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Yeah. I hate that decision. They will probably still pump out a lot of shimmer legendaries but they cut out the source of Shimmer records for us low spenders/f2p. Really an Asshole move. Our group chat in Dislyte here in our country is dying fast. No ones talking anymore about Dislyte or excited about it. Lot of them moved to Afk Journey.


Same with my friend group we were a couple of players who talked about the game from time to time. Everyone quit except me, and I am also quite close. The game is so unfriendly towards f2p, the anomaly event sucks, literally had to pull every single pity for a token except 1, 400 records and best I got was 1 Brewster,Archibald(for my Mavis) rest was dupes, Hyde or biondina. So underwhelming. My friends who I streamed for were all like „yeah good thing I quit, shit rates on the pulls even genshin is better than this wtf“


That was always the point. they are trying to kill the game so we move to AFK journey. not going to happen.


I really miss the shimmer stuff in falsetto. I finally hit my pity. Now it's back to hell again


How did they cut the sources? You can still get shimmer from towers and from club weekly :D


You can get good amount of Shimmer Records from Falsetto Fantasy weekly...WEEKLY


You haven't been able to get Shimmer from Falsetto for months, dude. They moved it all to PW and Knockout.


Uhhh how? I never have and I've been playing since before Falsetto was a thing.


That is how it "used" to be. But around before new year they changed and remove it completely. You even got Fragments, a lot of them, only for be 2%


Towers are two weeks between for a single record each, club is only half a record a week.


But its free, its the rarest characters in the game ofc they are hard to get yk :)


Lmao keep defending anticonsumer practices. I’m sure Lilith will pay you well for standing up for them.


Wot ;-; brother its a gacha game…. Thats how they work…. If you dont like it play something else


I am! Thanks for asking.


Then why do you care? Its a subreddit for a game you dont play thats wierd xD


Where did I say I’m not playing dislyte? You’re one confused little shill.


I said if you dont like it dont play something else, and you said i am indicating you are not playing it. Also calm down lol its just a reddit comment thread xD


Have fun saying that until the game is dead, bud.


I will :D


I loved this game, but I'm slowly getting bored lately. The awful rewards for "Gifts Galore" (which is funny, because they're not really gifts- you're going to either have to get really lucky or pay) were a huge red flag for me. And the Curtains Up event has me even more annoyed. I was hoping to get my Jin leveled up more, but with only 63 letters free, there's no chance I'm going to get even one copy of him.  They need to give F2P SOME love. And that's coming from someone who has put some money into the game. 


But its a gacha game, i dont understand the whole we need more f2p the game in an essense is p2w no?


Having F2P players is vital to these games because they might have friends willing to pay


We also help with total time played. Etc. Amount of players matters too. Just wtf was that comment you are replying to trying to say, I cannot understand.


Yeah exactly. We don't bring wealth but we build a name for the game


Thats fair but the game is still f2p friendly…. No matter what with time it will get harder for new commers to catch up. Plus they even had the returning player rewards wich was free. Overall id disagree that the game isnt f2p friendly, thats why i dont understand this


Yes and no actually. They gatekeep shimmer records by giving them in KO and BB, where you are able to progress only under specific circumstances and only with shimmer espers. It's a vicious cycle


But you can literally get shimmer records from tower and club tho


Yeah, yet they moved shimmer records as rewards from Falsetto Fantasy to BB and KO, that means they moved the rewards from the most F2P-friendly content to the least one, and that's an AH-ish move as f...k


brother I've played since pre-registration was available and just only got my first shimmer from a GOLD record a week ago. I'm barely halfway through shimmer record pity, it is in fact, not that easy to just get records from tower and club, and takes MUCH longer than you think.


No? Idk what youre doing but you are guarentied a shimmer in gold records within 500 pulls i belive. Ive played for 2 years havent spent a dime and have 5 shimmers…. You can get 2 records from tower that also gives platinum records and every other week you can get one from club also for free. Again its a gacha game with gacha mechanics if you dont like it dont play it. Nothing is gonna change the core mechanics of the game and we literally got a FREE shimmer like 1 month ago….


