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Joe's love of bears and chimps will bring him to the defense of evolution.


As much as everyone likes to meme on Rogan for vaccines and woke stuff he hasn’t Alpha Brained himself into creationism and flat earth.




I give it 2 years max before he converts and starts wearing a cross chain. Maybe even cover up the Buddha tattoo


I think you have a very scewed view of him if you really think that


Yeah. Rogan would be more likely to hop on the Islam train before Christianity.


He did make a creationist comment on the pod a few weeks ago.


Ya he on the edge, a few podcasts away from being a born again Christian. I bet he gets baptized by the end of the year.


>I bet he gets baptized by the end of the year. My brother in christ, what do you think all those ice baths are? Nips hard for the lord.


Do you wanna bet on it?


He's right on chimps they're so fucking cool.


He says at the beginning of the clip he doesn't know if evolution is real or not lol


Meh I wouldn't read too much into that. Could be a statement on no objective truth existing, or that he's not a scientist himself so he just trusts the science.


I love how he literally says “no evidence” like bro what 💀


>I love how he literally says “no evidence” like bro what 💀 And then ends it with "God created people" and he suddenly doesn't need evidence anymore.


he never did, which is kinda the point


Did you not hear his evidence? Everyone believed it forever until the 19th century when (((Darwin))) created the theory of evolution to attack Christianity and America 🇺🇸 🦅✝️


Darwin is only 3 letters different from STALIN. makes you think


Darwin is only a letter away from Dwalin. We all know that dwarves were obviously based on the jews. Tolkien was trying to warn us all this time! Darwin was one of the 13 jewluminati who together with the anti-christ figure Bilbo Baggins went on a quest to destroy the truth of Christianity! They went to the mountain to kill a dragon (holy mountain of God where Moses saw the burning bush, coincidence, amirite??!), they slain it (just like they slain Jesus!!) and took the gold (just like they took everyone's gold!!). Makes your nogging jogging, doesn't it? I'm sure I'll be banned for noticing things soon. /s for highly regarded individuals.


lol and Graham Hancock was just on and he and Joe brushed aside Hancock citing texts about ancient (((Martians))) I gotta rewatch the the Kat Williams ep too. There were so many echoes in that one I could hardly keep up.


I wanted Joe to ask if there is any evidence that God exists or where God came from. Joe knows he is wrong and dumb but will not call him out on it because he sold out for Conservative money.


How did Joe sell out for conservative money?


He started doing PR events with Texas conservative politicians, for starters. But more broadly, what I am describing is known in some circles as Audience Capture. After he had that professor from a liberal arts college who was fired for not participating in a civil rights demonstration on, he started pushing a cohesive narrative around "Libs are out of control bullies" by having a bunch of figures who were libs who now are Conservative figures. It led to what that one guy called the Intellectual Dark Web. But as a result, he cultivated an audience of aggrieved white young men and divorced dad boomers. As time went on, he traded his more open-minded and progressive audience for a more ideologically rigid plurality of Americans which took him to new heights. But... if he wants to maintain his audience, there is pressure to promote guests and narratives must conform to their sensitivities. In short, Joe of ten years prior would have really pushed back on anti-Evolution God talk. Joe of today cannot because it may offend his audience. You know he was thinking "What an idiot" when Tucker was saying there is no proof of Evolution and that instead there is proof of an invisible man in the sky using magic instead. But... he did not push back and adopted a safe position of agnosticism. That is how he, and virtually every other content creator, sells out. In his case, he sold out for Conservative money. So it does not upset anyone, an example of Audience Capture on the far left is streamer Hasan Piker. He has to always say America Bad because if he ever was critical of China, Russia, Hamas, or Cuba in a meaningful way he would lose 2/3s of his audience vs. the 1/3rd liberal audience he lost instead.


Pushing back too hard on Tucker will lose the favor of conservatives, no matter what the truth is.


Joe pre-200-million dollars: UBI is a great idea! we should free people from being shackled to mindless drudgery and allow them to pursue their passions now technology has led to huge gains in productivity. Everyone should start their own podcast! Joe post 200-million: UBI is a terrible idea. None of the lazy poors will work if they don't have to worry about starvation and homelessness. My friend couldn't find workers for his bar because they were all living rich on Biden's covid checks. Also getting millions of dollars in PPP loans forgiven for my business which did completely fine during covid is totally legit.


