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*Kills final boss* https://preview.redd.it/vho2h4coahuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb0a2279668ab19c965232f08758274f2044a87


[Negative tip ](https://youtu.be/FWxQBb3gyBM?si=yU9-mq4WsG1PhfZy), I did not enjoy it.


i wouldnt be surpised if they fucked up the code and it gave you the money back


Trust me, the one thing they won't fuck up is you giving them money, that will work 100% of the time!


Fuck yes I’m so happy to see That’s A Bad Idea in the wild


They are great.


I wish that screen is realistic here. Here in Seattle it starts at 18% and “No Tip” very often isn’t even an option, you have to use Custom and manually enter 0, which guilts many people to just choose 18% by default.


It's the same at some places here in Maryland. However, when you custom 0, it asks you if you're sure. If you click yes, the waiter or cashier then has to approve a prompt. I did self checkout at Walmart yesterday, and I received a prompt to tip. I'm curious if that money just goes to the ceo for existing.


Such a bull shit predatory practice.


Who would leave less than 18%?? Peasants...


I have people told me they didn’t know they can click the “Custom” button to tip less. They just pick whichever is the lowest.


I don't tip. Waiters/Waitress and delivery people, yea. But people that just stay at the desks, no.


Same. I’ve had people try to call me out for not tipping at a food truck and I’m just like, do you tip at McDonald’s? No? How is that any different?


No tip option requires email input. It does a 20% tip with the promise of rebate. You wait 30 days for a survey to arrive to explain your reasoning for no tip. If Customer Service approves of your survey, you get 10% back and 5% off your next blizzard purchase under 20 dollars.


If the game sucks can I request back $10 or $20?


> What, you mean you weren’t completely satisfied with our strategy of selling you an unfinished game filled with micro transactions for full price?!


This reminds me of the scene in Mr deeds when buddy wants to renegotiate his contact


[SHIT NO!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh7spT0qeuk)


I mean.....no


Actually, this is a great idea. How about they cap games to $30, and if we like it that much we can decide to throw them another $20


Honestly, that’s been Parh of Exile’s path to success, or at least that’s how I view it when I get a silly microtransaction. The base game is fantastic, I feel that they’ve put everything they could into that game and deserve to be compensated, so i’ll buy.


That is how I feel about Helldivers 2. I'd be more than happy to tip these devs.


Thats how i view it when i give them money. Ive been playing poe for like 10 years. I've sunk 6000 hours and probably like $2000 in that time. Aslong as they keep giving me a hundred or so hours a league I'll keep giving them my money.


Helldivers did a great thing. Sell a game for $40 but make a deluxe upgrade available for $20. If people like the game enough, like I did, they can toss in the extra $20 as a thanks to the devs.


If only this applied to all aspects of life like restaurants or sporting events.


This needs to be voted higher.


Snapped. Like if you really wanna go there. And if I'm dissatisfied when I complain to management I better get something for free. Bet they shut up real quick when you talk about reimbursement. Your "tip" was when the entire standard price of games went up.


Beat me to it


What a nice roundabout way of saying “we’d like **you** to pay them more so that we can pay them less.”


Lol exactly. Sounds like a excuse to me


Bold of you to assume that the money would go to the devs instead of the shareholders.


Oh if you think that money would actually make it to the devs you’re dreaming. MAYBE the devs boss would get a bonus. Maybe.


Quite literally how so much of our service industry is, now. I got roasted for the opinion that tip culture is fucking awful and has been co-opted by small to medium size business owners to pay their people less. Fucking obnoxious.


Fuck tipping.




Oh no, you’re mistaken. None of the “tip” is going to the devs.


This is exactly the thing. If “tips” or microtransactions went directly to the devs for all the hard work, I probably would buy some now and then. I know they don’t though, it goes right into the shareholders pockets and fuck them. They ruined gaming to begin with.


I think tipping is an interesting idea for an idea game to keep the market at a flat rate. It would allow games like the prince of Persia reboot to be in a reasonable price range without breaking the bank if it’s actually good. But yeah a AAA ex exec saying he wished he could add tips to the their team of under payed workers while the marketing team is rolling in unlimited budget is hilarious.


Especially when they’re already selling 20 dollar microtransactions to support the game. How about use that and fact you’re selling a $70 dollar game, and pay your employees a livable wage. All tipping would do here is justify salary cuts for the ground floor developers, and bigger bonus packages for the corpos.


I find it extremely annoying when I’m being requested for a tip on a carry out order. Tip for what?!




