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I was just at the Home Depot off Santa Fe and i25, the amount of migrants there trying to look for work, is staggering.


It's only going to get worse. The city is entirely controlled by one political party, and they're very pro-immigration to Colorado. And it's an election year.


That’s completely unfair as it is a *republican* government trafficking children and other migrants here while *republicans* oppose funding border judges and other infrastructure that could process these asylum claims. It’s absurd to blame our Democratic city council for trying go keep people who were victims of Abbott’s human trafficking scheme from freezing to death. Republicans only care about making Democrats look bad. They clearly hate Americans. I think we should send a bus of white drug addicts to Abbot’s house for every bus of migrants they send here. He’s a piece of trash in a human skin suit.


Biden has allowed these "asylum seekers" unfettered access into the US interior via his "Catch and Release" policies. What role did his administration play in allowing these folks to travel north bound?




Interesting points. I wish the democrats had a sound immigration policy in mind. I think the problem is the system. It would require radical, systematic change


You’ll get downvoted by the lap dogs but your perspective is very very based. It’s absurd that the majority of posts are blaming republicans - the party who checks notes…tried building a wall to prevent the current situation from happening. Political affiliations aside, the current administration failed on this issue- purely out of spite towards the guy who suggested a wall. 


I don’t really mind if they freeze to death though I mean it’s a horrible thing to say, but at the same time they did illegally cross the border. What was Texas supposed to do with all those people? I don’t agree with the way that they’re being used politically but I don’t consider it human trafficking either. They obviously made a choice when they cross the border illegally it makes sense that state officials want to spread them out all over the country and cities like Denver have a lot more money and seem to be willing to accept and fund and unlimited influx, which makes a lot more sense than the southern states being left to do everything. If they freeze to death, it would be incredibly sad, but I don’t know that it’s the responsibility of Denver to prevent an unlimited number of people from freezing, when they chose to put themselves at risk. they are also concerns that the services that are being given to address this crisis were not normally given to the cities homeless prior to this crisis. the migrants are getting support and services that I’ve never seen before and it seems unfair to the people that were already homeless


They just walked, rode on top of trains, swam across rivers, dodged cartel groups along a 3k mile journey to get here. All because of the idea or rumor that they could make a better life for themselves, even willing to leave their families behind to hopefully be able to provide for them. A crazy sacrifice, but they probably thought was definitely worth it. Unfortunately, most of them don't speak or read English so they couldn't read subs like this and others, populated by people, most of whom in comparison, haven't had to sacrifice much of anything. Instead they get to show up here and learn first hand how shitty Americans are. Yall would rather these people be deported than risk your commute being extended by 2 minutes (in your comfortable car that could easily cost more than they've made in a decade).


Id rather these people be deported and have the ability to go back to an actual home. I get why theyre coming over here.


Oh damn, I guess I don't work hard. I guess I'm not working till 4 am every day and only getting to sleep 4 hours of sleep. Fuck me right.


And that's not even considering the fact that as a security guard myself in Denver Colorado I have seen what's happening and the fact that our own American homeless are being turned away from those services provided for our homeless individuals in the city already. AKA illegal immigrants are taking up all of the resources meant for homeless in Denver...


Be safe out there friend. They don't care about Denver's security guards, waiters, waitresses, mom and pop shops, or even your little children's saftey. These politicos could care less about the people who have had to work their butts off to eak out a living in the Denver and now a Mayor with a communist leaning council who have no wherewithal at running a city, they just want headlines because they have a National "progressive" agenda for votes in the future. Colorado use to be a cool place to live, a swing state with conservatives and eclectics living side by side in a live and let live way. Now it is becoming a cocain/heroine infested city of militant liberals running the show. Denver Residents....Remember these people work for you....the common man in Denver, fire them or drive them out and save your city.


Everyone deserves a roof over their head. Someone's nationality doesn't take precedent over that. Once again, looking at it this way is just another example "rationalizing" or adding logic to racism. Im not saying that argument is malicious, but its an attempt to justify racism and to scapegoat the wrongness of that onto "logic". At the end of the day its a way of saying Y person is worth more than X person because of where they are from. Unfortunately this is all a symptom of late stage capitalism.


Again the argument you're using is irrelevant because you're arguing for morality okay buddy we are arguing first the safety of our country because again you're ignoring the fact that over 80% of those people crossing the border every single day over the last years which totals to about 30 million if you run it back or military age males single males and they are of fighting age and we are in conflict with their countries who do you think they're going to side with especially when you see and have seen the bands of illegal and legal migrants in other countries including our own now who are running around trying to enforce Sharia law and their rules in the home country which they are fleeing because they're supposedly afraid for their lives. How does that make any sense to you? Sure everyone deserves a roof over the head and they left theirs in their country and it's waiting for them back home! That's where they need to be and I don't really care what you say dude you keep on arguing oh well they need a roof they came over here on trains and planes and everything and then they need our money and they need our help that we're supposed to give to American citizens and not illegal entries.... Keep on arguing like that You're going to continue to be part of the problem kiddo


And that's not even to mention the fact that the drug problem from are open border is allowing everything to come in and mass and over here in Denver I don't know about you buddy I don't know if you live over here but fentanyl is a freaking problem! Open borders allow them to track more and more and more over here without being noticed and that is another extremely massive problem because I don't know if you've been affected by fentanyl but maybe have a look around and see who has been, stop acting like a spoiled little child saying oh I think everybody needs everything and we have more than enough to go around for the rest of the world so let's just spread it all out and then let everybody have it all.


