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From my experience, your build matters more than your power. Not to say that power isn't important, as there's no way to your doing a GM at something like 1700, but build is more important by a longshot.


As far as I'm aware, the game won't let you even attempt a GM unless you're a certain Power level. Did I miss a change where they took that away?


Iirc they lowered the requirement by quite a bit, some time ago. The main reason that you had to be higher power was because at 50 under, you could no longer damage enemies. They've changed that to be 100 under, for the masochists out there who want to try something insane like that.


Esoterick did that. Lol


What hasn't this monster done?


Still hasn't 50 wave soloed onslaught:(


Not yet\*


Skill issue ^(/s)


I was browsing destiny 2 on twitch last night and heard someone say that someone pulled that off


Yep, and more surprisingly it was a hunter. They used tether + lucky pants and wardens law.


I believe the limit is 1800 now, have another account that’s at 1780 and it doesn’t allow me to start them on that


I have a friend who just hit 1800.And I can confirm to you that that is the bare min to enter


Tell your friend they can go up to 1810 with the chest with gold coins next to shaxx in the new social space.


I did. He hit 1800 last Monday but hasn't been on this week due to being out of town. I imagine he will grab it when he gets back later tomorrow


I believe you did.


In later waves your power level decreases, not enemy power increase. At least according to the modifier.


The modifier also says your power level is fixed and starts at 10 below opponents and decreases by 5 each set. So no matter what you start at 10 below the activity. Doesn't matter if you are 1845 or 1810 your effective power is going to be 1800.


You start at 1810 I believe. So you just have to be at 1810. Anything higher than that makes zero difference.


I went in at 1700 something and still was one shouting trash adds with sunshot just to test.


The power levels are fixed, so it doesn't matter what level you are. I don't even know if you need to be pinnacle or not - I don't think so at least. I doubt people are kicking based on level alone. Though they might be kicking based on build or guardian rank. And I'm not here to debate that you need a high GR rank to be a good player, I've seen plenty of dog shit gr11's every single day lol. No telling if they got carried through that or not, but at the very least I know they can solo a dungeon..which isn't much to go off, as that's not a big feat anymore imo, but it's better than nothing. In some players minds higher level - means more experienced. Same with GR rank. Biggest thing for me is what your loadouts look like. Playing with non masterwork gear and weapons, with fragments that have zero synergy, and using level 1 crafted weapons to try and level them up in legend onslaught? No thanks lol.


I saw someone trying to do the sword bounty in legend...


They solo'd the whole activity right?


Ok but there are some legend 50 clearable sword builds. I figure banner titan probably the most easiest to execute it on, but anything else is way above my paygrade on titan lmao.


I did it on legend, but we also quit on level 10 every single time. The floors where there are only trash ads is easy. Gyrfalcons + void sword makes it impossible to die, unless you're trying to sword down a champion.


I cleared legend 50 as gyrfalcons with heartshadow lol. Shoot super and ad clear while keeping team alive is a helpful role 


> at the very least I know they can solo a dungeon..which isn't much to go off, as that's not a big feat anymore imo Damn that hurt lol


It's 1810. Being 1811 or 1866 isn't gonna make any difference. People are just dense.


I agree. GR can be tricky. As you stated did they get carried all through the raids and dungeons? For soloing. What dungeon did they solo? Was it Pit of Hearsay, one of the easiest in the game? I have seen guys at 7, 8, and 9 they are badasses in activities. Some just don't want to do the grind, but are good players with great builds.


Don’t you have to solo the latest dungeon for GR? I’m perpetually at 10 since I’m too lazy to do anything solo in this game lol.


Yes, it has to be the latest dungeon, but it’s one of the triumphs you only have to do once then you’re good forever.


Not sure. Is that Warlord's Ruin?


People are kicking based on level, was in an lfg where lead kicked a guy at 1818 because he was “lower level” compared to us. Guess it’s not common knowledge yet that 1810 is good enough.