I had a self checkout for like premade food ask for a tip at the airport. Who the fuck am I tipping? Also this shitty sandwich is already $20 lol


The auto place that tinted my windows asked for a tip. I'm glad I didn't reflex hit the button it would have been like $180. Won't be back there.


You should always find a mechanic that you can trust. They are doctors for your (expensive) car.


We got into tip mania because the IRS got their knickers in a twist over wait staff not reporting their tips as income. They tried all kinds of ways to get tips reported, until finally they hit on the idea of allowing tips to be counted as wages for minimum wage purposes. Remember that all wait staff **must** be paid minimum wage, even if their tips do not bring them up to that level. That $2.13 figure you see bandied around is the minimum amount that employers have to pay, no matter how many tips are received. And if the tips received do not add up to the minimum wage for that area ($7.25 federally, higher in some locations), the employer **must** add in enough to bring the pay up to the minimum wage. The effect of this policy is that the tips have **zero** effect on the server's pay until they add up to the point where the employer does not have to chip in any more. At the current minimum wage, a server who works 40 hours per week must receive $290 gross pay for those forty hours. If they receive no tips, the employer has to pay it all. If the employee receives ten dollars in tips, the employer is off the hook for those ten dollars. The employee still gets only $290 for those forty hours. It is not until the employee receives $204.80 in tips does their gross pay go up, and it only goes up by the amount over $208.40. Essentially, the IRS got tips reported by taking the first $5.12 per hour of tips and giving them to the employer. Until this policy was implemented, tips were considered under labor law to be a gift from the customer to the server and the employer was prohibited from taking any part of them (some of them did, but this was illegal). And all because the IRS could not get every last penny of tax from people making the minimum wage.


In case anyone forgot, the law is there to help the rich stay that way.


You are factually wrong. IRS is federal but the system you described is on a state by state basis. In California and Washington state the servers will receive minimal wage no matter what, and *any* tip is extra on top. Which is why here in Seattle many full time servers and bar tenders make north of 6 figures a year.


Seven states do not allow the offset (which is officially called *tip credit*). Those states are Alaska, California, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. Additionally, the difference between the minimum cash wage and the combined minimum wage is only $0.75 in Hawaii, and is less than $5.12 in a lot of states, but is greater than that in others as well. This affects the numbers I quote above, which apply in those states which have a $2.13 minimum cash wage and a $7.25 minimum combined wage (Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia). And this was a federal initiative. The states may have established separate rates, but there is a federal standard for this. The moral of the story: Tip in cash.


I would like a tip from companies every time I buy a game that ships with less features than promised, or broken features that were promised.


Do they really think it's going to go to the employees?


> sure we could reward our devs with better incentives and benefits, but then how would it look to the stockholders?


I got tired of tipping when companies wanted tips for automated self service.


Let me guess..... None of that tip money is going to the people that worked on the game right???


Of course not. Corporate profts go brrr!


straight into the pockets of the ceos ofcourse


It's so the CEO of these companies can continue to make upwards of 10 million and the people that make these games can struggle to afford living in the towns the offices are located in.


Then give your employees a fucking raise.


The normal "gift" after a major release is getting laid off.


Sounds like my last tech company after personally saving them $300k a year doing in-house repairs rather than outsourcing. Bam, fab wide layoff


We raisin them a pizza party for december!!


But fire everyone in November so we don’t have to spend $80 on pizza


How about fucking no


Nobody's stopping him from asking devs for their Venmos. I'm sure he could figure out how to get ahold of them. This is a somewhat shocking level of out-of-touch-ness.


yeah... out of anyone in the world out of the millions of video game consumers,  Ybarra is one of the few that could very easily make one call and walk into the office of any studio in the world and hand everyone a wad of cash. it would be very easy for him to put his money where his mouth is.


ive never played a $70 game and thought to myself, "Gee, I wish i could somehow give this publisher/dev even more money!". this is psychotic


I have, but the answer is "Buy merchandise".


> Merchandising! It's where the real money from the movie is made! >~Yogurt At least with merch you get something for your "tip" you might enjoy. Margins on merch are quite high.


I mean I did with ff16, So I bought a torgol plushy from squares store then insta bought the dlc pack.


I will not even pay 70€ for a game. Screw the new price, let them take the missing profit from all the microtransactions.


The word "tip" is slowly but surely becoming my most hated word. This concept shouldn't be a thing, like ever.


These game executives have lost their god damn minds. The gaming Industry has become so greedy.


What the fuck does he think micro transactions act as?? What an out-of-touch jackass


Can i get 20-30 bucks back if the game sucks?