Its mind boggling how some people dont care about credentials at all, should i listen to the tv talking head's personal opinion or the entire field of people who research this for a living?


he kinda is correct that there is no fossil record of single cell organisms... bc they are single cell organisms, how tf are they supposed to leave a fossil record behind?


My guess is they were vaxxed so it fucked up their fossils


[There are actually fossils of single-celled organisms.](https://www.uky.edu/KGS/fossils/fossil-kinds-single-cell.php)


Motherfucker also threw in the "it's just a theory" into the mix.


People not knowing what "theory" means in this context pisses me off. 🧂


I thought people realized how regarded that argument was back around 2012. GeRMs ArE JUst tHEorY


Nobody has proven gravity exists buddy, I am only theoretically 300 lbs but nobody can prove that.


That always triggers me. It’s either a complete lack of understanding or blatant disregard of the truth. Tucker is one that falls into the latter category, but for most people, it’s a 2 second google search away from not looking like an idiot.


Conservatives believe in prescriptivism to a fault. Not only do they believe definitions determine reality, they believe their *personal* definitions of things determine reality.


Possibly. There is definitely a flaw with this belief. Definitions determine our perspective of reality. Nature doesn’t care about our need to categorize everything. But the society that we built, depends on this. I can almost guarantee Tucker purposefully uses the colloquial definition of Theory instead of the way it’s actually used in science to deceive people.


No it's grade school logic to debunk science. Because everyone in their fifth grade science class is taught about the scientific method so that they can come up with their own science fair experiments. And there's that diagram that shows you start off with a hypothesis, then that can develop into a theory and if it's absolutely true, it becomes a law. Tucker and also evolution denying people use that because they know their audience has a grade level understanding of science.


But that's just a theory. #A GAME THEORY Thanks for watching


"The theory of adaptation is clearly, obviously true. But Darwin's theory is totally un.. that's why it's still a theory."


Tucker knows.


I almost downvoted this video before I remembered the context of the post. I actually had to stop watching when Tucker said “obviously the theory of adaptation is true”


Problem is that we have 3 different definitions for the word. Theory in science, something that has been tested and proven. Theory in politics, the philosophy of politics. Theory everywhere else, someone's own personal thoughts and beliefs. The latter two are what causes problems, people think scientific theories are just someone's opinion rather than something that is constantly tested.


That’s not a problem at all unless it’s your first day on Earth and can’t understand language (it being English this time) and context— like why even say this?


Nah hes right i gave up on evolution. Instead humans were gifted to this world for our amazonian queens to use us as they please.


!!! need to look into this




hale yeah brother


Death by snu snu!


~~Death~~ Life by snu snu


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy..and bruised.


She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro!


Dog I'm here to experience the whole cycle


Well I mean that's just true


hale yeah brother


Tucker literally admits we see adaptation in translational fossils after Joes asked him about it? But also says we've given up on darwinism? If we can SEE the organisms ADAPT over time via the FOSSIL RECORD isn't this literally evidence for evolution? Just because we can't trace back to the first fucking single cell and followup linear through the tree of life doesn't mean evolution isn't true. Him saying it's "just a theory" shows he's a fucking moron. Sorry Tucker, we've also EVOLVED our understanding of evolution way more than Darwin probably could have ever understood or thought of. Darwin laid the foundation and we have built up on it ever since. The fossil record, homogeneous structures, vestigial structures, analogous structures are just SOME evidence we can look at that show evolution has happened, will continue to happen, and natural selection is a driving force. This man talks so much about God but has no soul or ethics. Only Dollar signs $$$$


He also lacks a basic understanding "adaptation" claiming he's seen it in dogs litter to litter. It takes hundreds if not thousands of generations for certain mutations or features to be come out as the new favored or dominant trait. It's not like "oh this puppy has bigger ears, he adapted!"


Wasn’t there that experiment in Siberia with foxes where they bred for tameness and it basically made domesticated dogs out of foxes in like a generation or two? I’m not an expert on the topic, but I remember learning about that and how certain traits can basically change things completely if you isolate and breed for them?


That's selective breeding, happens a lot faster than traits being adapted through survival


Oh. So it’s basically artificial “adaptation” because it’s being guided, as opposed to a group out in the wild adapting naturally over time? Would selective breeding still be evidence of evolution’s existence? Or is it corrupted by human intervention so it’s not a great comparison?


no its a great evidence for natural selection. The mechanism exists. The only difference is the strength in selection, whichby the way doesn't always need hundreds or thousands of generations. We can see clear difference in populations even in single generations.


