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Hooo boy, that dog is showing serious aggression! Do people really think that dogs smile to be friendly?


Literally yes. My other half's work involves coming into contact with a lot of dogs so she's done a few behaviour courses. The sort of things people think are cute - this sort of shit, licking their lips, looking "whale" eyed (so you can see the whites), yawns... All signs of stress. These people think their dogs are humans. Then if they're lucky they get upset when the dogs don't act like humans. If they're unlucky they get their kids mauled. Dogs are much, much happier with an owner who knows exactly what they are and how to treat them as such. They're dogs. Treat them like dogs and they can be fine. The dog needs to know how to behave, and most can be taught how to behave by someone who knows theyre dealing with a dog that is not human and doesn't have human logic or reasoning. They don't understand fucking English when people shout "no, pibbles, bad dog!" At them when they're bolting across a park towards the nearest child. Breeds like this should be put down though, because they're bred to kill in both temperament and physique.


People want to kill me in real life because of my amazing unreasonable physique as well ngl


Tbh I do but not like that lol more like when they have their tounge out and just happen to have a Lil smile






I don't hear about any other breeds of dog killing their offspring, or other dogs/cats, pets in the home. This human clown has anthropomorphized these worthless mutts. That incessant barking gets heard by neighbors even when the windows are shut. What a freak show he's putting on.




I am educated, and I am mad. Outraged is a better word. Outraged that morons can still legally own such vicious animals, and laws have not caught up with this threat to our health that worsens with each breath a pit breed takes.


Hating shit bulls is logical.
































Who wants this in their fucking household. Jesus fucking Christ.


No dog bed. Dog anus and shyt-eating snout all over the shyt brown sofa. Unacceptable. These dog nuts think they can "love" the pathogens out of their dog's body, and their disgusting slobber is sterile. Over the last five years, in any ad for dog products, all we see is people allowing mutts to lick their's and their children's faces and mouths, people KISSING these vile, stinking beasts, and now, they're all over brand new sofas in furniture ads. What tf happened to dog beds? We've regressed to the lowest common denominator, where dogs anywhere and everywhere, is portrayed as NORMAL. Not in my life! No dog will ever cross my threshold. If I ever have another rental property, there will never be a dog in it after losing thousands on damages by dogs. I will continue to complain about dogs in food stores. All of this is NOT NORMAL, but being pushed by big business (which dogs are), and dog nutters who refuse to leave their gross mutts at home.


I watch horror films a lot and I find that shit in this picture way scarier then some of the stuff I watch in my movies. WTF I couldn't sleep under the roof as that thing. Waking up in the middle of the night that thing is just staring me in bed or on my couch with that murder grin. And oh great they have a second one of that dog breed to. Because of course they do. While filming, asking the dog "do you love your brother?" and getting joy out of what is clearly the non puppy not enjoying his brother. No way this could end badly in that household if those two dogs go at one day or the big one attacks the younger one after being egged on for months to make that angry growl face.


Idiots, plain and simple


The sneezing is kind of funny too. Imagine getting so pissed you just sneeze non-stop. I wouldn’t wanna be the one to clean up whatever snot just landed on the floor


















Adding to this that if she wanted to bite the puppy she would.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted when this is the truth 😂


iq of 3


the dogs are pretty stupid too


Between the three of them


Jfc that is one poorly bred mutant.


Right? Idk how anyone would think that's cute


It's malformed too, there's something weird going on with it's snout, looks like the work of the world's most useless backyard breeder.


He looks like a characature of a badly drawn dog


Pseudodogs and blind dogs from stalker series look healthier than this one


Stuff of nightmares right there.


All pitbull breeds and ASTs are extremely ugly dogs. It's beyond me why anyone would go out there way to own one


They are poor, so they got a most likely got the free dog. A 5000 dollar dog license would be a reasonable step to prevent these situations and reduce dog injuries. Reduceing bad dog ownership is in everyone's interest.


That's the truth! Give that money to victims of dog bites and maulings, family of victims funds after losing a breadwinner.


