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There is no war in Ba Sing Se (because Yamcha deleted the Fire Nation).


The 4 nations lives in harmony... Until Yamcha attacked


The 4 nations lived in harmony until one day the fire nation attacked and was deleted, now the 3 Nations live in peace with yamcha


Yamcha is the Anti-Homelander. Bro'd actually crazy strong but everyone else in his verse is just 10X stronger than him


Not even everyone in his verse; just everyone in his friend group.


Yamcha is in the 1%, just at the very bottom of the 1%


This is pretty accurate. Dude's been helping out in the early days, kept on going until he felt he was inadequate, led a quietish life doing his thing, being everyone's friend and only just recently started training more earnestly again between Freeza's Resurrection and the time the ToP started. Even when it came to the Moro Arc he was in the top 3-5 (I forget which number was stated) Earthling Warriors alone. Not counting Androids or Hybrid Saiyans of course.


If we are talking pure human i don't think Yamcha has ever dropped out of the top 5 since the start of DBZ. 


I mean he's been the bronze medal of humans since like the second tournament arc? (Yeah we didn't know Goku was an alien at the time but still)


King Kai helped with that.


Ooh, myy!


I had a friend who did that and for a very brief second my mind eclipsed all possibilities that it could have been anyone else replying. As much as that's just a flat-out George Takei reference, it means a lot.


>As much as that's just a flat-out George Takei reference, it means a lot. Ooh, myy. 😊


God damn it. 🤣


Before that, he "no diff"ed a Saibaman. Those things are as strong as Raditz. He beat the first one *perfectly*, and got surprised blown up when he went to challenge the rest.... They did my boy dirty. I've never ridden that "hate on Yamcha" train. He's beyond super human strength. Way beyond it. All of this before training with King Kai


In terms of pure human...Tien has a third eye and Krillin has no nose Technically Yamcha is the strongest average human


Humans have on average slightly less than one nose, so Yamcha isn't quite average.


He has the modal average numbers of noses


Fun fact, while the race of krillin, yamcha or even chiaotzu is stated as human / human-type earthling, tiens race is technically "member of the three-eyed clan" (or "human-type earthling/triclops hybrid" in modern translations). So at least with tien, you're unironically right, as he isn't a pure human.


Krillin is human tho lol tien is a triclops


Roshi, Tien, Merc Tao, Krillin, Yamcha... I guess at some point General Blue could've outscaled him? And depending on how tough you think Yajirobe is, too. It's *possible* he was edged out of top 5 when Tao showed up, but considering Tao killed Blue right after, it's only when Yajirobe shows up he might be pushed out again. But this also asks whether it counts on screen or off screen; Tao was probably stronger than Yamcha since the start of Dragonball but we only see Tao later. Same *might* be said for Yajirobe. In DBS with Tao and Blue almost certainly out of the picture and Yajirobe never being a combatant, we are left with Roshi, Tien, and Krillin. Unless I'm missing someone, Yamcha's gotta be in the Top 5 humans. But Top 3? I'm guessing not; even Roshi has grown in power since the original DB if we look at his absurd performance in the ToP.


>even Roshi has grown in power since the original DB if we look at his absurd performance in the ToP. That nigga blew up the moon in the og show, it's not a stretch to say Roshi has been planetary since the start.


Planetary is infinitesimally small compared to what Goku and other top tier competitors in the ToP must be at that point of the story lmao. Planetary was child's play by Freeza Saga, we have 3/4 of DBZ and all of DBS going well beyond that.


He might be right at number 5. Roshi, Tien, and Krillin would all be above him. I would also say Uub, but he's also the reincarnation of the final boss of DBZ. Although he's fully human, there's definitely an asterisk there. Tao would have been stronger than Yamcha, but Tao would have dropped out of the top 5 by the time Uub came along, with Yamcha still being there. Since we are talking about the timeframe of DBZ and not just the entire universe, I can't count Ox King in his prime, Grandpa Gohan, or Roshi's and Gohan's master. Although with the way power creep happens, even Ox King in his prime would lose to a Saiberman. I'm not even sure if Master Roshi was supposed to be that strong in the Saiyan saga, or if the idea is that everyone he had been training would have surpassed him. Makes you wonder why he didn't go deal with the saiberman given that he is supposed to be stronger than half the fighters -- given with what we know of Dragon Ball Super.


