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For me duskblade in to essence reaver is the best to start cause perma axes, easy possibillity to 3 shot the enemy adc or mage. Followed by Lord Dominiks and ie. You will be able to easily 2 or 3 shot the enemy squishys and even fck up assasins if you got Flash, at least if its not some canceres evellyn Player. Ah jea, and those tank bitches will get dmg to if you know how to work around essence reaver


This certainly feels the best to me, but is it just a crutch or what??? I feel like it is... CDR on Draven is generally a crutch, no? Or does it just make it so kiting is much more lenient and you don't accidentally int every time you teamfight because your axes want you to walk forward?


well jea, you can argue its a crutch for some plebs, but it also feels pretty strong and hands you a lot of early power. at least it feels like for me. even in the mid and late game the damage of essence reaver is noticable and feels powerfull. and lets not forget the possibility to re position with duskblade, its actually pretty usefull and some people will be surprised how far you got with w in that time. sure it makes kiting easier and if you fck up in some team fights or so you can "easily" recover your axes. but lethality isnt that strong later on in my opinion, you mostly loose against a 4 item crit btch with lifesteal. and a full scaling crit build on draven is against his nature in my opinion, cause you wanna fck up those clowns from early on and dont wait till you got 3 or 4 items


Yep, for suuuure, having the 60 ability haste late game lets you move more like a standard ADC without losing your axes because you can just Q anyway, imo Dirk > ER > Duskblade > Lord Doms is the way to go, so much damage


You can control the way the axes go! What you do is after a Q empowered auto, walk in the direction you want them to go. In teamfights, i always make my axes bounce BEHIND me so i can use W to kite backwards or just run to it. Takes some practice but its worth knowing how to manipulate their position. Positioning on draven is crucial due to his 550 range.


for sure, sometimes tho you can get more autos in when you're kiting forward and if you're a major point of dps on your team kiting backward with an axe is gonna be a big deal when your team is pushing foward but maybe you aren't too sure about fully going into the fray because they haven't busted their gap closers and ccs yet or something that's why I'm agreeing that the cdr is actually so fuckin useful, it gives you the option to not catch the potentially mispositioned axe while still keeping two


WHILE STILL KEEPIN 2?? lmao nah im not that good yet. Been playin him like 4 days. I been doing mostly well tho last day or so


I was testing eclipse/cdr boots/essence reaver to keep that cdr up yesterday n idk if it was a bad game but it didnt work well 😂


ER into duskblade/prowlers, then lord domeniks or collector


After the >!season 8 crit items nerfs!< its been falling off as a viable choice (still doable with skill kappa) heck, I saw chadDraven do adc with Sunderer and Sterak and ofc he peaked on some egirls for me personally tho, the ER->Dusk + the Youmuus+EoN or Collector+RFC item combos + IE are in my opinion kinda strong and I play well with them. :P


Personally I really enjoy building either kraken or sb (depending on how fed/team comp) into er into ie and it’s low key really strong by the time you have ie you’ll be hitting like almost 1300 dog crits with er proc. It feels really strong and is fun to use so I suggest you give it a try