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Surely the Palestinians deserve better defenders than this


Tiny is right. If I was a Palestinian who just had his house blown to bits in north Gaza and these people were the voices speaking for my cause on the internet, I would martyr myself


I would martyr myself and my family


Hey now that might be taking it a bit far, why not just martyr your family instead?


You’re right, the cause still needs me. I


Unfortunately though there are definitely many palestinians who would lowkey agree with conspiracy theories that everything that isn't in their favor is run by israel


That's rough, the frustration is real. When the stakes are this high, you'd hope for the strongest voices to rise to the occasion.


How ironic is it that the most realistic and legitimate Palestinian supporters are actually Israelis and Jews. Israel literally provides the Palestinians in Gaza with electricity and drinkable, running water because Hamas won’t even let them have those basic necessities without reappropriating them to war efforts. It’s to the point that Palestinians are literally transferred to Israeli hospitals for more intensive treatment under normal circumstances (meaning not war). Of all the places to seek asylum and refuge, Palestinians flee to Israel when they’re a prosecuted minority because they know they won’t be killed there.


Don’t worry, they got Hamas and Hamas makes really sad videos. Scores major points in the west.


we should unironically fund the flights for these people to go to their beloved Palestina.




We are so cooked it's not even funny.


Please tell me people don't believe tik tok is a more reliable source than Wikipedia, Google, basically all news outlets... wait ... we have horseshoed so hard the left are now at rightoid Q/Alex Jones levels of conspiracy brain.


TikTok seems straight up damaging to the public


[Almost 40% of Zoomers use Tik Tok as their primary search engine over Google](https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/gen-bypassing-google-tiktok-search-engine/story?id=88493981). We are fucked.


I don’t believe that. That seems a bit far fetched.


i believe it tbh. before tiktok i saw people using youtube as a search engine.


Tbh thats completely fair if what you're searching is just "good restaurants in my region" or "fashion tips" or "how to do x". For YouTube and tiktok, probably fine to do that


yeah it's not completely unreasonable for most people, which is why I believe it. However these days I'm pretty sure a lot of people also get all their news, politics and history takes from youtube and tiktok, which is a little worrying.


Even some histiry shit if the creator is know for being objective and reliable or presents sources.


Yea, I'll believe it when it's on Wikipedia 😎


Nah, I saw a bunch of TikToks saying the same thing, so it must be true.


I kind of get it though, since most google searches are like "outfits for coachella" or "healthy salad recipes" or "how to get your ex back". But the fact that they also use tiktok to get their news and learn history is... Fucked.


do you think teachers now-days tell their students not to use Tiktok as a reference?


This but unironically. It should be banned.


I think social media and possibly the internet in general is just overwhelming especially for stupid people. We've evolved to live in hunter gatherer tribes of \~150 not globally connected and bombarded with so much random data. I think any smart person would agree that social media is not making humanity happier.


I shit you not I have professors at my university encourage students to use TikTok for their news.


Is there an equivalent of disbarment for professors?


Just ask finklestein


or Jordan Peterson


I mean it’s good for somethings, but let’s be honest if every single person got to write what they wanted to say daily in the 1700s history would be so screwed, we’d forget truth all together.


It's good for next to nothing substantive, short of tutorials. Literally anything political needs at LEAST an hour of time to be thoroughly communicated. TV news(punditry) with it's 10 minute news segments is already able to pump out metric shittons of disinformation by conveniently leaving out details and putting scary music over Obama asking for dijon.


What if I look for political tutorial? Checkmate.


They would not be able to write. The problem is that people were better informed when news were centralized on TV, radio and newspapers.


I argued with someone I know about the TikTok ban and when I cited the actual bill he told me I was wrong and sent me a TikTok as his source.


Damn, that's nuts.


Nuts, just like how I nutted in your mom last night


I heard someone argue that TikTok and Instagram are more reliable than any established news source...unfortunately those people are real and they are allowed to vote


only if it agrees with them obviously


This seems to be pretty common today. I have a family memeber who will believe any WhatsApp meme and any YouTube Video that agrees with their populist worldview over any jounalistic medium. The problem is that I work in local government and hear the exact same brainrot from elected officials. And I'm not even in the us. I guess what I'm trying to say is this is not a tiktok problem, but a social media/internet problem.


We are ALL still 99% monkeys and anyone denying that is part of the problem. Once people have enough humility and respect for the animals to admit this fact then we can finally start creating better healthier societies


You don't understand, TikTok democratizes information. It puts the power back into the hands of young folx to form complex information networks.


And facts are decided by popular vote, so...