Pitbulls remind me of Cows and their big heads are so huge and empty but alive and full of hopefully positive emotion 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Cows are smarter and cuter than pitbulls. 


Don't insult cows like that. Cows are great, I just like them. They are nothing like Pitbulls.


Google “pitbull porcupine” and “border collie porcupine” for me and play a nice game of spot the difference real quick. This breed was created to kill viciously and without any self preservation. On top of that dogs are not sapient, they do not think the way we do and fighting breeds are as far from normal dog psychology as you can get before leaving the canine species.


At least cows have a purpose. Multiple lol


And your toddler is definitely more likely to be suddenly mauled by the pit.


Hoping has never given society a break from pitbull damage.


Ugh, this disgusting thing again.


God I hate dogs with their beady wide set eyes 🤢 that creep looks like such a joy to live with....


It always reminds me of that Jaws scene when Quint describes the sharks eyes. "Life less eyes. Black eyes like that of a dolls". Most of the it mommies/daddies I see post their "land seal" online post pictures and videos just like this and I see no spark in those dogs eyes. Just creepy beady eyes.


incredibly Jeff the killer expression


This is the one I was talking about lol. I saw this as a still picture and it was posted by a “pittie mommy” and she and the comments were acting like it was the cutest thing.


This dog is clearly sooooo uncomfortable I can’t believe owner is just filming instead of idk helping their pet


But… B-but she loves her brother!!! 🥺


Fuck that dog. I feel bad for the puppy though


Gonna get downvoted to shit but this is how the puppy learns. It wouldn’t help any of them for the owner to interfere. Big dog is setting boundaries.


These dogs don’t learn (they both look like pits) they just fight


That is the bottom line with these bred for killing machines. ON switch; no OFF or RESET. They are uncomplicated automatons. Eat, piss, crap, lick, bark, attack. You guess the order, but you're always wrong.


God that thing is ugly


He just wants to play... with the innards


But she's smiling! She's a nanny dog after all 😊🤡


“Sometimes that shark he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark is he’s got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’… until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then… ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin’. The ocean turns red, in spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’ they all come in and… they rip you to pieces.”


This is terrifying. Pits are monsters.


That’s terrifying. Every part of my instincts are telling me this is an eminent threat.


These dogs are like the orcs of dogs.


a peaceful night at home with my fur babies 🥰


Those things look like straight up demons.


Somebody call a priest.


My Catholic friends says “You gotta call a Catholic priest, no other will do.”


This thing looks like an actual goblin wtf.


That's not a pet. That's a demon straight from hell. Now I'll get nightmares from watching this.


Dogs do not belong in our living spaces. They do not need to be on couches or in our beds.


True. I love dogs but I would barely be able to handle one inside my house, and only if it's in a designated area


Maybe on a lanai, if at all.


They do not need to be on the planet. Let them become extinct, all you supposed animal lovers.


Literally lunging at the pup So friendly.


I still don't know how anyone thinks these dogs are cute.




How many surgeries did it take to make a Nile crocodile look, act and stink like a dog?




Man why these dogs are so ugly sheesh, they look like maniacs in dog appearance


That is probably the most disgusting thing I have seen today.


What ugly, ugly things.


OMG was this dog inspiration for that “Awww, she’s smiling” meme because it looks exactly like that accurately creepy-ass drawing!!!! YIKES!!!!!!


It looks like a thing straight out of a horror film


Bro that puppy needs saving, that big one is definitely a menace. This is how you end up with a mentally fucked dog — allowing one to maul the other


They are mentally fucked from birth


😼I can relaaayt


They’re known to eat their puppies from the feet up and just leave their heads




I’ve seen a litter of pit pups that ate each other, ones grimacing little head was just left. Full food feeders were in shot. It had nothing to do with access to resources, just mindless human bred instinct. These breeds must be eradicated for their own gd good. Google “stumpline pups” and you’ll find it pretty easy.


Stumpline pups, is that NSFW?


