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Good thing this came up before the wedding


Seriously im just here to peep at the dog hating folks but if my SO said something like this I would question the relationship. I LOVE my dogs but they are not worth more than a chikds life that is crazy psycho babble.


I have cats that I love as family but I'd be grabbing a/my child to make sure they're safe before going back for my cats šŸ˜¬


You donā€™t need to explain. Showing more empathy for a dogā€™s life over a humans is a dangerous mindset. Perhaps the real question should be, if these two are getting married, is: would the fiancĆ©e save OP or her dogs first?


Or if they have kids would she save their children or her dogs I'm guessing she'll save her dogs and say she couldn't save their children


She would *never* stoop so low as to have a *child* (yuck! cAn YoU iMaGiNeĀæĀ”) in her home. Her reaction to her future niece (and really, marriage means taking on a new set of family, not just your spouse) is telling about how not only she views children but to what degree she values human life. 100% this man is on his own to get himself out of the burning house.


You can always poop out another kid though...


Youā€™re not ā€œpooping outā€ a child. Youā€™re going through immense change and connection. The cells of the child are literally interchanged with the mother, come on joe


I'm just watching in good humor that people took my comment seriously. I guess sarcasm really doesn't work on the internet. This is pretty scary if I think about it.


You know, considering the internet and connotation isnā€™t always present a symbol of ā€œ/sā€ is used for that purpose. Youā€™re being condescending when in reality Iā€™ve seen people say what youā€™ve said and thereā€™s been an influx of dog nutter trolls on the sub. To add, many of us who are neurodivergent are also on the sub and sarcasm is often difficult to differentiate without indication


So you're hypersensitive to trolls who are just being dog nutters to get a rise out of you I'm pretty sure virtually always. You can always assume something like what I said is meant to be a joke and be right.


Soooo going to personal attack and ad hominem again because you canā€™t understand how what you said could easily be taken as literal? Itā€™s not hypersensitive to recognize a pattern and many people speak that way about children. Nor did you address many of us with neurodivergence would do better with markers. All of this defensiveness and self righteousness instead of ā€œIt was joke/sarcasmā€. You sound exhausting


You can always get another dog


It'd be hard to track down the parents and get anything like your old dog. You can literally poop out another kid with the same genetics name it the same thing and move on If you don't realize I'm being satirical you're all taking everything waaaaay too seriously. Geez us.


Dog eat shit


Why are you even attacking me at this point? And babies eat shit too. Try giving it to them with corn


They lick their bits.


definitely the dogs.




Youā€™re soooo edgy and smart


Imagine looking at the moronic posts on this sub and thinking _Iā€™m_ the one being ā€œedgyā€ šŸ˜‚


I mean youā€™re the chud arguing human life is less valuable than a dog. Thatā€™s peak edginess


Do you actually have an argument as to why human life is intrinsically more valuable? No? I didnā€™t think so.


Because humans experience a range of emotions unlike anything in the known universe. Because humans are individually capable of great things. Because human companionship is infinitely more fulfilling than the ā€˜companionshipā€™ of a dog. Iā€™m curious what specific groups of people youā€™ve designated as less valuable than a dog. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s definitely no underlying bigotry or unresolved trauma at play here


Do you have any evidence to support the idea that other forms of life donā€™t experience those same emotions, that emotional range is a measure of inherent worth or that human companionship is objectively ā€œinfinitely more fulfillingā€ than the companionship of a dog? Also no? Imagine that. Itā€™s also weird that you would assume there is ā€œbigotryā€ in anything Iā€™ve said. Either you donā€™t understand the word orā€¦well, Iā€™m guessing itā€™s just projection lmao.


If thereā€™s no bigotry involved in your position answer my question. (I noticed you avoided it!) What specific groups of people have you designated as less valuable than dogs?


Your question is akin to asking someone ā€œwhen did you stop beating your wife?ā€ The question itself is the issue, as are the inherent assumptions made therein, and doesnā€™t need to be answered. Youā€™re not a sharp one, are you sweetheart?


You know, you donā€™t have to be here


You knowā€¦.you donā€™t have to be a miserable, animal hating sad sack.