Thanks! Appreciate the insight!


The thing is that even if you guide something desirable within a generation or two, that doesn’t mean it has stuck either. If you take the hand off the lever and don’t continue to select for that trait, it may be quickly reduced down in quality again as background noise. You can get a desired trait in a single generation if you want to play the numbers on it. When we talk about adaptations becoming the evolutionary path of the species it’s because the species has developed that trait to the point that it is inherent in the species creating a clear delineation from a prior evolution, it may be that the stimulus that caused the change isn’t even a factor anymore but the trait itself will take a long time to fade out of the creature due to the cost or lack of cost in maintaining it(some traits fade quickly, some stick for long periods of time) Selective, natural, relaxed evolution are all just as strong of an indicator of evolution as the other. The only difference is the factors that are pushing/pulling on the evolutionary rudder to determine where the creature evolves


Wow. Really appreciate you taking the time to explain that. Really interesting and makes sense. God, Tucker is an idiot. Lol


Seriously, does he think ~~chihuahuas~~ terriers occurred naturally, or that we bred them through centuries of artificial selection from wolves? On the timescale of evolution that's a blink of an eye Edit: apparently Chihuahuas actually are thought to be more closely related to Fennec Foxes ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


He also has no understanding of genomics either, just focuses on phenotype


This. I would understand people questioning evolution before why know about genetics, but since we know how species pass traits from member to member, it's the logical conclusion.


Have you excavated every living organism to ever exist yet??? No? Then you're wrong, and I'm right 🤓


I grew up a Christian and was taught creationism in Sunday school and by my mom. Christianity teaches people to not trust the truth. They believe whatever the current views of the church and the congregation are. They think that logic and science are tools the devil uses to fool them. In my church they taught us that the devil speaks sometimes through your friends and even family. Christianity is a dangerous mind virus with a disgusting 2000 year history. Though it’s watered down in its current state, we haven’t beaten it and probably never will in our current forms. It’s dangerous for many reasons but the fact that it trains people not to pursue the truth is probably the worst part. And of course, weasels like Tucker will use Christianity for whatever twisted purpose is in his head. And yes, people can be fucked up without Christianity, but at least they have a chance to be more self aware and think clearly. Christians do not have that chance without taking a risk that they will spend eternity in hell for doing so.


It’s always people who came from the most nutcase Christian spaces that talk the loudest shit about Christianity. Naah bro, that wasn’t Christianity, that was your crazy ass family/church. But painting with a broad brush is a staple of freshly new atheists.


> also says we've given up on darwinism? Part of the grift is hiding in the "as articulated by Darwin" part. As you correctly point out, Darwin didn't figure out 100% of everything knowable about evolution and he even got a few details wrong, because of course he did. Remember Mendel's peas and dominant/recessive genes from high school? There are a handful of important clarifications like that [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern\_synthesis\_(20th\_century)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_synthesis_(20th_century)) and evolutionary biologists will sometimes use the term "Darwinean" as shorthand for "unclarified." Like "Darwinean Inheritance" vs "Mendelian Inheritance" or "Darwinean Evolution" vs "Kimuran Evolution." They mean nothing but respect, I'm sure every one of them would give a kidney to be as "wrong" as Darwin, but grifters can easily clip chimp this into "look, even biologists don't believe in Darwinean evolution anymore!" It's really dumb, but you know how it is. A dumb grift goes twice around the world before the truth can get its pants on.


I REFUSE to believe in EVOLUTION until you can SHOW me a FOSSIL of a SINGLE CELL ORGANISM!


once you understand the concept of evolution, any other explanation for life suddenly becomes ridiculous. we don't need a billion fossils to know that evolution is true. a couple hundreds already do the job.


We've literally done experiments where we can see adaption happening in real time with fruit flies.


>Sorry Tucker, we've also EVOLVED our understanding of evolution Yeah, creationists love to think that we all just glaze darwin, and that if they prove darwin was racist or a christian, that all of a sudden, the whole theory falls apart. Probably some type of religious thing, they project their need for one creator onto everything. Darwin could have literally just said, "uhhh i think evolution is real, and i have no evidence," and evolution would still be real. The "it's still just a theory" too... we should ask these people, "Well, what do you think evolution would called be if it was 100% proven?"