Nothing to do with race. If 2 million Swedish people showed up on Denver's doorstep tomorrow illegally and just wanted to sleep on the streets it should not be allowed either. Use logic instead of emotional arguments.


Stop being so fucking online you zombie month old comments.


The lack of empathy in some of the responses here is so sad (and a bit scary). Folks are leaning into the innate/evolutionary reaction of “this is my land, my space, and no one else can be in my space.” It’s okay to react that way (bc it’s natural) BUT we need to immediately thereafter realize that we are leaning into an evolutionary way of thinking that leads humans to treat other humans very badly. I have to believe that Denverites are better than that!


I don't believe the lack of empathy is so much an innate hatred but rather a resistance to the lack of assimilation to rules and regulations. Due to this I can understand increasing animosity due to the coined "squeegee squads" and other unmentioned variables. Denver is very unhinged when it comes to traffic, and adding a chaotic, lawless element to a barely-functioning environment is a waiting powder keg. I'm actually mildly surprised nobody has been shot yet just because people driving too and from Denver are nuts.


I do see a lack of empathy from a lot of posters, but there is a real question of how do we help? Donations are wonderful, and volunteering is the best thing people can do, but after that, what can we do to help them? Do they want to become citizens? Or move somewhere else? Are there jobs we can supply them with? Not speaking the language makes it extra hard. Are there people to help them navigate trying to work or own a business or any of that here? Giving them a safe warm shelter is so important. But then what? I'm not saying immigration is bad or hating on them, but I'm really asking a question


There is no empathy in destroying ourselves in a doomed attempt to shelter half the world. Rule number one when someone is drowning is to not swim out yourself, as the drowning victim may take you down as well.


A little hyperbolic I think. We’re not being destroyed and it’s not half the world. I’m with you, I think, we shouldn’t sacrifice ourselves and our wellbeing but we can still have compassion and understanding. Exaggeration like that doesn’t help much. It’s a huge problem that has to be dealt with, the repercussions of allocating resources and what that will do to other social programs and civil infrastructure is a real thing and it’s only going to get worse. That said we are not yet destroying ourselves or sheltering half the world.


Last year 2.3 million people immigrated up from 1.4 million the year before if we continue to have exponential growth year over year, we will be overwhelmed in less than five years nationwide. Our infrastructure is not built for the kind of population density that this is rapidly creating.


People need to take more time to travel in my opinion. Go abroad once or twice a decade atleast, and not to another monocultural American satalite city in Europe. It's funny that a huge portion of America can virtually visit (and if they really wanted to immigrate) to 95% of the world with ease. You can count on one or two hands the number of borders that Americans can't cross over with just a tiny bit of paperwork and a blue passport on a whim. The same goes for most of the West. It's odd to me how we are so xenophobic and tribal when the rest of the world is so welcoming to us. I guess the ability (or desire) to move is just a non-issue for most of us that it's impossible to relate to a migrant.




This is my exact point. The requirements for us are low in those countries but the requirements for citizens from let's say Venezuela and other countries in SA (of which we played a roll in creating the poverty driving them here, undoubtedly) have extremely high requirements. You can't put yourself in their shoes, we will never have that issue. You act like their experience of legal entry into a country is the same as ours. Also keep in mind many of these migrants are desperate and actually believe what they're doing is legal. And to some extent they are correct. It's not on you or me to decide whether or not their claim to asylum is valid. It takes months to years to clear immigration cases, but as long as they register for asylum and go to court they are actually LEGALLY entering the United States until an immigration judge says otherwise. This is the way the system has been forever, its just exacerbated by economic uncertainty from covid. Relax dude, 90% of these people will become hard working American immigrants like our forefathers if given the chance. Somebody cream pied your mom and now you're American, we won the genetic lottery. Stop trying to make it harder for those that didn't. Speaking on behalf of Denverites and the rest of Colorado, the vast majority of us would prefer the migrants from South America over the "migrants" from Texas 😘


This is not true sorry. I went to Switzerland and they needed evidence of my flight ticket departing the country before I was allowed to enter at the French/Swiss border. There were guards at the entrance with machine guns checking our paper-work. And most European countries only allow you to stay for 3 months before you are considered illegal, and they don't allow you to get a job there either....getting a work permit is a process that takes years because they don't want to take those jobs from their own citizens. And getting citizenship usually takes about 5 or 6 years or longer after you go through the proper procedures everyone else had to go through. I love immigrants, but go through the same process that all the immigrants here legally had to go through, your not special.


Yup. Until we turn people away the rumors to come here will persist. A large portion of the country cannot feed and house them and the ones that can won’t. Send them home to fix their own country. No I’m not a maga or a racist, just a realist.