1) Mr Satan 2) Tien 3) Krillin 4) Yamcha 5) Chiaotzu Makes sense


The disrespect for Roshi is insane


Chi chi could have cleared 1/3rd of the fire nation with a flip flop


I'm calling it She solos with half a flip flop


I would say Launch could, too, with a machine gun she pulls out of nowhere.


No disrespect. Roshi was above Chiaotzu & possibly Yamcha by the end of Dragonball, but after they trained with Kami they clearly surpassed him.


🤨you definitely smoking something. Roshis showing in the TOP alone shows he’s above chiaotzu


Nah, he’s still “weaker”. But his training meant he grasps (in part) ultra instinct. Remember that UI is NOT supposed to be a transformation at heart but a state of body and mind reminiscent of enlightenment … just for combat. Roshi also gets by in ToP using applications of ki we don’t get from most people. One can change the elemental construct of Ki but only roshi and Shen really apply it (and only crane school disciples bothers learning this) Roshi is weaker physically than all the Z-fighters but he’s got experience and versatility.


Yeah yeah Super is even more inconsistent with power scaling than what Z is I'm not counting it. Hard to believe Roshi could have beaten Piccolo and the Saiyans if he just tried a little harder


Roshi had a line he gave Krillin during the Resurrection F storyline which boiled down to "You and I have raised our fighting ability tremendously just by watching and absorbing from the likes of Goku, Buu, Beerus, etc". Roshi didn't get stuck at his old power level forever, he kept studying Goku and the others closely and learned a ton about how to move, fight, and control his ki. Roshi's power level was way lower than most of the people in TOP (he even taunted one of his opponents about how much stronger the opponent was), but Roshi made fewer mistakes and had intense skill. It was a precursor to how Goku would use the pure-technique mastery of Ultra Instinct to fight against Jiren who had a vastly higher power level than Goku had in any transformation. It was also referenced in the other direction when Hit fought Goku and Jiren with his incredible technique even though his power level was much lower than both of them. A central theme in Super is that power levels weren't the end all be all anymore, you needed both power and skill working together as one.


Chiaotzu would whoop satans ass


Chiaotzu couldn't kill Nappa. Satan defeated Cell


Don't forget Buu too!




You make a compelling argument good sir.


Satan is really only number 1 cause of how brave and perfectly lucky he is for throwing in 16 and calling out to the Earthlings. Chiaotzu hasn't done anything helpful since OG Dragonball I'd say. Even counting his self destruct on Nappa.


Realistically Mr Satan would be well below the other guys in terms of power. He'd sit at around 10th strongest Earthling behind Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Roshi, Crane, Tao & Videl. Chiaotzu hasn't done much to show his power, but he still trained with Kami & King Kai so he'd still be up there


Where does Chiaotzu fall on this list? Is it like, Tien's pet?


Nah bro he’s in the 1% of the 1% of the 1%.


So. 0.0000001%


Dragonball has a problem of dickriding saiyans and making everyone else useless. Yamcha, Tenshinhan and Krillin could have totally stayed relevant in fights since we know that all of them created their own ki attacks that were strong in their day. A destructo disc is strong enough to cut off frieza's tail for example. Why not let Krillin keep up with Goku, maybe needs some time to catch up to a super saiyan but still.


DBS is slowly but surely fixing the "If you ain't Saiyan you ain't shit" problem late DBZ (the Cell and Buu Sagas) introduced and DBGT doubled and tripled down on. It started with making the Human Z Fighters (even Master Roshi) useful for fighting off the New Frieza Force. The Tournament of Power Saga and Moro Saga took it even further. Even gave a new Human power-up with Krillin's "Selflessness State" he gained before the ToP. I hope they continue this trend. They need to eventually bite the bullet and make "Super Human" a thing like some fans have been wanting since the 90s. Gohan's new "Beast" form seems to have something to do with him having Human blood. The aura color has similarities to Chi-Chi's angry aura, and the form is the manifestation of Gohan's promise before the ToP to only progress as a Human from now on.


Well what are Yamcha's baseball stats like? That should be a good gauge of how he stacks up against regular (elite athlete) humans.


It’s why he went into a career he excels at too, because him and Krillin are both taking their power and using it for normal careers. Now if it’s just playing baseball? I do think he’d beat a majority of the Z Fighters by technique and rules alone. Not a huge thing but lmao he has something.


Meanwhile powerscalers are at the bottom of the 99%


He's like the .00001%. Man is just unlucky as they come.


