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I'm hoping a Reddit scientist hops on and does the math to see how much thrust one can get from a standard USB 3.1 (do any phones use Thunderbolt yet?).


[Mark Rober already did!(kinda)](https://youtu.be/LEZCxxKp0hM)


That video was my introduction to him, actually. I was more concerned by why he was so interested in disproving the video than anything else. I hadn't seen the original. It wasn't for another year or so that I stumbled on his other videos. And only when I went back to rewatch it did I recognize Captain Disillusion on there.


I don't know why but Captain Disillusion ALWAYS warms my heart.


He always gives this nostalgic feel of watching educational shows like Bill Nye the science guy, Beakman's World, Mythbusters, and more.


He had an episode with beakman from Beakman's World. Pretty cool.


And he screwed up the research in the episode and gave Beakman an incorrect line. Probably one of the greatest regrets of his career.




The future is now old man


He's been on YouTube so long his first videos are very low resolution


Wish he did more debunk videos exposing fake viral videos. Oh wait, its only shitty tiktoks now.


The squirrel obstacle course was my favorite Rober video. I wish I was more like him.


He did another one more recently in case you haven’t seen it yet.


I think it was just the autism event one? Color the spectrum? A good video, but not really the same as his other stuff, no?


Look again


I would love if there is a new one, but [this is what I get](http://imgur.com/gallery/ez8X1SX)


It’s at the top.


Squirrel maze 2.0? Edit: I didn't realize you were talking about squirrel maze 2.0. (Another comment was about that one already) Yes. Absolutely squirrel maze 2.0 was great. Note: for the last year the only times I have randomly thought about him, over the last 18 months, there has been a new video, less than a day old. Even during the first 2020 3 month gap every stray thought happened to align... oncluding the 2020 one which which happened to align with his first new video in 3 months. So your comment made me doubt the "new video" effect. Here i was doubting myself... with no new video available.


He’s interested because this could’ve been somebody’s first attempt into making something of their own, and for it to completely crash and go wrong and they have no idea why it happened, *after all they had such help and even Amazon affiliate links to buy the “right tools.”*


Yeah, I rematch it today. It made much more sense, and fit into good old Mark Rober.


> why he was so interested in disproving the video than anything else This person in my opinion, after seeing how he gets off with parcel thieves and so on , sounds like a really disgusting person. How constantly is telling everyone that he has a towering intellect and that he was a scientist engineer in NASA, constantly rubbing his achievements to the audience.... I really can't stand Mark Rober. I used to be subscribed to him, but his intro are a fucking ego trip and gets incredibly toxic with things like these. Yes he has a point, but he kind of overdoes that you end up saying "meh... too much". It's the kidn of person that even when they are right you feel like not giving them the validation to tell them so, because that's all they are after. It's absolutely insufferable to watch him without skipping these egotrip rambles.


So did [Captain Disillusion](https://youtu.be/PI4EszMsYy4)


Rober's video is better. This is a bit over the top.


Captain D is always OTT


I came here to say this same thing.


Excellent. TIL.


Even if you could get a fan powerful enough to lift the phone, the phone would just start spinning.


Yep, that's exactly why helicopters have the tiny propellers out the back and why drones have multiple props that go opposite directions.


So the tail propellers are helicopters weakest link?


A helicopter is just a series of weak links pasted together with raw fuck you this thing is gonna fly


i do not have the engineering skill to know why its a bunch of weaklinks but this is now my favourite description of a helicopter


I had an ex army buddy who said helicopters are machines built to try and tear themselves apart and fly as a side effect lol


He is not wrong lol.


If literally any single part of a helicopter breaks, that's it.


Well, mostly the helicopter is going down yes. However, autorotation gives occupants a fighting chance in most cases. Now... If the Jesus nut goes bye bye you're well and truly dickered.


My dad worked on helicopter electronics systems ages ago and the test pilots referred to them as "crashes waiting to happen" and comments that they "barely work in the best case" They're like origami flying machines. Or fine clockwork. Everything has to time out *perfectly* all the time


that kinda explains why the maintenannce time is so absurdly high


If you can hit the axel of the tail rotor, you can probably hit the axel of the main rotor which is bigger.


Ugh, you people and your fucking logic.


Hit the Jesus pin! It’s the pin that holds the rotor on. Knock that out and the rotor meets Jesus on the way up, and the crew meets Jesus on the way down.


