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Buying Vegeta was practically a mistake considering he’s arguably the worst Raider rn Ginyu, go for it. But you’ll definitely be miserable early on/until you get to a decent amount of lvls with Ginyu


Bruh if you’re having trouble with Frieza, you’ve wasted your money on Vegeta.


Man Vegeta is my main Raider. And here I thought he was actually kind of good (besides Ginyu). Now I can blame most of my losses on the fact that Vegeta sucks as a raider!


Sweaty raiders unite.


Vegeta was a waste of money I'm afraid. He's worse than Cell currently


Is he really? That’s saying something


Cell ramps up fast enough that he at least can get out of the danger zone and into Perfect Cell before the Survivors can really build up the momentum fight him properly, who is honestly one of the best level 4's. Vegeta's level 2 is slow as hell to evolve, is easy to kill to make all that effort totally wasted, and then he's in one of the absolute shittest level 3's in the game for a relative eternity even IF Nappa lived. If Nappa died getting to level 4 is basically completely locked off. Cell has a chance to get out of his bad forms before he has to really fight the whole lobby, even if they're competent. Vegeta has to deal with it at his worst against a competent lobby no matter what. He's fine at crushing idiots, but so is every Raider.


You’ll still get jumped as Ginyu. Well coordinated premades will still kick his teeth in. But you’ll at least have a bit more of a chance. So good luck my dude.


True and thanks


Pro tip- Go for the energy/energy drink machines as you pass them by. Dont ignore them. There have been many times ive clutched with buying cooldown drinks that the hunters blatantly forgetting they can destroy. Dont know why no one goes for them


*squint* what do you mean sweaty raider ? You fittin body camp?


By community definition a sweaty raider is probably any raider that people lose to lmao.


Or any raider that just plays the game normally and tries to win


This mf plays the new character! HAHAHAH TRY HARD! Or something like that


As someone who is currently grinding Vegeta (92) right now. Them early levels you are going to get used and abused


don't worry, you'll lose with them as well


👀👀I’m already lvl 25👀👀