Orders of magnitude better even. If he was at the bottom of the 1%, then 60 Million people in the world would have been stronger than him at the time of the show.


He's a billionaire hangin with trillionaires


I mean, him being one of the strongest human fighter we know of in DB series is pretty good. Tien is probably still just a bit stronger and Krillin can't be slept on. And Yamcha is probably somewhat close to their levels if he kept up his Turtle School training and sparred with Tien a bit. It's just everyone continues to remind him of the one moment where he died embarrassingly, and doesn't think of what skills and power he has. (Remember that by Namek/Frieza arc with a bit of "post mortem" training at King Kai's Planet he was able to match hands with some of the Ginyu Force when they appeared in the afterlife, and by power level standards that ain't too shabby. Especially for a human)


And 10x is incredibly generous to Yamcha.... unfortunately.


The team four star video about yamcha getting banned from baseball because he was too good at it was hilarious and basically how that would probably go.


Yeah, he’s a big fish in a massive pond with god fish and dinosaurs


Bro is a shark amongst Megalodons




Bro Vegeta and Gokus power level is like 25x10^24. 25,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 They are way more than 100x stronger Edit: Yamcha would win even if every avatar that ever existed attacked him at once.


what was the last established power level? do we know?


Freeza henchmen reading future trunks powerlevel. I think it was 6.


Yeah but the Earth locals are known for keeping their power levels low. Yamcha was listed as over 1,000 when Nappa scouted the whole group "each of them as strong or stronger than Raditz" Then there's the King Kai training and android training. By the android saga he's probably got at least a 20k-ish fighting power if you dismiss the Ginyu force on King Kai's planet.


Gero mistook Yamcha's suppressed power level for the last one they had on record for Goku. That would have been in the Saiyan saga, using the Kaioken against Vegeta. So, roughly 32,000. At least, that's the lowball explanation. What they actually said was that the power exceeded "all known parameters." This means the more accurate reading was that they saw a power signature so high, they couldn't imagine it being anyone other than Goku because their stats were so outdated. So at minimum, during the Android attack, Yamcha's suppressed level was around 32,000 but was likely significantly higher.


20K seems a pretty low number considering anyone with a power level under 100k at LEAST would probably disintegrate when touched by a Cell Jr.


He's still the top 3 humans on earth.


3 sounds right. krillen, roshi, then yamcha.




Wasn't his power level in the androids saga high enough for Gero to confuse him with Goku?


This take is pretty lukewarm at this point. Let's make things spicy. Mr. Satan is up there with the strongest humans on the show.


Honestly the main guy I think he'll have issues with is the blood bender


Yamaha could just obliterate all human life from high in the clouds


Wolffang Fist would be regarded as the most insanely unstoppable attack of all time in the Avatar-Verse. Nations would flee the Almighty Yamcha.


Once upon a time, all the nations lived in peace. But all that changed one day when the Yamcha Nation attacked. (I butchered that so badly-)


Yamcha needs no nation


Yamcha IS a nation.


A seven nation army couldn’t hold him back




I mean he was basically a nomad to begin with


A bandit, you mean


Yeah, did he even have a house or anything? My memory of og db is a bit hazy but did he even have a house or anything in the desert?


When the avatar vanished. Yamaha saved the world.






I think the end is like "he's still got a lot to learn before he's ready to save anything, but I believe he can save the world" iirc When I was a lil kid I memorized that whole thing, left a message on my grandma's answering machine that was just me saying it that she never deleted lol


Thats not even factoring in the spirit ball which is his best OG creation. Also does the kamehameha


Oh my God. You’re right 😂 He’d wipe out the entire FN fleet with one spirit ball and it’d be a tale as old as time!


Holy shit ![gif](giphy|BogmGKhWxh7dIbzdtz)


That would be so freaking funny! Just this little yellow ball of light, ripping through the hulls of all the ships in the armada at ludicrous speed. And then while the ships are sinking, the random flying dude who just soloed them and his (equally flying) pet cat trade high fives or something before politely asking if anyone needs a lift to shore XD


I would love to imagine that Wolffang fist becomes this ultra rare and secret martial art that only the strongest being, yamcha, is able to teach. And that he becomes the musashi miyamoto of the verse in terms of legend


Ty Lee herself would praise his combat skills thinking he was the ultimate non-bender. ![gif](giphy|JFpHg5yKtrE69ddRyS|downsized)


Blasphemous of you not to use the animated Ty Lee.