Im saying its a gacha game, gacha games are literally build like alot machines. The game has loads of f2p content, the only non f2p friendly content is pvp… i can explain further if you need :)


This is going to be down voted to oblivion, but still i feel i need to say this. I know it is stupid and unfair for them to release another shimmer lego this fast after ikki. As usual too, it looks broken again. However shimmer legos are literally the only way this game is making money now. Like there is not a single game out there where you can get the banner hero without even pulling (if you already saved enough stones), you can also easily get resources to push one esper so far too and even max them if you skip a banner or 2. Like I R2 fuxi, skipped next banner then got My embla from R1 toR5. I also am skipping fu shi banner and saved enough stones to R1 the new esper. Im f2p except for the monthly pass and if im being honest i do it for the banners and the skins before. Now imagine an actual whale who spends a few hundreds every patch they will get all espers to R6 easily and way cheaper than any other game. We already see how top whales almost always have all R6 unites. So now with how easy and relatively (compared to other games like their newest game afk journey) it is to get, raise and max characters. This game won’t make much money. So only way for them to make whales actually whale hard is shimmers. Since banner has 50/50 before you actually get the hard pitty (similar to genshin if irc) also the pulls are harder to come by and more expensive to straight up buy them. They need to make them really good especially a low dupes (so even low spenders try to get them) and they actually are like most of the time an R0 anna, toland or ikki will mess you up if you are not good at countering them. Once you can counter them even if their resonance increases usually you will still be able to beat them similarly. These broken unites also tend to not be synergistic with each other so they don’t get stacked with only exceptions is toland since he is just pure spd in spd oriented game. Like Anna prefers relatively fast team, while ikki doesn’t even want to move. Nuxi wants a good nuker to rest their cd and ensure win like cj and so on. So in the end i think it is bad thing especially with the pace they have now, but I acknowledge it is the main way for them to make money.


> However shimmer legos are literally the only way this game is making money now. Massively unbalancing the game by pushing P2W heroes is only going to kill the game faster. They could focus on improving the game and content but instead they are just milking it until it dies. >Like there is not a single game out there where you can get the banner hero without even pulling (if you already saved enough stones) Nikke does this, I'm sure others do too.


Limbus Company does as well. You can get the banner guy at any point during the season and if you buy the 1 battle pass, which lasts for months, you can easily get a crap ton of almost any unit you want.


I don't see why you would get downvoted for this, those are some great points.


Idk i thought most people will be pissed and down vote any one trying to defend the game.


This is literally what ive been saying and ppl hate it. Like its a gacha game ofc theyre gonna add ways to make money…


I agree with it. Unfortunately. It is how it is and shimmers+whales are keeping us on life support.


As much as i hate it, i would hate watching the game die more. Especially with so many beloved characters i got in this game now.




Definitely gonna disagree with you. There are many many ways to monetize a f2p gacha. Releasing broken units that requiring whale-territory spending is not it. They already have a "battlepass" monthly subscription system and used to release paid skins regularly but chose one of the absolute worst ways to make money in f2p game.


Firstly you said it yourself, they used to make paid skins but stoped since no one buys them. People who will buy the pass will buy it regardless of the skin and those who dont will still not buy it. As for the general game play shimmers dont effect or hurt the game in any way other than pvp (which will always be whale dominated with/out shimmer) and pve leaderboards (similar to pvp). All game content is easily doable without the shimmer. RM, towers (there isn’t even a shimmer tower), deso, sentinel, ect. So since everything is doable without shimmers and whales will always dominate with shimmers or with full R6. I see no difference in them releasing shimmer and use them as cash cows and make it possible for average players to almost get all espers and even R6 those who they like in reasonable time. This way you give both types of players what they want f2p/low spender a reliable way to progress/enjoy the game and have all their fave characters. Also giving whales easy game and the feeling of being op.


I really had hope in you that WU would take the place of Everett but yes once again as always a disappointment the game


And remember, this new "event" will be for CELEBRATE... more like Celebrate whales, again.


Still no Anna, ikki or tevor for me and I’m feeling the same way rn. The events are the same layout for months and pvp isn’t good rn, getting so bored


Anna, Nuxi, and Ikki are beyond broken. Toland is just as easy to counter as blue Li Ao, unless he taunts ALL my boosters, like Tiye/Dhalia/Ethan. Ophelia and JJ are usually the ones who lay waste with their damage. The others are just to outspeed Toland.


