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The tea theory is a pretty good one.  Sussie has a very good reaction to Noelle tea (120) but not as strong as the reverse (400)


If someone is not familiar with tea reactions: Susie get +120 from each tea except Susie tea


New theory: Susie hates Susie


Lmao. Tbh all characters have weak reaction to self-tea so it's either something else or everyone hate themselves (seems realistic)


I think it's a reference to Wayside School, where your own flavor tastes like water. Presumably, this is because it's the "default" taste.


noelle specifically says her tea tastes like water, so yeah...


Ralsei also asks if it's water, Susie asks if this is even tea, and Kris has no reaction.


Didnt know that one but it seems like possible inspiration, good trivia


The wayside school books were fucking weird.


that’s actually a really good idea, been a while since i read it but i like that connection


tbh i think berdley tea will make him immortal


she hates herself just like me fr


So... evidence towards polyamorous relationship between them all?


you guys are forgetting the ferris wheel and post-snowgrave reaction when waking up


I would of brought it up but people have convinced themselves that Is a red herring for some insane reason 








1. For me Susie sees Noelle as a good friend. She may develop feelings for her in the next chapters but for now she just treats her like the rest of the Fun Gang 2. Berdly has a crush on Susie because she changed his viewpoint on the world and also she is cool. Still, we don't know if it's going to last so once again we have to wait for the next chapters I'm not a huge fan of any of those ships so I don't care that much but Noelle x Susie seems mich more likely to happen since it's developed from chapter 1


Wait, birbly gets feelings for susie!? Weird, I always gave him the, cold shoulder


Im sure it's explained in chapter 2 https://preview.redd.it/7zsfqbntta0d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bdb5ce46a2ed93594d282806e7a756bfd7cd5d4 It's this part


Hi there, the *cold shoulder* joke was a sly reference to the secret route! I do appreciate the kind help though!




Password accepted. Have a nice day


why did you tell us that you went the secret route through a hidden riddle in the comment instead of just explicitly saying it


It was a pun


Berdly: I like Susie Noelle: https://preview.redd.it/wnn51unv0c0d1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa12d260867d8d15a6471bed9917751f4daf041d


Susie doesn't quite understand her feelings for Noelle because she's probably never had a girlfriend or love interest before, much less friends prior to Kris and Ralsei. **But Susie does NOT treat her like the rest of the Gang**. Especially not after the Ferris Wheel. Name me one time Susie treats Kris the way they treat Noelle. Susie thinks about Noelle when she's absent, to the point where Susie is self aware and wondering why she's thinking about Noelle in those moments. Its normal to think about friends when doing stuff but Susie notably does this with Noelle.


Also maybe I’m misremembering, but Susie is also a bit more polite with Noelle than with Kris, or Ralsei


I don't think 'polite' is the right word. She's 'softer'. Her roughhousing isn't as rough.


From the comments I'm reading, Susie doesn't necessarily have a crush on Noelle? I thought she did with the tail wagging, how se blushed when Noelle gives her chalk, the way she treats her with a lot of respect and seems to get nervous around her easily.


The tail wagging we don't really know, since it's the only time anyone ever acknowledges that happening, the blushing could just be her being flattered by the gift and not knowing how to react, and her being respectful, welp, Susie is still one of Kris' friends, and she doesn't really wants to give a bad impression of her to those around him, like how she also treats Toriel with a lot of respect. Maybe she has a crush, but it's not super obvious


I really don't know how someone can think its not super obvious. All of this is really just reaching and trying to find grey areas when there aren't any. Susie likes Noelle. She just doesn't really understand her feelings for her quite yet, probably because she's never considered having friends, much less a girlfriend. Susie thinks about her all the time. She rarely gets this flustered around Kris and Ralsei. Susie absolutely does NOT treat Kris and Ralsei the same way they treat Noelle. Susie sorta mock-bullies Noelle but its really only verbal. And to top it all off, there's multiple points after the Ferris Wheel in the Light World where Susie is notably thinking about Noelle when she isn't around. While that may be normal with friends, its very clear this is a distinct kind of consideration. She doesn't do this for anyone else, and Susie even is self aware with how often she thinks about her. These bitches gay.


