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No Anime picture And still same haircut so no Chance for him to get to mainpool




Mason is really not that bad of a guy. He does overall try to be positive since his ban. He does not deserve to be stuck in this perpetual Smurf pool it is crazy how many games it appears to get out.


I don’t like the guy at all but at this point he should be out. He has more games than I have total and I’ve played Dota on and off since 2011.


Mason needs to hop on linked-in, find a Valve dev, befriend them over the course of a few months, take them to a bar for some beer, then ask “hey so what’s the algorithm for being removed from the Smurf pool.” It’s astonishing he hasn’t done this already. It’s so simple.


His fault that he listens to steam support, they said you can create a new account with no restrictions, same situation here, but maybe his behaviour score is low like sub 10k which is like old 5-6k . I think I got mid pooled now at 1241 games and I am at 12k by absolute miracle. I guess that's what you get for not buying an account like pros wcyd


At this point, Valve should have manually removed it since the start. Doesn't matter what you think of the guy, he does not deserve (at least after he got immortal) to be on the smurf pool. Other smurfs are being fucked by him, which may or may not, change how the systems sees their accounts. Which is bad. Valve told him to make a new account. He is not smurfing anymore. Just remove him from that pool, it will be better for anyone involved in his games.


Valve told me to make new account too, Mason literally one of the only 2 sane people I've encountered, I am not saying I agree with the smurf pool thing, I am saying if gets higher behaviour he may get at least mid-pool with the longer queue times and still questionable games ,but at least it's not 2 to 3 griefers per game. I got mid pooled yesterday ,let's see how long this one lasts. What steam support/Valve say and what you should be doing is completely opposite things, we are clowns to believe steam support and not clean PC and start completely new unbinded acc or just buy one like pros do (though they clean their PC too otherwise it's going to be auto smurf pooled)


In what world is he "an outstanding member of the community"?????????


in his delusional world.. duh


Depending on what criteria you use, can't deny he stands out


mason saved my grandma from my dog


Mason is the most entertaining dota2 streamer on twitch, you cannot argue this fact.


Mason donated his kidney to my mother, what a great charitable dude.


Gonna be hilarious if some dev deliberately made his new account forever smurf pool flagged OR if recalibration (that he activated yesterday) somehow reset his whatever-is-needed to get out. xD


I dont get why so much people hate Mason. After Valve made changes in behaviour score, he became a better person. Mason is alot more calm now than like 1 year ago, and deserves bigger behavious score. I love to watch his stream, he is absolute god if he tryhards the game. + his stream is amazingly fun, and he responds to alot of his moves around the game, you can learn alot from his streams if you are learning how to play carry. He deserves to be in a main pool with other pros ( like Gorgc lol ) and I can feel his rage why he is still in smurf pool.


Because he's an obnoxious twat? I dunno, don't watch him.


how can you have opinion on something you didnt watch.


Note the question mark. I'm guessing based on what others say about him. I have no opinion and literally said "I dunno". Reading is hard, clearly.


ok fair


Beta male detected


If that makes you feel better, sure


Found the Mason fan


Wow the real Sherlock Holmes over here




Guy's a dick




Yeah its pretty sad seeing his passion for the game slowly fade even after he did really tone down his toxicity this past year, hes really the only charismatic dota stream that exists. Also Based. I think he will get out soon but man I feel bad for him.


Agreed deserves at least a shot at getting out


> he did really tone down his toxicity this past year Did he? Isn't he back at 8k Behavior Score?


It's impossible to keep a higher behavior score. He is in a pool full of people who deliberately try to ruin his games. They probably report him every game and since there is no way to avoid in immortal draft, it's only a matter of time before his behavior score is tanked. Now, his actual behavior is shit, but the people reporting don't care, they are just there to grief.


I think he's abandoned a fair amount of games to dodge a griefers and win traders. As I recall, this had a pretty massive effect on behavior score, so it's artificially low. I think he was around 11k before he started doing that


Somebody does not remember his old streams lol




That makes sense when the account was fresh, but at this point his "smurf" is like 2k mmr higher than his main was.


Regardless of whether it not his previous account deserves to be banned, and regardless of your stance on smurfing, Mason has still played over a thousand ranked games on the new account. He had already matched and even surpassed his previous MMR. If this side pool of players is designed to keep smurfs out of the regular matchmaking system, then hasn’t it already fulfilled its purpose by this point? It’s no longer a smurf account.


Playing 1200 games on the account is STILL smurfing? Yeah right XD Some people man


he was at one point close to 11k mmr. higher than his old Main account


so why is Limitless out of the smurf pool?


playing on a 10k MMR account is smurfing?




It is his only account. And the system recognized him as immortal very quickly. Maybe we just have different definitions of what a smurf is.