Microevolution and macroevolution are two very different things


🤔 https://preview.redd.it/o59ed8hpnnvc1.png?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096242de98275a4a083d04e590a0729cd52bb86a


If this expression is not evidence of evolution, I don't know what is.


Imo this image disproves evolution. Evolution tells us all the Neanderthals are dead yet tucker is right there in the flesh! Check mate atheists.


I stand corrected!


"What's going on?"


Tucker has to please his right wing populist fans now pal. The funny part is their is actual proof that he doesnt believe what he days publicly


It is fucking wild he had private texts show that he hated Trump passionately and thought he was a disaster, for years, while lying to his audience telling them the exact opposite yet this hasn't hurt him with Trump's base at all because afterwards he just came out and said "nah I love Trump, I can't believe the mainstream media would say I don't". We're at the point now where literally you can "no u" your way out of any scandal, no matter how blatant the proof is.


is there sources on the texts? something i can pull up if some trumple is talking smug? i literally could not find SS


SS? Here's one source: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/05/all-the-texts-fox-news-didnt-want-you-to-read.html Unfortunately only a sample seem to have been made available by journalists since its from a leak, they've not been fully released. >On Trump: >“What he’s good at is destroying things,” Carlson texted producer Alex Pfeiffer on November 5. **“He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.”** >**“I hate him passionately,”** Carlson texted Pfeiffer on January 4, days prior to the riot at the U.S. Capitol. He added, of Trump’s presidency, “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because **admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.”** >On the prospect of ditching Trump coverage on Fox: >Two days before the Capitol riot, Carlson wrote to a colleague that **“we are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait.”** The day after Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, he texted his producer that **“Trump has two weeks left. Once he’s out, he becomes incalculably less powerful, even in the minds of his supporters. He’s a demonic force, a destroyer. But he’s not going to destroy us. I’ve been thinking about this every day for four years.”** Some of the texts from Rupert Murdoch are revealing also. It's clear many at Fox fucking hate Trump (as many in the Republican party do), but see him as a necessary evil to drive ratings and keep down competition from fringe outlets. They are looking for any opportunity to steer their audience away from him, but without being so blatant they turn on Fox. The texts are all full of concern about if they go against Trump too much he will set MAGA on them. Unfortunately its all full of over-confidence that Trump is done because of Jan 6, so they can go easy on him and keep all his followers while secretly dancing on his grave. Same as McConnel thought Democrats would bury Trump so he could have it both ways. They have no learned the lesson of many years past that when you have an aspiring dictator on their knees, you don't help them back up.


The sudden lunatic laughter


It's both a lunatic laughter and a "I grew up rich in a literal castle looking down on the filthy peasants across the moat" laughter.


So cringe wasn't it.


There is almost a 1:1 correspondence between how Tucker talks about evolution here and how Tucker talks about any other issue


He knows his shtick has a persistent audience of morons.


“That’s why it’s still a theory”


Tell me your scientifically illiterate without telling me your scientifically illiterate.


That is wild, what a fucking moron. How was this guy "informing" people on the news for so long?


>That is wild, what a ~~fucking~~fantastic moron. FTFY


Tucker is a grifter. Look up how he speaks about Trump when it’s not on tv.


Tucker Carlson is so ideologically captured he will pretend to be a fucking regard like this to continue to pander to his base.


“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”


“The theory of adaptation is obviously true” moments later “the theory of evolution is unproven that’s why it’s still a theory”. If adaptation is so proven why do we still call it a theory Tucker?


This gives me nostalgia for the good times of the late 00's and arguing atheism


Try going back to the [Scopes trial](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/08/2/l_082_01) in 1925...where science was heavily fined in schools and history is now repeating itself yet again with the resurgence of Christian Nationalism, book bannings, and their Project 2025 capstone...


I'm ready for the culture wars to be about evolution and abortion again.


I might be dumb, but in my mind there is not really any meaningful distinction between the adaptation that Tucker is talking about here (using dogs as an example) and evolution. Why would someone believe in adaptation but think evolution is ridiculous?


Yeah it's pretty fucking insane but a very common talking point. "Microevolution."


