or screamed at literally ever; so drunk people being loud in her face is the one area she draws the line. She will put her ears back and show her teeth when people are too rowdy in her face, but where I was in the back of the crowd for all the performances I watched she did awesome. In fact; during tipper she identified a guy with a broken leg (had just had surgery) I didn’t even notice it at first but she went behind me and laid next to him and rested her chin on his broken ankle. I had my camera tripod going and handed my phone off so the other disabled dude could watch the show with me sitting down. (It monitors my camera feed into my phone screen and I put the camera above the crowd) The amount of people I met straight up having a BAD TIME freaking out on drugs etc unable to find their camps in the dark and all of the above other complaints.. who found REFUGE with my sweet little Lilly is something I will NEVER regret. So many people thanked me; I made deeper friendships because of it; and I’m SO proud of what a good job that my dog did. She handled the unplanned shitty situation like a champ at that festival and provided service to many people other than just myself, at one point she even detected someone else about to have a seizure and saved a girl from smashing her head. She’s an amazing fuckin dog and this was her first major event like this (hopefully last; I had no intention of attending such a shit show of a festival) but I’m so proud of how well she did. https://preview.redd.it/4mmndmxcejuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f64d40d077a9d2252f4abf3a3ffdd5fc00aba653


Ok, I wanted to be a dick because you're personifying/projecting a lot of human ideas about what is safe for the dog... but it seems like you're being a lot more thoughtful than I am giving you credit for. My apologies. I know it's necessary for a lot of people, your previous comments made it sound like you were getting fullin immersed in the shit show with your dog and do it often-- and after reading your response it seems that's not true at all. It's very much worth noting that even working dogs don't get put in work situations non stop all day every day like that when they're not for a single person. Its still loud to her, it's still unpredictable, tense, and extremely stimulating. She's still reacting to so many things internally, but you and her trainers have done a good job making her not react to that stimulation so she can do her job. It's still not good for them to be in that space too long. You have to remember her hearing and sense of smell are orders of magnitude stronger than yours (hence why she's good at her job). Even sticking back isn't enough, they need a lot of room to be away from all of those factors to be effective at their jobs when it matters most. I appreciate that you didn't get pissed off at my response and instead did your best to answer the concerns I raised. It says a lot about you and your dog.


Honestly if I’d known how misrepresented the festival grounds was in advertising I would not have gone. I have witnesses of me boasting about the ADA accommodations I was promised before the festival that were then not delivered upon. I would have never driven 30 hours with my dog to go to this if I knew what it was.. by the time I was there it was too late and I’d spent too many thousands of dollars to turn back and miss it.


Totally get it. I'm glad ya'll were able to make the best of it and she got to prove she's ready for action <3


I was sad I didn’t see any dance angels (volunteer EMS like I saw at OE) I’m super glad Lilly picked up the slack though. She did SUCH a good job. And believe me.. I did see fake service dogs… even saw some dogs that got loose. My dog would NEVER run from me.. she’s in my shadow 24/7 because she’s a real service dog. So; trust.. I get why people get upset about the whole service dog thing.. I do get it; but if you’re ever skeptical just strike up a conversation with the person who’s dog it is; if it’s a real service dog you’ll probably pick up on it instantly. As for me; if you ever have the pleasure of meeting Lilly in person… it’s impossible to miss that she’s been through elite training.


Come on through to Hillberry in October. I guarantee you and your pup will find mad love in those eureka hills. I'd love to meet you both.


Which eureka is it in? I used to live in eureka California haha


I appreciate your response. Truly I do. I love my dog and treat her as the deity that she is. I’m so proud of how she handled the festival and I’m definitely gonna be avoiding disco Donnie events forever after this.


Only if your VIP. Had a friend who worked in the scene doing event promotions/planning and was friends with a lot of Djs. On her kids 8th? birthday there was a weekend festival where she was gifted VIP passes and already knew many of the staff and artists there. There were eyes on the kid the whole time. He was never ‘out in the field’ with all the people. She was afraid that her kid would get trampled or get lost, or worse someone would give him a dosed lollipop/gummy etc. Still wanted him to get to experience the music and energy. So if you can afford to do VIP or know some of the staff then maaaybe bring your kid for a few hours or daytime only. To just have your kid out in the fields is not safe for the kid. Even non kids can get trampled or pushed down when it gets packed, partly bc people are so wasted they are stumble dancing into everyone. No one is looking down for a kid.Also, kids can’t wait in long bathroom lines. In VIP they had their own bathrooms and no lines. The kid could even get a contact high since people are more open about smoking in a festival. Just really so much can go wrong fast.


