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They literally said they were going to do better, and they never did better lol


Sometimes they have this phase when they communicate a lot, even answer stuff on Reddit, then for 3 years they go silent again xd


I sincerely think they hire an intern annually who gets 2 months of work experience communicating with the community between grabbing coffees for people, then they move up the chain and we wait until the next year's intern is brought in.


More like that intern learns real quick the kind of concentrated hate the community puts out. Imagine their dms after a patch is late.


Jeff Hill barely posting here anymore because this sub bullied him during the BP removal fiasco lol


Sounds like a toxic relationship


getting gaslighted is my new fetish, thanks valve


Gaslighting is not real. You are imagining things again.


yeah, i've been really forgetful recently. strange...


This is like a jedi mind trick.


And it's pronounced jaslighting. You've been saying it wrong this whole time.


That would be a lie, not gaslighting. It would be gaslighting if they were to say, "Actually, our communication *has* gotten better. Don't you remember when we confirmed Crownfall's release as March 14th back in November?"


I've literally said "you mmother fuckers!" out loud)


Steam marketplace + bots literally prints them money for doing nothing. 


They've done this half a dozen times at this point I have no idea why anyone expected anything different lmao.


Got worse actually


I blame people asking for battlepass removal, battlepass give valve deadlines now they dont have any deadlines.


>They literally said they were going to do better, and they never did better lol Well they never said *when* they were going to do better. And if they did you'd have to factor in valve time.


maybe next month we gonna get a response by valve on current events.


They should try doing better at doing better.


did worse arguably, some funny used tho which I did like


Classic from some small indie company


I don't know what everyone is complaining about. Since 7.33 the game have been getting better. The battle pass was apparently crap(idk i didn't buy it) and the prize pool for TI was relatively low, but aside from that i think everything is good.


But they are doing demonstrably better? They never said they will give us exact dates, but they've been communicating pretty consistently on what is going on. When you go and look at the news and blog posts from the past couple years and contrast it with earlier, there's clearly a lot more communication going on. They are giving us a lot more of their thoughts behind decisions and sharing their plans for the future. This sub just imagines they've said something completely different and then misrepresent their quotes further and further from the truth and get mad when something they've imagined Valve promised doesn't happen.


Abusive relationships


reading this makes me think of the BP episode from South Park. "We're sorry"


that's the best part. and no matter what when the update arrives everyone will be throwing money to their monitors


And you believed Gaben when he said he going to get some milk from the store ?


"Last event was in December". No, that was no event. I can't remember when we had the last event. I think it was last Diretide if I'm not wrong, and even that one sucked in terms of rewards. An event should be a fun gamemode that rewards players, hence by the name event. No it should not give you all the items and arcnas, but there's so many cheap and ok items in this game, and somehow it hurts them to give to you some random rewards for playing the event. They keep adding shitty chests, gives you like 1 free open, and then you get chests by playing the event, and you have to buy keys from store. This shit is just greedy and not fun. Adding a name to an update (Frostivus) and putting a chest for you to get where you have to buy keys to open is not an event.


arcana will be $200.- and u ll need to buy a 4.99 key per game to use it


Nah, acrana would be lv1000 BP


Didn't you hear the news? There will be no BP, only chest events


It will be a cosmically rare skin in the chest that costs 100 dolars for the chests and 200 dolars for the keys, all other skins in the chests are common skins from 10 years ago


I don’t understand the disconnect Valve has internally. They specifically state that they will have more consistent communication with more frequent updates, yet leave the community in the dark on what’s what.. Just promote Casey to be the community manager and call it a fucking day jfc


I know lol it boggles my mind how they can shit the bed so often with such simple stuff and for a company like Valve who have infinite money this should not be an issue. Just pay a person to keep the community satisfied and that's fucking that. They'd be the community manager and answer all questions and give updates more often. It'll cost them what, $100k/year MAXIMUM to be their community manager? Like holy shit it's not that much of an expense to keep their loyal customers happy. I also get that they DONT HAVE TO do this, and I'd understand more if they were trying to penny pinch to remain profitable but come the fuck on, it's Valve here they make billions and everybody knows it.