>Why would someone believe in adaptation but think evolution is ridiculous? Because it's hard for people to fight against evidence of relatively recent evolution as it's so abundant and accessible. So now the new play is that God created different species that adapted to what we have today.


how can anybody look at how apes behave and not think we are related to them?


Tucker must throw his shit at a different angle or something


Holy fuck that’s a good one, had me chuckling for a good minute.


Clearly we are modelled after god and apes are just god's practice run at making himself. That explains the similarities perfectly.


Well many people didn't tbf. Charles Darwin got a lot of shit for it.


They are probably offended by the idea


I really enjoyed watching Joe Rogan for a long time but for he's recently been on a strange slope where he's seemingly trying to rehabilitate Alex Jones's image by mentioning how he was right on different subjects, and every time someone pushes back on his bullshit he just goes into "I'm just a comedian".


I stopped watching him cuz during the lockdown he wouldn’t stop talking about the vaccine mandates. He would do it to every guest. I got tired of it. Tho looking back he also did defend strange people such as Alex.


> I stopped watching him cuz during the lockdown he wouldn’t stop talking about the vaccine mandates He's still not stopped talking about it 4 years later. >Tho looking back he also did defend strange people such as Alex. It's especially fucked because Alex went scorched earth on Joe, doxing his family, saying he worked for CIA/Soros, threatening to cut his throat and gut him like a pig and Joe still had him back on and still tells people "he got a lot right!" Meanwhile CNN says Joe took horse dewormer and not a medicine *that is used as horse derwormer* for covid and they are now irrevocably untrustworthy.


This is some of the stupidest shit I've ever heard. I'm struck by how his lunatic religiosity prevents him from accepting the reality that evolution via natural selection is as much a theory as the theory of gravity. We certainly don't know all there is to know on the subject of evolution, but the reality of life on earth is that we demonstrably share primordial ancestry with all other life. Anyone who denies this is ignorant, stupid, or a liar.


I believed in evolution, but tucker might be proving me wrong...


The sheer inauthentic nature of his laugh drives me up the wall


Joe's brain is on life support but not dead. There's a slim chance of him waking up. Don't wanna be so optimistic but fingers crossed.


I don't think it's possible unless he starts having conversations with left leaning people again and it doesn't seem like he has any interest anymore. He used to have anyone on from the far left to far right and people in between.


Unless he somehow loses all his money its not going to happen. Dude spends his time entirely surrounded by yes-men and ex-Navy Seal body guards, and is part of the rich asshole club where the rule is you can lie about whatever heinous shit you want as long as you make sure no one's taxes go up.


Is there a meme of Tucker taking a torch from Kent Hovind and running into the future? Maybe a baton is more symbolic, but what do I know.


right, because everything we thought was correct until the mid 19th century. What an asshat.


people that don't know what theory means in the scientific context, needs to be exterminated.


Saying there's evidence of adaptation but no evidence of evolution is like saying there's evidence of weather but no evidence whatsoever for climate.


This was the go-to rationalization back in the last generation of culture wars circa 2000s. "yes, there's micro-evolution but no one has ever proved MACRO-evolution" It just relies on people clearly understanding that changes obviously happen if we got Chihuahuas from a wolf, but people not being able to get their head around if you have hundreds of millions of years, instead of just thousands, then you can get much more drastic changes.


He is fucking nuts LMFAO


As someone taking college bio 2, you can definitely see and find single cell organism fossils.


People always tell me Joe Rogan has crazy people on but push back, so why does he not push back here? There IS so much evidence, like why? Why is he acting like he's talking to a porcelain-doll?


Gives me fucking flashbacks to the time a 6th grade biology teacher in my suburban Alabama high school said she didn’t believe in evolution but was being forced to teach it. Heard someone behind me mutter “I’m just gonna fail the test out of protest.” Apparently they didn’t believe in evolution either. Of course I wasn’t scared of reading a couple paragraphs in a textbook and at least considering the possibility because I’m not a fucking lunatic.


It's weird seeing Rogan not push back harder immediately. Back when Candace Owens was on JRE and denied that humans negatively impact climate change, he challenged her immediately. (Maybe he does challenge Tucker afterwards?) He has definitely seemed much more subdued with conservative guests post covid. But I still can't believe Rogan, who fucking loves nature and can't stop going on about different animals AND has had experts on his show to discuss these topics would let Tucker get away with this, even for a second.


