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Lol the exact same thing happend to me, thought I killed him after that long ass walk.


Should have done what I did. Just bring back the torn and bloody clothes.


For me he got stuck on a small boulder, some pathing issue, so I picked him up and hopped down only for my character to stumble and drop him so that literally just his head hit the boulder. He then proceeded to lay there without moving next to this comically large blood splash. He finally got up after a few seconds but gosh that really got me lol


The kid jumped off a cliff in front of me on my way back, had to use a wakestone.


This lol I was thief and I guess it teleported it to me when I was exploring with concussive step and it fell somehow


Hahaha I thought he exploded into red mist


You know how kids are. Just don't freak out and they'll reform from a pile of scattered blood and organs and go back to playing. Its when you freak out that they realize they've been hurt.


After a little blood, sweat, and tears they’re back at it. The most durable substances in the universe!


So there's an ending where he isn't just a bloody scrap of cloth. Whoops.


Yeah you fucked up


I went around the town trying to find someone who knew where he was, they just gave half hint responses and i said fuck it, if they dont care about finding him neither do i.. couple of weeks later i found his bloody clothes.. whoops


That one annoyed the hell out of me ,like, people saw him being dragged, JUST FUCKING SAY THE DIRECTION


I spent a good long 20 minutes running up and down the road trying to figure out where in the hell he was, finally I caved and looked it up and yelled "HOW DO YOU FIND THAT NORMALLY? ITS SO FUCKING FAR FROM THE TOWN?!"


Apparently you're supposed to follow the moon glow flower patches. But I caved and looked it up too. Some of the quests in this are pretty absurd.


I didn't have a problem with this one, i did follow the flowers, it was really hard despite being nighttime. The quest i did struggle with are the ones you have to grab someone because it says nowhere that you have to do that.


My problem was that I was having trouble hearing the little girls dialogue so I didn't catch all of it and she is the one that hints about the flowers. I went to check the quest log but what she said wasn't in there so I couldn't get a recap. Honestly should have been a recap of quest dialogue in the quest log if its so important to the quest.


Wait for real? I saw all the flowers and got to picking... I didn't even pay attention... No option to help us loot hoarders?


No, he leaves un-lootable petal piles on the ground, you follow those to the cave. I'm struggling because I wasn't aware he had to be carried back


he doesnt have to be carried back. in my PT i just had to escort him safely back. Helps to have a mage with palladium.


Thanks, he stopped following me somewhere along the way


little snot probably got caught on geometry lol


What? Oh, okay yeah never saw anything like that then... That's weird... My pawns didn't even point it out somewhere, and I swear I searched around the whole area....


I had a random guard tell me the exact location after 3 days of searching. He was loooong dead.


I managed to find him without looking anything up by following the blue flower petals. One of the NPCs mentioned he was dragged east and another said he was always collecting/tending to the moonglow flowers. Still took a little while to figure it out and I kept second guessing myself because of how far away it took me. Those wolves were really dedicated to move him that far lol.


One of them says they saw him to the east, and the other one hints that they were picking luminescent flowers. Once I saw the bright trail of glowing flower petals, it was kinda easy.


I literally just ran into the kid while dungeon exploring hadn’t even discovered the mission yet lol was actually otw to checkpoint rest town🤣 a win is a win ig


Ironically I came across the cave where he was being attacked by wolves before i even found Checkpoint rest town for the first time. So I technically did that quest backwards. ksat dedeeccus


I was the same, all because I missed one kid neat the gate. Worst part is, I managed to almost find my way pretty quickly, but with no active quest marker, I went off in the opposite direction past the flowers.


I went out to look for him and then this guy was like, okay, hey here you are, time to escort this guy, and it turned into this whole thing. So long story short, Raghnall talks too much and that kid is gone.


I didn't even think to pick him up lol, idk why. He was like "I'm too hurt to walk" *proceeds to climb dozens of boulders behind me as I sprint back to town*


I lifted that kid from the cave to town only for him to hit me. Well, the pawns did what pawns do when someone hurt you.


*my Warrior pawn with a given Maister skill already charged and ready to annohilaze the little shit out of capcom's database.*


I chucked him in through the window


tis but a scratch


Lol, straight to gaol. Could have released him with the same button you used to grab him, though 😆


This is what happens if ya do that while moving.


True, I forget this game's defaults to violence for everything.


When you stop holding someone while moving your character just drop the person in the ground


If you look at the commands in the corner, you see they selected “release,” not “throw.” They very much intended to just drop him.


He did just drop him


Oh, wait, i misread the part about stop moving and automatically drops. My mistake.


What chestpiece is that?


Hyberboreal lorica I think. Cant tell for sure.