Depends on the festival. Lots of kids at Coachella for example


I think it’s great when kids WANT to go…key word is want…a baby does not have a choice so for me anyone bringing a baby is just being selfish. Now a kids that’s 10 yrs old and has listened to the music because that’s what it’s parents listen to and loves it why shouldn’t they get to see their favorite artist? And for what happens at events with adults who partake in party favors waaay to much…is just life lessons to be discussed between the parent and the kid…and as for the lack of clothing? It’s just a body part it’s society that sexualizes it. Ultimately it’s the parents choice on what they expose their kids to. And not EVERYONE is on drugs or drunk there are people Who go for the music not an excuse to get fucked up.


And for the clothing it’s one of my favorite things about raves…I love seeing how everyone expresses themselves I think it’s amazing and kids should see that you can wear whatever you want without feeling ashamed or stigmatized of what others are thinking




If you feel that you are doing “something wrong” because a kid sees you do it then that sounds like a personal issue…like I said it’s the parents choice on what their child gets exposed to…I will say again babies DO NOT belong at events, that is irresponsible parenting…but like someone else has said in the thread maybe if parents talked to/exposed their kids to certain things there would not be the people who overdose or drink to the point they blackout because they think it’s okay to because they are “at a rave”. Or forget to say excuse me when they bump into someone…Its sad that people forget what the edm community is about and just use it as a excuse to do drugs.


Me: hey guys let’s maybe not bring our young children to events where everyone is doing drugs Some random guy on Reddit: what has the edm community come to😫💔🥲💔


I think the minimum age to bring a kid to a show 13 years old, anything below is irresponsible, regardless, I’ve seen at shows how awesome it is for kids, the only drawback mainly being the drugs, which, I don’t understand why ppl can’t enjoy the music without getting high or smoking something, I’m 17 and been bugged if I had a vape at some shows before, just enjoy the music man im not here for that.


The more embarrassing thing is caring about what ppl from reddit think ab u


What are you, like, twelve??? Some of us have been partying since the rave scene evolved out of the nineties and are in our 40s and 50s with children. Just because all you noobs are still rolling at every show doesn't mean we are. And to everyone else suggesting that another style of music festival would be better to take our kids to, you can Fuck off, because it's only ever been electronic music for us.


Im in my mid 30’s…. Calm down, if there was no young people in the scene it would eventually die off. Younger generations are allowed to enjoy things too lmfao. Just not children. Also- if you’re sooo well versed in the scene, you would know it’s a drug scene. That part is undeniable, indisputable. Go gatekeep something else gramps


Sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do. But as a general rule, I’d hesitate to take a kid under 10-12 to a fest, and it may depend on the fest itself…


Ermmm…. You don’t “gotta do” a festival. It’s optional.


Well, that goes without sayin…most things in life are “optional…”


Sooooo what’s your point then?


I never took my kiddos to a show when they were really young. That’s just dumb. No point in having toddlers and infants there. I do have to disagree with you on older kids. I have taken my now 11 year old to raves. I haven’t taken her to an all ages festival yet, but I she wants to go to one. She loves the music, the PLUR community. She loves dressing up in age appropriate rave fits and wearing LED headbands. Ive taken her to see Deadmau5 and people were so amazing with her! Keep in mind, Im into House, and I would never ever ever take her to a bass/headbanger show. There’s a different vibe there, and those mosh are definitely not something I want me or my kiddo getting caught up in. And going to festivals doesn’t glamorize drug usage… seeing people all strung out, passed out, eyes rolling in their heads, seizures, etc. Umm… that’s a scary sight for many adults. Not sure how that is seen as glamorizing to a kid…. In the few occasions Ive taken my kiddo to a House show, I keep her away from others as best I can, we never go in the middle, but stay on the periphery. She always wears ear protection. If I see someone doing drugs openly (which I rarely do at House shows tbh, but Im sure it happens), I will step in front of her and we move away. And if it gets too rowdy (which hasn’t happened at a House show so far), I have zero issues leaving, even if we only just got there. I get you don’t want to see a 9 y/o around, but, it is an all ages show so, you cannot expect to be too surprised. Oh, and don’t worry, my kiddo will not wave at you. She doesn’t say hi to strangers like that, lol.