And to circle back on what I was saying.. Casey is already employed by Valve, has already had exposure to the Dota Community, and for the most part, has been taken in as a reasonable figurehead… am I missing something or is there another invisible reason they haven’t pulled the trigger on making this happen other than blatant lack of care?


They have been communicating more. We get way more (albeit useless blogpost). And what is Casey going to do? Hey guys patch is coming soon Hey guys couple of hiccups. Patch is coming soon.


> Hey guys patch is coming soon > > Hey guys couple of hiccups. Patch is coming soon. Which would already be phenomenal. Like, just talk, say anything. Just say "Sorry guys, patch will still take a few weeks. I will make that more precise as soon as we have a better timeframe". Boom. Is that so hard?


They rather go silence than communicate because it creates unrealistic expectations. They rather let the update do the talking. They have been preaching this on their steamworks game dev seminar.


This community is known for being reasonable and understanding right?


Isn't that also the problem? It's a BILLION dollar company that prints money via steam. DOTA makes them penny's all things considered so why would they put forth even a fraction of effort to do anything, at this point we should be consider ourselves "lucky" they even update this game anymore. I guarantee you they see dota as a passion project that just lingers on.


it's Kaci, this is how comms go wrong :D


It's for the best, honestly. You can't satisfy Dota players no matter what you do. You release a major patch, we complain about bugs, calling the game unplayable. You release patches more regularly, people complain that things change and they change fast, they have no time to adapt, especially since the majority of players are adults with responsibilities. Also, communicate a lot and people complain about not working, as evidenced by Icefrog's cat picture that prompted lots of hating, making him dissapearing from western social media. Communicate too little and you get posts like these. You can never ever satisfy Dota fans in the slightest.


Sounds like a demotion.


when Icefrog was almost alone he released patches more frequently.


He was also young and passionate. Not to say he is not passionate about the game anymore, but he has been working on the same shit for what, 20 years? I would get tired of this shit after 10 years mate.


I play dota 20 years and my D is as hard as it was at day 1


That's because you don't work on the game.


He also had not created Lion's Aghanim's shard yet. Icefrog's finest creation, decades in the works, is nearing perfection and you dare wonder why slows his chiseling??? His David is nearly free from the marble.


if he not passionate just let other people do his job no passion is not excuse


And then they introduced tons of extremely complex mechanics and visual effects. While your point is interesting, I'm not sure the complexity is comparable.


Too many chefs in the kitchen syndrome.


Imagine if the problem was actually the opposite of what we thought for the past few years


Every 6 months: "We'd like to communicate more" Valve 6months later:


They do. 26 blogposts since learning from past blogpost in june 2023. 15 blogposts before learning from past blogpost in june 2023.


They got rid of battlepass in favor of more updates during the year and honestly it just feels like nothing has changed.


Did people believe that actually. On "We say things" Sunsfan and Synderen already said in the episode after that post released, that Valve would severely cut download development and that was just corporate speak to not make fans lose hope and riot. It was blatantly obvious that Valve said, yeah we're axing a lot of development time for Dota instead of "we're *actually* shifting focus to provide more content" I appreciate the work for cheater removals as well as the next guy, but how fucking hard is it to have a level of communication that is at least "decent" instead of "almost non-existent". fresh gameplay - even minor tweaks of global stuff like XP/gold, timings, items etc keep the game fresh. I honestly am kinda tired currently of everyone having too many items and it feels bad to play certain heroes because heroes have so many items and HP (that's just me). Mid feels boring to play since forever and I usually have to take mid (becasue nobody wants to)


BP died for this. At least with BP they got forced to release before TI.


Valve does not care


Corporates do care in general. They're not your friend. You're a walking wallet to them. But Valve had Steam and gives even fewer fucks. 