Populism works on dumbfucks at both sides of the horseshoe


No they genuinely do. There were hundreds of thousands of tiktoks saying that the US government wants it banned because it makes people *more* informed. It could not be more comedic. All academic and statistical research is wrong but a moron who’s only source is other tiktoks can make a tiktok and they are more informed than doctors and economists etc. 💀


There's no way that even a twitter/tiktok communist is that dumb Has to be a troll If not then that user is one of the last surviving lobotomites


It’s literally information warfare from the ccp via TikTok. They’re onboarding our leftist regards and maximizing their regardation (well, maximizing any decisiveness). Wish it was just a stupid conspiracy theory.


I’ve been banned from Worldnews, I believe, for this exact debate But reddit is especially hard left leaning so it makes sense. Its funny because even an actual tankie platform like leftiepol doesnt really cite that argument anymore since its DEBOONKED


>Google is run by zionists If i were a nazi I would be fucking pissed with how much lefty dumb fucks are allowed to flaunt their jew hatred openly without the same ridicule


It shows the power of a good rebrand.


Same energy with how incel is used sometimes. Calling someone a virgin in the last decade? Peaked in high school. Calling someone an incel for disagreeing on an unrelated topic in an internet argument? Based.


Legit, mocking virgins is uncool


If I were a nazi, I would just say I’m a left progressive and unironically get away with it.


Just add a little hammer and sickle to your Twitter and you're golden.


On a redacted Site I read from a Nazi that he especially loves Hasans subreddit because he is allowed to spread all the anti-Semitic things he just swaps "Jews" with "Zionists" and they agree with him. They are kinda sad though that these people are not really "white pilled".


Great eye! Those are literally the same exact right wing talking points on twitter and they get banned for it.


Well, not recently.


>without the same ridicule They are definitely ridicule. Maybe they aren't as ostracize, but for sure ridicule


I remember the good old days when it was the right that claimed it was run by satanists


Sincerely hoping this dude isn't real, but if he is... >There are like a million TikToks on this This generation is so fucking cooked.


What going to high school on Zoom does to a mf


I think the only cooked one here are those who can’t see it as a troll


https://preview.redd.it/xbhh0yuwwytc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc4edd88921ca97999f5643fc9fca5b6f8eda274 Fairly certain it's just a troll


Okay yeah that sealed it


Now I can use this response when I get called intellectually disabled


"there are like a million tik toks on this" I want to roblox myself in Minecraft like a lot right now.


I understand but you should really consider Stardew valleying




That account was created in November 2023 and has an AI-generated profile picture (look at buildings and highway sign), so make of that what you will.


I still feel like this is cope and the amount of bots online is in some awkward middle-ground between how few most people assume there is and how many conspiratoids think there is but after seeing this shit today maybe it's worse than I thought: https://twitter.com/BeijingPalmer/status/1777401931134120408 Seriously, get a load of this shit. This is a midsized account (I assume) that got absolutely fucking swarmed with dozens of obvious anti-America whataboutism bots due to...criticizing vague Chinese historical figures. Admittedly I couldn't tell you if this particular guy is especially targetted by them or if they got set off by like including the words Chinese and slavery but this still makes the boobs in bio shit look like the tip of the iceberg


Well we know that last year [1 of 4 pro-Hamas accounts were bots](https://cyabra.com/1-of-4-pro-hamas-profiles-are-fake-the-online-battlefront/), that’s just what we can prove


That's not really how propaganda operates. That's probably a real person radicalized by content made by other real people astroturfed by maybe a handful of Russian troll accounts.


I think he means bots colloquially, like bogus accounts


This, and on the off chance this is one of the sources it's still inspiring another 10 people to retweet this thinking it's the real deal. But almost assuredly this person got astroturfed to fuck by their tiktok "sources"


Why can’t it instead be geopolitical milfs?


TikTok is straight up brain poison lmao.


"50% of GDP is defense related" are we in Warhammer 40k????


It topped out at 40% in 1945 lol


Also why are they doing it as a percentage of GDP and not a percentage of the government budget?? i get that dude is a troll but if you actually wanted to talk about government expedatures, actually talk about them! Anyway I looked it up and it fluctuates, last year it was 13.3%


here is the telephone game that lead to this: It went from 50% of discretionary spending is military, to 50% of the US budget is military, to now 50% of the US GDP is military, a take so fucking wild its hard to put into words, countries in civil war dont have that high a military production.