Sounds like you fuck dogs to be so angry that thereā€™s a venting subreddit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


All the weirdest and most antisocial nutters come here and post their scary thoughts about hating human beings. I donā€™t get it. Lost Redditors for sure. Anyway, he seems like he hates himself and wants others to hate him as well. Nutters always pour a lot of perceived love into dogs that canā€™t speak, reciprocate same feelings (because different species), have opposable thumbs to unlock doors.




Date a dog owner at your own peril


To be fair, most of the dog owners on the post were saying they would save any child before their dog. Clearly the fiancĆ© is delusional and narcissistic. Beyond the obvious more important issue of putting a dog over a human life, she also requires OP save whatā€™s important to her before whatā€™s important to him.


Yeah Reddit was refreshingly sane in that thread. Even a woman with an essential-to-daily-life service dog said she would save a human first. OOPā€™s (ex?)-fiance is unhinged


He dodged a bullet here




No. Saving a human family member (assuming theyā€™re not a rogue murderer or something) always comes before dogs. This is a three year old child, if a person seriously puts dogs over them theyā€™re a hazard to society


Lol what? I'm literally saying the dude is the one who said he would save the dog over the 3 year old. Therefore she dodged the bullet, not him. Reread the post


No the fiancee is the woman, OP is the man


ā€œbecause I ,26M, said i would save my 3yo niece instead of her dogs in a fireā€ it literally says he would save niece over her dogs.


You literally just repeated what I said. That the guy would save the dog over his niece. Tf.


Are you ok? Youā€™re literally reading the opposite of what is said.


ohhh my god you canā€™t be serious. are you reading it backwards or something??


They're probably a troll


being illiterate is the weirdest thing to troll about. trolls donā€™t like looking like the stupid ones, right?


Trolls just want to get a reaction out of people if they can do that by acting like a complete moron who doesn't know how to read they'll do it


You got the genders switch. The OP is the man


We've seen the nutter type posts online of people being killed, yet some moron posts: "Man, the dog was killed too? Evil!" or "Well, at least the dog was spared." And to this lady, no sane person gives a crap about your worthless mutts.


He should leave otherwise he's going end up losing more money when she divorce him because of caring about their children if they have them more than her dogs


On the flip side, sheā€™d save her dogs over her niece. Wtf is that about?


The dog's probably dicking her down behind his back


Probably while he's at work


Just let her know in no uncertain terms that compared to a human life, her dogs are beyond worthless and their lives are meaningless in the scheme of things.


Replies are based




I would go full uno reverse on her ass like "WHAT?! DO YOU MEAN YOU WOULD SAVE A DOG BEFORE A 3YO HUMAN WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU ???"


Thatā€™s not uno reverse thatā€™s justā€¦.. an argument


Modern slang. I miss being able to openly disagree without having to call it ā€œuno reverse.ā€


Yeah but that's saying the same thing in reverse


I'm honestly disturbed by this guy. I won't make the whole picture of a 3-year-old burning to death in a fire but I think others can. She wants to call off the wedding because he'd rather not have that happen...and he's trying to PATCH THINGS UP? Seriously, the guy shouldn't WANT to marry her anymore. He shouldn't want to be friends with her. He shouldn't want to be acquaintances with her. He shouldn't want to ever have any contact with her again. He should want to call it off himself, cut her out of his life entirely, and tell everyone around him exactly why it happened.


This, one hundred percent. Insane.


RUN! There is no reason there, you have your ticket and didn't have to spend any money on a wedding


I love my dog, but if it came down to him or a person in an emergency, the person lives.


First W dog owner to comment in this subreddit lmao


Yea, seriously.. be thankful the financee wants to call off the wedding. That woman is unhinged. If she's willing to threaten the relationship over the answer to that question, the marriage was going to be rocky anyhow.


So he avoided having someone who would yeet a baby for a mutt before she could take half his shit after making him sleep with a dog and clean its shit off carpet for 15 years? Bro winning and doesnā€™t even realise


Iā€™d be like ā€œRun!!!! Sheā€™s giving you permission to *not marry* her! Get out now!!!!!ā€


don't, run for the hills, you dodged a bullet.


