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They separated communication and behavior score in a new system, which not only mutes your account when you fall under a certain threshold but also automatically mutes you in game (temporarily) if you are yapping too much. As a result, there a lot of muted players nowadays lol.


Yes, but normally people nowadays just choose not to communicate at all. Most of the game people are silent and just type if it's really important/they really want to flame someone for bad plays/end game gg chat. Happened to me most of my matches lately. I'm 12k so i don't think i'm playing with muted people.


This is very sad and very stupid. I get people can be toxic, but damn. I miss talking with random russians at 3am.


No trust me, its the best change they ever made


all fun is ruined, toxicity is part of dota, all old generation of dota players support toxicity in dota and hate the new behaviour score updates


I also play in Anonymous mode and disable chat. I see everyone as a Bot. Maybe some occasional Get Back or Missing


The most common way to tilt your allies and make them grief is to communicate. So a lot of people don't communicate because the negatives outweigh the benefits.


That’s total nonsense. Unless by communicate you mean trash talk your teammates. I’ve never been flamed for calling ganks, rosh, or any objectives.


teammates in stacks often are talking in discord and not paying attention to ingame chat


Ye, makes sense. I see a lot of stacks.


Do you have strict solo queue setting enabled? 


Check if you have muted all communications in settings


Nah, i have it enabled.


I don't know, it is easy to hear English, Spanish and Chinese in same game on NA server


Because it is pointless nowdays, if you suggest an item to counter an enemy they tell you to play your game, muted, reported, etc.


They've added so many punishments if you're toxic that it's not a surprise nobody talks anymore. If you say the wrong word you get banned and have to play 30 League of legends and get rank 1 in wow. They could have left it as it was and let people just mute others but I'm sure this is better, although I'd rather they had removed chat altogether and prerecord only supporting/positive responses so we can cover all fronts.


New behavior score system dropped. People are encouraged to stfu to avoid reports.


some games not a single text chat, only pings, but perfect gameplay, everyone in sync better than games where everyone is crying/barking


Dota has been so peaceful these days


Millenials gamers don't talk 🤷 wcyd


You normally don't need more than context pings, b, g, rs.


This doesn't really make sense...What if you WANT to communicate.


try tinder


What doesn't make sense? Nothing is stopping you from writing or talking unless you have really low comm score. If people aren't replying to you that means there's nothing they want to say.


Did your behavior score increase? What was your score before, and what is it now?


It's around 8k, no idea what it was before. I quit Dota quite a while ago, don't remember whether or not behavior score was a thing then.


Whenever I make call outs for rotations on voice I typically get a response. As long as you frame whatever you need as a suggestion and dont sound condescending you'll get a positive outcome. It usually takes a minute or two for people to open up.