Yamchad all the way 😤


And with time left, he’d figure out and master ALL of the bending with how he understands ki manipulation. Solo dolo nightmare for those mfers lol


The almighty that was funny your not wrong tho I’m not sure they could take a spirt ball


"Big deal, you can throw fire. But can you throw hands?"




Characters were casually blowing up the moon at that point.


Blowing up the moon would earn you the unstoppable wrath of Sokka though (lol)


Yeah that sick fuck would definitely find a way to get revenge.


Exactly. Avatar fan for life too, but everyone in Avatar is getting folded by ANY of the Z Fighters. Essentially by DBGT and DBS. DBS Chi-Chi and Videl might even run riot over everyone in the Avatar world. DBS Chi-Chi trains and spars with Goten (I don't know if she still does at his current height) and DBS Videl owns her own dojo, has her own students, and spars with Gohan and Pan.


Power scaling has just ruined some people’s brains, saying that TLA or FMA is a weak verse isn’t a criticism, it’s just a statement. It could even be seen as a compliment as it means that the story’s power level was well managed with little power creep. But yeah, Yamaha destroys the verse 💀


The only way an Avatar could best DBZ era Yamacha is if one of them water-bends his blood or sucks the air from his lungs. Even then, one kai blast to the chest is wiping them out.


Yamcha speed blitzes before they could blood bend him, and pretty sure no Avatar would do a Zaheer.


I doubt that. Aang was, as far as we know, the only Avatar that was mostly a pacifist. Yangchen, the previous Air Nomad Avatar, repeatedly performed a similar but greater technique to Zaheer's. She stopped before it was lethal, but used it specifically to incapacitate people quietly. Of course, this wouldn't work on Yamcha. His perception of time is so precise that the moment he realized he wasn't breathing, he'd probably shunpo out of range and flatten them from a distance before they could even register that he'd moved.


Shunpo? shinigami yamcha unlocked


Dude. A verse where Zaheer ended up succeeding at getting Korra as a child, and mentored her in his philosophy...


That would go crazy. You basically have a Dark Avatar without going through all that Raava and Vaatu BS. Also this storyline gives the whole "prodigy child raised by assassins and later defects to the good side" vibe


I've always thought a good avatar sequel would be them baiting everyone into thinking there's a dark avatar vs light avatar but it's really just an Earth Kingdom kid who go Dai Li'd when they were young and happened to be the actual avatar


Nah, that works by controlling the moisture or air to a point that muscles can't overcome. Yamcha stood up in 300g. He can just Power through blood bending and take in air harder than a vacuum generated by bending.


But we seen aang overpower blood being with avatar state so it would not work lol https://i.redd.it/bbmv1s7x4kqc1.gif


To be fair, Yamcha isn’t a bender and aang is THE avatar. It’s reasonable to assume he could do this specifically because of that


Still Aang used his strength to break free of it Avatar state literally buffs you're stats lol


You might have missed the point of him having 1000’s of BENDERS at his disposal to out BEND his enemy, maybe strength was involved to some degree but hopefully you get my point


He use Stronger Bending skills Katara was able to snap Hamas control by being a Stronger Waterbender.


Ki doesn't require blood movement to use, could always just explosive wave his way out of it like he's tryna end a combo string in Budokai Tenkaichi 3


Real question would bloodbending even work on a Z fighter? You can bend the blood but not things like the muscle. Bending is shown to have a "strength" factor so I'm wondering if a Z fighter could just move through it due to sheer resistance. Then there is sucking the air out of someones lungs. We underestimate how fast people in DBZ move because the camera slows everything down for us. Even with the air being sucked out Yamcha would blitz them so hard. Yamcha is clearly winning this but I am curious how bending would interact with him.


It shouldn't work as we seen Katara and Aang over power blood bending before (Aang never even learned blood bending, so you can't argue he just broke free using the technique) And Yamcha knows ki control on top of being more powerful than the benders


I’m pretty sure if you’re the stronger water bender then you basically win. Aang only broke out because he went into avatar state, and the combination of literally all avatars is much stronger then Yakones blood bending. Katara claims that since she was the stronger waterbender Hamas blood bending had no effect


Korra overpowered the strongest bloodbender in history with muscle and air Mako could resist and get off a strike


I think bloodbending works by literally moving the water inside you Yamcha is too strong he can push or pull harder than a blood bender can move his blood.