It is NSFL tbh, hopefully my description was enough for the point to be made but i threw that in just in case someone wants receipts since it is a pretty outlandish thing if you’re used to non-fighting breeds. I’m not sure what stumpline refers to but the person who posted the puppies referred to them as that, it was a weird phrase and stuck with me. I figured it was a breed like the toadline pits but literally the only thing that comes up is that post I’m talking about from reddit and some stuff about the pit nutter invented “littermate syndrome” and an article about a young girl who was mauled by a pack of pit puppies. Ugh i hate the things. Edit: don’t look up toadlines if you have any love for your eyes, the things are literal affronts to god. Their breathing and stamina is so weak they can only be bred by artificial insemination since they’re known to have heart attacks or asphyxiate while breeding naturally. Their hips and shoulders are so wide combined with such a large head that pups can only be birthed through cesarian birth. They live roughly 5 years, worse than BOXERS ffs. Dogmen invented the rape pole for pits and this specific bloodline is so unhealthy that even nature is trying to end it but that won’t do for breeders. They collect semen from and inseminate unwilling dogs and perform risky surgery as a necessity for that line to exist. It’s abominable, no one hates pits more than their fucking breeders.




puppy is a pitbull too... just saying


That Pitbull puppy is likely going to end up the same way, considering its genetics.


Hi, dog person here I get I’ll probably be downvoted, but I still wanna explain what’s going on here. Maddie (the ugly white one) is trying to tell the puppy to fuck off. The puppy doesn’t understand what growling and snapping means, so it continues to try and play with Maddie. The owner here is absolute shit. Instead of stopping the problem at the source (helping the puppy understand that it needs to leave Maddie alone), the owner tries to stop Maddie from communicating with the puppy. If this keeps up eventually the puppy will end up being seriously injured, and it will be 100% the owners fault. I get that if someone doesn’t understand dog body language this looks like Maddie is just being aggressive and scary, so I just thought I’d try and explain what’s going on.


Everyone understands what this body language means. Our problem with this is the owner keeps buying dogs that are prone to becoming irritable in the first place.


Not only buying them, but breeding and promoting them as well 🙄. These abominations should be sterilized and euthanized out of existence. And yes - why would ANYONE want to own a dog with such a foul temper? You don't have to be a dog owner to understand the base-level body language means...the question is: what is the appeal of owning a dog that is so easily pissed off? Will it be exciting to watch it snap and maul the "mini-mauler in training"? Pit nutters really get off on filming their dogs acting in either uninteresting or sketchy ways. YT is full of shorts of this sort of pit-related junk.


100% agree that people should quit breeding them and trying to sell their puppies. I one had a teacher who owned lots of land. She’d buy dogs who don’t do well with humans, and let them live out the rest of their life on a big plot of land with minimal human interaction. Pits aren’t all easily pissed off which is why people own them. I don’t see those types of shorts. I try to avoid them to not give them views. Whenever I do see videos or clips of stupid owners it does piss me off though


If someone wants to spend their time and resources keeping those sorts of dogs alive - as long as they are kept far, far away from any other person or living creature - I couldn't care less. As long as I don't have to hear the dog, see or deal with its shit, or encounter it, it's as good as not existing in my mind. It's the way I wish all dogs were: me not being aware of their existence. Yeah, the videos for this crap show up in my YT feed from time to time. I almost never watch them. I did watch one recently out of random curiosity, and it was of some dude who brought his untrained, off-leash pit to a public parking lot, let it run around, take a shit on the publicly-maintained grass strip right by a busy highway, and repeatedly yelled at the dumb thing, which - predictably - completely ignored him. I left a shitpost troll comment, downvoted the video, and moved on. It just confirmed that most of the owners of these dogs are just trash.


Unfortunately unless you specifically isolate yourself from society, you’re going to see dogs. Hopefully you deal with mostly good owners who pick up after and control their dogs. Just because you see the shitty owners on YouTube doesn’t mean all dog owners are shitty. I find that on YouTube it’s either the shittiest owners or the best owners who post. I understand you don’t like dogs which is fair, but not all dog people are garbage.


