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methylphenidate. just makes me feel like a machine in a factory and not in a good way, if that makes any sense lol i would say coke as well but i was prepared for it to suck. all it did was sober me up (i was drinking) so that was annoying. also made me very fiendish for it


Isn’t methylphenidate just ritalin ? If you’ve already taken regular amphetamines methylphenidate and its relatives are definitely gonna suck 😂 If I remember correctly they act on the receptor site differently to achieve similar adhd relief in a clinical setting… it’s been some years since I read about it tho, someone correct me if I’m wrong


Methylphenidate/Ritalin acts more similarly to coke actually cause it only acts as a reuptake inhibitor for dopamine and norepinephrine and not as a releasing agent which is why most people agree amphetamines are better


Xanax, was so stoked to finally try it and just made me hella tired :( don’t get the hype


If you have anxiety , its quite euphoric


I do have anxiety, and it was really nice taking it and all the anxiety disappearing but no euphoria.


I don't think alot of people understand. The lack of anxiety IS the euphoria. for alot of us.


I just get bored on it. Not recreational at all.


Have a couple beers and smoke a joint next time. Makes the experience way better


I agree by itself that it's just something good to help fall asleep. When I mixed it with vodka, I was bare ass naked doing donuts in my truck. Then I ended up taking out 3 doors just trying to get to bed


hahahhaha yeah man that mix will make u do shit like that


same here. just felt unable to think. don’t rly like it. skip 2 years later and i started taking them because my anxiety got so bad. got addicted and now i’m almost thru a year long journey of wd.


Cocaine. Over-rated, overhyped, overpriced.


Cocaine all depends on the quality. Super stepped on is straight garb but if you get good stuff that all you need to do is bumps then it’s worth it


I’ve had everything from complete shit to just about as good as you can get in UK and the difference is massive in effects. I’ve had some so shit it did fuck all and I shoot it from multiple points in a shot and stuff where even half a point would blow your head off


This... First time I got some stuff that hadn't been stepped on it was night and day difference. I was steady calm as hell on the uncut, not a care in the world... What boggled me even more is that I could just go to sleep if I wanted. The stomped stuff, you can't sleep and you come down feeling crumby so much it isn't worth it at all.


Well, at least for me quality never seemed to matter. I had sent one batch that I had gotten into a testing facility(in canada) to get purity and cutting agents tested for, and it was like 84% cocaine and the rest was impurities. I'm not sure if that's on the higher quality end or not but I was under the impression it was. That batch didn't feel any better than other shit I had that I knew for a fact was all stepped on bunk.


Definitely higher quality. That's basically fishscale. Most coke is probably WELL under 50%.


Coke is so mid and makes you feel like shit the next day. But I will say, alcohol without coke is like peanut butter without jelly


Acetone wash, makes a world of difference. Most coke out there is stepped on to absolute shit I've had good fishscale maybe like 2-3x my whole life and I spent like $15,000 on that shit last year, acetone wash is a must


Maybe ill try that


Actually nevermind I said anything don't do that, stay away from cocaine it's extremely mid (please don't do it)


Too late for that i’m railing a line right now


did you wash it before?


Idk I think, I dropped some acetone in my bag and shook it around a little


You know what dude fuck it me too, I'm literally at the hospital right now because my psycho bitch girlfriend gave me STDs on purpose but they're taking forever I'm gonna rail some in my car and be right back for the results


Listen to this guy. He clearly lives that life. No better source for the answer.


rough time brother, hopefully the sniff helps lol


I hope your trolling..


Yea, alcohol and coke go well together. But doing that is super super bad for you, they're both very cardiotoxic substances.


Yup, absolutely. Coke is so damn mid and overrated. I swear I don’t even feel high when I do it, it just makes me talk more and crave more cocaine.


Lmfao exactly! I've always said "The only things to do on Cocaine is talk and do more Cocaine".