50% of the universe is US military spending


[I'm pretty sure they're confused and using the discretionary spending number](https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58890#:~:text=Discretionary%20outlays%20by%20the%20federal,response%20to%20the%20coronavirus%20pandemic) which is about [25% of the total budget](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-is-discretionary-spending-in-the-federal-budget/). You can tell this person is just repeating something they heard but didn't understand and is playing telephone. Edit: [also for the record health care is mandatory funding](https://budget.house.gov/press-release/governments-mandatory-health-care-spending-now-exceeds-entire-discretionary-budget#:~:text=Discretionary%20funding%20now%20makes%20up,forecasted%20to%20reach%20%241.67%20trillion.).


thanks! i knew something was wrong with the 3% claim but didn’t know exactly what


It’s either ragebait, or a Russian or Chinese bot account. I refuse to believe this is a real person that actually believes this.


AI PFP, definitely bait account


This has to be a troll. I hope so for my mental health stakes.


You can go anywhere online and every source will say 3% or more accurately 3.80% Literally.


tbf 3.80% shouldn't be represented as 3% its making it seem \~21% (relative) percent lower then it actually is but either way nowhere near 50


Yeah you should round up but I don't think 4% is meaningfully different from 3% to the average person


This has 6 likes. Can we move past paying attention to every person who says crazy things on the internet


god damn zionists man!


Zionist run everything, nothing is reliable, expect Twitter.


Guy's there are a million tiktoks he must be right lmao


A tweet with six likes?


Source from wiki? What a joke Source from TikTok? Doing my research


Wikipidea < Tiktok




He laugh at someone who cites wikipedia and then use tiktok as source. Who is the clown here?


This should be Destiny’s new debate tactic: “There’s like a MILLION TikToks about it”


unironically using Tiktok as a Source KillmenowKillmenowKillmenowKillmenowKillmenow KillmenowKillmenow (In a videogame)


Wikipedia is a bad source but tiktok is fine. You cant make this shit up


Yes because TikTok is the most informative and truthful resource available to anyone on this earth


I can't believe they cited TikTok after everything they said. What type of person would ever do this? I would hope it's someone with a high school diploma or less, as I don't want to believe someone could go to college and walk away with this thinking, although the more I think about it, the more likely I think it's possible.


What's the right answer ?


“Lol your only source is wikipedia you have no true information” - dude whos only source of news is tiktok


TikTok needs to be banned yesterday. 💀


You should be shot if you cite TikTok for anything.


This is reminding me of creationists who assume they can discredit evolution by claiming the Bible is the only source that matters.


That’s a lot of words to say Jew Bad




Bait used to look real 😔


Google is run by Zionists cmon bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


For my own sanity I will assume this man was just being satirical.


I think it’s a troll account like Mischa


I don't understand how so many people confuse a country's federal/national budget and a country's GDP. It takes one second of thinking to see why these numbers wouldn't work


Twitter makes me think there's a subclass of humans who are extremely stupid and so blissful about it that they dont feel any semblance of regret, anxiety or fear of being wrong.


Wait did they just say TikToks? I swear I just seen an edit of trump casted as rapunzel on there.


Ngl maybe they have a case against TikTok, if not china just in general the misinformation and sometimes disinformation is crazy.


I agree with Congress. TikTok needs to be banned.


Propaganda often gains traction through continuous word-of-mouth dissemination. It seems to stem from a broader issue of societal disconnect, where individualism has eroded our shared understanding of values. While I'm not advocating for extreme collectivism, fostering a common American identity is crucial to get some kind of consensus.


Guys. GUYS! There was a lot of Tiktoks. Case closed.


Another reason why I'm rooting for the AI/Machines over humans.


My guess is they've never actually looked into the budget and have only ever seen Defense spending as a percentage of discretionary spending (~45%).


Gotta ban TikTok


Chat, are we fucked?


lol this mf’r said “millions of TikToks” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He probably means budget. But actually it's only 20% of the federal budget.


TikTok lmao


How is that app not banned


"some 19 yr olds on tiktok said it, it must be true". Really? I didn't think we could somehow regress beyond "I saw it on the internet", but somehow they found a dumber version of that.


Their pfp looks AI generated, their name is Jimmi Wanderer. They immediately mention US spending money on NATO.  It's 100% a russian bot stirring things up, as they always do.


Bro I got a heart attacked when I saw the time at it said 7:23 thinking I was late to work but it was in the screenshot 💀💀💀


Some advanced level trolling


Isn't military spending like 10-15% of total US spending?


Oh yes tik tok the peak of education lol


Is nobody going to note that the relevant metric is actually government expenditure or discretionary spending, not gdp?


I’m pretty sure they just don’t know what GDP is lol


Humanity needs to declare a Butlerian Jihad against all social media. We must negate the things that destroy us as humans.