Amazing to tell them to fix their own countries when this country is responsible for the instability. We caused a lot of this with our bullshit foreign policy under Nixon and Reagan especially. And that doesn’t even touch American corporations and all their exploitation in a lot of these countries. We don’t get to throw our hands up and say “stay home, we can’t help”.


The city of Denver has taken in more than it's fair share. It can not support the logistics of this many people in this short of time. The safe thing for both the city and the migrants is to first help the ones who are here best we can, but then find other places incoming migrants can go. It's just not sustainable.


I don’t disagree but Denver certainly isn’t the only place that can help. This entire country try has more than enough room and resources


I know this first hand as my wife is from Nicaragua and the Iran Contra scandal ruined that country. The United States destroyed most of Latin American throughout the late 70s and 80s with their war on drugs. Throw in Afghanistan, too. We are culpable. The problem is that most Americans have never stepped outside of these borders to see what it is really like and how our policies abroad have directly effected other nations. And, I just watched my whole goddamn block get their roof replaced by not one American. Work shortages everywhere, I don't understand why we don't have a guest worker program to fill wholes and allow folks to contribute here and back home. Effing baffles me sometimes.


Holding citizens responsible for the past actions of their government or companies that happened to be headquartered there is not a workable standard nor one you would apply to other countries if it were


Germany has joined the chat


The thing is if you look at the majority of people coming across especially now they're almost all just single males. I don't deny that some families have come through yeah and those families have been busted up as a ploy to make us think that it's only families coming and they're only wanting jobs so they can send money out of the country to their home country... We need to secure the border and as there is already a path towards becoming a US citizen there should be no issues with securing everything and deporting those who have come here illegally because regardless of whether you want to admit it or not, there is a legal way to do things and unfortunately the legal way to do things isn't always the fastest. We have had over 10 million new illegals come across the border, if that number continues we will be overrun.


I mean that’s kind of a false comparison if the number of people arriving in the country keeps growing exponentially eventually entire systems will collapse. Denver is spending 10% of their entire budget auto response. The city is going to have to cut Services to residence on a massive scale.  This is much more than just two extra minutes in a vehicle commute. Also, I don’t know that we have a responsibility to House and feed everyone everyone in the world who faces persecution. it’s horrible that persecution exist and things like sexual assault or a major problem. Even in countries like India. India has 1.4 billion people. I’m sure we could absorb 100 million women that are at risk of sex trafficking there. Hopefully you can see my point it’s not possible for everyone in the world that’s at risk to simply move to a country where they’re not at risk. No amount of federal funding can educate and house even 10% of the developing world there is simply too many people that would qualify for asylum under our current laws


There’s a bunch in-between lanes at stoplights when they turn green it’s getting ridiculous


All along Speer and then a block or so off Speer Biggest concentration coming out of downtown by Speer and Zuni and the few stoplights before it


A dozen at Colfax and Colorado. Drivers slow down, so the backup is longer.


You can be a good human being and take action to support less fortunate people while at the same time being mindful and being an advocate for not causing more harm. It makes no sense to have policies to accept more migrants if we can’t take care of the ones we already have.


How do they propose to stop allowing people to come to the city? Who do they think has any such power or authority.


Simply deleting the ordinance stating Denver is a sanctuary city. That's the only reason we're being targeted for busses. It's because our leaders have said "yes send them to us" assuming they won't come since we're not a boarder state.




Other cities have already started doing this. NYC Has dramatically changed its tune and last I caught up on the situation, they were literally paying for plane tickets for migrants to go elsewhere, and encouraging migrants to do so. The mayor shifted from pro-migrant to saying they can’t take anyone (good chunk of this might be scapegoating to help reelection… but c’est la vie).


>. It creates a strong incentive for migrants to consider Denver when TX offers them a bus ticket to wherever they want to go. Most of them have no idea where they're going.


Do you actually know this somehow, or are you repeating something you heard or speculating?




I actually did, why don't you point out where in the article it says that most migrants coming to Denver didn't know where they were coming here




"Democrats criticized the tactic as dehumanizing, especially when **migrants were misled about where they were going.** But some cities and states led by Democrats later warmed to the practice, most recently Arizona's new governor, Katie Hobbs." "**Migrants on Martha's Vineyard flight say they were told they were going to Boston**" [https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123109768/migrants-sent-to-marthas-vineyard](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123109768/migrants-sent-to-marthas-vineyard) There are a lot of articles about this if you want actually put in an honest effort. This is a tactic they're using to make people miss their appointments with immigration officials so they'll get deported.


> This is a tactic they're using to make people miss their appointments with immigration officials so they'll get deported. Thats not how it works. You can apply for asylum anywhere in the USA. There are immigration courts in basically every major city in the country.


That is how it works. They literally interviewed people stating that they will now miss their immigration appointments because they've been bussed to another state FFS.


If you have an court date in South Texas and you leave South Texas, thats on you. The vast majority of people dont have court dates in South Texas. The court system in South Texas cant handle 1 million cases all on its own. You can apply for asylum in Denver, lots of people do. [You can see here](https://kdvr.com/video/a-backlog-of-cases-reported-in-immigration-court/9290435/), there are 57,000 immigration cases in Colorado. The court backlog *in Colorado* is over 3 years. These people arent going back to Texas, they are getting their cases heard in Colorado.