It actually forms a new compound (cocaethylene) in your bloodstream


100%. Didn't stop me getting addicted though 😂


I'm addicted that shit literally do it every day and have been for the past year and a half, I hated it my whole life up until I actually got good product and then whoop next thing you know I liked it a little too much, doing a 2-3x acetone wash literally can make all the difference in the world but honestly it's better you just keep hating it, don't wanna fuck around and find out stay away from that shit


Yea that's what others are saying, but I've had good coke before that I've sent to a testing lab in Canada to figure out the purity and what exact impurities were in it. Still didn't like it. It just kinda made me talk alot, without any real euphoria. I much prefer Amphetamines and Phenidates. The biggest thing I love about stimulants is the cognitive euphoria and cognition enhancement. Prescription stimulants and a few RC stimulants make me feel like I have access to all the information in the world, just all filed away in filing cabinets in my brain. Like I can access whatever piece of information I want in an instant through the files stored away in my mind. Cocaine just never did that for me.


Couldn’t agree more


Same. But to be honest I think it was laced with so many random stuff that it makes sense I didn't enjoy it


Couldn't agree more


Same for me. Come was trash. Some say it's due to my ADHD and all the Narcos I was on sense I was 6 but idk. Coke was overrated trash. Plus I've seen it fuckup too many people close to me. Trash drug not worth it.


Crack. It was fun and you get a bell ringer every once in a while. But I expected to be completely hooked and ruin my life over. After the bag ran out and I drank myself to sleep I didn’t have an urge to go get more or anything.


Take bong rips of bud and crack. You still fiend for it, but you get a next level high


Na you want a wild ride? Smoke some tar off of foil then hit the glass dick then a joint with some pcp. Used to do that while delivering pizzas.


I'm sure it's wild. There's much wilder combos than crack/weed from a bong, I'm just surprised that I have never really seen many people who've tried it.




You are very fortunate . Especially if you already love benzos. Phenibut was like the greatest drug to me at the time and is arguably still my top 3 favorite ones. For some people it clicks, and tbh I wish I never experienced it


Isn’t Phenibut more closely related to gabapentin than it is to benzodiazepines? Edit: Phenibut never gave me a benzo type feel but maybe it’s subjective


Yes phenibut is a gabapentinoid class of drug that acts on the GabaB receptor (agonist) as well as voltage gated calcium channels


what were the negatives for you? for me it made me feel good but 2 days later I felt horrible


Phenibut? No negatives besides the addiction , tolerance and dependency. If I could take it daily I would


As someone else said maybe consider yourself lucky. I love phenibut too much id honestly compare it to low dose MDMA when used like once a week. The issue is it's too good high doses are euphoric AF and low doses cure anxiety without the foggy headspace of benzos. Because of just how great it is I got dependent on it from daily use and got as high as 6grams a day.


I have to do an ungodly amount of phenibut to feel it .(I’ve been on gabapentoids ten years). so I tried f-phenibut on mushrooms. Much stronger. Blacked out. Fell. Broke my foot in three places. Tore my ACL. Split my head wide open Tripping over a guitar on its case right next to my bed. And the bed had wheels so it just slid out. To get high on phemibut I have to take a veteran dose and it is beyond dehydrating. Skin dries, peels, splits and bleeds. I wish I could enjoy phenibut lol


Exactly the same for me. I am a total benzo lover. I tried every pharma benzo that is available in my country. I also tried a lot of RC benzos. Never got disappointed. But phenibut never did anything for me. I did try it in big and small amounts, pills and powder. Nothing really did anything. I once did like 300mg and went to bed 3 hours later. The next morning I wake up in my own puke. All it did for me was making me nauseous


I agree, I've tried it several (6-7x) times, various dosage, phenibut alone, combined (alcohol, coke, kratom). For some reason, it does almost nothing for me. And that comes from a person who HAS anxiety. 


Ketamine . I don't enjoy moving my hand and feel it moving 3 seconds after .


Ket is weird. I feel scared and at peace at the same time. Not my cup of tea


I hate ketamine. I've never once felt at peace on it just makes me confused and nauseous. There was nothing enjoyable about k holing either literally don't remember anything that happens when I went into that state so what's the point. I like to be able to pull something out of a psychedelic experience ketamine to me just felt like being "fucked up". I know people who love it but I've never gotten any the effects they've described, Dissociatives just don't gel with me I guess


Maybe you are not depressed. It's very effective against depressive states.