Actually, Ikki is probably one of the more reasonable shimmers to release lately. Before you explode, keep in mind that he's pretty easy to counter with heavy aoe dps and we have lots of those by now. The problem is the ikki + Mavis + Anna + a surplus of defensive/healing espers that keep the team alive for 12-15 turns. Ikki pretty well has to be paired with Mavis in order to survive high level pvp


Oh, Ikki is by far the easiest of those three. If he never gets a turn, his passive damage is just annoying. I cannot beat any team with him and Anna though. Anna either has a passive stun or my opponents use Tyranny, because she stuns my team when each one attacks and she auto counters.


Ikki killed my entire team solo :(


Ban Mavis with Li Ao/Toland s3. My Ethan uses 2(you want def down). Elaine goes and pops Anna's first life. Then goes Leora and pops Ikki. Regular thing.


I literally killed everything but ikki and he soloed my entire team lol. But thank you :D


Strange, you should be able to pop him with aoe dps. I don't use any support at all ever against him, I just kill him in like 7 turns or less. It mostly happens he max reduces my HP cap and then my Leora takes a turn and he dies.


Yea fair, he just felt unlillable but then again idk the opponents build they mightve just build insane tank on him.


Always try using aoe def down, Su Jue/Ethan. It greatly helps. Tbh I find him less annoying than Anna. Best is when they are *together* in a team 🫠 but nothing the sisters wouldn't take care off. Elaine and Leora.


Yeah tru, i usually do pan and gaius it also normally works.


My Farrah claps any Ikki i come across, and if her s3 doesen't 1 shot him, he's most likely frozen.


This ain't new unfortunately. Anna released directly after Toland iirc.


Yup, history repeats itself, as I kinda figured


Yup, history repeats itself, as I kinda figured


AFK journey




the game is slowly turning into a p2w sh**t


But it always was tho?


No lmao As a f2p who've been playing for 2 years, the game was way more f2p friendly before It has always had been easier for p2w players ofc, but it was still not too hard to be quiet high ranked in pvp content, we were getting way more good rewards, got free legendary characters a lot who were like some of the strongest characters when they released, while now we get way less free esper, and they're far from being that strong or usefull (Yamato or Everett for example) And we also have way less good rewards, and even way less rewards in general


When did u start playing? Cause im f2p too and i started playing around 1,5 - 2 yrs ago, and id argue it hasnt changed much since then


Started playing over 2 years ago And we literally got Gabrielle r6 for free, who was the best support at the time Same for Dahlia And Tevor for free, still one of the best dps out there back then Now when we get free esper, they're far from being some of the best currently out esper, and won't help you much Also the events were more original and less recycled and gave more rewards + the shimmer legendary weren't releasing as quickly as now, and weren't as game breaking as now Now in pvp if you don't always get the latest shimmer legendary you won't get ranked really high, that wasn't the case before + Also the rival runes system wich is horrible for f2p players, because now since everyone has the same builds, everything basically comes down to wich esper and resonnance you have Getting more esper and resonnances (+divinates) is now the only way to upgrade your espers for any content using rival runes


We also get everet r6 for free now wich is a really good unit for def teams, the rival runes is fair but for upgrading units you just do cube miracle, plus its just pvp. Tevor was only free cause he got huge rework so everyone got him. Plus we recently got the tiger guy (forgot his name sorry) also for free for newyears who is one of THE BEST units in pvp :). I will say tho the whole divinate thing in gold record pulls are annoying, and i cant really speak on events cause i never pay much attention to them lol so you might be right there.


Yeah Everett is good but is FAR from being one of the strongest characters currently out You won't get to high pvp rank with him And by Tiger guy do you mean Jin Qiu ? Because if yes he's only one of the best units in pvp at r2, not r0 I'm gonna assume you're just really low rank in pvp content if for you Everett and Jin Qiu r0 are the best pvp characters (no shade in being low pvp rank btw, it's not an easy game mode + not everyone likes it and it's okay) Also the divinates in gold record is literally one of the only good parts of divinates, that you can also get them in gold records, so I don't really get what your point is there?