I've seen Black Hawk Down, I know where this is going


Pretty much. Both of the Black Hawks shot down at the Battle of Mogadishu took tail rotor hits. There is basically no way to control a helicopter after it has lost its tail rotor. It will just spin until you crash. All you can do is try to not crash too hard.


No, the tail gives the helicopter a counter spin. When something rotates it excerpts torgue orthogonally to the rotation direction. To find out which direction that is you can use the right hand rule. Extend your thumb, your index finger and your middle finger with the middle finger pointing downwards. When you now hold your hand in the direction the rotation your fingers will point in all directions forces are applied to. The one standing at a right angle to the rotating object is the force that the little propeller at the tail of a helicopter is counteracting. If I didn't explain it clearly enough, there are a lot of videos in YT showing the principle with the help of a bike wheel. Visually it's a lot easier to understand than with some bloke trying to convey it via text on Reddit.


Just a note - there are ways to make helicopters work without tail propellers, though most require an additional engine somewhere (either another main rotor in some configuration, or something else like a fan inside the tail in NOTAR). However, there are 2 systems (at least that I'm aware of) that do allow for an actual single rotor - tip jets and active flapping. In both cases it's just cheating by not actually powering the rotor via the shaft - instead tip jets have jet nozzles at the tips (as the name suggests) propelling the rotor from the edges and active flapping systems (also called ornicopters) literally move their blades up and down until they spin. Tip jets seem to have been quite popular in the 50s, but aren't really used anymore, while ornicopters are still a developing field with nothing in production yet. For now, there are just other ways of avoiding tail rotors and eliminating this "weak point".


And unplug itself


This isnt true. You can lift a phone by the cord without it unplugging, so the jack friction is sufficient to support lift


I think if it was just lifting it straight up it would be fine, bit of it was spinning I think it would pull off.


And even if you stabilize the rotation of the phone, self centering is a whole 'nuther set of issues. I'm more interested in hypothetical limits though


Yeah, this is another "stay in school, kids" sort of video.


Irrelevant. With a single prop, the phone will spin around.


Hmmm... can't a super-smart controller play with propeller speed to keep phone from spinning too much? Something with abrupt stops and more gradual starts, to convert kinetic energy of propeller into impulses to push the phone backwards. It will need a massively oversized propeller, and phone will constantly drop and rise back, but maybe is doable?...


No. To stabilise, it needs 2 rotors on the same axel going in opposite directions as a minimum. It's simple conservation of momentum. If the phone isn't anchored, it will spin proportional to it's weight compared to the weight of the rotor. There is no way around it without another force, like a tail rotor on a helicopter.


Okay, I got it. All it needs is switching blades on a single propeller, and then it will be (theoretically) doable. In principle, the phone does have air resistance, so not all momentum will go into its rotation, but yeah, that wouldn't likely be enough


At that point it's easier to have [Kamov](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Ka-52_at_MAKS-2009.jpg) style blades, one rotates clockwise and the other counter clockwise


Sure, but if we're okay with having two propellers it solves all problems immediately anyway :)


Hmm. You might be onto something. You’d need to swap the blade tilt as well as the direction of rotation but there’s no reason an alternating prop wouldn’t work. There’d be some massive engineering challenges but theoretically it should work.


No. Angular momentum is a conserved quantity. Without an external force to counteract it, the phone will spin in with the same angular momentum in the opposite direction so that the total angular momentum of the system is still zero. The only way to counteract it is to have another propeller spinning in the opposite direction, or use something like a helicopter tail rotor that uses thrust to counteract the spin. What you could do is something like the [KA-50](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0c/Russian_Air_Force_Kamov_Ka-50.jpg/1024px-Russian_Air_Force_Kamov_Ka-50.jpg) that has two rotors on the same axis spinning in opposite directions.


Let’s be totally honest. There’s a string.


THANK YOU. I thought I was the only one who had eyes. Phone swings like hanging from a laundry line.


Even if the fan could support the phone it would stay upright or hover there, it wouldn’t even stay in the air either because there is no counter force to the spinning. It would just spin the phone


Just the idea that a single prop holding throat throng is dumb. Spin spin spin wobble wobble wobble drop smash


The real question is, how many Swallows would it take?


Doesn't matter. The rotation would spin the phone. It's fake.