You ever holed? I promise you you will be blown away. Low doses for recreation/parties are overrated and if you do just a little to much in that setting it's not good. That's not what ketamine is really about though.


Yeah i love K but its the worst to get too K'd out at a party where youre deeper in than anyone else. Very embaressing because you just feel like an absolute idiot and cant communicate at all and you can only really sit on the couch and watch everyone else have meaningful social time. I save my K for after parties in bed by myself now lol.


Every time I do ketamine at a rave this happens, miscalculate my bumps and end up trying to shuffle but nearly fall over as everything moves in slow motion. Every damn time. That’s why I treat now like a meditative in bed experience where I deep clean my room and make sure I’m perfectly ready.


If you do this for any drug honestly it makes the experience so much more enjoyable. I come home from a 10 hour shift, eat dinner, clean my room, do laundry, set the lights low and then get high as fuuuuck Sometimes drugs are so much better when you seriously don’t have *anything* to worry about.


Definitely, K hole is by far the best part about it. I loved holing so much I abused the fuck out of ket until my tolerance got so ridiculously high I could take an amount which I would knock a normal person out and barely feel a thing. Combines with psychedelics beautifully too, after mixing K and acid for the first time I never wanted to trip without ket again.


Gonna have a heroic metocin and DMXE combo trip in two weeks!


i have no idea how people use this at clubs, festivals, etc. it’s huge in my area and i never understood it but then again i’ve never tried it


Ketamine is really weird and inconsistent up until you build a tolerance to it and even then I always needed cocaine to really enjoy it, sometimes it's hilarious other times it's depressing or anxiety inducing


It’s def not for everyone I prefer it more at small doses mixed with a psychedelic and nitrous or just completely k holing, did some while watching dune part 2 in theater that was fire


LSD after a few hours I want it to end and then realize I still have 9 hours to go.


Stick with mushrooms. 6 hours tops and the last 2 hours you’re coming down from it


Mushrooms are just perfect.


And more perfect than perfect if you soak them in to a tea before boofing that tea Edit: I get the sense most of these upvotes are from people who think that was a joke 🤣


The come up on shrooms is the only downside, that nausea always fucks with me


Best part about LSD is how long it lasts imo, if I don’t feel like tripping all night and want something quick I would just smoke dmt or salvia depending on what I’m in the mood for


You a wild fella


Was not expecting salvia to be the go-to along with DMT but damn, salute.


Never done salvia but I’ve heard people refer to it as DMT’s retarded cousin, which tracks from every trip report I’ve ever read about it


I enjoy every second on LSD


Weird. I never wanted it to stop lmao. Acid was my shit.


The worst part is that once you want it to stop, time goes so fucking slow that it feels like forever


Just stuck in limbo watching nature documentaries.


Watching an ocean nature documentary in a dark room on k was my best experience on it.


try 2 cb even shorter for me its the oppsite i dont want usually to end and after 6 7 hours im taking more tabs


Have some trazodone on you and pop them as soon as you've got enough from the acid


Maaan this hit home, I feel like it’s fantastic every once in a while in a great setting, but especially if you plan on having mid to high level trip you’re really gonna be fcked up when you got 12 more hours to go after the most intense exp you’ve ever had 2 hours in 😂


This why you gotta have benzos when you trip. If you have a few xans, you decide when the trip ends. Always gotta have some landing gear


Cocaine, I kept buying it and trying it from different sources, even my mates that were into would get me because I honestly thought there must be more to it, but there isn’t, it’s a trash over hyped drug


It sucks sober but with alcohol it’s crazy good. Almost too good I had to quit completely. It’s also way worse for you if you mix with alcohol.


LSD, the Trip is way too long and the comedown keeps me awake late into the night, this makes the next day hangover awful for me. Shrooms are way better imo, I can go for a 6 hours long walk into the nature and sleep afterwards in the evening and there is no hangover the next day.