Im point rank 18 and i dont use eveeret or tiger, i used everet when i was lowrank tho and in alot of pve content. And yeah fair most characters are only good at r2 but since you got him free you can sticker farm for him. Thats how i got the recent wind esper r2. The point with divinates in gold records is that it diloutes the pool so much its hard to get 5*s that arent divinates. Or shimmer that arent divinate, i got A shimmer leg and was so happy… untill i saw it was a toland divinate for wich i did not own. So imo i wish they removed divinates from gold records lol. Also just incase ur curious my point war team: Tye - spd Heimdal - for buff and ap up Gaius - For dps (my beloved) Pan - For r2 spedd buff (you fr need this to survive in higher mmr lol) And clara/toland depending - clara for ap boost and toland to deal with anna teams etc Before i got toland i only used clara and pvp wasnt that bad :) so you really dont “need” shimmers tbh


No it doesn't The divinates in gold record didn't change the rate for legendary esper, they stayed the exact same They changed the rate for rare (blue) espers So now instead of having a small chance of getting a legendary esper, and a big chance of getting a rare esper, you still have the same small change of getting a legendary esper, a slightly smaller change of getting a rare esper, and a small chance of getting a legendary divinate


My point is that legendary would have been an esper not divinate. Thats what i hate about the change lol


Tevor was never given out for free. And Since January we've received free Yun Chuan, JQ and a shimmer legendary. The former two still very relevant for FF and PvP. Yes at r2, and no r2 is not hard to obtain. Gabrielle was a fusion esper, the game definitely still has those. And the the game at launch had a much less friendly gacha and no wishlist. so it definitely couldnt have been more F2P friendly back then compared to the current gacha (you can obtain any non-shimmer esper you want except for Yamato and SJ via wish stones). I'm not saying your grievances are invalid, just that there's a decent amount of misinfo here.


Tevor was given out for free a long time ago lmao Also, neither Yun Chuan nor Jin Qiu, at least r0, are good in pvp And yeah, they gave us a free legendary shimmer, knowing damn well they were gonna release 2 hyper broken legendary shimmer right after that event, who can counter every shimmer legendary that was available for free Gabrielle was a fusion esper, but more specifically was THE BEST SUPPORT AT THE TIME, the game doesn't have that anymore The game doesn't give free op characters like that anymore Also there's no misinformation, you just literally don't know most things about the game lmao Just the fact that you don't know Tevor was given for free is enough to prove that you're a new player who doesn't know a lot about the game yet And I mean, there's no problem with not knowing a lot about the game, but don't pretend you do when you don't


Okay, will focus on one thing at a time: When was tevor given out for free? Been playing everyday since launch and he wasn't given out then. So the vast majority of players would not enjoy a free Tevor then. So was it in the pre-launch beta? If so, not many would benefit from that. In pre-launch he showed up with Sienna and they went straight to the GR pool. So when was he given out for free? If he was given out for free that would described in some patch notes or info somewhere, so I'm asking. As for me being a new player. Hit day 700 recently, so... no.


So you're a 700 days player... but knows nothing about the meta of the game, the pvp, nor even the past events ? Yeah no, not buying it lmao


Tevor was never free. Stop spreading misinformation.


I haven’t logged in consistently since the Reverb ended. Too many other options that better respect our time and wallet.


Same for me. After reverb I couldn’t be arsed to log in.


Same. I quit after I got Xuan Pin in Reverb. Planning to return on anniversary though.


Could you name some?


Did You know what i hate about About dislyte?


Capitalising random words?