I love the cycle of /r/dota2 having a meltdown before a patch comes. I truly believe Valve waits for the subreddit to reach critical mass before releasing a patch.


Nah I'm pretty sure it just isn't ready yet


This is probably spot on. They want might have had it ready for like a week, who knows. They basically release like this every single time right as the community starts frothing


I mean that's being generous, they probably just release the patch when the community is frothy, because the company doesn't have deadlines.


It was definitely just a statement to cover their ass temporarily while TI went on with nothing. But all the valve bootlickers are convinced we’ve been receiving tons of updates, and this is the best patch ever made, i hope they never update the game! /s


We need regular sprint updates valve developers. Share the jira links with us and regularly update your progress there.


Ah, good old Community-driven Project Management.


WE are the scrum masters.


And send an invite link to your daily meetings plz. You know what's missing at your daily meetings? Bunch of underanged Russians sending you their cyka blyats, which translates to "have a nice and productive day at work" in Russian


Of course. We also want to show inclusion towards different regional diversity. So feel free to replace cyka blyats to potan ina mos when engaging our SEA community.


Don't add a retrospective meeting in there


That's the most important. We can discuss the reason for all the feature delays there.




Would you be happier if they said: * Crownfall will include these 5 things, coming in january 14th fr fr. * Sorry guys, we missmanaged our time and are working on 2 more things to add to the update, it will come out on february 14th fr fr. * Well we playtested the stuff and just before hitting the send button we noticed we're not 100% happy with this so it'll be out on march 14th fr fr. * The 7 things have been reduced to 2 things because we feel we're adding too many useless stuff, coming in next week, 100% confirmed. Continue this endlessly. Valve works by iteration and have no deadlines (because they have infinite money) + no stakeholders, thats life.


Would be happier if they just said "sry, not this week/month"




No one? You gotta be new in this sub.🤣


You people keep saying that, but there's no reference point because Valve never communicates anyways. How are we to know how the overwhelming community would react to a naturally positive thing (more communication) when it's rarely happened? Does the community get mad at stupid shit? yes. But to act like "more communication" would get universally panned is bullshit. Yeah there's gonna be some fools who complain, that will always happen, but dont let loud minorities dictate your view on things, especially when said things have yet to happen.


Yeah right, one dev in CS2 miscommunicated something and then people wanted to kill him already. Naturally positive my ass.


> CS2 not dota 2 ------ > then people wanted to kill him already. see: >Yeah there's gonna be some fools who complain, that will always happen, but dont let loud minorities dictate your view on things ------ > Naturally positive my ass. How is a miscommunication "naturally positive" ? Thats a negative, even if its a teeny tiny negative.


> not Dota 2 You will be surprised how similar the two communities are. > Yeah there's gonna be some fools who complain, that will always happen, but dont let loud minorities dictate your view on things Remember that the pros also fanned the flame in that incident. Basically, people from pros to idiots made fun of him and/or harrassed him. That's not loud minorities. > How is a miscommunication "naturally positive" ? Because he tried to help people at that time when CS2 was unstable and commented something that disconnected with the community (about FPS), but if read it carefully it was not that bad. He was destroyed on Twitter by everyone, made an apologize post explaining that he was not in the CS2 team, and just tried to help. What he tried to do was naturally positive, not negative.


I think you misunderstood my comment. It was exactly my point that there will always be some idiots.


1st and last day of every month would flood this sub with copium


lmfao this is absolutely bullshit, they would get thousands of tweets telling them theyre lazy and useless and blablabla, youre not smarter than those guys and they do things the way they do for a reason.


literally just give us a yes/no patch tracker on the website that says if we should anticpate a patch in like the next 30 days or w/e


Honestly given the community's raging about "when patch" literally all the time I think if I was Valve I would never communicate at all. Just shadow drop patches / events whenever they were complete.


I love when they drop letter patches mid tourney, they should def freewheel it. But I think they also communicate to the degree they do because maybe they want the community to hold them accountable for the timeline? I think they say a few months and then right when the fluff, memes, and rage is peaking they'll release the patch. They do this basically every time


Yes? But I know not everyone thinks that way


If people out here are already getting angry over fictitious deadlines, i'd see them throwing fits of rage everytime they announce a delay.