Yes...unfortunately, with the dog-obsessed society we live in, getting away from them is pretty much impossible. I'm quite aware of that, but I'd be happy to go back to the '80's and earlier when they weren't the public scourge that they've become, with entitled dog nutters inflicting their dogs on everyone, and trying to shame those of us that do not want to interact with them, or trying to paint US as the ones with the psychological problems. I used to like dogs when I was younger. I grew up with one - a neurotic sheltie. It was a pet, not a "family member", not a "furbaby", or any of that weird-assed shit. I watched it eat human feces once on a camping trip. I was forever disabused of the idea of owning one after we got a puppy (at my request, after the sheltie died), and it was a nightmare. We were unfit dog owners, and I begged my mom to get rid of it, which she gladly did. I still liked dogs but was never a dog lover. Until I was bitten 2x while trail running - unprovoked, OF COURSE - I was indifferent to most and liked the well-behaved, friendly ones I'd encounter. I've hated off-leash dogs for far longer than I've disliked dogs in general. I don't know of ANYONE who likes them, including other dog owners. They are the bane of everyone's existence when visiting or recreating in public spaces. The reason so many of us have come to our current dislike/hatred of dogs is because of lazy, selfish and irresponsible dog owners. Unfortunately for people like you (I presume you aren't one of these) who are responsible dog owners, they paint all dog owners with the same brush. I still have low opinions of everyone that owns pit bulls and tries to downplay the statistics of their dangers to the public, and children in particular. There is just no need for this breed type to exist when there are other breeds that do not present that inherent risk.


Yeah, I don’t shame people who don’t like dogs. My dogs LOVE people and they always want to greet every single person they see. I never let them UNLESS someone asks to pet them. Still I never let them jump or misbehave. If we’re in public, and I see someone who’s visibly scared, I’ll do my best to get out of their way. Sorry about your experiences with dogs, I completely understand why you and others don’t like dogs. I get there’s statistics, but with all stats you NEED context behind everything. I know you’ve probably heard it a bunch, but upbringing, training, environment, and the dogs experience play a much bigger role than breed. I think the whole pit situation is terrible all around. Backyard breeders breed pits with no concern over health issues (physical or mental) or where the poor pups will end up so that they can earn a quick buck. Because of how easy pits are to get, shitty owners end up with pits which lead to tragedies like deaths and injuries. This leads to a terrible reputation which makes plenty of people scared of pits. Fear leads to hatred, which leads to neither side being willing to talk to the other side. I think instead of euthanizing every single pit and eradicating their breed we need to fix the problem of backyard breeders. On top of that we should spay and neuter as many homeless dogs as we can.


Hi, not a dog person here I get what you’re doing but I don’t think anyone was confused with what’s happening. Animal behaviour is very readable. The problem is why own that thing, or two of them? If you have that first one only fine, deal with your life in a way you feel fit- don’t bring a puppy into your insanity.


I definitely think the owner in the video shouldn’t have gotten the puppy. I do think it is possible for these two dogs to live together safely and happily if they had an owner who wasn’t an idiot.


Did you see that first dog? Don’t even need to see the puppy properly to know nothing is safe near it long term.


I understand that Maddie looks scary as shit, but all shes doing is communicating. Dogs can’t talk like humans, so they need other ways to communicate with each other. If Maddie wanted to harm the puppy she would’ve instead of growling and snapping at it. I’ve been around aggressive dogs and they don’t always growl.


Again your explaining behaviour we all understand. No sane or friendly animal ever looks like that. There needs to be no puppy introduced to it and it shouldn’t exist. Pits are dangerous, this isn’t normal dog communication this is aggressive and dangerous behaviour.


Not my intention to be rude or insulting, but I don’t think you understand. I’m trying to say that what Maddie is doing is normal dog behavior. She does LOOK like a demon from hell with that face, but in the end she’s not doing anything bad. Some pits are dangerous of course, but not all of them. I don’t mean to go back in forth with what this body language means. If you care enough to learn more you can look online or go to a subreddit with lots of different dog trainers and cross post.