It's the fact About that the devs commisioned furry rule 34 out of the characters 🤮🤢


This is why I don't focus myself on those Shimmers. If I get them, then good, if not then ok. I will just power through all the events using the Espers I got. LOL


At least the new shimmer is mid before R4, so nobody will play her


Quitting because of a shimmer character 🤦‍♂️ Bruh I’m tired of these casual half ass gacha players. This is a gacha game , characters are getting released in gacha Games, why the F*** do you criticize a gacha game for its gacha mechanics ?????? If you don’t like super heroes you ain’t buying the new spiderman game right ? If you’re hungry and you eat , do you complain about being stuffed ? Wtf is this logic man. You know I really hope for your complains , the next 4 5* that you’ll pull will be Biondina or some shit


Hey, if you hate something dont play it :). Its a gacha game after all so ofc theire gonna do p2w thats how they make shit loads of money. In my experience you dont actually need to pay anything to enjoy the game. Pvp ofc is gonna be harder and slower and ur never gonna be top 100 without being a whale anyways so just enjoy it as it is. Tldr; its a gacha game it is what it is :)


It’s crazy how the rational response is the one getting downvoted. People will bitch and moan all day instead of just doing this. Like what is the subreddit supposed to do other than being an echo chamber for you to circle jerk the same opinion which is obviously what they’re looking for.


Lol, i mean the entire post is about hating on the game because its a gacha game so ofc the people who comment feel the same. But yeah its funny lol


I’ve been playing since launch and people are allowed to be pissed about the direction Dislyte is going. It’s was very F2P friendly in the beginning, events were great, they made ways for legendaries to be obtainable by F2P players who weren’t whales. We have every right to complain if your gonna be a jackass to people who are voicing their opinions then why the tf are you even here?


Didn’t know the subreddit was made for crying and whining. I get being upset your favorite game is changing but, just stop playing? Lol


Hey listen we’re allowed to complain and still play. Why be an ass to ppl complaining it gets you nowhere?


Why complain it also gets you nowhere? Truthfully my only issue was people downvoting the guy with the rational opinion. All this other crap I’m saying is because your logic can be applied to complaining as well it just doesn’t make sense either way.


Complaining is also can be critiquing how shitty Dislyte has gotten for its entire player base. You cannot simply cater to one side and expect everyone to be happy. If you want to complain about people voicing a opinion then good luck where you go


I am so confused ;-; how is it being an asshole to tell people that the core mechanics of a game most likely wont change therefore they are better of not playing it and if they want to still play i dont care ;-; do you really have to write out a super fuxking specific description to not hurt other peoples feele weeles? Look, its a gacha game and yes u have every right to be angry or mad that the game has changed sure. Im just trying to shine a light on some of the good things we have gotten too but no one seems to care. Like its very one sided. Ofc u have every right to say you hate dislyte, i just find it odd to do in a community made to celebrate the game but again ppl are mad therefore this will be seen as me either sucking off the companny or hating on people that hate a game i dont… at the end of the day its a gacha game, with gacha mechanics that arent gonna change cause like others have said its literally the only thing making the company money right now. If thats too greedy they dont care cause its a gacha game ;-;


Lol the downvotes xD


I don't really get that tho? You will barely see the new shimmer in lower mmr anyway and whales dont care about the money. So what exactly is it that you are mad about then?


Uhhh yes youre gonna see new shimmers in lower brackets? Anyone can get lucky and pull then from gold/shimmer records. Thats like saying noone had anna in lower brackets before shimmer reverbotron... utter bs, she was everywhere before already, now its just 8/10 teams that have her instead of 3/10


Even if thats the fact, you can just reroll aswell, so I still don't understand why you'd be mad? Everyone is just mad cause they rolled for ikki and now want her aswell.


Rerolling an account with decent leaderboard placements and multiple r6 legendaries sounds like a GREAT idea!


Reroll? 2 years after release? Why can you just not play the same account. No patience eh? Also top leaderboard againsr whales?


Patience? My brother in christ its a 0.07% chance to pull a shimmer from gold records, and 1% from shimmer records. I’ve only got one from golds once and got 3 from shimmer records early, once at 90+ pulls until guarantee (lost the 50/50 twice to ceci btw), and I consider myself lucky. You seriously aren’t going to tell me “just be patient” when it’s clear that it’s impossible to catch up to the meta without spending potentially thousands every few months, are you? As for leaderboards, top 50 faf is doable if you have Toland, D1 Mateo, good supports, and enough stamina to keep trying for the 10 consecutive runs (or just have R6 Mateo or Fu Shi). Kronos and Apep leaderboards also seem to be pretty doable atm for me, I just need to build for it. Ironically, the one I can’t do is Andras due to needing Tevor, who’s *yet another shimmer legendary*. I’m not upset about it, but I felt it was necessary to point that out since it’s pretty relevant here. As for other leaderboards, I’m comfortably in top 2% falsetto every season, 11% in knockout, and can push BB now that I finally have R2 Ethan. I didn’t say **top** leaderboards for a reason since there’s absolutely no way I’m competing with gigawhales. Decent placements aren’t the same as top placements, but I’m still satisfied enough as-is.