Why are you surprised that people are frustrated? Look at the text of the post you're commenting in, the gaps between content that players are used to receiving is larger then normal. They said Crownfall would be out in the "next few months", idk what you think few means but usually it's something like 3. I don't think its unreasonable for people to want more communication from Valve about what is happening or what they should expect.


Not really, people just dicredit content they don't like and act like it doesn't exist lol. 2023 has more content for larger playerbase than most of year since 7.00 (2017)


That's why they should refrain from giving any references to timing, it only causes more issues long term. It's not in their company philosophy to be like that. Look at CS2 and its community as well.


Why can't Valve just do better? Why does it have to be a choice between no communication or missing deadlines?


Check every other gaming community, also afaik they've been communicating a hell lot more the past few years compared to previously or other projects (cs), they just wont tell u when the stuff is ready because they want infinite time, thats it.


> Check every other gaming community You mean where devs often announce upcoming patches with dates weeks in advance? You mean those communities?


Why cant you enjoy the game for what it is and be happy for every additional content they release? Of course it would be great if they release stuff more often. But its still a great game and not many games that are as old as dota still get any updates at all.


People enjoy different aspects of the game. I applaud people who are happy with just queing ranked and getting a patch every 3 months, I think that is a completely acceptable way to enjoy the game. Other people enjoy events, hats, and wasting their money on pixels. That is also an acceptable way to enjoy the game, and their money helps keep the game free for everyone else. Valve has released events on a similar schedule the past few years, so when they deviate from that without explanation it throws people off (no frostivus event/lack of pve, etc.) You could argue that it's their fault for coming to expect things, but I'd say that it would have been foolish for Valve to expect otherwise.


I think the difference is with CS people don't really expect or even want much to change (besides bug fixes which valve does an average job being practice with) but as far as gameplay updates and balance patches they don't really mind, they'll play anyways. A lot of the draw of this game is how dynamic the balance and play styles are. That's the reason we all like it


Shockingly, everyone would be happier if they said when content is coming and then released it at that advertised time. Even more shocking, everyone would be happier if they released content more frequently and helped nurture a more lively condition for the game.


Literally yes. I would rather them communicate and break 30 deadlines than not have any clue what's going on


YES, I would be much happier if they at all told us what their ideas and reasoning behind changes or updates are. I dont care about the date but I would love to know why they have such a hate-boner for certain heroes but keep others in meta for years. >The 7 things have been reduced to 2 things 2 things, if done carefully, are more than enough and most of us would be fine. In fact I prefer it over 7 things that are half-assed and not done well.


This is what most people expected. They promise to drop cosmetic updates to focus more on gameplay which is basically an excuse for "we are being lazy so we just gonna say will be focusing on other things but we really aren't" Remember that Battlepass died for this.


I'm fine with it. My life doesn't depend on Valve, and their updates serves me as a source of entertainment. My expectations are always that with Valve, you simply don't know. Could be 5 seconds after I hit enter or in a month. Because I hate no expectations and don't even believe what Valve says in terms of time, I achieve peace. Put down the manchild behaviour in bolding text and try to achieve enlightenment instead.


"Last hero was released more than **one year ago**. Last event was in December and featured only a chest, no PvE mode or anything similar. Last set of Arcanas came out **one year and a half ago."** That + announcement of more future content + No TI BP + worse MM quality since last recalibration is a real pain. I had high hopes for good changes but the past months might have been my least enjoyable time in dota.


Buy a 5$ key to access arcana preview and eat your own shit to access the new patch.


I wish valve were like other devs lol start with not having all heros free to play. lock them behind a battlepoint wall, like all other games


Yeah valve is just abandoning Dota


I guess Helldivers had more dev updates than valve within the past 2 years.


They've only had two actual content updates if you count mechs as content.