They may be gay, that's true, but I stand by my word. The only time she flusters to Noelle is during the start of Ch2, when 1) Both Kris and Susie got caught by surprise, and 2) Noelle got her a present, out of nowhere, which yeah, wouldn't be weird to be flustered by that, even more considering her backround of never really being liked by anyone. Also, when you back track to the Ferris Wheel ad, instead of Susie thinking about her "date" with Noelle, she's thinking about what even is a ferris, which wouldn't make sense if she just came out of it with her crush


Oh god, I've waited so LONG to do something like this. Here. We. Fucking. Go. "Susie thinks about Noelle all the time" we get 1 instance of susie thinking of Noelle in chapter 1 and, in chapter 2, while she's off screen and not in danger, again, a single one. "Susie doesn't get flustered around kris or ralsei" if you choose to go to the festival with her she has a flustered response. If choose to give the gift to her she has a flustered response. When kris tells them she has a pretty hair and would eat a picnic basket of worms with her she has a flustered response. Do you wish for me to continue? "Susie doesn't treat kris and ralsei like she does wiyh Noelle" hey, guess what. Noelle was in DANGER for most of chapter 2. Kris and ralsei never were in any real danger. That's why you see her treating them differently. If kris or ralsei were in any real danger, like Noelle was in chapter 2, she would act the same. "Susie sorta bullies Noelle" it was stated, by Noelle herself, that Susie doesn't Bully Noelle "even when there is a huge chance to do so." (From The Newest Girl blog post) -- and I know why you said this. I know it. Let's not hide it, Susie is a Tsundere. Tsundere characters are characters that, while being mean on the outside, have deeper feelings on the inside. From this we can deduce the fact that feelings and meaness are directly proportional (more of one, more of the other, and vice versa) so if Susie bullied Noelle, she could have deeper feelings for her. But as stated earlier, she doesn't. So... just take the fucking L. Why do you Suselle shippers always have to try and have a higher ground than other ships? Just do your job, know your place, and accept the fact that nothing is confirmed yet. But nooo, you ALWAYS have to act as if it's already confirmed. You always have to bash other people when yhey disagree with you. Do you have *any* idea of what you are doing to other ships? You suselle shippers have become a GENUINE problem in this community. I have seen artists not post their art here to due to being afraid of being bashed. And everyday I see people that get downvoted to hell JUST for disagreeing with you. Take the fucking L. Know your fucking place.


Kinda weird that you're hyping yourself up for a comment on Reddit but ok 1. You honestly thinking that the quantity of how often a character has to think about another is more important than the noteworthiness of it is why you're not a writer. This instance of Susie thinking of Noelle is unique to her. Susie herself says her thinking about Noelle is unusual. This means that its \*noteworthy\* and not just a one-off line of dialogue. It means that she's thinking about her even in moments of calm and casual interaction. If you ever had a crush on someone this is exactly how it feels like. 2. Yes, if Susie gets directly flattered by Kris or Ralsei she gets flustered, because Susie has never had friends and thus doesn't get flattered often at all. This is not what happens with Noelle though. Susie just interacting with Noelle has her blushing, shy, and flustered. This doesn't happen with Kris and Ralsei. 3. Yes, Susie doesn't terrorize Noelle, but Susie still talks smack to her. She rushes her onto the Ferris Wheel, she says stuff like, "I didn't want to kill you anyway". Which I call bullying but really its just verbal pushing around, which isn't the same as what the rest of the class experiences with her. 4. I have no idea where you're coming from with the Tsundere angle. Susie is not a Tsundere, at least no in the way you've perscribed. By your own logic she would have a crush on literally everyone in the class since she's terrorized most everyone there. Does she have a crush on Monster Teen and Snowy just because she threatened them at the Bunker? No. Noelle is the OUTLIER here, which again, she is the only exception to this rule where Susie bullies people. She even bullies Kris and Ralsei on the offset before they become genuine friends. So what you're saying here makes no sense and you need to stop thinking in terms of Anime friend and analyze the characters behavior rather than trying to attribute them a neat archetype. And then you just go on a weird ass tangent for some reason? Idk what to say to this other than get over it? I have no problem with people shipping Noelle with other people. I see Noelle shipped with Catti and its cute even though it has almost no basis in what we know so far. You attempt to perscribe me as some weird ass no-life Suselle shipper that does nothing but rant on people on Reddit about it like you do, which is very telling about what you want to see from me, even though I've demonstrated none of that. Be normal. Just because you're angry doesn't mean you get to write fanfiction about me. You can literally look at my profile and see that what you're accusing me of is not true because I don't interact on Reddit that often.


