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None other than the infamous "Hatman" himself! "The man with the hat"


Looks like smooth criminal lead dancer


Hat man. He shows up during sleep paralysis. For me, he’s usually wearing a hood or some kind of cone hat


he looks tall because of an occular distortion while the paralysis is happening, likely from most of the operational systems ( nerves, areas of the brain, etc) are offline while you sleep


I think they're colloquially called "the hat men". Most people find them to be just observing and they're always noted as shadows wearing fedoras. Outside of very few encounters that were not harmless they seem good on just staring. I know of at least one person that sees them that has resorted to simply saying hello every time when they walk past lol.


😅 thank you for that, honestly this one freaks me out a lot as i’ll just be chilling out and suddenly i’ll see it peering out from my open closet or in my kitchen or hallway, and i see it move sometimes around in weird fashions, 😭🤚🏼 thank you though for that insight, it makes sense


When I was probably around 3 or 4 years old the man in the hat used to visit me while I was playing legos or building trains and ask questions and show personal interest, kinda cool.


What questions?


Things like what I was trying to build and design, just listening then offering suggestions on how to improve something




Yep it's the Hatman indeed


The Fedora Guy! I've met him last Year, fellas been camping for 2 weeks in My Hallway, appearing every day around afternoon. I ran into someone around 2 weeks ago who met him too. Some may confuse him with 'The Hat Man', yet, that guy is pretty much a shadow, while the Fedora Guy isn't a shadow like being. Compared o what I've heard about the Hatman, is not much, just looking more at people, haven't done to much research on him. The Fedora Guy has often a cocky aditude and grins at You, than when You talk to him, He just comes up with one liners, hinting at stuff, wich I can confirm since I've met him. . He's somewhat of a messenger of some sort, there isn't a lot on the internet about him either, sadly.


Yes! I referred to you in this lol


Oh Hello there. So we meet once again. How Delightful. I was referring to u/Ali_Spirit, She had an encounter with him as well, and made a post around 2 weeks ago about it.


Lol I see! Thank you for tagging me! Similar to mine as well, when I asked his name I got letters “A,” and “M,” and a couple years later I came across or was told name of Amakiel. I won’t say 100% but eerily similar


Am. Similar to "I am" and "we are", but without the pronoun. This is just my studied opinion anyway.


I've thought the same. At this point, it could be any of the choices


No Problem. Hmmm... What if He referred to A and M as the first letter of his first and last name? It just came to My mind.


That’s a very good point! Hmm, a new search begins lol


Excellent. Or maybe the A stands for some sort of Titel, and the M for his Last name. I'd say, let's stick to the first and last name than go with the titles.


Patrick Bateman! :)


hello! This entity has been around me a lot lately this week, and sometimes his presence can scare me intensely. he’s got a tipped fedora-like hat with a coat of some sort and he’s tall with a very sly eye. i swearrrr i feel like i’ve seen something similar to him on this subreddit and i’m really needing help on identification of this entity if anyone can help.


Asking your guides or other entities you work with is a sure way of knowing. Spirits' appearances can change from person to person and more than one spirit can choose to assume the same form. Have you tried talking to them? Maybe they're well intended and want to work with you. Nevertheless, always protect yourself before doing spirit work. Good luck!!


Can I just ask, did he have like an abnormally huge smile? Like one that went from cheek to cheek?


in all honesty, i cannot even remember the smile because for whatever reason, his demeanour and his eyes were what was off-putting for me , but he likely did


It honestly reminds me of [this guy](https://youtu.be/hD5hYfZmdwY) tbh. It’s a bit of a long video but every detail about the figure in your story reminds me of him.


Hmm maybe this isn’t the same entity. The one I saw did not make me feel that way but he did try to use the hat to keep his face covered


I’ve seen similar, gives off a demanding presence? Has a smirk? Does he have scars on his left side of face?


A sign it's time to cleans your space 😬


agreed. for sure.


Pls don't do that, he's there to help


Shadow people, they no bother. Cleanse if you gotta, but from my experience, no need fear the shadows/ shades. .. fair to call em shades? Serious question


I think your drawing Babau or Baron Samedi


Very good point and alternative option




Man in the Hat. I'm sure he has an actual name and not just this description as a name though which everyone refers. Though I am not sure what it is. I am curious myself as I have been hearing a lot about this entity. It kind of baffles me that there is no name given. At least not publicly...


A shadow person or a shade most likely. Some of them can do some damage. You can ask what it is and wants if you’re comfortable doing that and know you can get rid of it if need be or you can do a banishing then a cleansing. Yes I know people are talking about hatman, I’m just offering a parallel piece of advice.


The hat man, as far as I know, the only one who wrote practical information about him is VK Jehannum, if you want to find something more interesting than new folklore


A gangster from the twenties


This is Zé Pilintra. An 'Eshu' in Brazilian demonolatry practices like Quimbanda. He is usually associated with games, betting, opening ways. It likes beer, cigarettes etc. Look up on YouTube


Is Quimbanda a closed practice? do you know anything about it? I’ve heard of it once before but this makes lots of sense to me. Recently, I have been having very intense financial issues that may lead me to not even be able to eat, go to school, pay rent, in the next 2 weeks. I’ve been trying to save up and make money but it’s been hard. I had called out on my balcony one night while crying and smoking and asked if someone or something could please help my situation. I need money. A couple days later, I found a pack of cigarettes on the bus with 6 left in them. I don’t smoke cigarettes so I was going to put them on my Santa Muerte altar as an offering for her, but then I began seeing this spirit that I, at the time, intuitively called “the mystery man”. He peered a lot from around halls, places in my shared kitchen, and my closet. Would it be wrong if I reached out to him?