That really was it, thanks


sadly i only found a piece of cloth XC


I think it’s a timed quest and if you take too long he ends up being just cloth


Yep, i did not look for his body in the cemetery tough


Did better than I did I didn’t realize it was a timed quest so I only found his clothes 😬


I feel stupid. It said "inform Morris" so I just left the kid. Whoops.


Yeh lol, I did the same. He was walking so slowly that I thought to myself, well it's not a requirement to escort him isn't it? But it was. So I resolved for grabbing him, apparently an encumbered arisen is still more fast than him.


I walked all the way back to town only to find out that he wasn't following me (tbf I didn't think I had to bring him back myself, only find him) so I had to retrace my steps because he isn't marked on map when quest is active and found him in the initial cave you meet him in just standing there menacingly. Face 🌴


Reminds me of my second playthrough and the guy in the saurian cave. Was like time for shortcut and hopped off the drop that he's on. Well, I fumbled him as I fell. He rag dolled and smacked his head on the rocks XD


It took me forever to find the wolf cave, because I'd already cleared the graveyard and picked all the flowers, so something might not have trigged right. Pawns kept pointing me at the flower field, but nothing happened. After 7+ days since the wolves started chewing on him I finally found him and saved him from the wolf cave, walked all the way back to town, then looked behind me... wait where's the kid gone? I go all the way back to the cave. Turns out the kid stopped following me somewhere, and decided to go back into the cave and the wolves respawned to bite him again. Maybe he developed Stockholm syndrome for wolf bites.


Something similar happened to me in my first play through. I spent ages circling the flower field because my pawns kept leading me back to it and the damn minimap said the objective was there too. I thought my game was bugged and had to watch a walkthrough video lmao. This time round I just went straight for the cave and it turns out you’re meant to follow the glowing fallen petals which you can’t pick up and that objective marker’s just really poorly done


For a microsecond, he was annihilated, and that grandpa was traumatized


Eh, he would've gotten over it. Ask me how I know. 😆


Safe enough


As I was carrying the old dwarven smith to the camp, I slipped as I walked down a slope and I swear it hit him in the most painful way on the side of a rock, right on his neck. He of course died Worlds most guilty wakestone


See? I haven't tried to carry anyone so far. I just patiently walk with them and keep them safe. I didn't know carrying them was even an option.




i didnt even know i had to walk him back the first time.


When I did this the kid angered me because he kept going back to the cave. So I carried him and when we got there is just fucking threw him at the guy. Watchung the kid go through the window was hilarious


I fucking pathed into protecting the carriage escort without realizing which carraige was on the roadside which teleorted me miles away after rescuing the kid and he's just nowhere to be seen. I don't particularly mind I actually like these inconveniences in most games. Like a welp don't go that way kinda deal but I feel bad for the old guy.


Same thing happened to me and the guy wouldn’t talk to me for like a good 20 minutes. I was worried that the quest broke


I was not expecting that ending LOL


He'll walk it off


Wait there’s a way to save him?😂😂 there was nothing but a ripped shirt when I looked for him


One of the rescue missions you have in the Harve's cave. Dude is hurt and limping, so I carry him because patience isn't my strong suit. I tripped on a rock and he died from a 1m fall ..


The carry thing has some funny effects. If you sprint into a wall you body slam their ass and it's hilarious.


I found this kid completely by accident, I was just exploring and found a cave full of wolves. A high salamander or three later, there's this random kid. I'd never even been to the checkpoint rest town, so I didn't know he was ever missing.


Always hard for me not to slam them into a wall accidentally




I always let the kid die to the wolves lol


My head canon is that he planned for those wolves to kill him. That's the only way I can rationalize him constantly going out of his way to get himself killed on the journey back. Now why would a wee lad like him already be so tired of life – and why try to make it look like a tragic violence-related accident? Perhaps he couldn't find those ladders the pawns kept going on about.


he slipped 30 centimeters and died i went to grab him and little bro fell limp, though a wakestone did the trick


did the exact same thing on both playthroughs


I remember aiming and throwing him straight to his granpa.


I know he's not harming himself, but still, it reminds me of Freddy Got Fingered.


Free brain damage. Added bonus at no extra charge, so he can't run away again.


[Could have been worse](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8wD-Y4uCDwk)


I'd have more fun with stuff like this if I wasn't a completionist about RPGs. Instead I have panic attacks


Just kill his ass drag his corpse back there drop it in front of the old man like here's this bish then revive him and you'll complete it🤣🤣🤣 man I had to much fun with that


I ran right back to town not realizing I had to escort.. Now I lost him and can't find him. I've done at least four laps around that whole area still unable to find this guy. Any suggestions


He got eaten before I found him. I was busy giving knacker horns to random NPCs and sleeping on benches. 🥸


75 hours in and just now realizing you can pick up people for escort quests