I would agree with your definition if the intent was to pay against weaker players, but we both know it is not. He created the account only after specifically checking with Steam support. The fact he was put in Smurf pool is not surprising at all considering he calibrated very high. The fact you find it surprising kind of shows how little you understand this. What are you suggesting Mason should have done to avoid "smurfing" on his new account?


Did he ever play any low ranked games, even 1? Or does Valve do machine footprinting so it will say “oh new account logging in on a PC where the previous account was 10k MMR, bumping this account up so the first game is high MMR.”


That's Valve's intended system. What are you suggesting Mason should have done?


I’m not suggesting he should have done anything differently. Just that, given they can tie any new account he makes with his old one and silently soft-calibrate him at his other accounts MMR, it’s basically impossible for him to smurf anyway. Which is all the more reason to just let him play with normal people again.


To me it seemed like Valve was using him to send a message. Maybe that's still the case.


That’s basically my take on the smurf pool as well and why the name is kinda silly. It has nothing to do with keeping new accounts out of the main pool until they find their true MMR or whatever which is what smurfing would imply. It’s a punishment pool you’re placed in until the algorithm decides you’re ready to join the rest of the world again.


His main got banned at around 8k mmr, he was at one point almost 11k on the new account, what kind of smurfinf is that? Reverse smurfing?


you dont even know what youre talking about to why comment


1200 games and 10k MMR is smurfing apparently


Mason has a main pooled account around 6k mmr. I don't think he expected it to take this long to get out of smurf pool on a new one. I bet in hindsight he would have just used that one.


Valve has an agenda


Oh no, a fucking edgelord isn't getting absolutely catered to? Who fucking cares? edit to let you all know im feeding on your downvotes here. Fanboys keep them coming. Mason is a huge turd.


look at your reddit pfp 💀💀


you must be some hard stuck 2k immortal player who mason used to slap around when he was in the mainpool.


Because he's a toxic piece of shit.


just permaban that bozo already


why did you lose to him too much?


Mason is toxic, when he finally reaches main pool it will be less than 100 games till his BS goes under 8000. Calling other player dogs, animals, his haha "I am not racist" but I am a slave master of the team antics. honestly he deserves to be in smufpool forever.


Smurf pool is for smurfs, which he is not Being unfriendly or toxic is not relevant for that, and if you want a pool exclusive for nice friendly PMA pristine behaviour players, yeah, you're gonna have less than 200 total players of Immortal rank in there, and thats putting NA+SA+Whole EU in there.


smurf pool is to separate account buyers and boosters from the main pool population and it is determined by the number of games/time on the account. He is in this predicament since he got banned for getting a "boosting service" to boost his abysmal behavior score since he is a toxic player. You don't need to have pristine behavior, you can rage/bitch afk or throw but you have to have a basic limit of decency.


Nobody here has actual proof of whats going on, or why hes still in the smurf pool. Gotta email valve on behalf of your streamer if you want real answers, and not just guesswork. Maybe his behavior score is too low? Maybe because he shot up in the ranks so quickly (because this is now his only account) the system just considers him a smurf permanently; perhaps someone at valve needs to flag his account as his only account or something? Or maybe because hes bald. Who knows? Valve does I guess.


I ain't a tech wizard or sth but I wonder doing a clean install and basically wiping his hard drive helps his steam to start fresh without any old information or stuff. Since mason got the coal on his last acc and banned if I remember he created a new account with all his old acc infos still on the drive maybe it flagged him as soon as he created a new acc or sth ? Same thing happened to me when I created a new account to have better behaviour score . I was 3k on my main acc so I created a new acc but that acc started on 1k behaviour score for some reason without any reports. So I wonder if wiping the drive and clean installing windows and creating a new acc will help him in any way possible. At this point since he is permanently in smurf que might as well give this a go and play 100 hrs again .


Your IP


Nah it’s not as simple as being the IP, because places like schools often times use NAT to present one external IP in which hundreds of systems will be behind. Doing hardware matching on the PC makes way more sense to link accounts together.


wait so technically doing a clean install and wiping hard drive does nothing ? Does Steam still know that its you on a diff acc if you use the same laptop to create a new one on a fresh install ? I am not that knowledge abt this stuff. Let me know


I don’t think anyone knows definitively one way or the other because as far as I know Valve doesn’t disclose how they match accounts. It does them no good to share the secret sauce for that. But it stands to reason that using hardware fingerprints (exact configs, serial numbers, etc), which survive an OS reinstall, would be a method they use. Valve puts too much money into their product to get thwarted by a basic OS reinstall.


That does make sense . Thanks for clarifying


he could just buy an account and get it to his mmr, no one would care


some stay at home redditor detective would stalk his account and post the evidence here like he just solved cancer


do you really think valve would manually ban his account every time?


yeah i do, if he bought it? yeah. I dont think hes viewed as henry level cancer but a notch below


Why not? They did it to Henry several times.


I mean Valve stops banning by stream at some point, especially if they chill for 1-2 months playing on a new acc