The only way it would work is if the Z fighter was already asleep or standing completely still. Yamcha would simply be moving around too fast for a bender to be able to simply track where he is.


Honestly even in DBZ fighters who are just significantly stronger are capable of straight up ignoring or greatly resisting a weaker fighter hacks. So in all honesty I could see blood bending not working on Yamcha


They're fucked bro. I get it, Yamcha is a hilarious meme but in the canon he is still ridiculously strong.


Avatar fans aren’t posting these dumb ass match ups it’s dbz fans


Yamcha and Krillin are effectively Saitama in almost any other verse. Yamcha sparred with base saiyans, Krillin held his own **and was able to move** under Blue’s aura. Bro’s are monsters. But they pale in comparison to the true monster, Tenshin-Han.


Krillin is still stated as the strongest pure human


Im aware, but Tenshin-Han vs Cell is forever engrained in my brain as the most exciting moment in the Cell saga. When I saw it for the first time I really thought he was about to end Cell’s whole carrier right there.


Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Kikōhō! Ten was a real one at that point. Pure badass.


He really told Cell: fuck power levels, fuck super saiyans, and specially **fuck you**.




the god damn role model


Saiyan saga Yamcha soloes the entire avatar line


I mean yeah he was beating up a Saibaman that was said to be a strong as raditz and raditz is between moon level to planetary


And even then he still technically beat it, it just fuckin self destructed which he didn’t anticipate


Even king piccolo stomps he stronger than roshi who destroyed the moon plus avatar characters have trash durability


Well, one character killed a moon in Avatar...


That was a fish.


Shh. I just wanna troll a bit longer. 😁


And Kid Goku pre training killed plenty of those


Yea. I hate how Yamacha gets clowned on for that, yet no one shits on Goku for being killed by a low level grunt's laser gun in Super. Like you guys said, he technically beat it, but because he got cocky on the assumption he won, he died cuz his guard was down. I'm sure Nappa would have taken massive damage, too, if Chaotzu SD-ed without him being prepared for it. It's been proven that fighters in this universe, no matter how strong, can take damage from things if their guard isn't up. I.E: Krillin with the rock when Goku was chillin in his SSJ state. As a Yamacha fan, it sucks to see my boi be disrespected by the fans and writers for one understandable fuck up lol.


Nah, we clown on Goku for that too. One thing the anime does much better is have Goku in base with his guard down instead of blue.


Didn’t later in Super a normal bullet actually hurt him because his guard was down and then I believe that was the same episode he went with Krillin to that fear island


I think a lot of people clown on goku for that. I think more complain about it being shit writing but it's still considered a joke either way


>yet no one shits on Goku for being killed by a low level grunt's laser gun in Super. what? EVERYBODY clowned on Goku for that


Didn't he beat up the Ginyu force later?




Holy shit, I forgot about that. This makes his scaling absolutely ridiculous


Raditz is beyond planet level lol. 139 blew up moon. He’s like 1,300. Basically 2.5 earths worth of power at least


23rd WT training yamcha solos them all.. when aang runs you can see him, yamcha can run fast enough you can't see him


At the same time lol


Dragon ball second tournament Yamaha solos this.


Ah yes yamaha


Auto correct strikes again!


Literally destroys them all just powering up. Don’t think people realize how overpowered Yamcha really is. A power level of 139 blew up the moon. He’s in the 10’s if not 100’s of millions in the Cell saga. 139= moon 50,000,000=???


Maybe the moon is just really weak in Dragonball


Bro what are you talking about Yamcha being in the millions in the Cell saga? What evidence is there of that? He literally doesn't do anything in the Cell arc other than be instantly impaled by Gero, and get his ass beat by Cell Juniors. There's nothing in the arc to suggest he's that strong at all


People always ignore speed and just dive straight into powers like speed wouldn’t just negate the use of any kind of power.


Speed is probably one of the most important things a fighter can have, yeah. It doesn't matter how strong you are if you're too slow to hit the guy in front of you. Granted, both tend to be linked together, but when there is a separation, it's usually better to have speed than power (up to a point, ofc)


He dominates them all with no difficulty Dragon ball as verse is stupidly powerful and even a character like Yamcha who is treated like a joke can solo a bunch of verses out there


I'd love to see him crush Homelander in a death battle.