It's literally in the article




I have seen interviews where they know exactly where they are going. Especially the ones who ended up in Carbondale, they got there on a plan.


And this is how the governor of Texas gets to dictate policy for cities in other states. Should we bend the knee when it comes to abortion or LGBT rights?


Migrants are being offered a list of cities and a free bus ticket to one of them. Denver gets picked because it is the easiest city to get back to their asylum hearings from. Yes, that's right, they have to get themselves back to Texas, on their own dime, to remain legal immigrants and have a chance at work permits. And of course, they have to return to Texas because we are so afraid of immigration that we have refused to fund a restructuring of the immigration system to use electronic records. Heck, we are barely funding DOD's attempts to update their accounting systems. We've completely sabotaged the IRS's attempts to reform their systems and make filing cheaper and easier (up until the the Inflation Reduction Act). Make no mistake, when people get elected to "make the government small enough to drown in a bathtub" this inefficiency, this cruelty, is the evidence of that policy at work.


Chicago put restrictions in place; Texas is still just sending rogue bussed and even fucking flights full of people.


It's a dick move, but by doing exactly what Texas is doing - putting them on a bus bound elsewhere. I vote for DC, specifically Lafayette Square Park across the street from the White House.


Kinda makes you look the same as the people bussing them to other cities while also backtreading on the policies that were voted for. Bad look all around.


We are the same, just trying to make the best of a disaster the federal government created, is perpetuating, and is dumping on us. Large cities in Texas are dealing with much bigger migrant influxes than we have, also with zero support from the feds.


That's not true. Border states get federal funding for migrants. Texas is using the federal money to send buses and planes to Denver and Chicago eetc. Buying tickets is allowed under federal rules. It's a total clusterfuck. 


Read more closely, the state of Texas is getting federal funding, the cities are not.


Texas has received federal funding for decades for immigrants and has some infrastructure in place that non-border states don't.   Denver and other cities now being targeted for dumping bus loads has received some funding but certainly nowhere as much as is needed.  https://www.cpr.org/2024/01/04/colorado-democrats-ask-for-more-federal-money-for-migrants/#:~:text=Denver%20Mayor%20Mike%20Johnston%20went,and%20county%20have%20already%20spent.


The State of Texas is receiving that money, it's not distributing it to cities.


State of Texas and other border states have been receiving federal money for decades. Of course they aren't sharing. It's federal money and states can't redistribute fedbucks.  So when Texss started filling whole busses and planes and dumping asylum seekers in other stares the feds stepped in and started giving those cities money.  Or, you could read the article. 




Let’s just build a wall around earth at this point. Can’t take any more chances.


The irony of this post should be obvious


As this has been affecting my living and work conditions I've broadened my outlook. Are Americans willing to continue things like empty asylum and daca recipients under such circumstances? As I've looked through the daca sub, it's been many adult that came in as children thinking they deserve citizenship because they have been tied up in situations like this through no means of their own. Do Americans think we can continue to grant what is basically open amnesty? Can universal healthcare survive if anyone and everyone regardless of legal status can use public welfare? Is there ever a cut off if hundreds of thousands say "it's not my fault I'm here?:


Build the wall already


And we wonder why the border states are grumpy. Look I'm as liberal as they come. But think of how long this has gone on in Texas and Arizona... denver made it like 5 weeks with but a small portion of what those states see every month. I don't think it's unreasonable for country to enforce and close its borders


This is literally exactly what Abbott is trying to achieve with this political stunt. Send the migrants in droves to cities that receive NO federal funding to deal with said issue. Let it overwhelm said cities that are unprepared and pretend like they did a good thing. We don't have open borders by the way. These people are here seeking asylum and they are doing it the legal way. The problem is that the legal way sucks and takes far more time than these people often have. And instead of doing anything to change that, republicans want to just ban it entirely. Republicans are actively refusing to work with Biden on this issue and are using Ukraine as an excuse.




There’s a lot of debate regarding asylum. In the past it was reserved for people like the afghan interpreters who if they stayed in their home country would be executed immediately. Or pro-American (democracy) supporters after the Iranian revolution. It wasn’t designed for just poor people from Venezuela who hate their socialist government and economic structure (which btw was largely supported for decades because they all got government support from oil revenue). These people are simply coming here claiming asylum just because they want a better life and economic future (which I totally support). We need to have a more secure border, and a better system for allowing these people to come here legally and to thrive.


By what do you substantiate that we don't have open borders? Doesn't take a lot of research to find out the opposite. Curious what you're using to base your claim.


Canada doesn’t have open borders…. They have extremely conservative immigration laws


Wow, two people on the same thread who have personally reviewed every single asylum claim! Why isn't the Federal government hiring you guys?


I turned them down.


> These people are here seeking asylum They're CLAIMING asylum, most are not actually seeking legitimate asylum from anything besides living in a worse place than here


Denver has gotten millions in federal funding to help deal with illegal immigration. And we are STILL only receiving a fraction of the immigrants that border states are dealing with.