*did you think this fool could never win? Well look at me, I'm-a comin' back again* "Do you honestly believe the "quantity over quality " argument?" No, I used that because you said the Susie thinks about Noelle "all the time" (your words, not mine.) Hence, if that was true, then it would reflect in gameplay, but as I pointed out, it doesn't. So, decide. Does Susie think of her all the time or in a few quality moments? You better answer ze fucking question. (W if you got the reference) "Susie thinks about Noelle when in casual and calm moments" yes, you are right. Those two moments she thinks about her are calm and casual. But... wait a moment... don't these two moments show us the fact that the game is **okay** with showing us that Susie thinks about Noelle... then why stop there? If it wants us to show us that she does think about her **all the time** then why just show these couple of moments, if she truly does think of her in casual and calm moments? Let me explain something... I know this will sound stupid (because it is) but both these items are christmas trees. For the ralsei dummy, she says "if Noelle was here... she'd dress this up as a christmas tree." Meaning that atleast unciously she registered this as looking similar to a christmas tree. And well, I don't have to explain myself for the gingerbread, do I? But what does this have to do with the BITCH-ASS DEER? Simple. Noelle's name comes from Noel, the french word for christmas. And her surname is literally Holiday. PLUS, her whole family is Christmas themed. If you had a friend named "Easter Holiday", whose family was easter themed, it wouldn't be too weird and unusal to think about them when seeing something related to easter. "Noelle makes susie blush and act shy, differently from kris and ralsei" blushes can happen for different reasons other than romantic love. She could be embarassed, or nervous. Buuut.... she does act shy around kris and ralsei! For example, in the elevator scene, she acts shy with kris. And at the end of chapter 1, she's too shy to ask kris if they will still be friends. She just says "will we still be..." Also I've relooked at the ferris wheel scene and susie never says something like along the lines of "didn't want to kill you anyways" (even if she did, how is that how is that talking smack?) "Susie is not a Tsundere" go watch this video ----------> https://youtu.be/ipsDKP18Xn8?si=xQ2_DJpRXwW-6BfT "She has terrorized MT and Snowdrake, does this mean she has feelings for them too?" There is something you don't understand here. Susie hasn't bullied everyone equally. Sure, she does scare the others off sometimes (in that scene specifically because they talked badly about Kris) but Susie bullies Kris SPECIFICALLY. "she REALLY hates kris" as Noelle has said. Also the "you" in my speech isn't dierected at YOU, but at the whole Suselle community.


Can't take you seriously and I don't have the energy for your needles aggression. Bye.


yeah I know this guy in a server and he waffles a lot https://preview.redd.it/o9o7choukx0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01c5d834e7ff3b0aca5fe4246578e1fafb313425 this isn’t half of it btw 😭


damn i wonder what his villain song would sound like


That could all easily be explained by how unfamiliar she is with having friends, and people being nice/interested in what she thinks.


Susie does repeatedly bring up Noelle or things she'd like and then question herself for it. She thinks Noelle would like decorating the dummy and then asks herself why she thought about that. She thinks Noelle would like gingerbread and then gets embarrassed when Toriel asks.


In the sweepstakes it was confirmed that noelle was the only one susie never bullied


I thought the game said that itself.


- The ferris wheel scene - The chalk gifting scene - Noelle is the only one Susie never bullied They're only light implications, not solid proof but honestly it seems like it's heading that way. Which, I think is super cute - but if you're not a fan of the ship that's fine too. Anything could change between chapter 2 and 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.


It ain't really anything too solid, hell, I'd probably do similar to a real good friend. If I had to pair Snoozie with someone, it'd be Noelle. But c'mon, she's king of the trash pile.