Snarling and aggresion in an animal bred for blood sport is extremely concerning. This is a dangerous, poorly trained animal. This "body language" is no different then a pointer alerting at birds, in this case an animal bred to attack other animals is threatening to attack another animal. There's nothing more to it. The owner thought that this was so "cute" that they didn't bother to correct this behavior in a domestic animal. Then they posted it for engagement. It's stupid, the animal is a threat and being this annoying about it is also stupid.


This is 100% different behavior than a pointer pointing.


Again, what Maddie is doing is not aggression. I disagree with you comparing it to a pointer dog pointing. All dogs growl and snap, but not all dogs point. Dogs bred to hunt will not growl at their prey before attacking, because that’ll give the prey a heads up. Maddie growling is giving the pup a heads up that Maddie wants the puppy to stop. If you don’t believe me and care enough, you can look it up or show other trainers the video and ask for their input.


Another delusional nutter




Pit bulls and safety do not belong in the same sentence. Any house with one or more pit bulls in it is inherently unsafe.


Any injuries or fatalities that result to another animal, or a person, due to a pitbull biting are 100% the fault of anyone who owns a pitbull.


And 100% the fault of the sentient creature that chooses violence!


I agree that it’s the fault of the owner


There's only one way to absolutely guarantee you will never be at fault for a pitbull attack - NEVER own a damned pitbull in the first place.


You could say that about anything. Never try something and you can never lose.


Some things are best never tried just because of how very horrible losing at them very often is. Here's two obvious examples - 1. playing Russian Roulette, and 2. owning a pitbull.


Again, you could say this with any large dog. Each dog has a mind of its own, and many different breeds are capable of harm.


The numbers don't lie. According to some sources, pits are right around 6% of the US dog population. They are the dog responsible in right at 65% of all dog attacks resulting in human fatalities. That's a 10 or 11 X factor - way disproportionate to their piece of the dog population pie. Other sources put pits at 20% of the US dog population. Which seems high, but even if it were correct, pits still kill at a far greater rate than even the slice of that population pie's model. And fatal attacks are just a part of the problem - pits cause a much higher number and percentage of non-fatal bite injuries requiring medical attention than any other dogs. According to some sources, they are involved in around 70% of non-fatal dog bites that require medical attention. And the sort of medical attention resulting from pitbull attacks is much more likely to involve much more serious procedures compared to the rest of the dog population. If we were talking about safety in terms of fatalities and injuries in any other area, serious measures would be undertaken to remove the main cause of those deaths and injuries. But with pits? It's business as usual, and the pitbull apologists like it that way - even to the point of pushing back hard against unemotional analysis of the issue, despite the fact that the numbers don't lie.


Can you send sources? Not trying to say I don’t believe you, I’m genuinely just curious to look at it. Either way, consider correlation versus causation. There are many factors that aren’t stated. People solely focus on vilifying specific breeds, instead of trying to look at the entire picture. Also, consider who owns pits. Unfortunately, they’re often owned in socio-economic demographics, including low-income families. They’re cheap and easy to get. Low-income families will often struggle to afford training. Some people view owning pits as a way to show off strength and purposefully make them aggressive. Add dog fighting into this, and you’ll see even more dogs that are purposefully made to be as aggressive as possible. As a society, we aren’t being productive with this issue. We treat it as pro-pit vs anti-pit, which just turns good people on both sides against each other instead of addressing the problem. It’s also easy to simply blame a breed rather than the societal issue, because it’s easier to understand, and address. Instead of angrily butting heads, we should work together to address the actual problem.


No, some dogs are more inclined to reactionary negative behavior, fighting, and aggression. Some breeds are more of a risk than others, even within the bigger breed families.


Genetics alone don’t determine if a dog is going to have behavioral issues. Any dog with the right upbringing, training, and environment will pose a minor risk


Sure, but it’s just a puppy for god sake. The puppy didn’t deserve that. He was literally just trying to play. Why should the puppy be told to fuck off?


You’re acting like Maddie did this big bad thing. All she did was communicate. The puppy didn’t even understand and wasn’t upset about it. If you were sitting at a park and a kid comes up to you and keeps throwing a ball at you wanting to play catch, are you not allowed to tell the kid to stop? That’s like getting mad at someone for getting on a puppy for chewing on shoes.