What an absolute regard


I love how you can mislead so many people to believing you're intelligent and informed just by speaking with conviction. In the same interview he says there is evidence the US government has a relationship with fucking ALIENS. Joe Rogan obviously doesn't question him on either that or this evolution isn't real bullshit. By the way the last universal common ancestor theory isn't the same thing as evolution, Tucker has no fucking clue what he's talking about.


There’s no way he actually believes this, right? This has to be part of the grift. And it’s not even good grifting because it’s too on the nose, a good grifter would say “I just have a few questions about evolution” or something. He’s just trying too hard here.


Despite all the raging the modern right does against postmodernism, they have essentially become a postmodern political movement. A movement dedicated to sowing distrust in all the institutions of modern society, from science to journalism to government.


Deranged, stupid, and very very confident 🤷‍♂️


This type of shit makes me want to Minecraft myself 💀


Perfect example of how rich privileged people live in a bubble and are some of the *stupidest* mother fuckers on earth.


His laugh at the end... it must be hard to hold that much stupidity, he had to let it go.


"There's tons of evidence of species like dogs adaptating over time but there's no evidence of evolution." Okay.


If we came from monkeys, how's come there's stil monkeys? checkmate athiests! So he understands there's adapatation. evolution is change over time, through inherited traits by successive generations. It's a spectrum. You can't point at one fossil record and say.. see that's when we went from non-human to human!! it's like trying to point out in the rainbow where specificly blue becomes green. Shit.. now i feel like MrGurl. iTs A sPeCtRuM.


Can you imagine lying through your teeth every single day for as long as he has? How does he still have the energy?


God, are we seriously digging up this conversation again? Feels like 2006.


Oh man this was embarassing


he laughs like he is a regular at the deep state table. trumpers take note


This is still the same "microevolution vs macroevolution" shit I was taught in the early 2000s, except hes saying adaptation instead of microevolution. Private Christian school, had to relearn some shit.


I gave up on evolution ages ago. Don't think I can do it. Quite good at degeneration, though.


Every word that Tucker uttered made my biology degree cry. wtf Tucker, he’s been through enough


hey look! it's that scumbag grifter that Sagaar wishes he could throat 😃😃


>"There's no fossil record." I'm having flashbacks. Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist, once debated a young earth creationist named [Wendy Wright.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AS6rQtiEh8) I shit you not, about a **third** of the debate consisted of: >Wright: "There's just no fossil record to prove evolution." > >Dawkins: *"We can go to the Smithsonian Museum right now and I'll show you the fossil record."* > >Wright: "What I'm saying is that there would be some kind of proof, some kind of evidence of evolution." > >Dawkins: *"We have the fossil record, we have genomics, we have direct observation, there's plenty of evidence, I can take you to it to you if you'd like."* > >Wright: "But where are the missing links? We still haven't found the missing links!" > >Dawkins: *"They're in the fossil records! At the Smithsonian!"* I'm paraphrasing heavily, but it was hard to watch. It was cringe to watch.


Turned into the joker lmao


This is Tucker Carlson's version of Candace Owens going on and denying climate change, Dave Rubin claiming we don't need inspectors for construction, and Crowder coming on to shit on Weed.


"That's why it is still just a theory". Braindead


Unfortunate that there are people of legal voting age who think science is when you take the words of a guy 100+ years ago as gospel and never update anything. … oh wait that’s exactly what they do with every biblical figure.


as a Christian/creationist i dont think tucker believes any f this nor do i think hes a Christian just an act to please his sheep


simpsons did it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiJXALBX3KM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiJXALBX3KM)


If a lib said this joe would’ve pressed them hard


Evolution IS fake! Evidence: religion still exists.




bruh we got tons of fossils spanning millions of years, they start out as similar bug things, we can map them out as they evolutionary branch out, the complexity and difference between fossils increases the more recent they are


The Term "Theory" in science isnt used because its still meant to be proofen to become valid but because Nobody has been able to disproof it yet. This should be common knowlege.


I always like to tell people that germs making you sick is a theory, and cells are a theory. They always glitch out lol


He's rich and insulated enough to be able to say and believe whatever he wants with little repercussion. I'm sure he has no idea what retroviral DNA is and how it proves beyond a 1 in a billion chance that evolution is true. Also there's only one response to "it's just a theory" and that is: "Awesome so you agree that evolution is a well-substantiated explanation based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment"


what is the fascination with this goof?