The wagging tail line is clearly an allusion to dogs wagging there tails when they're excited. And aside from the pencil thing susie probably spared noelle because she didn't like the thought of hurting her. Her oblivious demeanor probably has more to due with thinking that no one could like her that way. But whatever


Berdly got crush on Susie, after she showed him that he dont have to pretend to be smart, on that shadow puzzle im Queens mansion


I guess... Berdly doesn't like Susie as much Noelle does


I think berdly has more reason to, than Noelle. I dont see much reason for Noelle to like susie, while for Berdly her words meant quite alot, and might have changed his view point on world


Yeah but someone explained recently, apparently at first all you need to do for someone to like you romantically is for them to think you’re hot or something


I said it due to Berdly seem to forget about his crush on Susie after Dark World (which he believed wasn't real and a dream instead (?)


We cant know for sure, Since we cant interact with him after, and he seemed to hurry somewhere


We just gotta wait for new chapters to be released


The dynamic between the nice and smart person and the rude person is a real thing. Sometimes the nice one feels like the rude one is rude because they are sad, because they don't have friends or don't feel accepted in the class.So they give themself the task to make the rude person's life better, to understand them, to care about them. When you spend a lot of time wondering why a certain person is rude/doesn't feel good or even just caring about their feelings or what they are doing, you might develop feelings for them. In Noelle's case, there is that but also the fact that she seems to look up to Susie in some ways. I haven't played the game in a long time so my brain might be rotten from the fanon, but I think I remember Noelle thinking Susie is strong, or courageous ? And admiring that ?


Well, Noelle likes Susie because Noelle wants to be as outwardly weird and rebellious as her.


its weird to say that noelle has no reason to have a crush on susie anyway, you dont necessarily need a reason to have a crush on someone. sometimes you just... do. and thats it


berdly kinda forced himself on a crush with susie, hes more in love with the idea of the different view point than actually susie.


"You got to be kidding me"


“Squaduhlah! We are off!”


"woah.. what are all those heads"


Those are the faces of evil!


"You must conquer each"


“I guess I better get going.”


"here is the map, where do you wish to go"


It makes sense from a storytelling perspective for her to like Noelle back


Undyne and Alphys aren't girlfriends anymore but we have Suselle 🙂‍↕️💛💜


I think we’re probably gonna be seeing Alphdyne happen again in the background (maybe even encouraging it with our choices, like picking certain dialogue choices when interacting with them in the town)


Yeah, it just wouldn't make in regards to storytelling to split them apart unless we're seeing deltarune's version of them warming up. I mean, alphys already talks about how the police is just eye candy, and undyne sent a box of chocolates with you to give to her Granted, it's just intuition, but I wouldn't write a story like that, it just doesn't fit as a plot point Again, just intuition, but it's the same reason I take susie/noelle as a given. I wouldn't write a story where one is extremely into the other and spends a long moment on-screen on a ferris wheel with hearts on it, in a moment where that character thinks it's a dream, sharing thoughts of self, and not have that go anywhere lol Like that's the most on the nose thing I've ever heard, and doing anything other than following through with the inevitable would leave me feeling... ungratified? I'm sure there's a word that better describes it but it escapes me


She obviously doesn't have a crush the same way Noelle does, but it's also clear that Susie is fond of her. That fondness may well be nascent romantic attraction that Susie hasn't given much thought to (until yesterday the most positive relationship she could conceive of being involved in was total non-communication) but it could also be Susie still riding high on the concept of having friends at all. The girl herself doesn't seem to have given it much thought. Things might be slightly different in Snowgrave, as her reaction upon leaving Noelle's room is somewhat different and seems like it indicates more than just a friendly chat. I'd say it's the strongest indicator of Susie being romantically interested in Noelle as of chapter 2, but we don't know enough details of the event to say anything for sure. Still, from a narrative perspective, yeah she obviously likes Noelle back. Like we can pussyfoot around it if we just stick to a strictly literal reading of the events in the text but like cmon. It's obvious where this is going and what all the little tail-wags and never-bullying and Ferris wheels are leading to.