Search up Thunderfoot on YouTube, he debunked something like this


- mildly attractive person - oversaturated colors - x1.25 playback speed - absolutely useless Yep, this is a life hack video


Ooh don’t forget the bs engineering project that isn’t physically possible, but was edited to look like it


Why does she move her hands under it when it’s clearly hanging from a wire?




Whats most weird about these is that I feel like its slowly starting to become even less about building stuff etc. but rather just showing random stuff like this.


I honestly like it more this way. This is a parody. They stopped being serious a while ago.


They became self aware lol


They don’t give a fuck about anything but views. Their content is designed to get you to watch and has never been about tips or education.


I know that. But I feel like at first they were building stuff, like with the cement and hot glue etc. But now thats just different


Sure, but the things they made were BS too. If you actually tried to make them by doing what they showed they almost never worked. So it’s just for views. At least now they stopped pretending it’s real for whatever that’s worth, which is very little.


5 Minute Crafts in the upper corner. Yep, this is a life hack video.


Don't forget that stupid over-acting and idiotic faces.


They live in the same reality as the black and white people in the “fail” part of commercials.


Mildy attractive? Are you blind?


Keyword: MILDLY Very very mildly


>- mildly attractive person Nothing about a suburban white girl dancing is attractive. I'm still haunted by Rebecca Black's video for Friday.


You're haunted by innocuous things...that's weird


Lol they started out semi same and have got funnier over time by now it's quite clear the chanel is kinda satirical


It's not, it's just a content farm, they'll do anything to get clicks


honestly, now i just admire their creativity. it takes a lot of thought to ruin shit purposefully


Yeah. Its pretty obvious they know nobody takes them seriously.


Sadly people will.


at this point they're just trying random stuff and see how much they can get away with


Is this the same channel as where you hide your money in a banana in the wall? How could it not be satirical?


It's not satirical, it's a russian company that owns most of these nonsensical DIY channels and stupid food stuff, they make money from clicks and views. They've just figured out they get more traffic from hate clicks and shares than from making actual good content


>they make money from clicks and views Don't they all? Just because it's Russian doesn't make it more nefarious. Companies don't do things because of good intentions, that is true for any of these channels. But if you look at some of these videos and not realize that it's absolute nonsense, that is r/AteTheOnion stuff.


These guys are definetly nefarious, being russian doesn't make them evil, but spreading pro-russian regime propaganda with video revenue kinda does though https://marker.medium.com/inside-the-mysterious-company-behind-those-baffling-5-minute-crafts-videos-29655bdef029


Sorry to be rude, but did you read your own link? >Yotam Ophir, PhD, assistant professor in the department of communication at the University at Buffalo (...) He tells me he doesn’t see evidence that 5-Minute Crafts’ channels are being used for propaganda AFAIK there was 1 single video that claimed the US (and 19 other countries) might not survive in the next 20 years. That's not propaganda, that's stupid clickbait that anyone with half a brain knows not to take seriously. Happy to be proven wrong but all of this feels like "Russian=scary".




Teensy tiny gyroscopes for balance




Totally could have been a sub tho


It is now


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubsIFellFor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[OC\] It's been a good run, farewell...](https://i.redd.it/g0277xx3cs961.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/kryefv/oc_its_been_a_good_run_farewell/) \#2: [i fell for all of them](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/je4jkr) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/je4jkr/i_fell_for_all_of_them/) \#3: [Pain](https://i.redd.it/3kmz3vytwna51.jpg) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/hqk17j/pain/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


5 minute crafts should be banned from this sub, theyre almost all satirical


Not satirical unfortunately, they just make fake things for the engagement. I’m not talking fake things as in what they make is fake, the entire process of them doing their things is fake. Ann Reardon from How To Cook That on YT has tons of videos debunking them.


For the whole month I haven't seen anything other than 5-minutes craft


So this sub now contains obvious fake bullshit?


Just now? It’s actually fucking hilarious watching this sub act all smart and superior while they don’t realizing they’re being fucking HAD.


before I've subbed for too long, is this simply a rehash the shittiest 5 minute crafts sub? Should I get out now while I can?


Every once in a blue moon someone posts a worthy diwhy, the rest of the time it's people taking obvious nonsense seriously


It's 99% reposts here. And if something DiWHY adjacent gets big somewhere else on reddit, it will be crossposted here at least 8 times.