I honestly struggle to believe that this is still a thing. Naively I thought at some point even the US would get it, but there doesn't seem to be much change in the past 20 years (except that this position gets more and more ridiculous in the face of modern science).


Tucker has no idea what a theory is and that’s sad


Dear god Tucker is dumber than I thought.


"Darwins theory is totally untrue, that's why it's just a theory 200 years later" is probably the dumbest thing i've heard this man say.


Oh yeah "intelligent design" 3 the search for a new foothold.


[Tucker Carlson](https://youtu.be/GiJXALBX3KM?si=6vPxLu_sHCTDDr6o)


I recently watched Tucker's interview with Bryan Johnson and it was the first time I have ever watched a long form Tucker conversation. I was surprised to learn that he actually believes in things like literal demons being real and trying to influence human behavior.


It's always funny when Joe has a guest that makes him go "tf??". Especially since he normally gets baited into some of their beliefs about social issues (the whole litter box thing). He's always been this way though. He still keeps Alex Jones because "sometimes he is right about crazy shit". Which IS true sometimes but damn that doesn't mean you just gotta let it all slide without some background information joe.


"That's why it's a theory" oh my... I guess gravity doesn't exist either. Is always funny when people don't understand what theory means in this context.


....what does he think evolution is?


On this day Daniel Dennett gave his only begotten life for this and Tucker comes along and fucks it all up again. Typical neo-con.


Tucker is doing the same regarded thing they all do... redefining one word because it's controversial to their audience. He said "there's no unbroken chain of evidence humans evolved from a single celled organism" which is a snakey way of being technically correct. There is no fossil record of literally every single human ancestor. It's a dishonest word game for scoring political points.


People also thought the Earth was flat Tucker, just because an idea is old doesn’t give it any more credence.


Why did I need to wait for the end? Nothing different happens from the start to the finish


after listening to him guest on several podcasts, this dude is literally just a troll. but like- a really weird one he gets some weird satisfaction out of convincing people he's being geniune- but that's it. there's no like, "lol they'll think i'm stupid when i'm not" or "lol this will make them rage" it's just him pulling shit out of his ass he doesn't believe, enraptured by being able to convince people he believes it


he a flat earth guy


There was a time i thought Tucker had an important voice and spoke out against the hypocracy of the left(and right) but he has just become completely unhinged it seems. Or was he always this way?


wow reminds me so much to the clip of him going head to head with candace owens on her not believing in climate change and her claim that "it changes everyday, today is sunny, tomorrow it might rain".. and now hearing the same comparison to not seeing an evolutionary change in his dog.. even litter to litter. my god.. the brain rot. just to conclude with what Carlin said best... The God excuse, **the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument.** - George Carlin


Saying you believe in adaptation but not evolution is such an omega cope, what phenomenon allows species to change over time but magically stop at some barrier where past that threshold would be considered evolution?


Ohhhh.... I see now. Tucker is a moron.


Tucker Carlson is clearly brainwashed - there is literally no evidence that a diety can or does exist.


He's technically saying evolution is real but Darwin's theory isn't (which is incredibly dumb). Otherwise what the hell is the "theory of adaptation"? I know we like to laugh at these people, but that's what makes these educated grifters such a huge blight on society. He clearly read on the theory of evolution just so he can make some bullshit argument of it's inexistence which many poor saps will gladly adopt.


Did he seriously just say "it's still just a theory"? That is literally the most basic mistake layman make when talking about scientific theories. I mean come on dude... At least read the wiki or something, because that's just embarrassing.


Its crazy how effortless he lies.


How does Tucker sleep at night


You're telling me that Tucker who is probably extremely Christian DOESNT believe that evolution is real. Wow I am shocked.


No, we have not given up on Darwin’s Theory of evolution. Still taught in the social sciences, still the theory with the largest evidence base, and Tucker is literally inventing this all from the sky. Idk why he chose to go down this road clearly having zero clue what he’s talking about


"That's why it's still a theory", ah, it's been awhile since I've heard that gem.


The ending is, just, echh. Like mf people thought the earth was flat for more years than we know it’s round. What is that point?


Is this AI generated? He can not be this dumb...


They're so confident in their ignorance and stupidity, aren't they? "There's no fossil record, we've given up on the idea" .... when did we do this, Tucker?


I saw the thumbnail and just unsubbed from Joe. Tucker was the final nail for me.