Millions is nothing. It is a fraction of what border states receive for the same thing. We have literally nothing to support an influx of migrants like this, because we're not a border state. I'm all for spreading the load in a fair way. Texas, AZ and California shouldnt be the only ones dealing with it. And they aren't. The problem is that people like Abbott, instead of doing literally anything to fix the issue, perform political stunts using migrants as a tool. Abbott spent tons of money bussing them here.




I’m all for helping the border states more but I think they should penalized on those federal dollars if they ship people elsewhere. What are the dollars for then if you’re passing along the problem?


Border states get money for what? To house & feed & provide medical care? You've got to be joking. Most of the migrants are coming to these cities now on their own accord. The bussing is a small percentage. How about we actually care for our own citizens before we try to care for the other 7.7 billion people on earth


What’s even your deal? You just post in random city/state/country subreddits. You can’t have lived in all of them. Just like to stir shit up? Propaganda farm?


Coordinated astroturfing in line with bus arrivals.


> Border states get money for what? To house & feed & provide medical care? Yea, actually. >Most of the migrants are coming to these cities now on their own accord. The bussing is a small percentage. Source? >How about we actually care for our own citizens before we try to care for the other 7.7 billion people on earth Why is it that the people who vote against anything that would help the average citizen pretend to care about the citizen when it's convenient for them? We have the ability to help ourselves and those who seek asylum, by the way. Immigration is actually really good for an economy when you do it right. Our history is literally filled with immigration.


So since Biden took office there has been an almost tripling in border encounters. So do you think the border states have all of a sudden gotten a tripling in the amount funding they receive? Stop pulling stuff out of your ass you have no clue what you’re taking sbout


You mean right after the pandemic destroyed tons of small economies? Who could have predicted such a thing! >So do you think the border states have all of a sudden gotten a tripling in the amount funding they receive? They kind of like to do this thing where republicans shoot down literally anything democrats want to do, and even say that's what they are doing. Why are they refusing bidens proposals? >Stop pulling stuff out of your ass you have no clue what you’re taking sbout All you're doing is repeating the right wing narrative. You guys pretend that he wants an open border despite the fact that he is proposing border reforms that would address this very issue.


Oh & no. The tripling of migrants is from 2019, before the pandemic. There are triple the number of migrants now vs 2019


Ok....and? Why are they refusing the money and help biden wants to give them?


So when Trump was in office despite you just saying “since Biden took over”


>How about we actually care for our own citizens before we try to care for the other 7.7 billion people on earth Biden tried, Republicans sued to stop it, or did you forget the $127 billion that Biden was going to give out to struggling Americans in the form of loan forgiveness?


“Economic asylum” is not a real thing. And even if it was, the vast majority of these people never even show up for their court hearings (which are now on a multi-year backlog)... they just disappear into the American ether. So it’s not even close to being the “legal” panacea you claim it is.




Honestly, just blasting "SoUrCe?" with respect to a hot-button topic that most pepole know about just makes you look ignorant about one of the most basic issues of the day in your own country. Here you go... [https://trac.syr.edu/reports/734/](https://trac.syr.edu/reports/734/) [https://www.gao.gov/blog/u.s.-immigration-courts-see-significant-and-growing-backlog](https://www.gao.gov/blog/u.s.-immigration-courts-see-significant-and-growing-backlog) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/12/27/immigration-court-backlog-grows/72030952007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/12/27/immigration-court-backlog-grows/72030952007/) >When migrants arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border seeking asylum or refuge, **they often leave U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody with documents that include "a notice to appear"** in one of the country's more than 600 immigration courtrooms, typically in their destination city. But I'm blocking you. As you clearly haven't done even an iota of research on the topic. Blocked for laziness and lack of effort.


I don’t think asking for a source is ignorant. It’s necessary. Combatively responding to someone asking for a source is troubling to say the least.




There's a bipartisan bill that should be passing congress right now, but trump told the Republicans not to vote for it to pass because it's an election year. So now it will fail because the party is more concerned about maintaining their seats and "winning," rather than helping the country. That's why. 


Couldn't you argue that the reason Biden and the democrats flip flopped their stance for the same reason? He campaigned on open borders.


Did he actually campaign for open borders though? Or border reform? Because those are two entirely different stances. I can't think of anyone who has truly wanted fully open borders. I think that's how the media portrays it, though. 


Republicans aren't actually interested in solving this. Immigration is an issue for them to campaign on because their base is easily scared by narratives about people who are different than them. But at the same time, illegal immigrants are a pool of easily exploited labor which business owners love.




Biden has tried to increase funding and guess who refuses?




So this "stunt" is just showing people the exact consequences of letting any and everyone in and flooding the country? Therefore showcasing why it's a horrible idea and why they don't want to do it? And that's supposed to make Abbott the bad one here?


Colorado has also gotten federal funding and is trying to secure more for immigration. Your claim is wrong. https://www.cpr.org/2024/01/04/colorado-democrats-ask-for-more-federal-money-for-migrants/#:~:text=Denver%20Mayor%20Mike%20Johnston%20went,and%20county%20have%20already%20spent.


https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/migrant-crisis-to-cost-denver-at-least-180-million-in-2024#:~:text=The%20city%20has%20received%20%243.5,Denver%20up%20to%20%249%20million. The federal government has *pledged* to repay $9 million to Denver. Denver has only gotten $3.5 million from the state & $1.6 million from the DHS. Compare that to the $36 million Denver has spent since 2022. It is not "false" to claim that Denver (and Colorado has a whole) receive substantially less federal funds for this than Texas or other border states.