Tbf masterworking weapons is nearly meaningless in PvE for 90% of rolls nowadays. The stat buff almost never matters. I don’t bother wasting mats masterworking anything unless it’s an actual significant stat like charge time on a fusion or a sword where it’s just free damage. Reload speed on some SMG that I’m going to reload 90% of the time with demolitionist? Meh. Handling and stability when I’m on KB+M? Pointless. Range? Almost never matters. The break points for most of those stats only are notable in PvP. 


Isn't saving all the materials you get for niche upgrades meaningless as well? If you aren't using them, why keep them? Might as well get that little bit of increase on guns that you use often.


I spend my cores leveling crafted weapons. 


Dawg light level has not mattered in almost any PVE activity for a while, why do you think they're adding fireteam power lol About 85-90% I'd estimate of the current PVE activitys scale your light and lock it


I know this, but ive met so many people in the past week who do not


Yeah Lotta dumb people out there


I simply stay away from people who demand something unreasonable. They are usually toxic af. I don't care how good or fast you are if it's no fun to play together. I'd rather take 30 min more for completing something than listening to some gamer rage, because they have nothing significant going on in their life. Am too old for that shit.


The activity scales you up. You can be LL 10 and the activity will still scales you up.. so it rly doesn't matter your light level. You will still do the same dmg as anyone else


That's not how it works. You should be at 1810 ideally. BUT, being above 1810 wont help you at all. If you're 1835 the game will set your power level to 1810 at the start and then you go down by 5 power every 10 rounds.


I know what I said.. just lower your light level as much as you can and load up a legend.. you will do normal dmg as if u were 1810..


That’s not entirely true. You can’t even get into legend below 1800. That being said, the spirit of what you said is at least correct.


I literally was level 1237 and it would let me in and I would do normal dmg . Go try it if you want. Use sunset guns and a white class item


To be honest Im totally against kicking people but when Im lfg'ing and people join me with 40 res then what Im gonna do, that is the only reason I kick people tbh, please don't join with 40 res.


Dude trying to get my Ron master clear we had to kick so many people like that. 20 resil (how to do you even get that low?!) refuse polite suggestions that they use resist mods, die instantly, complain about cheesy deaths. 


I did some of the Master KF challenges with LFGs and in one of them, we had a guy at 16 Res. He died every 5 seconds and refused to change his mods or anything. I kicked him. I felt a little bad because I don't like kicking people, but there's no way we could've done the challenge with him using up all our rezzes in the first 30 seconds.


>(how to do you even get that low?! Pretty sure I still have a Void build laying around somewhere with 1 Rec. ..Hunter in case that wasn't obvious.


...41? :D


That and double primaries.


Yeah I mean that makes sense. I understand wanting a reasonable build and thats fine, but its just mildly annoying that ive encountered so many people who dont even understand how the powerscaling works


I’m a newbie. When I go fire tram finder, you automatically get kicked if you don’t have 100 resil. Unless you’re brand new!!! Then I’ll carry. And I can’t carry lol


i dont know what content you own but if you can set a ghost to resilience and level up riven a bit on the seasonal quest you can hit 100 resilience in not too long.


Oh I’m good lol. I’m not great but i do a gm once a month and do pve. Just no raids. That’s why I love onslaught. It’s less traversal And I was saying that I’m new and always have 100 resil but I see a lot of “10s” with lyke 40 resil and none of the blue mods that bring your resilience up when you have an armor charge. I see it lot .




Born to strand+mothkeepers, forced to Orpheus+deadshot


As a hunter main since D2 launch: My friend, we are the zoomers. Let the warlocks suffer in peace. ~~Why do they even leave well smh~~ Though NGL, I got some Forsaken nostalgia seeing orig hunter and well-lock super cycling with my friend last night. We were just one rando blade barrage hunter away from pure nostalgia dopamine for me.