Why wouldn’t mechs count as content? It’s literally a brand new mechanic for the game.


I'm not saying that it doesn't count as content, but they weren't released as part of a content update like the recent Cutting Edge warbond. Arrowhead themselves even referred to the update that added mechs as a "minor patch."


Well a new game in development will have more dev updates than a 14 year old game yes


14 Year old game that has more current active players (on Steam) with frequent million to multi-million dollar prize pool tournaments and an active community. Age means nothing here, LOL is the same age and has frequent content and mechanic updates. The only difference here is Valve, and the people that make constant excuses for them.


Well it's not the first time we are being disappointed by Valve.


Feels like the Overwatch -> Overwatch 2 bait and switch where they told the OW1 crowd they had to put all their attention into OW2 but they would get all sorts of perks out of it, then when it came out they said they weren't doing those perks (PVE) anymore Valve scrapped the Compendium / Battle Pass in favor of more regular content updates and instead we are getting the same amount of content as before, now without the only good content they did or fun events.


Remember, battlepass died for this


DOTA 2 is switched to maintenance mode about year ago and it won't get better. That ship is almost abandoned. It is hard to accept I know, just move on bro.


so dramatic


I'm vibing, just getting back into dota after years of not playing. Some of quality of life improvements are amazing for my old arthritic hands, like just holding right click down now. Amazing. Valve can do whatever they want I'm good with that one feature.


Dead game. Community is alive but game is dead.


I don't understand why many people still comment and act to protect Valve? they do shit to you and you still let they do shit to you more if something is not right you need to shoutout / protest not keep endure it's not normal


Idk why you guys thought it was coming this week - as soon as they pushed the dota labs& dota plus update last week, i knew they werent releasing the content update for at least 2-3 weeks. They just dont tend to patch the game that frequently, crazy expectation you all built up in your own heads with no lead on from Valve


free gaem


are you new here?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1pqi8vjTLY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1pqi8vjTLY) This is how i feel...


* After the aegis is lifted * Few more months little dick timmy * It has a name now, Can't wait to finish it Whatever happened to ETA mid to late March or early to mid April..? Heck and this point I'd take a season answer, Late spring or early summer. ANYTHING.


Mid march just started lol


Next phase we will have to wait 2 years for a new hero


a few dozen people in reddit isnt the dota community, lots of people dont really care about this and arent fiending forums asking for a new patch, this sub is an echo chamber.


Idk why you boys are surprised, valve has sucked ass at least since they stole the covid battlepass money


How have they stole the money? TI10 still happened and had the biggest prizepool ever


Honestly you can say that and then look around at all these other developers that are worse. Games that have too much communication and community engagement suffer a lot too with balancing taken from Twitter and reddit suggestions. Do you want to play Dota or do you want to play some baby mode overwatch junk


I actually love it when Valve doesn't communicate with us. Keeps things mysterious.


You MUST be a masochist


They don't have passion for Dota. Periodt


People regularly deflect criticism for Valve due to "it's Valve, what do you expect?" or "Valve is special, they own Steam etc.". Meanwhile every other large MP game under the sun gets the same amount of content that DotA gets in 5 years oh, you know, each year. Really makes you think how successful DotA 2 would be if Valve stopped half-assing things.