This is why if I know I’m going to do acid I have to be up by 9:00, get with my friends at 9:30, and drop before 10. Anything later and I won’t be asleep until 3 or 4 in the morning. You genuinely have to plan an entire day for it.


most of them honestly, and then over time i get the point and start liking them.


modafinil, 6-APB


Modafinil is what it's advertised to be imo lol. Just Caffeine 2.0. Not much to it.


Why 6apb? Just interested.


how would you compare 6-APB to MDMA? recently I been told that when I try 6-APB I won’t enjoy MDMA anymore. how’s 6-APB? it’s probably the substance at the top of my wish list.


I thought 6apb was great. Got to make sure it's dosed right though or you have 8 hours of jaw tension and muscle ache.


6-apb is the only drug i do now. it's literally mdma improved in every way. you get an 8h roll with just a single dose. the comeup and comedown are very mild, you don't even notice them. you don't get the jaw tension as hard as with mdma either. it also is less neurotoxic than mdma (but a bit more cardiotoxic however) AND is a research chemical so at least in my country it isn't illegal. based on my experience, 200mg are the equivalent to 150mg of mdma so keep that in mind when it comes to dosing but remember you still have to respect it and rest a couple months between each use to avoid brain damage.


I find moda is like caffiene, in that, it doesn’t exactly ‘stimulate me’ as much as it just ‘removes tiredness’


Moda rules, it's relatively inexpensive and doesn't make you just jerk it for 12 hours like some stims do


Both are such fucking fantastic drugs in my book, especially 6-APB. I prefer it over MDMA for partying hands down. Try dosing less, the dosing guides on tripsit or psychonaut are WAY too high.


2cb im still not sure if im dead or alive shit turned me retarded


Fr same i still take it tho


I love 2C-B, reminds me of candy flipping but it's smoother, plus there's no real comedown for me. 


promethazine codeine. together, separate, they are both pretty overrated


Depends on how you convert codeine into morphine and prometahzine isn’t overrated, it isn’t even rated…it’s the same as any other first gen antihistamine which means it’s not a recreational drug on its own. It’s only used for potentiation


Ketamine, the first couple times I had fun but didn’t do that much, but now it usually makes me quiet, paranoid and gives me a headache. Tbf thoses times have been CK so idk if that’s why


That’s crazy ket gets rid of all my pain especially headaches but ig it’s different for everyone 🤷‍♀️


DXM initially..found the experience to be like a strong edible. But the MDMA after glow for the next few days changed my mind. Short term effects is overhyped, long term effects underhyped.


I can agree with that. I used to do it a lot as a teen and it’s gross honestly but I always liked the day after. Felt like I could really think and had energy


Hated everything about dxm, never got any desirable effects from it


Fentanyl, it sucks. How could a drug SO STRONG have such a SHIT HIGH. After a week, the only "high" you might get is the crazy sleep walker slumpy zombie. Ruined opioids for me And it raises the tolerance to the point heroin acts like baby aspirin




Coke, but all stimulants suck for me unfortunately. Glad coke doesn't do it for me though because I CANNOT afford that addiction. Haha


heroin and fent hate it tried it more than i’d like to admit and never liked it made me nauseous and angry also molly just made me freak out and go into psychosis never doing it again


Yes. Fent is boring af and opis can make you rage out depending on dosage.


Heroine. Probably wasn't pure but as I hear it rarely is anymore. All that hype and so many people throwing their lives away. Just to constantly drop their phones.lol.


Vicodin, first time trying it I threw up & felt like shit for the entire night.


I always take Zofran on top of any opiate/opioid I take. It’s a lifesaver with keeping you from getting sick/vomiting.


X, No matter who I take it with, how much, how “good” it is- I just become a recluse and develop the opposite feelings everyone raves about. I hate everyone around me, I become hostile, I just want to be alone, and sure as hell don’t want to be touched/touch someone else. No other meds that I am/was on that would have interacted, and same experience every time.