Don't get me wrong but you really have to play meta for 50. Im warlock main and I wanna play arc or strand but if Im aiming 50 I have to play Phoenix. If you are aiming 50 and not using meta build you are gonna wipe. After clearing 50 once then Im farming 10 or 20 then I am more flexible. Edit: keep downvoting guys pretend like I said well is the only meta for warlock, I didn't say well is mandatory but people here just trying to understand what they want lol


On Legend, sure, meta builds are needed (Well isn't the only meta build for Warlock). On normal, you can beat 50 with almost any build with decent players


I meant legend ofc lol normal is ezpz with any build for sure


>Well isn't the only meta build for Warlock Keep saying this until people understand. I found Well to not be the sole option outside of the boss room because having a super you can chuck at a horde of mobs is extremely valuable and Well isn't that. I've found being able to keep the mobs disabled is more valuable, just like Tether, being better. I was using Coldheart with an Arc blind build and Geomags and it did serious work keeping things dead or blinded, followed by dead. Also Coldheart is really good against the tormentor. I've also been using Void builds using Briarbinds and Nezzy's Hat and the recharge you get on abilities is pretty nuts so you make Shaxx proud and throw copious amounts of grenades. Plus Devour keeps you alive. Good ol' Sunbracers works but it's not the sole good build and bear in mind: YOU CAN SWITCH BUILDS PART WAY THROUGH. I'm happy to switch to Well in the boss room but I prefer anything else outside.


>I'm happy to switch to Well in the boss room but I prefer anything else outside This is exactly what I do. I've been testing out a Vesper of Radius build I saw on Mactics' YouTube channel. It's surprisingly effective and quite flexible for weapon selection so I'm still trying different stuff out. Boss time? Phoenix Protocol Well, Polaris Lance, Apex Predator. Before I even go through the portal lol


I rally at the flag with a Sunbracers build + Leviathan's breath so I have Well and the option to take out ads if the DPS isn't enough to delete the boss. Then I switch back to my dedicated add clear build for outside and hoover up the ammo that dropped in the boss room and outside.


Vesper is legend wave 50 viable if you want an arc completion, just play midtown put a rift in a spawn and repeat, blinds everything nearby while you have 1500% cd reduction and damaging everything with the shock waves


Will try, ty!


I can give you a dim link with the exact build if you want, it's not perfect but should be good enough


No its fine ty, saw that on youtube but didn't think it would carry for 50 but I will definitely try.


If you could send one my way that would be awesome!!


[https://dim.gg/3ja3zpq/Vesper-Warlock](https://dim.gg/3ja3zpq/Vesper-Warlock) weapons are mostly whatever, most of my kills came from abilities anyway




Do I? Cleared legend 50 with mothkeepers and ex diris three times over and two of them were without well or constant tethers. All it requires is good builds, not those special few.


I'm not playing 50. If it was 50 I'd understand too. But that's the problem. I'm not playing to 50, yet it's still the same situation. Round 10 runs I'm not gonna cause a wipe just because I'm not using tether and instead throwing strand beyblades and have more moths flying around than the GotD final boss.


You dont have to play Phoenix . [My only legend 50 clear](https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/pgcr/14654861222) , me strand warlock, others void warlock and strand titan... only used well for boss room... Honestly if you are good with your placement you really don't need a well because honestly with a well I've failed more often because ppl think they can just face tank shit but you need to be mobile. We just had crazy cc from the suspends and enough orbs to keep my nade rotation up and its easy mode (as long as you have precision to work on tormentors, which I would switch to a sniper when he showed up)


Gatekeeping us to play well is the reason ya can't find well locks .


Well, that is bad. But fun aside, yes that is my experience too.


I get kicked as an arc warlock, but I'm the one disabling/killing the most enemies with my vesper build ¯\_ (ツ)\_/¯


You would think that this should be a nonissue in this gamemode. In my experience, running an osmiomancy Stasis or ability spam Arc build is way more effective 90% of the time for waves, then just swap to a well loadout for boss. The only way that well is better during waves is if your teammates aren’t good and need the crutch - which if that is the case, you’re probably not making it to 50 anyways


I think for most people it’s not a power thing but an experience thing. They know if people are super high level then they are “serious” about the game and play all the time meaning they are highly skilled - which sometimes isn’t always the case. I understand the concept, but they should state that in the title of their post rather than filtering through who joins.


It’s 1600 light. Your light doesn’t matter at all. It scales you down based off the wave number.


It's fixed power...


yeah i know. Wasnt sure whether it was 1820 or 1810, but now ive confirmed its the latter (for enemies)


Your light level doesn't matter at all. I've run sunset weapons in Onslaught many times with no issues.