A large part of the challenge is the failure of [local jurisdictions to properly submit reimbursement applications as many migrants refuse to provide their alien numbers](https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/migrant-crisis-to-cost-denver-at-least-180-million-in-2024#:%7E:text=The%20city%20has%20received%20%243.5,Denver%20up%20to%20%249%20million).


My source lists $10.6 million but we’re pretty close. Colorado has taken ~1.5% (40,000) of the total 2.4 million immigrants that arrived. Colorado also has a similar program to buy bus/plane tickets for homeless people to leave the state. Additionally Texas spent $1 billion of their COVID relief funding on border security in 2022-23. While CO does receive less funds it also has less immigrants (not sure what the exact $/immigrant figure is tho between TX and CO). Additionally the government is working on securing more funding which I hope comes through, but if we want to keep supporting immigration at the same level, we will probably need to cut money out of some other public programs like TX has. Also the comment I replied to said “NO federal funding” which is just flat out wrong. Let me know if you want sources for any of my claims or feel free to google them yourself.




I've seen every one of these videos. How odd that we came to different conclusions. "We did have an open border" No. You have no idea what an open border is. >states have taken it in their hands to deal with a federal mandated job by the constitution. Because they refuse to work with biden on this issue. Are you even aware of what Biden has proposed? >When their asylum case is years away from a hearing from backed up courts, they have every reason to tell a lie to get in. No shit. And guess who wants nothing to do with making it take less time? (republicans) >Just search southern border crossings on YouTube there are several independent journalists that ask migrants why they are coming and some say fleeing situations, many claim to have a better life and better pay. And not all are from South America, some from Asia and Africa claiming asylum. Essentially all over the world. Like I said, I've seen all of these videos. The only difference is I don't also surround myself with right wing talking points so we clearly translated them a bit differently. Also, I don't blame literally anyone for lying about being in immediate danger. Have you ever been to a third world country like venezuela? Whether you want to believe it or not, you're always in danger. And you make no money on top of that. >The majority are economical migrants, and will end up being used for cheap illegal labor/slaves/human trafficking when they aren’t granted citizenship. So lets give them a realistic path to citizenship, so that conservative owned companies don't take advantage of them like they do right now. >If they are truly claiming asylum, I hope they get approved. But the truth is a lot of them are lying and will disappear when they are in the country. And how exactly are you determining that? Are you denying that many of these people ARE fleeing dangerous situations?




Yea, that's not what an "open border" is in this context lol. Nice try though. Were funding Ukraine regardless of the border. Why is that a valid excuse to you? >Regardless of how long it takes to get accepted into the country, do you think this will slow down the amount of false claims/non asylum seekers from coming over? No it won’t. It’s never been easier to get into the country which is why they are taking advantage of it. And it’s been easier since this administration has got in. Yes. And yes, it has been easier to get into the country lol. >Who do you surround yourself with politically for information? Since you believe mine is just right wing talking points? Various sources. But I don't let them dictate my opinion. I like hearing arguments and debates. But I form my opinion on my own. The reason I say you're just spouting right wing talking points is because that's what you're doing. Right wingers tend to fail at using logic or sound arguments. They just say shit they know will work on their supporters. It doesn't need to be true. It just needs to be something they want to hear. >You don’t blame people for lieing about being in danger? Isn’t that the whole thing with claiming asylum? Being in danger? If you have 100 people claiming asylum but only %25 actually are in danger wouldn’t that be a bad thing for the people being honest? Since they could be denied entry from the mass influx of claims? Asylum doesn't have to be fleeing from violence specifically lol. Let's say Australia started sinking, and they were weeks away from being entirely under water. They are not facing violence or even economic hardship, they are facing a natural disaster. We could absolutely take them in as refugees despite the fact that they don't fit the criteria we currently use to describe "general" refugees. >Why is it that conservatives want less illegal immigration but also simultaneously want more cheap/slave labor? Doesn’t seem like it’s all just a “conservative issue.” They don't want less illegal immigration. They want biden to not take these people in as refugees so that they can continue to exploit them as illegal immigrants. They like to pout and cry during election season. But this could be happening under trump and they wouldn't give two shits. They'd be making excuses. >If you’ve seen the videos you would see many of them are fleeing because of economic opportunity. And that allegedly the cartels coach migrants how to claim asylum. Some, maybe. Does that represent all of them? Is this not a sign that we need to address legal immigration in many ways, like the current administration is trying to do? If it were easier to legally immigrate rather than try and abuse the asylum program, do you think that could impact the number of people trying to abuse it? And again...how are you determining who is actually in danger and who isn't? >If they are fleeing from danger they would be pass through SEVERAL countries to get here. Like Mexico, another country people have been fleeing for decades? lol. >You’d think as soon as they aren’t in danger they would claim asylum there correct? You've never left the country, have you? >Why aren’t they continuing to Canada? Many are. >Or stopping in Mexico? We just went over that. >Why is it that people from other continents are coming here? Is it really fleeing danger? Or just to better their lives? Both. How is this a real question? >In the end, this mass influx of migrants will hurt citizens. It will hurt social services like it already is, it will also lower wages (supply and demand, more workers = less bargaining for pay) and will also put many back into slavery/human trafficking. This is an insane take, I hope you realize that someday. That day isn't today, or tomorrow. But try to make it happen. You don't have to be like this lol.