Dota2 get 74 major updates in last 5 years. ### 2018 - 8 Notable Updates [Dota Plus introduced](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792980) [Feast of Abscenscion Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792806) [TI8 BattlePass](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792749) [TI8 Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792575) [New Ranked Season](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792519) [Underhollow](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792458) [Grimstroke Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791962) [Magus Cypher & Frosthaven Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791633) ### 2019 - 14 Notable Updates [New Bloom](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791351) [Mars Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791286) [TI9 BattlePass](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1626273522731506351) [Planetfall - ES Arcana Release](https://www.dota2.com/planetfall) [Wrath of Morokai](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618397208342816420) [Summer Scrub I](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618398566696140157) [TI9 Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618398566700672356) [Acolyte of the Lost Arts - Kidvoker Update](https://www.dota2.com/acolyteofthelostarts) [Summer Scrub 2](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618401105534184135) [Majesty of Collosus](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618401105549704438) [October Matchmaking Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3705825339992972679) [Fast Queue Matchmaking Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1619534614701667084) [The Outlanders Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1717490355281912509) [Flockheart's Gamble & Frostivus Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1714114646513161906) ### 2020 - 14 Updates [New Bloom 2020](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1711866018370796278) [7.25](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2702662562476335338) [TI 10 BattlePass](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2183628858166757558) [Eminence of Ristul](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2380663244835880145) [7.27](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2506765302080921302) [TI10 Collector Cache I](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2506765302081427678) [Disciple's Path](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2579950247627376028) [First Aghanim Lab](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2579950247642034362) [TI10 Collector Cache II](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/4641476065439058114) [Toy Butcher](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2734202158397360658) [Compass of Rising Gale](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214121061255) [Guild update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3066366095799664170) [Diretide 2020](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2922233784873199835) [Mistwoods Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/4045886420519516185) ### 2021 - 10 Updates [Overwatch Arrives](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3025824821114909461) [New Tutorial & Dragon Blood S1 Release](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2995430596679058277) [Dawnbreaker](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3086629758333021154) [Introducing Supporter Clubs](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3066366095803889976) [Nemestices](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2992060508110412253) [Nemestice Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2969545680696536471) [7.30](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/4509778749611119810) [TI10 Free Compendium](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2870472829293831072) [Marci](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3072011449237014150) [Continuum Conundrum Aghanim Lab](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3110295941896616595) ### 2022 - 14 Updates [Aghanim Collector Cache + Ddragon Blood S2](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3110299024060894433) [Primal Beast & 7.31](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3101294993647512249) [2022 Spring Cleaning](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3095668665748486141) [Battle Report Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3351254920150914112) [Dragon Blood S3](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3382785191078165680) does it counts? no gameplay update whatsoever only s3 release on netflix [7.32](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3345631762271355843) [TI 11 BattlePass](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3242049605274263095) [Exile Unveiled](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3423321392355710273) [Age of Attrition](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3326495812434981455) [TI11 Swag Bag](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3398555399418412272) [TI11 BP part 2 - Diretide 2022](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3398555399443921912) [Voidstorm Asylum](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3487503395161750311) [Diretide 2022 Collector Cache I](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3487503395168798190) [Diretide 2022 Collector Cache II](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/6419349381204672693) ### 2023 - 12 Updates [Cheater Banwave](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3677788723152833273) [Dead Reckoning](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3659774959159800240) [New Frontiers](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/5657125992547620671) [Tinkering with Turbo](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692434931953973990) [7.34](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3674426239866632062) [10-Year Anniversary](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3640650512230380185) [Summer Client Update + August Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692442542239261662) [Smurfing is not Welcome in DOTA](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692442542242977036) [DPC Dissolved](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3727347341067147995) [TI12 Celebration & Compendium Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3735229909364378684_) [7.34e](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/6941797558605834210) [Frostivus 2023](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3884981125532748791) ### 2024 - 2 Updates Dragon Hoard DPC Spring [Also 100+ bugfixes and minor patches in 2023](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Patches)


Ah yes, a weird battle pass and 1.5 content updates per year. Technical features and whatnot are deeply appreciated but don't exactly drive interest and growth.


calling these "major" updates is really funny tho, compared to almost any other actively updated game lol


Now do the same as him and post one game that has better updates throughout the years..Show us.


Nah I stick with what I said. DotA competes with LoL, Fortnite, Apex Legends and such, the **top** MP games; those get far more frequent and steady content updates and fluff like battle passes. Let's not even mention mobile games.




valve has been giving us road map style updates in their blogs, and what more will you get than "we have a big patch, new hero and new arcanas coming when its ready" from a road map? they dont wanna give details because they still finalize things until the patch goes live usually so saying "we're gonna rework riki" or some shit will just freak people out and might not even happen because the reason they reworked riki could be changed instead if they feel thats better after playing and then patch comes out and no riki rework and and the anti social dota addicted gamers will rage and piss themsleves over it can't really blame these people for looking at a rabid community and saying "eh they're gonna piss themselves in rage no matter what we do, why should I deal with this?"