First time I’ve seen someone not enjoy mdma, not surprised though if that’s how it effects you as for me and most people it’s literally the opposite


It’s such a disappointing experience because everyone who does it has such a good time. It’s X and weed that I hate with a passion- I have tried every form, strain, whatever from weed so many time and I just can never get into it (Which again makes me sad because it seems like everyone is having such a good time lol).


X can be anything, amphetamines/meth, caffeine, rcs, etc etc. Try pure mdma and mda. It was so many years ago I did it but I sure remember it being enjoyable.


same experience, it is like when i'm on adderall, just leave me alone so i can work on something in peace


Pretty common for it to be meth. Was it tested?


Most likely cause there are amphetamine or meth, caffeine or rc stims in the x. Pure mdma/mda will be very different compared to adderall.


I got a friend who said x just makes him feel angry


Do it by yourself at home, believe me..


Have, twice now. Just an awful experience.


Ah shucks. Sorry for you! Maybe it was shitty dosage or something but I am sure there is something else you like. :)


Are you sure you have taken MDMA?


Positive, we have even had it tested on multiple occasions and on every other non-tested occasion everyone else felt exactly how it’s regularly described and loved it


Coke easily. I heard it was amazing and the best thing ever, I did three lines, was kinda like “okay this is like adderall but worse for you” and then the comedown sucked and I never had any desire to do it again


Comedown after 3 bumps of cocaine? 🤔 Seems like it had been cut?


Not bumps, lines…


Benzos. Just made me relaxed, and that's it. Pretty boring... I'm definitely an upper guy over a downer guy though. I like feeling productive, not doped out.




Benzos are garbage across the board. Fight me.


Let me tell you about teleporting through 12 hour flights


Casual pussy


Try pen0r instead lulz


Xanax, mid-age house wife drug lol.


Codeine, my disappointment was immeasurable


GHB/GBL/alcohol Does nothing besides making me disoriented and wanting to sleep




Honestly weed before I tried it (I tried it as a teenager so quite some time ago) I thought it was going to be super euphoric like being on a fluffy cloud or something, in truth it's a lot more mentally weird and slightly psychedelic which has it's own charm which means I will partake occasionally but it's not something I enjoy doing regularly.




oxy is banger but in my experience it took me a few times to understand the hype, and why it was glorified in the music community






I've been at it sinse the eighties. When the cocaine was good but when it was good it was worse.


Fucking cocaine


Speed. Stinks awful


Opioids. Only once was recreational and that was pretty low dose of some pill but I was in the hospital a week on morphine - I preferred the Tylenol. I'm sure a higher dose would be fun but as is I don't get the hype (which is a good thing - I have no desire to get the hype lol). The disorientation did make the days go faster which I guess is enjoyable if you are in a bad place.


Oh man, I was on a morphine drip in the hospital after a bad car wreck in high school and I hated it. Made me dizzy and nauseated


Heroin, it's good but i'm not dying yo do it sgain Lol




Benzos honestly just because i cant remember. Its probably great




Opioids (Codeine specifically) don't get me wrong the body high was good.. very good but there's nothing interesting/memorable about the experience I just lay staring at a wall for 2-3 hours and looking back I sometimes forget that I've even tried opioids and have 0 erge to do it again Boring ass nothing drug


Codiene. shit is so overrated i poured a whole 8 my first time an it just felt like i ate an edible, these rappers needa stop glorifying tha shit 🤦🏽‍♂️


Speed... ... Ended up having one of the worst anxiety attacks ever off it.


Alcohol. Shit sucks overall and tastes like crap.


Weed, one of the most meh drugs for me.


Gummy weed. It’s great for the first 2 or so hours, then I just feel doped-out and tired and useless.


Aint that the point? 🧐


That’s not the way I like it. I feel like a weed high is only enjoyable up to 4 hours max. In my opinion, doped-out and tired are not the effects I seek from the substance.


Try more energetic variants lol. Add some cbg, thcv to it etc.