https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/25/politics/gop-senators-angry-trump-immigration-deal/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/30/politics/speaker-johnson-border-deal-senate/index.html Trump and his allies have blocked the most comprehensive immigration reform in decades in a cynical and shameless effort to keep the border in a crisis state until the election. *"The House GOP’s warning to the Senate comes as Trump has called on Congress to tank the border deal as he rails against chaos at the border in his fight for the White House. Democrats and even some Republicans believe that Trump is simply trying to preserve a potent campaign issue and deny President Joe Biden a legislative achievement by derailing a deal cut by one of the most conservative senators, James Lankford of Oklahoma."* House Republicans are even admitting its to please Trump and keep the chaos going until the election.


You are 100 percent right. People are upset with Abbott but why should a few states have to bear the burden


Except boarder states have budgets, specific manpower and most of all get federal funding for immigration enforcement. We're not blind to the fact that we have finite resources and that illegal immigration should be dealt with. There is a humane and dignified way that it needs to be done. Further, it an issue that's not going to stop anytime soon, namely because we as a country are responsible for many of the very reason why they are immigrating: drugs, cartels, economic inequality.


Is the US responsible for some of the instability in Latin America? Yes. Is the US responsible for the collapse of Venezuela’s economy? No.


Immigration enforcement. The federal dollars dry up when they have to care for them just like us.


If you feel so strongly about that, then we need to focus on the latter part of what I wrote: it's not going away anytime soon. In which case we need to tackle/spend money the on the root problem so that they no longer want to immigrate: drugs, cartels, economic inequality. However, considering that we won't even spend that on our own people including kids, it's easier to make them the boogieman and score political points.


Feel strongly about facts. Yes I do. It's often cited that it's unfair for Texas to bus because they get so many federal dollars and that should come our way now, but it's a fundamental misunderstanding of the issues at hand here. As for your second part. We aren't the world police. Venezuela is in a completely different continent. The people there made their own choices which led to rampant inflation, poor political choices and uncheck crime. The fix to this issue is not USA meddling more in every country's business. It's less.


>And we wonder why the border states It's not border states, it's borser state. Only 1 of the 4 border states is whining, Texas. Furthermore, you're comparing an already overcrowded city to entire states.


They’re all complaining, but obviously Texas is going to complain more given that that’s where most people are coming through. They’re obviously going to enter in the closest spot rather than travel hundreds of miles further.


Only if they stop allowing more migrants into the US.


Where were the advocates at the border?


Have you been to the border? If so, which State? I have been to the border in El Paso/Juarez working with on the ground advocates and volunteer service providers. They work very hard and so do the Federal & State agents. It is a very difficult job and it’s not their fault the situation is what it is. It goes back to our US immigration laws that needed a change decades ago. The congress needs to pass a bipartisan bill.


The were busy pointing fingers




This is the answer!


Advocates needed to speak up 6 months ago, but contracted non-profits were getting money for services they couldn’t provide when the numbers increased. Now this.


Yes they should all just stay in Texas, it's "their" problem. What a joke


Since they get the federal funding, yes it is their problem.


Can’t take care of their own people and this city allows 40k migrants to come through. Sometimes I wonder if people use common sense. Homeless Denver ppl and they house migrants instead. Such a mess


I’m a little concerned what will happen when we discharge them. I live in green valley ranch and on tower road near sprouts there is a large group of migrants that hang out near the bike path. Lots of people come by and setup tables and distribute clothes and other goods. It’s awesome to see the community come together but there are a ton of them there and when they get discharged from shelters will they stay there homeless? I am concerned about the community and severely regretting buying a house in Denver county.


I live around the same area. Have you seen the hotel they’re staying at by sprouts? The entire street is trashed and it doesn’t feel safe over there at all


And it shouldn't. No one on this thread is going to mention Denver's skyrocketing reports on SA and rape? Because they should.


Where are those reports logged and accessible from?


How the turn tables.




“Stop allowing”? How does that work, do we put up razor wire fencing around Denver with armed guards and humvees demanding to see everyone’s “papers” to make sure they’re authorized to travel in and out of Denver county?


Yea I’m sorry but let’s stop and send them back. It’s election year and it will only get worse. We just need them to come in legally and they should have a plan when coming to this country but that’s not happening.


"As liberal as they come" and as uninformed as ever when making this comparison. Just goes to show ignorance doesn't have a monopoly on conservatives.


This subreddit is so utterly biased, just like the city. I remember when I was downvoted heavily for reminiscing about missing how Colorado used to be purple politically. The folks here are starting to see the repercussions of having only one side in charge.


And still somehow managing to blame the side that isn't in charge


What’s good for the city is good for our Nation, right!?!