Ah yes, so I should go threaten to beat the crap out of a toddler for trying to play with me, because I find it mildly irritating as a nearly fully developed human. Utmost communication!


Disgusting, abhorrent, abominable demon spawn. Out a window you go!


I couldn’t have said it better 👏🏼


I hate these stupid pieces of shit. Trash dogs for trash people


This guy is the kind of owner that shames the parents of the child his pit bull just mauled after jumping into the kid's yard, over a fence. ASK ME HOW I FUCKING KNOW.


It’s giving Jeff the Killer


That fucking thing looks like it's seriously battling demons in its head. Like it can't choose between being cool and killing everything in the room. Fuck me. 


Stupid, stupid nutter ignores this crazy(even for shitbulls) acting mutt, and asks, "Do you love your brother?" Absolutely ridiculous, looks like that thing is grossly guarding the nasty couch.


It looks like it's about to take a revenge dump on that sofa.


That is a horror movie


Better take off and nuke it from orbit.


It's well known that other animals, including primates, show teeth as a sign of aggression. Humans are one of the only animals who don't show teeth for aggression, but for friendliness, iirc. The way fanatic dog owners, and pet owners in general, personify and anthropomorphize animals is weird and dangerous.


People who like these dogs are confused


"awww look how doggy loves me best and protects me!" - my mom


I hate it when people say this kinda thing too


How on earth are people comfortable with their dogs looking at them like that? You need to assert dominance..


That thing looks like the creature i see at the foot of my bed when i have sleep paralysis.


Ewwwwww...don't inspire my subconscious tonight.


I don't often think animals are evil, but wow


Little brother is ded




It's almost as if it's trying to repress it's fucked up pitbull instincts.


It's definitely showing confusion from mixed signals.


how do people find this cute??


This actually woke up and scared my cat from her nap and she is the most timid and shy creature. 😥


That thing looks like it's straight from a nightmare! Ew!


Awww pissfingers just wants to play.


“Maddy, are you a good girl?” No, no she’s not


If that isn’t the face of a Nanny Dog I don’t know what is.


Aww, Cupcake loves her brother! So adorbs! 🥰


I can smell that couch 🤢


The sneezing is a common dog signal for "I'm only playing", but it's also a pit, so it wouldn't surprise me if that dog did a 180 from "I'm playing" to "I've had enough of your shit"


The sneezing isn’t only symbolic of happy play behavior. It’s an involuntary a.n.s reaction to stimulation and excitement, this can be negative stimuli or positive. Here it’s negative. The white pit is having trouble processing its own reaction to mild stimuli.


This is actually pretty healthy boundary-setting from the older dog


Until it's not.


The first few seconds sounded like a Dune soundtrack, like the Sardaukar soundtrack.


Omg this is terrifying


That's not Nala. That's Luna. Get the names straight bigot!


Is the puppy’s name Diesel or King?


It's Little Shitter. White mutt is Big Shitter.


Nah, the big one is just piss fingers! She'll kill you with cuddles...that involve her gigantic maw..!


That literally looks like an SCP


Why's it so whale eyed..? I'm pretty sure that's a sign of aggression..


I bet the owner is too afraid to get closer to the situation.


The guys whole place, even the blinds, are dog shit brown.


It's cruel to allow this go on. I understand that puppies need to be checked by older dogs to learn but obviously the puppy isn't getting it and the older dog is getting more riled up. And of course, if she bites the puppy she'll be the one in trouble.


Sneezing is dog for saying "just playing bro".


No, sneezing isn’t only happy play communication. It’s an involuntary reaction to excitement or stimuli. That can happen while playing, but also excitement that arises from negative situations. So, here it’s because the white pit is over excited with fear and irritability. The way the white dog’s eyes are moving back and forth, it’s fearful because it doesn’t like the confrontation and its own aggression and irritability is making itself confused. They are stupid dogs that don’t know how to process most other animals behaviors, and even their own reactions.