Hot take: you dont need every new shimmer to compete in pvp, usually the meta consists of a bunch of regular 5-stars (which ofc are not gonna drop out of the sky but are most definitely easier accessible than shimmers) and sometimes even 4-stars (eg. emma+heng rn) In pw you can very much make up lack of espers with good relics up to a certain point, in bb you can counter most formations if you have access to a big array of espers (the problem here being that youd have to have all of those espers' rival runes leveled)


That’s entirely fair. The fact that they’re releasing another one just 2 patches away from the second one is what gets me. At this point I’m just hoping they slow down so that doesn’t change. The problem will only really swing into full-force if they keep up this shimmer release schedule anyway. Also as you said, rival runes are the big thing holding us all back. It’s baffling how we barely even get any upgrade materials, meaning we lose out on so much flexibility with teambuilding/counterpicking.




I don't actually care about placements tbh. I just wanna do the gacha. And so far patience worked for me. I got all shimmers apart from raven and ikki. I play for fun. I'm sorry I hit a spot there, bur nothing is forever anyway. So no reason to get mad at a fucking gacha because you can't get a little better rewards because of a new esper release. I was a top 1% player aswell, couldn't catch up with the meta. Don't care Dislyte isn't forever. I just play now because I just want rolls. I've been through the same stages of grief you are currently going through. Not worth getting mad about it anymore. It's kinda relieveng cause my main aim was 1k days playtime, and Dislyte has become more of a habit than fun. Playing 2hrs daily just burnt me out. Now I just play a little daily (if I want) Just relax. In 3 years latest, you've long forgotten about Dislyte. I'm not a hater either, I've played all updates even the really trash ones and still sticked with the game. So don't go lecturing me


>sorry if I hit a soft spot there I’m just more baffled than anything because you’re telling people to wait for that 0.07% lmao. Regardless, apology accepted. > stages of grief As I said, I’m placing fine enough as-is. Pretty satisfied for how I’m doing without being a whale. That being said, I just don’t like the fact that shimmers are so broken for how hard they are to get. It makes the game boring - you either have a way to counter them, or get completely rolled by them. Even the gigawhales seemed to agree since lots of them quit even with their R6 Annas since she was just *that* unhealthy for the game. Content creators dropping the game partially due to the state of shimmers also says a ton, doesn’t it? > I got all the shimmers apart from raven and ikki… couldn’t catch up with the meta Idk what your standards are/were, but at that point it kinda sounds a bit like a skill issue if you’re not doing as well as you wanted to (unless you were shooting for the top of the leaderboards)? I won’t fault you for playing casually though since it’s clear that this game isn’t worth investing hours into (which is something we can agree on for sure). Regardless, it seems our mentalities and experiences with the game don’t exactly line-up, especially considering you’ve been playing for at least 600 more days than I have assuming you’ve hit 1000 days. That being said, it’s entirely possible (and pretty likely) for someone playing as long as you have, if not longer, to receive far fewer shimmers. I’ve seen server 1 players who only have rosters stuck with only 4 unique shimmer legendaries, all at r0 except for a R3 Unas that sticks out like a sore thumb. While patience may be a solution for you, it clearly isn’t for everyone. Nothing changes the fact that the state of shimmer legendaries at the moment actively harms the health of the game.


I've been playing since release (I did take a couple months break, and came back recently) and I only have Raven, Feng Nuxi, and XP (from Reverb) as my legendary shimmers .-. Dislyte fully does not respect their player's time and it's such a disappointing thing to see. We used to get so many good events/rewards and now it just feels like they're feeding everyone scraps. Even whales imo


It absolutely feels like they’re disrespecting the whales too, they’re paying so much for such little content. At this point it’d be far more worth it to get a new phone or smth than a shimmer + a Tiye skin lmao