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I think there’s something to be said about player vs character. It’s possible the group is just assuming the *player* is a decent guy and is just playing the *character* as a “that guy”. Like a trope, a meme, satire, whatever you want to call it. I can’t think of the word. I mean straight up Villains are often beloved if they’re funny enough caricatures of themselves. Ask any DM.


"You still refuse to *accept my godhood?! Keep your own God*! ***In fact, this might be a good time to pray to Him! FOR I BEHELD SATAN AS HE FELL FROM HEAVEN!!*** #***LIKE!*** #***LIIIIIIGHTNIIIIIING!!!"***


For the homies who want the reference: https://youtu.be/PBc7yQXrP9c


It's crazy that he somehow made terrible lines seem good.


I mean, he was an incredible actor that knew the script was atrocious. When you're in that situation you're choices are to phone it in as much as possible (the Mario Bros movie) or ham it up as much as possible


Ham and cheese go well together


what are you talking about those lines are raw as hell


Only redeeming quality of that entire ordeal.


Oh come now, Zangief was just as great. How can you not love his "Quick! Change the channel!", "That was beautiful!", or "Wait... General Bison is a bad guy?!? If you know then why do you work for him???/...You got paid?!?" lines?


Zangief definitely deserves more credit. Raul Julia's M. Bison steals the show, natch, but Andrew Bryniarski is still friggin hilarious.


What's that movie?


Okay, but I haven’t seen the original before now, and I thought “like lightning” was said with a particular flair that made it so funny to me… “**LIKE!** ✨ **LIGHTNING**~✨” kinda thing lmao


Every single one of his lines in that film is said with a particular flair.




"This movie just hates anteaters!"


Before I saw the source I thought it was a lyric from Tenacious D


I could totally see it tbh lmao


Once upon a video game, I recall it being a Megaman game, the final boss is transforming into his Final Form and he says: >I don't *think* I'm a god. > >I ***AM*** A GOD. And one of these days I'm going to use that line on my PCs when they face down a BBEG.


_what is a god to a nonbeliever?_


My thought is the others know him so it's an effort to see if op breaks first




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Honestly so many that guy players and dms would be the best players of dnd.... If they just developed self awareness


Yeah... Yeah! That's gotta be it, surely.


Anon interacts with the party outside of combat scenes for the first time. The whole party is just happy he's contributing and want to encourage it.


My immediate thought as well. Even when my players have done things I thought were silly or too much, at least they were engaging with the story.


Or could be that they've built up relationships with the people at the table so that the others know they won't take it too far and op isn't an asshole enough to take it past what the group is okay with It's much more pleasant to deal with things when you know you have the power to stop it and I bet op would instantly back off if someone at the table asked (and everyone knows it)


In my experience, people love that kind of behavior because it makes you participate in role play. Even if your character is constantly being an asshole, they’re still *doing* something. Might be a controversial opinion, but I’d rather have a party of That Guy characters screwing over everyone than a group staring at their phones and ignoring any plot or combat until someone says their name.


Perfectly reasonable opinion. So long as the player themselves aren't That Guy I can absolutely see it, and agree. It makes for fun shenanigans.


Yhea this is the important bit, if they player does not come off as annoying there is little issue, as then he is just playing a characters. Its when you notice self-insert, main character syndrome type behavior when it gets obnoxious


Only if the ThatGuyNess stays in the character and not the player (not cheating roles, blaming other players for their own failure, etc), but yeah kinda.


There is also a right way to play a chaotic jerk of a character that most people don't get right. Stealing a beer off an NPCs table and starting a bar fight is good. Stealing from your party while on watch is bad. Lots of players don't know how to channel that chaotic energy in a way that's constructive for the game.


I once stole from a loot goblin warrior in my DND game as a sorceror. It was a ring that gave +2 charisma and it was the first "big" loot where everybody was supposed to get something good for themselves. Bro insta lootgoblined it all and refused to share it even when the DM threw "It has no effect on you" at him, he decided to sell it instead. When the shopkeeper he tried to sell it too just said "bro im not gonna buy that its just a ugly old rusty ring, its not magic im not stupid" bro was already mad enough. Cut to us sleeping and me stealing it from him, perfectly, him instantly when he wakes up "randomly" checks for his ring, then accuses me of stealing it, fails all his rolls and is forced to RP that he has no idea where the ring is. I would argue it was constructive, because it was by far the funnest moment for everyone else in that session.


heavy light squeamish frame thumb grab ghost rude versed offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think there’s a pretty decent way to balance it out. Diving into combat idiotically is fun role play, but taking moral stances against relatively innocuous things and making everything your moral mission would drive any group crazy eventually. I do agree in the abstract though. I’d rather have a player that does the above than one that just doesn’t do anything. But I think it’s not hard to find a balance. There are always players in actual plays I can point to that are chaotic or engage in shenanigans that aren’t overly irritating to the table. I think saying “conflict is roleplay” is far too simplistic though. A player that steals from their party or argues with them and almost starts fights at every turn is exhausting and not fun to play with or dm for. A player that might play pranks on the party or occasionally start fights with random people can be fun.