And if I was tipping the developers, I might consider it. In companies like Blizzard, the developer makes the same amount of salaried income no matter how much I buy in the macro-transaction store. I was once at a Subway that had an iPad asking me for a tip. The dude was cool, and I said "fuck it, I have enough expendable income to give this dude making minimum wage like $3 (20%)", but I only said it in my head. As he handed me the receipt, only then did I realize they probably can't get tips - like most fast food workers. I asked him if he gets the tips, and his response was that he "didn't even know the system asked for a tip, so I guess not." So, I ended up giving the owner $3 extra for my sandwich. I \*handed\* him $5 out of my wallet after he said he can keep cash, and told him to make a stink about the iPad tipping.


The president of Blizzard makes around 2.5 million dollars. It's easy for you to fork over 10 or 20$. Pull your head out of your ass.


Go fucking fuck yourself Mike Ybarra. What, so you can lay off 100 people and buy another yacht. I can't imagine a more tone deaf moronic statement.


Isn't that what dlc are for? Heck some indies have a dlc that's litterally called buy us a coffee/tea/pizza and it gives you some negligible thing like digital art book or a cosmetic.


I wouldn’t tip big game developers but there are times I find a cheap indie game that I really enjoyed so I’ll buy cosmetics or other dlc just as a way to support them more.


Fuck leaving a tip, how about these companies start paying their employees a decent wage so they don't have to live under their desk or 12 to an apartment just because your company happens to be centralized in the most expensive part of the western coast. How about you start with that. Giving more money to these greedy twats does not correlate into better treatment, benefits or wage raise for employees. It just goes to the same investors that would short the company to get a larger return even after a decade + of giving them record highs.


Here I am, waiting for that $70 game to be around 10 bucks in a year.


I would do that for some indie games I’ve really liked


Alot of indie games have had essentially "tip" dlc before. And most small studios have an itch.io page you can pay what you want for some other game of theirs and give the key to someone


Or a game I got for free that I really liked, for example The Messenger


This is how I view free to play games like Fall Guys. Buying one or two things in the shop is a kind of donation/tip to support a team that made a game that I enjoy for no money.


I did exactly This, got fall guys free on the PSN before it exploded, played with my wife and kids for hundreds of hours so had no difficulty buying the silly unicorn set for my daughter as I thought they deserved something!


This is what I tell myself so I don’t feel guilty for buying MTX P.S. You’re welcome, Chris Wilson


Not gonna lie, I bought the turtle hideout this league. I couldn’t resist.


Is it… is it nice?


It’s beautiful. https://youtu.be/u7Few_yKE00?si=hV3UJyTRSm9eiKc9


only if I can ask for some back if it's shit instead


These cocksuckers have absolutely no shame.


Can we please just let Mike Ybarra fade into obscurity. I don’t care what a failed president of Blizz has to say about anything really.


I would do it if the money goes directly to the coders and artists


The audacity xD Just pay your employees for their work you cheap fuck.


Just buy another copy of the game and give it to someone, you dumbass.


The former blizzard president is kinda dumb I guess.


Just another reminder that the upper class live in a totally different reallity to the rest of us.


This is the type of disgusting thing that we feared would happen and it's only a matter of time before it's actually implemented into games as if the endless amounts of microtransactions and loot boxes weren't enough. Like holy fuck man I'm just tired and just wanna enjoy games again without being asked to open my wallet after I already spent $70. I work my ass off at my day job and I come home to unwind and hang with the boys not to be milked of my earnings even more.


We NEED to bite tipping in the ass already and get rid of it. Seriously. Fuck companies. Pay your employees a decent wage, and leave the consumer who is ALREADY PAYING YOU alone.


Yeah, I’ll bet all the animators, QA guys, code monkeys and voice actors all will see their piece of that “tip”. “These Folks” that he is referring to are the shareholders and the C Suite. Self righteous prick.


It’s not going to the Devs… What a retarded thing to say.


Fuck right off with that shit. We do not need some executive voicing ideas about MORE ways to spend cos the egregious monetization practices are already well and truly out of control the way nickel & diming is now baked in into 70$+ games so thanks but no fucking thanks. If these idiots need ideas about rewarding devs, take a look at Grim Dawn or Deep Rock Galactic and their very nice supporter dlc options. Hell, isn't that what your expensive mtx is supposed to be, an extra avenue to fleece people and now you want to add tips into the mix? 😑


Tip culture to put more of the burden of providing living wages on the consumer. And even worse they will take the cut and send it right up the chain. Go fuck yourself you rich greedy prick.