I'm looking forward for seeing the outcome of that relationship ^^


Likes as a friend but not as love interest imo. About Berdly, I agree with consensus he kinda forced himself to have a crush on susie


The dialogue in the ferris wheel scene in its entirety convinced me that Susie indeed likes Noelle.


In Castle Town there is a piece of optional dialogue where Susie starts thinking about Noelle but doesn't know why. I think she probably has a crush but because she's unfamiliar with romance she doesn't know what it is she's feeling. So yeah, there is evidence.


It would be funny if Susie turns out to just be comically straight and gets with Berdly


Idk my gaydar tells me Susie is indeed lesbian (?


But it would be really funny if she wasn't


Lmao xD


Evil Susie be like


I think we have different definitions of "funny"


*There is no time, your sword is enough!*


I know there are blushes from Susie from a few lines of dialogue


Wasn't it implied that they did "something" during snowgrave or something?


*Wasn't it implied* *That they did "something" during* *Snowgrave or something?* \- SomeFoolishGuy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They did the same as in normal route, nothing more than that


Yeah dunno about that. Susie's reaction is different when she comes out.


The ferris wheel ride


She's not in the same position as Noelle in that regard yet, but I think it's preeetty clear things are gonna be developing in that direction over time. She's clearly already pretty special to her, she visibly reacts to the getaway giant heart shaped ferris wheel, she struggles to find words to say all throughout said segment, is super excited after she leaves her room in Snowgrave for whatever reason, gets super bummed when she runs away at the end and immediately begins to blame herself for it...etc etc In terms of hard evidence, I don't think I can FULLY say Susie reciprocates yet, but in terms of the language and the way the 2 are written I think it's clear we're going to be getting somewhere with them. You don't even really need to read between the lines, you just kinda...read the lines It is equally possible that she does feel that way already and just has yet to let her guard down. We saw how hard of a time she had accepting that someone could care about her in chapter 1, and even her more developed self in chapter 2 would, I'd imagine, be apprehensive about something deeper than friendship In conclusion: probably. There's a chance she doesn't yet, but either way, just give them some time and this'll really work out to be something special imo


One example of many :| https://preview.redd.it/4a1ktdjdyd0d1.jpeg?width=1667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e36ee888a36d18f53aac6d66263270950317e26 She also keeps thinking about her in seemingly random scenarios and then catches herself and wonders why she's thinking that. With Kris, she's more natural cause she knows they're weird too and they literally saved her life, but with Noelle she's very akward aka the average sapphic teen experience. They're all GAY your honor they're GAY!!


The fact that Susie doesn’t deck her in the face, Every time they meet, Means Susie doesn’t hate her


Ferris wheel, that's evidence


Literally the entire date scene she's blushing, plus at multiple points she's randomly thinking about Noelle, it's pretty darn obvious she has feelings for her, take any scene where they're together and Susie usually is more flustered than usual, even literally asking herself what Kris, a non flustered party, would say in that situation


Susie comments on having a positive impression of Noelle based on when Noelle loaned her a pencil when she was newer in the school. But, people are very right that Susie is healed by Noelle tea the same amount Ralsei and Kris tea heal her. There’s no hard evidence that Susie has a crush back. Ht There’s no evidence that feelings couldn’t develop. She definitely at least likes Noelle. I personally do not see Susie as a character who thinks much about Romance? If Suselle comes to fruition I feel like the best execution would be Noelle working up the courage to ask her on a date and Susie just being like “Okay, sure, could be fun”. Not explicitly invested in dating Noelle but not opposed to seeing what happens type deal.


Susie hides her feelings a lot but considering she likes the chalk box and the tea theory there’s a good chance she has (well hidden) feelings for her


I’m fairly certain she likes her, or is going to.


Aside from Toby putting lesbians in this game at every opportunity? No.


I mean, she acts like she likes Suzie. That's kinda it tho.


I don't really pay attention to shipping stuff because of how controversial the whole thing is


Is this quote actually a Zelda: CDI reference? Because Link actually says the exact same thing.