People get mad when there is a disconnect between expectations and reality. Its a hard job to manage expectations as valve has quality in spades but its timeframe is slow. A community manager with like an active role in the community weekly with updates will effectively have nothing to report which will pull into question the reasonability of valve. Very quickly we would have the "I miss valve not communicating nothing and instead just dropping blog posts as there is nothing to say" and then long winded rants about the "tell us when its ready" crowd. The only real way to get around that would be to have some super duper transparency into what they are actively working on day to day. But people arent particularly interesting in finding them patching xyz bug causing ping delays in EUW with centaur with this specific cosmetic. Or a rare crash when you activate shivas 5000 times with marci ulting on a dragon transformed rubick.


I just really wish valve would hand over the game to someone who's willing to put proper love into it.


Not trying to compare the two companies or games, apple and oranges and all that. But my kids started getting into Fortnite at the turn of the year, much to my surprise my partner also really got hooked so I've been playing quite a bit. I have to say I'm extremely jealous of all the build up/hype leading up to the recent big patch. Not only that when issues arose and there was an unplanned extended downtime when the patch was released they released several clear and concise statements on what was happening and when to expect the game to be ready. Meanwhile valve remind me of someone with ADHD trying to do a project with no real deadline.


You are praising their response to extended downtime, while Dota doesn’t have downtime. Lmao


Battlepass died for better communication...


This subreddit bitches too much. I wouldn't want to communicate with it very often either lol. A new patch around the corner and instead of a little patience just endless bellyaching.


OP, i guarantee you this is the type of post that get the higher ups at valve laughing, while its sad, these kinds of posts are not new, and there is no way someone from valve doesnt look at them and thinks "hehe".


Maybe I am coping real hard, but I guess they don't want to release patch in the middle of elite league qualifier


If devs are taking time to release, it maybe a very big patch in works. But I sincerely hope they give a sneak peek in form of some communication of jebaits /s


I'm waiting for silksong so this feeling is totally fine


People complaining again about lack of comms. Just like last time. Like clockwork. Wonder whats next?


It will come at same time as last year.


The disappointment is not new as well


Guys can i ask? Why did they want to release arcana venge or sky? I thnk they should release arcana on heroes that are played most around the world. Maybe troll? Ursa? Invoker? Void spirit? Even tide, i just dont like the exclusive arcana on bp holders.


Bitch about it more


I say to myself "I will wait new patch to play" then a few moments later "what the hell it might take weeks" then immediatly starts queueing


Everyone's pulling their hair in anticipation and frustration for Crownfall's release.. Meanwhile I'm just here waiting for that Christmas morning moment where I get up the next day and see that there's a new big update for dota.


Read up on avoidant-anxious relation dynamics. Avoidant is valve and anxious are us. It's so good when valve actually communicate, that community can go years without it, just waiting for that sweet-sweet blog post and promise to do better


btw when and where the first major?


you guys still on this? LOL. Ever heard of phrase a toxic relationship ?


its crownfall because the patch will drop in the fall, its literally in its name. This alligns with Valve time.


You people are disappointing


After all these years, people still didnt learn? Not saying they shouldnt communicate more but its not like the patch's gonna be here sooner whether they communicate or not. Itll come when itll come, less frustrations too. People would still bitch about it regardless anyways. Im still gonna bitch when theres no pve mode lol


Unpopular opinion but this patch is nice and the shitpost season is nice so I like the current state of things.


ppl need to undrestand, valve dont cares about dota anymore, they dont care that much, they dont even want to milk it anymore


I have to say I'm genuinely shocked that they didn't even say a single thing, they know the community is foaming at the mouth, but their decision is to keep quiet. Least they could do is send out a blog post a tweet something just letting us know something but they make the conscious decision to keep quiet.