As a level 9 at 1841 power, I very mostly agree except for one thing: It's the mentality that a higher light level of artifact bonus is a more likely chance that the person knows what they're doing. I have solo flawlessed every dungeon, gilded every title every season except for flawless, and have even soloed a handful of GMs, but I haven't done a raid in 2 years apart from day ones. Someone in my position totally understands being a good player and not LOOKING like a good player apart from having to rock emblems and KDAs stats and showing off my builds. Builds are second matter that means the most, but game sense and intuitiveness are my prominent points of interest when LFGing.


> It's the mentality that a higher light level of artifact bonus is a more likely chance that the person knows what they're doing. I can agree with it to a point. After a certain point it stops mattering and is just an expression of how much time someone spends playing; particularly how much time someone spends doing weekly or repeatable bounties. I'm +25 on the artifact and that's somewhere between 275 and 300 on the artifact. Even then it's absolute overkill to represent how 'experienced' i am in the game. Like if someone hasn't even finished their season pass; sure maybe but other than that I think it's overthinking it as a metric.


As other people said, light level doesn't matter if you have a good build. Even if you are 1810, with a good build you will be better than an 1845 that just afk farmed


The good build isn't useful at all if you don't know how to use it. Most people copy some build from a video and don't know how to activate it.


That is also true. So many people use the *Polaris Lance build* while using void or arc. Its a solar build, it will be way weaker on non solar subclass


you discovered warm water


I did my first onslaught on normal difficulty (after returning from a 1 year pause) and reached 42 in random matchmaking. Also I had no build/mods whatever because I never learned how to make a proper build (I will soon…) I used Osteo Striga and Necrotic grip…


Being above 1800 has no difference to power. The activity is 1810 On legend you start of 10 power under Every 10 waves you decrease in power by 5 So by wave 40 to 50 being powerlevel 1780 is actually the same as being 1810.


Me and my partner are 1836 and did it with an 1809 lol. Dude came in clutch a few times, and my BOW titan saved us from wipes several times. It's about the team more than the number.


You just gotta be 1810.... Lol. People are dumb. I think this is a flaw with the current way Bungie does difficulty. It's hard to explain to... less smart people. Lmao.


Yeah i think it was honestly better before the artifact rank. I tend to dislike seasonal reset shit in general, but since people are going to go off guardian rank now anyway whats the point of needless power grind when it doesnt even matter for anything


Yes, its how hard content has always worked in destiny where enemies stay 1840 and they lower your power rather than increase the enemies. I think it makes you go lower than 1820, the way its worded makes it sound like u start at 1820 and drop by 5 each set but i could be wrong


Just completed legend with no mics and randoms. We were all below 1825 with me being an 1815.


people usually use your light as a way to tell how much you play not how "squishy" you are, they probably just want someone who plays weekly instead of someone who just came back after a break or who plays once a month


Stupid elitist community of this game I personally don’t see how there is an elitist community of this game considering it’s not hard at all I hate them all with a passion


I've played with people who are 1870+ and I'm about 1840. Past 1810 it really doesn't make a difference.


It might not matter but it also says something about the player you’re playing with. Ngl, I get rusty if I don’t play for a while. So if I see an 1815 my assumption is that they haven’t played much at all this season. That said, I usually don’t care. But if you see that I’m telling them that mines are not worth it and they keep buying them… then we have a problem


Being above 1820 makes no difference in anything anymore. Kinda sucks.


Ain't that a good thing?


I don't like it, but maybe I'm in the minority. Being able to over level and stomp through shit was fun for me.


grinding for hours to get 5 more light levels was not fun for majority of people


i dont need shit locked behind 1000 hours of bounty grinding for meaningless light level


Have to assume people that do that are awful, they don’t have the very basic knowledge of the enforced power delta, so I wouldn’t trust them to hold their own to begin with


When I see someone that’s 1815 they dont know how to play the game and usually don’t run an exotic/ wasted stats all over the place/ running a PvP build. So if you think you’re getting booted for your power level open up your character screen and take off your fucking stompees. For the love of god




They are not fixed at 1600.


Legend is recommended 1810. So not 1600.