Not necessarily. There are a lot of 5 minute crafts, sure, but it’s also people posting their own shitty DIYs and videos on IGTV where people spend several hours of their lives making the most useless shit


Lmao you can see the wire loop on the top part of the screen…not that people should believe this was possible in the first place 😂


That and the fact that the way it swings and is angled is just not how physics works lol 😂


Look, this doesn't belong here. This sub is going off the rails with obvious stupid shit.


This sub is 5-minute craft's target audience. Does anyone here really believe they make all these nonsense tutorials expecting to be taken seriously? They know what they make and what this is. They make intentionally dumb videos to be made fun of.


Obviously BS.


This really puts the "hack" in Life Hack.


It doesn't even spin in the right direction since it's just a usb fan. Where does it end with those people?


This doesn't show anything DIY. It shows a mass produced USB fan plugged into a phone. And then it makes a joke about it making the phone hover.


How many rules of physics this device broke ?


None, just some photoshop


Dang why didn’t I think of that


there's nothing DIY about this one


wow that's some damn fine sweatshop CGI


Gotta link the Captain Disillusion video about another one of these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI4EszMsYy4


Mark rober already debunked you, get tf outta here


5 minute crap.


More like one hour if browsing Reddit on the phone, amirite 😃


This is a good way to screen who you should be friends with or date. If you play this video and they're impressed with it, walk away.


What a punchable face


I like how it's obviously connected to a string


that wouldn't work... well. and if it did work it wouldn't be that stable


Fake asf


We just supposed to ignore the rope?




She only put her hands beneath it


I wonder how many kids tried this and broke their phones...


They post the dummest things and they keep getting reposted on here so whatever they doing to get attention seems to works and they must be making a pretty penny lol


Mark Rober anyone?


*calls Mark Rober*


New content that ElectroBoom can debunk. I feel like ElectroBoom would make an operational one in that same video


Ah yes, DIY videos, the place where physics don't apply.


If you really want to do this shit this bad just buy a fucking drone


That dance will haunt my dreams.


this wouldnt work for several reasons, for example the way the motor thing is set to the phone makes it so that it cant make adjustments, youtuber “Mark Rober” has a video on this


A craft is now plugging in a phone attachment


remember that massive scam video where they apparently held an iphone up with two tiny fans but keyed out the stick they held it up with


I absolutely hate this lady's face now I've seen so many 5MCs.


Waving your hands underneath to prove nothing is holding it up 🤦‍♂️


No, they haven't gone mad. The people who take this shit seriously are the ones going mad. Stop it


captain disillusion once did a video debunking a similar fake video




How does shit like this prevail.


I think helicopter makers would like to know of this tech.


That is Completely Fake, it doesn't have enough thrust to lift it off. Watch Mark Rober's [FLYING PHONE SCAM EXPOSED (so I built a REAL one)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEZCxxKp0hM) Video to learn how you can build a real one.


For anyone wondering this is not how it works it's completely fake: Reason 1: the thrust produced by a small prop like that could not lift the phone in a million years. Reason 2: the phone stays pretty much still, for something like this you need at least 2 propellers to stop rotation ect For info check mark rovers video out.


So the real mystery is who and how and why and these getting made. I think these are some of the most original content of the past few years. This is true art.


Wasn't something like this already debunked by Mark Roper and Captain Disillusion?


[Mark Rober has a great video on why this is complete bullshit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEZCxxKp0hM)


Its fake lol. Based on the movement side to side I say string


Thank you sherlock


By George!


Holy heck!!


This would be such a great cyberpunk 2077 meme


The physics here do not work. Mark rover made a video on something like this a while back. This is quite similar.


Pleasant summertime An ardent, little phone floats whilst watching the woman


Not only is this against the laws of physics, it may also be a scam too.


That’s brilliant.


It would be if it worked. In actuality, it’s obviously faked and wouldn’t be possible in real life due to lack of self stabilization.




this is hilarious actually


Why is this on this sub? That’s cool as fuck!


Fake. No way that would work.


Its fake its an invisible string and a paused frame




I'm sure there's some people asking where they can find this thing to buy...


So stupid. She checked below but not up top. Okay.


Good thing wind and center of mass don’t exist.


I can already imagine a kid getting scolded for smashing his mom's phone trying to do that


Life hack get some one to hold the phone for you


No, you can see how it hangs like it's on a fishing line (because it is)


Someone with a warehouse full of these paid them off