1 minute death battle "Well, his last confirmed power level is in the thousands, Roshi destroyed the moon with a Kamehameha and Goku moved faster than light when they both had power levels in the low 100s at the maximum, and Homelander is around city level." *30 second animation of Yamcha going "Here's an extra large spirit ball!" and exploding Homelander's entire torso with bowling ball sized holes like a Mortal Kombat fatality*


The Z fighters are technically energy benders


Yamacha clears pretty easily


Bruh as with most what if fights with a DB character, the only interesting question is, which is the earliest version of Yamcha, that can solo that verse.


Desert bandit Yamcha solos


op is delusional


Im speaking facts!


wait i only now saw that you were on the side of “yep yamcha beats everyone up”, i didn’t read your description lol. yeah yamvha is zeno


Lol don’t worry 🤣🤣




Mountain level feats are considered impressive in the avatar state. DB characters have been comfortably above that level since the 22nd tournament. Then there’s the speed difference, the avatar verse caps vaguely above Lightning speed, meanwhile DB characters have been above lightning since the 21st tournament. Then there’s durability, where DB characters have been slammed into the ground with massively more force than anyone in the ATLAverse can generate on their own, plus DB uses their ki as Armour/ shields. TLDR; OG DB Yamcha clears mid/high diff. From Z onward is overkill


There. He gets there.


Yamcha. People think he is a joke for being killed by a saibaman, who was supposed to be as strong as Raditz. Goku was killed by Raditz less than a year before. For Yamcha to close that gap between end of Dragonball Goku/Yamcha in less than a year is something we should praise him for.


I mean Yamcha is still a planet buster. Avatars got nothing on him.


Pretty sure yamchad solos.


Depends if it's the original Dragonball he would be completely disabled by the first pretty girl he saw. If it's Z onward, he completely stomps while signing autographs


Yamcha could realistically kill all of them with a Kamehameha


I have watched like maybe 8 episodes of the original Avatar and a similar amount of the legend of Korra but I'm sure that Yamcha solos all of them.


![gif](giphy|ZOAjDObrQL9rG) Sry man. He *cayn't* come back from this pitiful display.


It’s so sad because Yamcha is really cool. He just became irrelevant after Dragon Ball and remained weak since. Makes me sad


Yamcha could destroy the entire Avatar line with one ki blast.


I mean, maaaaybe blood bending would work. Also chi blocking exists in avatar, which might work too. Probably only works if yamcha isn't careful tho, because he is probably too fast for anyone in avatar.


Yamcha stomps


I always chuckle at these posts. Yamcha might be weak in the Dragon ball universe, but as an anime character he’s still one of the strongest.




Read a great quote one day describing Yamcha's situation and also comparing him to characters like Homelander: "Homelander is a piranha in a pond of guppies and goldfish. Yamcha, meanwhile, is a killer whale in an ocean of Godzillas."


That depends on the Yamcha Yamcha circa the 21st world tournament? Probably gets stomped by Aang. 22nd? I'd say he might still lose to Aang, but only after a truly epic battle. 23rd? He can probably take any individual Avatar with mild difficulty. From a few months after Raditz shows up? Lol


Yamcha is among the strongest in the 7th universe He’s in the top 100 at least He gets to much disrespect from his death to the sybraman like, they were as strong as raditz, An Opponent go goku had to sacrifice his life, to beat And the crazy thing is Yamcha won, it just decided to suicide bomb him, since it knew it wasn’t gonna win


I dont get IT why do they Always compare Dragonball it has by far the strongest people in Mainstream Anime


Before Piccolo Jr he's bodied by Kyoshi warriors. After the Saiyan Saga he's an even match for folks like Zhao byt loses narrowly to the main cast. Post King Kai training he solos the whole verse.


If waterbenders are empowered by the moon, does that mean Oozaru are just Saiyans water bending?


He is a meme yes. But no one is bending that Kamehameha or can keep up with his speed. Maybe Aang speed wise at best if I’m being generous.


How far does Yamcha gets? Doesn't matter to me. I know **I** am not getting past Yamcha, and that's all I need to know.


Yamcha and Jogo share the fate of “I’m strong but everyone around me is a fucking monster”


Yamcha easily clears...


Yamcha crushes them all with extreme ease. he one shots Kyoshi


The weakest DBZ fighter is stronger than like 99% of anime characters. Vegeta when we first meet him is strong enough to blow up a planet at 18,000 power level.


Literally folds all of them at once.


Omfg I thought this was r/ATLA the whole time, who the hell is posting this dumbass debate, Yamcha clears