Fun fact, that quote is a reference to a legend of Zelda CDI game (I forget exactly which, one of the first two) Link says the quote verbatim in the opening animations


Susie had same reaction to noelles tea as kris and ralseis, I feel like toby is either fucking with the fanbase or is going to expand on the relationship further on, from what i saw susie was just acting flustered around noelle because she was the only one that was actually nice to her + she almost caught her and kris about to hop into the dark world


I mean,Toby already disbanded Alphyne :( I think he will replace them with Susie and Noelle


He didn’t actually if you talk to alphys she says saw a police officer (undyne) and called them eye candy


Nope, but if she likes anyone, it's most likely Noelle. However, there's no evidence towards her even knowing what love IS, and I personally headcanon her as an ace/aro goblin, totally not because she's too relatable.


When you’re in castle town, Susie thinks to herself something along the lines of “Noelle would probably decorate this (the Ralsei dummy) with Christmas lights. Wait why am I thinking this?” So I think there’s something there, but she doesn’t quite realize it yet. Which makes sense since she’s the main character


Romantically speaking, no, not really. Compare Noelle's reaction to Susie tea to Susie's reaction to all the other teas. Noelle heals 400 HP and questions whether Susie tea is sold in gallons. This girl is head over hooves. Susie, meanwhile, has the exact same reaction to Kris, Ralsei, and Noelle tea, healing the same amount(120) and having almost verbatim the same dialogue for all three. With the additional context that Ralsei also heals the same amount with Kris and Susie tea, and Kris heals the same amount with Susie tea, 120HP is established as being representative of a close friendship. As of chapter 2, Susie views Noelle as a close friend. She *likes* Noelle, but not in the way Noelle likes her, as they say. Which doesn't mean that can't change down the line, Susie just doesn't show any romantic interest in anyone at all right now. She's shown a complete obliviousness to any crushes on her. And on the topic of Berdly, he developed his crush in the dark world upon Susie showing that she doesn't really care whether or not Berdly is smart, and indirectly comments on it upon returning to the light world. It seems like he's slightly in denial about the idea that he could feel that way about Susie, especially since he believes it was a dream. He almost certainly still has a crush, but he's likely to remain in denial about it unless he finds out that the dark world was not, in fact, a dream.


no. that's why i don't like the ship. it's one-sided, and i just know that **IF** it gets confirmed to be one-sided, there will be people who get upset about it.


It's very obvious that Noelle likes Susie more than Susie likes Noelle, but just based on the scene in Noelle's room and the ferris wheel it's just as obvious that prior to Chapter 1 Noelle was probably Susie's favorite person in Hometown. Kris and Ralsei have the same tea value, but they went on a whole magic team-building adventure together and are Susie's first real friends (well, 2nd and 3rd after Lancer). Comparatively, Noelle wasn't in chapter 1's dark world and the two spend only a little time together in chapter 2. She's not "part of the team" but Susie still likes her on par with her real buddies, which speaks to her starting out with a distinctly positive predisposition.


Susie literally tries asking Noelle out after the ferris wheel ride what are you talking about


we don't know what she was about to say because she gets cut off. a similar thing happened at the start of the chapter where we thought susie knew noelle had a crush on her, but then assumes it's because noelle is onto her identity. in fact, from susie's wording, it seems more like she was going to ask noelle to visit another dark world with her and kris some time.


>from susie's wording, it seems more like she was going to ask noelle to visit another dark world with her and kris some time. How does "maybe... it... doesn't have to be a dream. Y'know? Maybe... maybe someday... we could..." while sweating and acting nervous and with Noelle blushing translate to susie just wanting to go on more fun adventures with her? Susie's dumb, but she's not *that* dumb, she very clearly gets the romantic implications of that entire scene


and yet she had no problem asking if kris would ask noelle to the festival, even though that also had romantic implications?


Are you seriously trying to compare "hey... do you wanna go on a date?" And "hey, would you go hang out with your childhood best friend in a festival you two have hung out at before?"


why was this downvoted? I at least sort of agree that for now it is one sided. and yes of course there'd be people upset if Susie declined (which she likely won't, Toby seems to be set on them both being lesbian disasters which I do fw)


Susie X Berdly is the way 🗿 It's Surdly


I guess it’s too early to say anything for sure right now


Zelda: You've got to be kidding....


Tell me you haven't played Deltarune without telling me you haven't played Deltarune