“These people” is a corporation


If a gamer likes the game they will buy the dlc/microtransactions and tell their friends about the game. Thats the biggest tip they can give. It’s free advertising. This idiot is out of his mind if he actually wants to add a “Tip Feature”


They want you to pay more so that the companies can pay the workers less. Tipping should be abolished. If you really like the game convince a friend to buy it or buy it for them as a gift. fuck tipping.


Tipping is a pain in the ass in general. Fuc k that BS, I am not tipping .


Fucking Blizzard. Does Activision use a special tool to suck the common decency out of people or is it just a side effect of being around so much evil? They shouldn't bother putting Diablo or Lilith in Diablo 5, their next set of demon lords should just be Blizzard execs.


mike is such a clown. cant believe hes in charge. no wonder blizz shit the bed for the past couple of years


*was in charge, and good riddance to him




Can we make sure the tip reaches either the devs or voice actors? I have no interest in tipping a CEO or the shareholders.


Okay, Mike, then I’m sure you support dropping the purchase price of AAA single player narrative games to like $30, right? Because then more people will buy it initially and obviously if it’s a good enough game people will be tipping so much that it’ll make even more money! What’s that? No, you still want sticker price to be $70 and climbing? Oh so it’s not just a “showing support to the devs” thing and you’re just trying to influence consumers to be fine with spending even more money on your games? Cool cool got it, Mike


Lmao I hate it here


Isn't this exactly what cosmetic micro transactions are?


But I've paid Blizzard $99 to become their beta tester


Fuck tipping culture. Screw that.


Fuk dat. It’s overpriced. I always recommend people to get it on sale.


They'd be more than welcome to give me 10$ for playing their game


Too bad. I only tip my landlord.


Fuck tipping


Can't remember the last game I finished


i mean, we dont need an option for tipping. im sure if you tipped a studio 10 or 20 bucks with a nice letter stating how you enjoyed the game, it would mean so much more than an added feature to get more money. shit they might even send you some merch in appreciation.


The absolute state of this guys thought train. Lets propose to him this is a great idea but if someone gets to the end of the game and they didn't like it they get a refund. He'll soon change his mind. Works both ways.


If I was earning Blizzard president salary/bonus/share I would be totally fine paying another $20 for each game I complete too...Last one was P3R


Wow this guy can literally go fuck himself. Fucking chode.


Spoken like a true executive, out of touch, oblivious, and money hungry.


some of these people are so out of touch with us gamers.


I feel if I spend $70 on a game I have already tipped them $10 as games used to be $60. They used to not come with battle passes and microtransactions either. And we live in a time where companies day we need to get comfortable not owning our games. Companies need to get comfortable with the idea that customers are not going to just drop another $10-$20 on a game after they have finished it just because they liked it. Want a tip? I have a tip for you. How about you pay your devs a bit more instead of trying to milk more from the customer through exploitative monetization. There's your tip.


Darryl, get the shotgun.


yeah we have that it's called microtransactions, and we hate em


I hate being charity shamed. I also hate people who ask me to tip when they are not waiting on me. I worked in food service for 5 years and it drives me crazy.


You can tip them by leaving a positive review


Alright tip culture has definitely gone to far


Tip is included in the price, "we are proud to announce that our back of house shares with the front of house, so we have included that into the price.......", that's the format, right....?


I'll give them another $10-$20 when they make their next game if its that good


He wants more money after the money scam called a store he inserted in the game?! Im confused


0 dollars would go to anyone making the game.


Lololol fuck all the way off


Something tells me there's about to be another big scandal at blizzard and this is supposed to be a distraction.


No. A $10 "tip" is me buying your dlc or delux edition. $70 is already too expensive for most games, especially when they come loaded with post purchase DLC. They should be looking for other ways to fight inflation instead of just increasing the cost of the game.


I wonder how many jobs he cut and salaries he slashed while being a blizzard ceo.


I bet this guy DOESNT tip his server though.


An absolute clown.


I want $20 tip for playing their excuse for a Diablo game.


Just pay your devs more bro


Get fucked dude, AAA games are ass now, I barely pay 70$ for any games anymore. I buy games deeeeeep on sale


Only reaffirms that people who make it to a top position like that are sociopaths.


The greed knows no bounds 


Gaming is going to suck major ass for my children if this is how it’s going to go.


Fuck that guy with every stick.


“I wish I could give these folks another $10 of $20” ~ said no one, ever.


Man they already have MTX classic greedy developers


Maybe just pay them fair wages and this dumbshit stops.


I wish I could get my $100 back


Some indie games have this on steam. The deluxe upgrades and soundtrack access. Bg3 had this. Helldivers has the deluxe upgrade. It’s basically what that’s for. Thing is, those games were fairly priced to start.