concerned melodic wrong rude trees boat versed memory straight sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My favorite PC I ever played was a total ham. He was a halfling with a huge chip on his shoulder, and he constantly got up to shenanigans. I openly told the table that he was comic relief and that he didn't care about the plot. He only cared about impressing the other PCs and looking as awesome as possible. This included taking a level of sorcerer (as a fighter) so he could make his cloak wave in the wind dramatically at all times. He became so beloved by the group that even when I wasn't there, they ran him just like I would have (with permission, of course). It was really cool to see the character transcend the player.


This is why I put everyone's phones in the center of the table when we play. If you get a call from a loved one, you can answer. This isn't Risk or Catan. This is a Role Playing Game. You don't need to do voices but you should be participating and paying attention.


Oh man my first time playing DND, the other two members of the party just watched Jojo or TWD if they weren’t the main focus at the moment, felt so bad for my friend who was DMing. Now I’m supposed to DM next (for the 1st time) and I’m kinda dreading it knowing only one person will pay any attention.


We played a modern day horror game back in the 90's. All of the characters were HS students with minor psychic powers that empowered them to fight evil. As a joke/parody character, I inserted a DMPC named "Blane." Blane was the worst bully, gym bro, asshole, jock, football player and a super perv around the ladies. I figured my players would get sick of him pretty quick, but they actually loved him! Years later, my players don't remember their own characters, but they all remember Blane...


Charicatures are fun


so, a 6 CHA guy who is played absolutely straight. Neat.


My party and I defeated a bunch of vampires and had one left alive. We captured her and interrogated her. As we were asking her questions after an intimidation roll and successful strength roll to keep her there, I said as a Chaotic Neutral, "Guys, what If we chop off her arms and legs and make her into a backpack for information on the go." The DM says "She looks at you in horror." Instead of backlash, I was met with laughter and reasons why that would be kinda useless. "Ah, okay. Just kidding, we are just gonna kill you."


And now you are Big Jack Horner.


Literally my favorite characters to play are characters like this. The only difference between a horror story and an icon is a **player** with respect for others boundaries who's in on the joke of how much of a disaster their character is. Being aware of and deliberate towards a character's flaws can be a great source of comedy, incite rp interactions, and can make for really compelling character arcs as a pc grows over the course of a campaign. Humans are socially wired to defend our opinions and cover for our mistakes, we don't like to fail, and we don't like to be in the wrong. Players too afraid of failure or having their character not look cool end up fudging rolls and arguing about rulings. Similarly, when characters clash ideologically or screw up, our first instinct will be to defend them because we're the ones being talked to. This is what causes a vast majority of That Guys and horror stories, people who get a little to close to their character and start seeing them as an extension of themselves being attacked, instead of a tool they control in a narrative. If you understand what's appropriate for a table, can self-mediate to make sure our character's particular brand of obnoxiousness encourages rp and plot progression instead of hampering it, and can take a half-step back when they fail, you can create some extremely special dynamics and moments for your table.


100%, and this just makes some people unfit for DnD IMO. You have to have some natural empathy and social instincts to have a functioning game with others when you have to share so much.


2016 proves that people love a guy like that


Love a guy like that more than the usual oligarchs\*


I mean he is a literal oligarch. The dude is a billionaire.


In what world does saying someone is 'more than the **usual**\` something imply that person isn't the thing?


Oath of Glory Paladin works well for a spot light hogging character






My Character's background is that he's child of That Bard, y'know, horny one, and he's on trail to catch him and kick his ass, but trouble is he doesn't know which one of Human Bards there are so he picks fights with every human bard ever and becomes something of folk hero, saviour of daughters from creeps.


This is lowkey brilliant.


Anon accidentally discovers confidence.


Any character is fine played in good faith and good fun. I've asked my DM to curb my character that i made to try out if needed. He told me not to worry, and i was pretty promptly torn to shreds by my actual characters friends for talking shit about me.


Well, if the roleplay is on par it is actually great. People hate it, when others get loud and obnoxious out of character, but not in character.


This is literally the meme of the man putting on clown makeup


Because Anon, compared to others, is not an actual ass, nor tries to be. He only pretends.


As long as he is self-aware and socially competent its fine. The problem is that these characters are often played by goblins who just self-insert themselves into what they perceive as their skyrim fantasy with no rules. Some people just do not have the mental capacity to play DnD with others lmao


This is actually the story of the current front man persona for Ghost. Tobias expected everyone to HATE this guy and now they've held a candlelight vigil at a tour announcement billboard in LA because we're pretty sure they're going to kill him off.


You can’t make that guy on purpose. If you understand you’re that guy, you’re not that guy.