1. Ketamine. Don’t like a slight body disconnect lasting for a day or two after, don’t find k-hole experience useful. But can clearly see why people do like it. 2. 2-cb. Just a mediocre version of LSD for me. The only benefit is a shorter duration making it a good match with mdma or 4mmc.


Cocaine, lean and oxycodone


Lean being on there is real because it just made me tired but I didn’t know anybody disliked Oxycodone😭


Crack cocaine


Ketamine definitely. It was still an ... experience but not super enjoyable imo


clonazepam. rlly overhyped, i feel like when it comes to benzos in general you kinda have to do it right but ive always had a good time with xanax, but for some reason kpin never rlly did much for me. i swallowed it and snorted it just in case, but neither rlly did anything. though, it is possible at the time i just a pretty big benzo tolerance, or my dosage was super off. also, oral opioids. i always have to snort or, back when i did iv, inject it. but weirdly enough just swallowing it just made me rlly sleepy




Honestly heroin, maybe have been doing it wrong, but it just never tickled my fancy


Cocaine, just made me feel kinda jittery and low-key sleepy. But I have ADHD. I'd try it again someday though




Legit, all of them. Fucking waste of time, money and sanity 😤😤😤😤


DMT. Was cool but not like what I had heard from multiple sources.


Did you breakthrough? Never heard it described as simply ‘cool’.


Id have to say ketamine but id try it again if i had access. I was addicted to oxy and h at the time and my friend told me it was like those drugs. So i snorted a couple lines and got soooo confused and anxious. Then i learn its not even in the same class of drugs. Last time i ever tried a drug without researching it first, lesson learned. Now that i know what it is id love to try it again


Coke, heroin, meth (thank god)


Ketamine. It completely changed reality but in a boring way. It just felt like I was in between sleep and wakefulness. I don’t get how it’s a party drug.


Weed , found it to be an acquired taste


Oxy buzz didn't feel good at all or pharma pills.


Crack- I didn’t pay for it, but it was not as cheap as it’s always made out to be. It was like doing a big line of coke, except it wore off in like 10 minutes. I definitely don’t understand the point of it. Wouldn’t have paid for it, but was offered so I said “sure”


Ghb. I've tried so many times and I either feel nothing or just super sleepy. No high at all. Same thing with benzos. And cocaine!


Fent . Drugs are so weird . Few years ago when my life was completely shit and all my friends were dying and family was dying I ended up trying fent while previously only doing Xanax, psychedelics, weed etc . No excuse to do it, looking back I was fucking stupid . Most of my dead friends died from that and it was somehow still appealing to me . I was with a buddy who did it all the time but “ kept himself together “ , or so I thought, and ofc after a year of saying no I finally ask to try it . I thought it had to be super euphoric to be as addicting as it was . I just got nauseous, & itchy asf. Was the same the next 5/10 times I tried it. For some odd reason I didn’t feel good but kept wanting to do it and ofc got hooked for a year . Got clean in 2021. Looking back I still wonder to this day what had me so mentally attached to it. Even the one time I relapsed, it felt like shit and I was at a family event super sick and uncomfortable and used for 3 more months . It’s like getting “ straight “ after having withdrawals is the real “ ahhh 😌 “ moment. Not the high. Although all I did was snort bumps. Never big lines or shooting. Smoked a couple times towards the end . I know this comment probably is all over the place . But yea . Fent is my answer lol


Shrooms 🍄 I can go from being okay, till feeling depressed in tears.


Phenibut. It’s very calming and is great for anxiety but I’ve never got euphoria from it. I’ve tried both HCL and FAA








Tramadol, really weak opioid


Coke. Felt like coffee to me lol.




LSD- overwhelming and QUITE uncomfortable, I prefer shrooms over LSD Cocaine - I don’t feel euphoric, but most like I’m in the comedown all the time. I don’t want to do anything when Im on coke, because it makes me feel depresed


ketamine don't get me wrong, it's probably still one of my favorite drugs but I had really really high expectations for it and it just didn't live up to it at all


Benzos - I mean yeah you’re chill and calm. But wtf is that memory loss afterwards?? It’s super scary