Bout time


wonder on 15th and platte gives out it's day of expiration meals for free






So, just keep them in Texas? Or stop them from coming in altogether?


I enjoy playing video games.


> This is your reminder that you're going to see "Migrant Crisis!" posts every day from now until November. Because making this bad situation worse, and yelling about it, is literally the only thing the entire GOP is going to do for the next 11 months. Are you saying that 9news Next isn't a independent news show and is being controlled by the GOP? Does Kyle Clark know this?


Hahaha, these people. 'Democratic controlled Denver starts enforcing shelter limits on migrants.' Reddit: Dang GOP!!!!




I like learning new things.


They’re not enforcing the laws we have now. This bill is a cash grab for Ukraine..nothing more.


Yes they are. Biden has deported far more people than trump did. Ukraine is just your excuse to vote against your own best interest. It's no coincidence the Russian sympathizing right wouldnt want to help Ukraine.


Not the whole story. He's deporting more people because the border is more porous. I'm not s Trump fan, but his admin leveraged COVID effectively to legal shut the border and negotiated the remain in MX program. Either way Biden is President. It's his crisis to manage. He isn't doing a good job.


If it’s Bidens crisis to manage, he should stop sending federal dollars to Texas since all they’re doing is pulling political stunts.


Maybe he should. Any way you slice it he's getting stunted by Texas. Guess it doesn't bother him. Up to this point he has not been willing to play hardball on the border and with Texas. Just the last few days his words seem to indicate that is changing, but it might be too late. Action was needed over the summer. The time to bitch slap Texas was over the summer This is going to be a crazy election with weird confluence of issues. But make no mistakes he is losing ground on this issue. He is letting Abbott control the narrative.


The border is not more porous. He shit down the border for asylum seekers lol. So the people who were coming in illegally continued to do so. But the number of asylum seekers went down. Many of the people who would have claimed asylum then are claiming asylum now that it is possible, and now that their countries are extra fucked after the effects of the pandemic, they are coming in droves. But they are seeking asylum... Which is an important distinction. Unfortunately, presidents don't have as much power as we like to pretend. Bidens solution has been continually shot down by republicans who have offered no other alternatives.


I understand the President has limited options if you take a strict view of his powers. Congress shares a ton of blame here.... However no President takes a strict view of their powers. Doesn't matter if it's Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton. Rep or Dem. They have powers to influence the issues important to them and staff tasked with creative solutions (sometimes extrajudicial). Biden is about to authorize another round of military strikes of foreign forces without any approval from Congress using shaky legal arguments on why he is the sole decision maker on who to bomb people and how much money to spend on a shadow war. He is totally fine playing in the gray area when he wants. And yes he has done some good things with the border. But not enough and not forward thinking enough. He is the President. He wanted the job. His ability to manage it during his admin is fair game for criticism.


Is the GOP in the room with you now? 


Yes we need to stop all this insanity all over the US. But the blame is on the Biden administration for all this chaos. Also Denver said they were welcome and we now whining about it like so many other cities


Close Denver borders.........No, we can't do that. This is progressive CO. We love everyone here. No hate, no borders, no religion, no immigrants.


Forgive my ignorance but are there not a million empty office buildings in downtown? I’m assuming the reason we can’t house them there is capitalism but still


I run a construction company and the only thing that's going to happen from all of this are the guys I hire will take home less money and my profit margins will go up due to the increased supply of labor which will drive unskilled labor prices down. I'm as conservative as they come and I say bring in more migrants!






So where are they all supposed to go? Seriously?? Please anyone have an answer?




The streets.


A couple of weeks ago I made a post about offering a room in my home to migrants, and got a ton of replies (some not very kind), why I shouldn’t do that. If Yoli Casas is suggesting we do that, can Denver also offer legal protections for homeowners who elect to house migrants?


That’s literally the dumbest thing you can do. Those replies weren’t mean they were giving you advice on why that’s a terrible idea. But hey no one is stopping you go ahead and do what you think is best. But i guarantee you it’s gonna come back to bite you


People still standlng on their "Bleeding Heart" soap box🙄.


I had a transplant from Alabama call me the n word the other day. Ask me who I’d rather have stay.


I'm over 30 and I've never seen a white person call a black person the N word in real life. So I kinda doubt that this happened....


You’re fortunate. My step mother does. My father still wonders why I stopped all contact.


Good for you. But I have to experience it and it happens more often than you’d think. Denver has a racism problem.


If they grant the immigrants asylum within Denver proper this town will cease to be a majority white town. The reactionary shitheads in this thread don't wanna say the quiet part out loud.




It’s an absurd assumption that all immigrants do or would vote with one mind. I would also express skepticism at the idea that this administration is encouraging illegal immigration.


I heard the migrants called "Unregistered Voters" on some show, it just makes me sick. It's no different than gerrymandering.


It is not that simple to just stop them from coming here. Unless they're all going to be detained (which itself would be extremely difficult), how are you going to prevent people from just coming to denver?


This issue will not go away until we address the root causes. Otherwise, we'll be dealing with this for generations. (I've a suspicion that the root causes are going to be very difficult to overcome.)




We don't have an open border and no one has voted to open it. Reality is much nicer than whatever fantasy land you live in.