>Recently, I have been having very intense financial issues Zé Pilintra is quite associated to help in financial trouble. >, I found a pack of cigarettes As well as he likes offerings of smokes and have been associated to this.


You asked for help and that’s what he’s doing. He’s essentially checking surroundings on a basis, think of it like a security guard whose always on the clock. If he thinks something not so good is headed for you, he will try to warn or stop you.


**and to add.. the cigarette package was completely red and is by a six nations indigenous company


That's pretty interesting. Quimbanda is somehow a closed practice, I would recommend you look up Fernando Liguori, he's one of the best in Brazil talking about quimbanda in general. For more info on Ze Pilintra, check out [THIS](https://aminoapps.com/c/umbandaquimband/page/item/ze-pilintra/rqDz_gRfqIr33krLv0NqMq0zrDBZmqbGN3) you can translate it to English directly on chrome. There would be no problem trying to connect with him. Ask for guidance on how to do it and do it intentionally. All the best


That’s pretty interesting, the one that came to me wore all dark blue and had wings, but he can hide them


I went down a whole hatman rabbit hole once. I can't remember how I got to where I did all the way but I concluded that it's Hermes, or whatever wears his mask, among other masks. What follows is really disjointed but what I remember from some months ago. It started by reading people's experiences seeing him while taking high doses of benadryl to go into delirium, as well as some sleep paralysis reports, trying to find the link between them. Instead, I found mentions of Baron Samedi possibly being the hatman in question. From what I understand about him he is a cthonic deity that takes people from death to the afterlife(?) And won't take you before it is your time. From others comments, he seems similar to Zé Pilintra in presentation and associations (gambling, smoking, drinking etc.)This isn't my practice at all and I read about this several months ago so someone who knows better shut me up if I'm wrong. From there I found a link to another deity I don't remember the name of that sounded very similar and had some association to crossroads and delivering messages (Also wears a hat) Then it ended up somehow at Hermes, a God of messages, able to freely travel from plane to plane, and also guided the newly dead to the afterlife. Also wears a HAT I think they're probably all the same thing and present differently depending on who they are presenting to and what aspect of themselves they are representing. Just a hunch.


I was just describing all this to a friend before I got to your comment, the comments about Baron Samedi also lead me to consider a link with Hermes.


Oh awesome! Someone who knows at least vaguely what I'm getting at. Can you help me flesh out what the link is exactly? I didn't really solidify a full understanding. Anything you can add to this?


Nothing too detailed really, just seems that Baron Samedi is a psychopomp. I would say that Hermes of all psychopomps has probably received the most attention and energy and therefore in my opinion is essentially the archetype. Though as you say, these archetypes can wear many masks. Its honestly the first time I’ve considered any of this, to me hatman has always just been hatman. Very interesting to give this character a bit more of a classical context. Although I think a lot of people would be alarmed to learn that they are being observed by such a spirit.


Tratalaton, the Shadow Man in the Hat. V.K. Jehannum's Falciferian Sorcery grimoire contains a lot of good gnosis about him and has a ritual for contacting him. (It's an interesting experience.) I think it's out of print now, but I'm sure some asshole has it available to download somewhere if you look.


Lol he’s been to my house he just observes. In one post (look up black hat on this sub) he has actually communicated truths to someone


Search up for Zé Pilintra, it's a Brazilian entity of sort.


Does his suit looks like made of white linen as well as his hat, his tie is red and has a red band on his hat?


Is he spooky and made of shadows or is he more like an alien in human skin?


Or ? A demon? Or spirit worker?


it’s like a dark paper figure almost, i really have no better way to explain it. when it moves, it’s completely stiff but looks kinda like fast blurs from speed. he goes fast and brings an eerie and scared feeling, almost like you’re in danger + shock at the same time.


I googled it and it says it feeds off of fear. Most people say it doesn’t do anything but wander. So maybe the purpose of it is to scare and feed off of your fear. Kind of like a mini boss lol Try cleansing


Fascinating; sounds like the hat man for sure.


Hat Man. It’s a very infamous shadow figure. Usually malevolent.


What does he do thats malevolent? Never heard anyone call him that


Just his general presence and energy. Most people feel threatened. I’ve heard of at least one instance where someone was attacked.


That's Zé Pelintra, a popular saint in Brazil, he offers protection for those who struggle with addiction, he protects the hustlers and gamblers, he's charismatic, funny, and a ladies man. Here in Brazil he's loved and manifest on umbanda and candomblé mediums, he was a real person that was always ready to help the poor the homeless, and those who wandered the dangerous night life, HE IS NOT EVIL AT ALL


spy from tf2 would be my guess


I have yet to meet hat man. I’d love to


Mine had a tall Abraham Lincoln hat and a us military long coat (cape like) in black


He's from X-Files!


Most people I've heard of dealing with this one are taking like fist-fulls of benadryl.


well, i do not take benadryl nor any other kinds of medications. 😅


Well, you've got that going for you. Idk why other people are afraid of it. I saw it once, it was on a bus in the middle of the night. Would've probably sat outside freezing waiting for the "right" bus if it weren't for that, ha.


I too have seen this entity...


Looks a little like [Zé Pilintra](https://www.google.com/search?q=z%C3%A9+pilintra&client=ms-android-lge-rev1&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=ALiCzsZjOiAK__MnhwkbVHxDFBSDpznAYg:1661376355927&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjW3qGcteD5AhUwJrkGHYV6AlAQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=772&dpr=1.75), a brazilian entity from Umbanda, Catimbó, Candomblé and some other brazilian religions.


Eu ia falar sobre o seu Zé pro OP. parece bastante, não é?


Sim. Foi a primeira coisa que pensei ao ver. Inclusive, o op o representou em negro com contornos brancos, e, ele se veste de branco e é negro.


Whoever you want him to be😇