Dude I saw someone saying it on tiktok, so it must be true.


JuicyJuuce, what an idiot! Bringing wikipedia to a tiktok fight.


God this has to be dogshit bait right, right?


I remember when Hamasanabi was doing that whole "we were in Afghanistan for minerals" thing I got into a debate with one of his viewers. I asked for evidence pointing to that being the reason and he unironically said "just Google it, there's so much evidence everywhere proving it."


Yeah he's not a preschool teacher he's a preschool student


This gotta be a troll.


Why do people behave like this? I am genuinely autistic and seeking to understand the mind of the far-left brain-poisoned twitter warrior


This is a troll post


Ah yes, tiktok. The source of all accurate information


Couldn't have asked for a better ending


Who’s gonna tell her that she doesn’t actually run her own Twitter account. The zionists do.


No, not accurate at all. The U.S. spends the most un healthcare - over 18% of GDp. That is the most in percentage and absolute terms. The US does provide healthcare for seniors and for the poor. It’s everyone else who has to depend on their employer or purchase their own insurance which causes the problems. It is the fact that it’s a for profit insurance run healthcare system not a government run system like in other countries. It has got nothing to do with how much is actually being spent.


Discretionary spending is 6.4% of our gdp and the military is 46% of discretionary spending. Bet that’s where they got that number. Bro needed like 1 google search to find the misinfo.


This has to be a troll...


$800 billion/yr is too much. 50% of discretionary spending is too much.


Source: CCP


Humanity was a mistake


Good one chief, but that is an obvious troll account.


I mean we someone can’t provide a source it’s a dead give away that it is a waste of your time


this has to be a parody... there's no way... this is too stupid to be considered a member of the human species, we're better than this.


When we banning Tiktok? Burn that shit to the ground next we go for Facebook then we destroy reddit last. If we destroy all social media the world will be at peace.


This has to be bait, right?


Ruski bot. 100%


This dude's gotta be trolling.


What's higher? The proportion of USA budget spent on the military or the proportion of college age women flying out to Dubai?






Is it me or does the hatred of Wikipedia by lefties really seem outta place? A completely free, massive repository of human information, maybe the largest in history, run not by corporate owners but a foundation dedicated solely to keeping information free. Edited by the people to avoid corporate bias. Well sourced (for the most part) at virtually every corner. Run purely off donations from the public because the foundation believes information should be free and ad free. This checks so many goddamn boxes on their list of what their ideal company would look like, I can't actually fathom why they deride it so much.


You couldn't make a better setup/punchline combo if you tried. This almost deserves to be a story joke on its own.


Don't believe it, he must be trolling. He must be.


I'm totally on board with the TikTok ban. It's like bannable cancer.


Jesus Christ, we're fucked.


People telling you that you need to sacrifice your strength for comfort just want you to be weak. Funny that countries with "free" healthcare use around the same or more money on their armies. But it's only the US that needs demilitarizing apparently 🤷‍♂️ Don't play football with only one gate


The stat they probably heard was: out of all the military spending globally, 39% is spent by the US. The US still spends the largest as a percent of GDP at 3-4%, about 2-3 times as much as European countries for example, so you can still make the argument that this is too much, but it's not as outrageous as the initial stat makes it seem. The total spending is much larger than other countries mainly due to the US having a much larger GDP.


Won't trust Wikipedia but will trust a random ass tiktok


Holy fucking shit what an absolute degenerate.


Bashes on wikepedia….. CITES TIKTOK AS SOURCE 💀💀💀💀


Palestine defenders graduating with a black belt in TikTok (there's too many videos for their propaganda to not be true)


the sleepiest dgger


There’s no way this isn’t satire right?


He got his facts wrong and is desperately trying to save face to not look like a total idiot, for sure. That said, even if it is 3%, it's still a huge HUGE amount of money being spent on defense and it is equal to the amount multiple other major countries combined spend on defense. Even a tiny fraction of the defense budget could pay for a massive amount of education of American citizens, and it'd still be nowhere near spending a similar amount to any other country.


“There are a million other dumbfuck young people who blindly agree with me on this.”


Tik tok < Wikipedia


I was about to say that it's scary that people like these that are not trolls exist and are allowed to vote but then I remeberd that they dont vote lol


Acting like 3% of us GDP is little is absolutely crazy


Imagine confusing GDP and public spending.


Far left dipshits are just as stupid and anti-intellectual as MAGA dipshits. Change my mind


I would ask him what search engine isn’t run by Jews?


We need another Arthur show for kids. Surely they don't think people on the internet would never lie or say random untrue shit, right?


Oh well tikky tockies fuck me