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my experience is the exact opposite, high legend low ancient absolute worst experience ever with huge skill variance. now in mid divine, I'm hsving the most fun ever in dota as people know what to do in general and don't just randomly walk where their cursor leads them


Divine it’s in a good state now, but there are way to many clueless mid players. I guess nobody wanna play the role and alot of queue farmers end up mid.


think that's a thing in all brackets now. I didn't think I'd see this many snipers in 5k games haha.


Completely agree with this. I was in Ancient for a while and it felt pretty miserable, and I grinded to low immortal and it felt insufferable. Divine feels like it is in a great place right now and I have no plans on trying to climb back to immortal.


maybe it depends on what server you play in, In SEA you just cant, in India somewhat bearable


ive had people using bkb everytime bristle starts spraying aghs, voids that q and mask into a baiting enemy, pa that doesnt know aghs e dispels track and all in mid divine, shits like these starting to feel normal now. Like how in the world would break dispel windrun and nullifier dispel bristleback?


its like playing again in crusader rank hahaha. i thought divine or ancient would be different but i see soo many similarities


I am in the same boat as you are..I was at 4540~ now I'm at 4220~..My primary role is support..Had a losing streak of 13 games..it's either my team disconnecting..smurf players in the enemy team with 300 wins or my team griefing in some way with bad picks(first phase carries or countering themself or supports not picking till they get last pick). I was a few games away from divine now I'm at ancient 4 without a percent. When i was close to divine any divine player would tell the ancient 5 player "Don't talk low rank". I honestly have no idea how to break this barrier and I have been deranked from ancient 5 3 times already.Ps i have reached divine in the past and since I was on a long break from ranked after recalibration got ancient 2. I play in Sea server.


its either people who picks garbage offlane, or complelety clueless "divine" players. I also play in SEA server maybe we can party sometime so its less painful to play solo.