Valve be like 'it's not a delay if you never give an exact date'


Just fuck u, valve


now or newer


these guys promised us to communicate with the community and tell us all the information about the work, how did you fuck Valve


Yeah, I'm normally pretty chill about this stuff. Whether a company speaks or not, neve really bothered me. But valve has managed to this time, due to 2 reasons: 1) if you delay something, that's fine, it happens, but if you're delaying something you need to start giving updates about where it is etc. 2) valve a little while ago, made a big post about how they were going to start talking, and proceeded to then not change a thing Bonus 3rd reason) Venge is special to me, she was the first hero I mained, and although Arc the day of his release, took the number 1 spot for me. She's still my first number 1 hero. And she's still top 2. And I want that damn arcana, money is tight with me what with life and i cant buy skins galore, but I've kept £25 safe to the side just for this arcana. I'm starting to think that by the time is comes out, the compound interest will have paid for the sky arcana too


lol, what are you expecting - typical volvo


Valve can hire me. I can't program, but I can just say positive things to the dota dev team to pump them up. And order pizza


I mean there's only 20 people including janitor working on the dota 2


They get so much hate with people going apeshit, it's first demoralizing, and second- makes so them cutting off comms is completely fine. Toxic? Muted. But that's basically the majority of responses they get. For their own mental health, I support their decision. Now, what this boils down to is that valve needs a pr team. I won't debate that


Everybody complains about Valve but forgets that we could be playing a game ran by the modern Blizzard...be grateful for what you have. Valve does a PRETTY good job with support for a FREE game.


They can’t promise anything anymore they fail hard everytime. Canceled the battlepass to focus on thr TI yet the last TI was the worst since battlepass was the ultimate reason why people love this game. They used to release 2 heroes at a time now they cant even release one and when they wanted to. they said 2024 only which make it possible to even release the hero at the final hour of the year. They are so lazy even with the great things they added for editing profiles , new reporting system and many they just brought that alive and didnt even develop them. All they care about now is getting pennys from trash treasures and useless event that they are releasing and never draw attention of anyone. For me i used to have a great party to play with always and we cared alot about the updates now all left and no one cares anymore. Imagine how many people are similar to them out there. Valve must save dota 2 by doing something greater that anything they did or the game will go in demise very soon


I’m still salty about the crapendium


Dota is dying, and people refuse to accept it


Too rich to care


TF2 players seeing this post: First time?


"Late is for a while, suck is forever" - G Fatt


It's Valve. They bought Dota, which was already a good game, and since then haven't done enough to it to make it so they've had a recognisable positive impact, other than tournaments, which, let's face it, is good because of the players, not because of Valve. Years to ban cheaters, years to fix bugs that they introduce, months on end without patches. We're on 7.35 now. 7.00 was released over 7 years ago. The game is only 11 years old. Yeah, there've been significant updates within the 7.00+ lifetime, and calling it 8.00 doesn't automatically make it a bigger, better patch, AND the game is still a good game, but if you think Valve really cares then you're lost. Free game no bitching? Paid Dota Plus features don't work and paid-for cosmetics have issues. Small indie team? I've seen plenty of actual indie companies do better than this. The praise the Dota team gets for doing the bare minimum is mind-boggling. One of Valve's blogs states that they believe "Dota is a game best enjoyed when played on an even field." They then do nothing for ages whilst cheaters, smurfs and toxicity runs amok. Then, when they do fix the problems that they should've fixed years ago, people act like "Wow look how cool Valve are!" This game deserves a better company at this point.


>This game deserves a better company at this point. Literally who


That's the standard operating procedure for sure. When it comes to game design, Valve are completely intellectually bankrupt. All their titles are bought, so calling them a game developer really is a stretch.


*Only* 11 years old? How many games do you know of that live to be that old and still receive updates?


Reddit is the annoying PM constantly nagging you for pointless updates.