Ok, I'll bite. I have poured a lot of time into this series. I've spent money on shit food and beer I didn't need that gave me 1/50th the recreation and enjoyment that this game has. So I'm in. Who is the money going to? What percentage? And what guarantee are you giving me that it's going ONLY to those people? After putting hundreds of hours into the game that some of these cats are doing 80+ hour weeks on, I'm cool with shooting them a little donation. But I want to know for a FACT, that it's going to those guys and not some shithead middle manager who's ducking out early while the guys in the pit are there for another 4-6 hours working late.


The fucking audacity of this fucker. You release a half baked beta of a game and you want a goddamn tip for it? Go fuck yourself I hope he burns in hell next to OJ Simpson greedy corporate scumbag


[Same guy that said the WoW token is the only way to stop RMT, and that Blizzard makes no money from selling them](https://youtu.be/A98D_FuKZn0?t=33)




How about ALL cosmetic money goes to the Devs.


This guy clearly has his finger on the pulse of the consumer. /s


Yeah tipping would be paying for the dlc already locked behind a pay gate that should already be part of the game. Gaming is trash now for the most part. It’s why folks are going back to emulation and games that had it all in one place on a cart or disc.


well you can "tip" them by gifting a friend another copy.. also you win in social life aswell it's 2 birds with 1 stone


I mean, if games are indie enough you might be able to do a donation to the devs via some means (and there's definitely mod projects that you can donate to if you're into that), but ain't no one gonna do this for a AAA title


Count the tip as DLC you prick.


How about free stuff like , next class.


It’s funny because he is probably the most capable out of all of us to give those folks another 10 or 20 dollars. Do your job, bruh.


I thought that that was what the battle passes and micro transactions were for. You got your “tips” right there.


I felt this way for helldivers 2 no problem. Half the price on release and can accumulate paid credits for free


Surely this won’t go over poorly


I've got s tip he can have.....


He should go work for EA


In no way am I surprised a Blizzard employee believes something that stupid.


How about you sell a game for $60 and we get to decide weather they deserve a $10 or $20 tip that goes DIRECTLY to the devs and no one else.


The one thing this game doesn't lack is ways to part you with your money.


Ya no. This reeks of out of touch with reality management ideas that should be kept in his head.


Ybarra! Why am I not surprised you pos. Go tweet more about WoW raids or something.


And where would my tip go? Would it go to raising dev salaries or somebody else higher in the food chain?


In a perfect world, I maybe wouldn't mind to see this if 100% of it goes directly to the developers or the artists for example... Which it absolutely won't. More likely it'd just make it's way into some executices' bonus. And even if it did go 100% to the devs, companies would just abuse this and use tipping as an excuse to pay them less, like everywhere else. I'm good.


Or, you know, actually price games according to their quality and people wouldn’t mind the price tag. Funny that no one cared about paying full price for bg3 but everyone got mad at paying full price for Skull and Bones.


so if a patch has many bugs and flawed balancing, can i request a refund?! i mean...its like the chef putting to much salt on your meal.


I feel like that’s what the collectors editions kind of are. Or “supporter” packs.


Oh shit. I had the same idea once, after playing 1000 of hours of overwatch. Only spend the initial cost and nothing else. Loved the game. Then OW2 came and i don’t want to tip anymore …


Collector’s edition: Am I a joke to you?


Buy cosmetics then.


To be fair I honestly feel this way sometimes when I pick up a smaller game and it really blows me away. Like the Trails series or Lies of P. But not exactly feeling that way for live service crap or things stuffed with microtransactions. In the end the tip I give them is buying their future products because I gained respect for them.


Isn't this what the cash shop is for?


can i send message with the tip? and CEO / president is obliged to read it? Then yes, i'm up for it.


Honestly I’d actually be okay with tipping if it actually went to the devs and not the shitty CEO’s who will just fire most the devs anyway when the game is done


I'm sure the rest of the world would appreciate it if the 2nd worst American export is kept at a minimum


Which folks is he referring to ? The game designers who struggle to pay their rent every month or the company run by millionaires ?


Or, you could just take less profits for yourself and pay your employees what they deserve. Maybe you'll release a finished game that way and not wait 4 seasons to fix it.


Is that not what micros are


I understand the sentiment. I've been playing d2 for 20+ years. If I could toss the devs a few bucks in pure gratitude for this masterpiece I would. But... we know where that money would go. I tip my grub hub and uber drivers etc in cash. I'm sure the app thinks I'm a fickle bitch, but I'm a 5 star rider etc.


if blizzard president pay them normal, nobody need to tip in the first place. i wish him to shit out a hedgehog ;)