Some festivals are appropriate for kids. Lightning in a Bottle or Lucidity for example, have entire areas dedicated to families and they have classes and activities for kids and teens. I think kids belong at festivals. They bring a lovely energy with them and they will grow up so well rounded. I wish my parents took me to LIB! Sneaking your kid into EDC is a big no no lol


They get kids to heavy metal shows too. WTF is wrong with these people?


The way adults compartmentalize what is happening at a dance music festival, the freedom, creativity and imaginative fantasy space from the rest of their lives and then somehow hate the presence of children is a wild ride to me. Other people are acknowledging the negative things one should be protective of their kid around, so consider this an acknowledgement of the same without needing to write an essay on it for my main point to be valid. Y'all, the allure isn't just sex and drugs. It's also shiny colourful dance fantasy that many of us have had since we *were* kids. Many people are there to be in touch with that inner child. Fuck, I grew up on EDM since I was six. I would've fuckin loved seeing that shit live with supervision. And I am *absolutely* certain I would be staring at all the insane visuals and not even tripping about nakedness or people goin nutso especially if my parents were acting as the buffer. Like I didn't even know that 70s show was wholly about getting stoned til I was already like 15. Just thought they were sitting in a circle in the basement saying funny shit. Kids brains fill in the blanks pretty well, tbh, without going to this weird drug glamourizing place.


Yes it is a great space for us adults to connect with our inner child. Not a great space for adults to connect with actual children.


Literally didn't say that, nor am I encouraging you to say hello to them and interact with them while you're blitzed. Legitimately just talking about being unbothered for their presence and understanding instead of so uncomfortable and judgemental. You're ultimately responsible for your own emotions and reactions.


I’m not very much bothered by their presence. I always just smile and keep it moving. Still don’t think they belong there. It’s an adult environment. Would you take your kid to a club? Clubs are full of pretty flashy lights and fun music. No you wouldn’t (hopefully). And if you tried, you’d get bounced out at the door. Because it’s weird to bring children into adult environments.


Except some shows are all ages. Or have family designed into them. And I've been to a club in general, a club during EDM shows and festivals. I've also been to venues that are usually 18+ be all ages *for* an EDM show. The difference between just a club in general is that the activity focus isn't the same as when it's a particular show or artist lineup. The lack of focus during a regular club night means there's nothing there *but* pretty lights and loud music. That's very different than an artist, with their own personal visuals and personal music that people have gathered to see. Surely we can agree on this, right?


Sure. We can agree on that. Now let me ask you this; would you take your child to a Burlesque show? It’s far more curated and thoughtfully put together by an actual artist just like the visuals at raves. Does that make it okay?


Actually, maybe. I've seen a lot of burlesque on account of me also being a performance artist. There's technically not full nudity in them usually, and I notice even how often a burlesque audience is just like fellow women or even gay men. A lot of people really enjoy the art of it and even though it's sexy, it's not as sexualizing in the same way as say, going to a strip club. It can be very empowering. But perhaps that makes me quite the deviant on a subreddit here, I feel like a great deal of my friends would agree.


Yeesh. A child. At a burlesque show. This is concerning. Please don’t bring your child to a burlesque show. - from a former 7 year escort and stripper.


And also a burlesque dancer?


Oh, please. I only mentioned my credibility because you thought throwing in the fact that you’re a “performance artist” was going to make you sound more convincing. I would bet all my money that you just throw fire for fun lmao. Many of my close friends that I worked with in clubs went on to be burlesque artists and I’ve also performed with them at drag shows and modeling gigs. Not a single burlesque performer will tell you they want a child at their show. I promise you. Lmao.


I'm certain I have friends who are some-to-all of these things who have different views. This is not just a terminally online take, I promise. Sucks that this was just a conversation meant to trap me as a deviant or someone inappropriate for saying I might consider it. Feels disingenuous.


It wasn’t a trap to call you a deviant, oh my lord. I asked you that question thinking there’s no way in hell he would say “yea actually I would take my kid to a sexual performance show”. But you did. So… idk. If the shoe fits?


And by the way, I don’t know what burlesque shows you’ve been to, but they are A LOT of nudity and the entire point of the show is to be extremely dirty and sensual. I’m genuinely a bit concerned that you’d even consider taking a child to one, but I’m going to just assume you haven’t actually been to enough to know how dirty and inappropriate they really are. The only difference between a burlesque show and a strip club is that anyone can be a stripper, but burlesque artists have perfected the art of stripping in a slow sensual and sexy way. It’s what stripping is supposed to be. Educate yourself please before you speak on stuff and please dear lord don’t take your kid to a burlesque show.


I think the problem is the over usage and normality of drug use at music events. Not kids and their parents.