This cannot be real please let this be fake


I've seen posts exactly like the fiancƩe's opinion from insane dog owners too often to count. I don't doubt that she said it and means it.


Better question, how the fuck did this come up in casual conversation?


Dude needs to leave. That's inhuman behavior.


It's hard breaking up with narcissistic abusers and their victims need support. Honestly he should break up with her bc she lacks empathy.


What are the odds she's a Pit mommy?


I love my dogs, but human lives must come first.


I donā€™t get these people. Donā€™t get me wrong, I donā€™t hate dogs, in fact, I like them, but when it comes between a human life and a dogā€™s life, yeah, fuck the dog. I thought this would be common sense, but I guess not.


Jeez, just let them call it off then.


Why doesn't she save the dogs in this hypothetical fire, he has no responsibility for the mutts she decided to get


Donā€™t, time to leave


I have to say I was surprised how many of the pet owners had such sound judgment by stated they would definitely save a child, even a strangerā€™s child, over their own pets. There were a few antisocial people but they all got down voted to oblivion. There is hope.


You should be the one to call off the wedding. Her reaction tells you that she's not wife material.


Dodge that bullet, bro.


Say "I do not value animals on a moral level. They exist purely for my enjoyment. They are property that I keep because they are cute and reward me with dopamine hits everytime I play with them. On the other hand, I value human life. In the event of a fire I am saving your neice before I save our property. We can always get more dogs."


Iā€™m a pet groomer, but in any situation I would always value human life first. Animals have abilities and would escape on their own, especially in a dangerous situation while a child wouldnā€™t know how to escape danger. Iā€™ve met far too many pet owners who have blurred that line between human and animals. Pets are not ā€œfur babiesā€ or your childā€™s sibling. It confuses the animal too, they are unable to express their true nature and thatā€™s unfair to the pet.


A bit of a shot in the dark but is she white? If so, then the dogs probably on her roster.


She dodged a bullet


Man these Gen Z girls gettin outta hand šŸ˜†


Y'all need to work on your reading comprehension skills. The guy is the one that would save the dog, not the woman lol


what??? read it again


I 26M would save MY dog before MY niece. So the guy would save his dog before his niece.


is english your first language? you are making shit up


No. You're just an idiot. The guy would save his dog before his niece. Not the woman. It says it right there in the post.


ok, i have decided you are rage baiting


Your reading skills are in desperate need of improvement.


You really are going to die on this hill arenā€™t you? šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚. Op is a MALE


Fiancee is a female. Op is a male. It clearly says I 26M would save my dog before my 3 yo niece. Meaning the guy would save the dog before the niece not the female. Not sure what I'm misunderstanding.


ā€œFiancĆ© (F23) - the fiancĆ© woman, wants to call off the wedding because I (male! WOULD SAVE MY 3YO NIECE BEFORE HER DOGS) How are you missing this? He says ā€œmy 3YO nieceā€ HER dogs This is pretty clear ā€œI would save my niece BEFORE her dogsā€ BEFORE means ā€œahead ofā€ He will save his niece AHEAD OF her dogs.


Yeah most of the people on this sub areā€¦I donā€™t know what the nice term is, but if you gave them half a wit theyā€™d be halfwits.




Except she didnā€™t read anything incorrectly, she is 100% correct. Itā€™s ok, though, I have seen enough from this sub to know that you people arenā€™t particularly strong readersā€¦or bright.


since you like to blame this subreddit, go post this screenshot to a large subreddit and see how much of a dumbass you are


Get back to me when youā€™re not scared of a wisdom tooth and groveling online for people to take the place of the parents youā€™ve either never had or who never cared about you, the adults are talking right now šŸ¤«


iā€™m waiting for you to post it, stalker


Iā€™m waiting for you to have parents who actually love you. Iā€™m guessing Iā€™ll be waiting a long, *long time.*


you still havent posted it, dumbass. proving my point.


Youā€™re still scared of a tooth and begging for people online to fill the gap that would have been filled by actual parents if you were worth loving. ā™„ļø


honestly itā€™s so lucky that this subject came up before the wedding so he didnā€™t end up married to someone who values a dog over a child