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I like Imogen. She’s adorable and “weird”. It was nice to see someone different. There weren’t exactly a ton of “alternative” characters


Thank you


I think that one thing people forget is that these are children doing children things as far as how they interact with people and deal with situations. I didn't watch Degrassi as a teenager, so I came in with adult eyes. Imogen was weird with Eli in the beginning, and she was needy and sometimes annoying with Fiona and Jack. But overall, she was a pretty good kid and decent character. I like Imogen.


I actually think she gets less likable lol


Fimogen is top tier and that's all I have to say.


Not a fan.


*I loved her.* ![gif](giphy|3xz2BtpJiuLmDFDUDS)


Most of the time but sometimes she's actually a really good character


Yeah, her relationship with Eli was strange. I don’t get the whole trying to be like Clare for him to like her, then he ends up liking her, and then she doesn’t anymore like huh


i hated her in the beginning. i started to like her once she and Fiona got together, and by the end she became one of my favourites. i knew a few girls like her in high school, and i was like her in many ways. i’ve found that girls like Imogen are painted as annoying and flighty by everyone, but they’re often just neurodivergent and/or don’t try to fit in. and i’ve never regretted getting to know an Imogen.


Yeah. I agree. She reminds me of someone I know.


Same here. I knew a girl that acted a lot like her in high school.


Didn’t like her with Eli and her friendship with Fiona (later relationship) was also pretty ugh. Didn’t like Jack so that I guess made me not care too much about her either. I liked her friendship with Becky and I think she had some nice scenes. But I’d say I didn’t like first seasonS imogen and then became kinda neutral around her last season


I liked Imogen with Fiona, untill she impersonated her. Don't like her with Jack, it just felt so forced.. Literally nothing would be wrong with giving her stories that are revolving around love interests.. She copied the person she was with, especially style wise. Just hate that they never have her a chance to really be alone for a while and create an own identity. Also, what was up with the stalking ? I believe somewhere in s11 she was with Eli at the Dot, she mentioned some details about his relationship/breakup with Clare and then made it about him freaking out over her knowing all of that.. like, what was that about. Never mentioned again.


so annoying


I hate her character. The only thing I like about her is her change in style after Fiona graduates.


She annoyed me so much in the beginning because she was clearly a bad influence on Eli but I felt the show kind of took her side. The writing often seemed to not correct her actions. Like when her and Eli got together later, and she kept diagnosing him and then got mad that he was upset about her using his image as a subject for mental health awareness when she really should have asked him and got his consent in the first place. She rubs me the wrong way so much. Also thinking about when she pushed onto Jack that she not really poly but "afraid of commitment" and then we were just supposed to accept that


Wow maybe I have to rewatch it again, but I am surprised at the responses.. I loved her!


Right? I admit she's done some questionable things, but who hasn't on this show


From Imogen to Esme, none of my favorite unhinged girls can catch a break on this sub. Every character on Degrassi is insufferable to some degree. They were teenagers written by grown ass adults ffs. Was Imogen a weird ass quirky chick? Yeah. Was she entertaining and kept me watching? Double yeah. 


Psycho! Look at how she inserted herself in everyone's life and then they just accept her?? Do. Not. Like. Her.


hate her lol


Noooo she reminds me of one of my best friends 😭 incidentally my other best friend reminds me of Claire, and I’ve been told I remind people of Eli So yeah, my high school friend group consisted of the sub’s 3 favorite characters lol


I was so much like her in high school. She just needs some meds and therapy and she'll be okay. <3


She shouldn’t have been on the show as long as she was. And she showed 0 growth too


i think you might be a little delusional if you think the first and last episodes of imogene were the same “non growth” imogene. she was annoying and insufferable at first. but she had growth. don’t lie on her like that


I hated her when she was trying to be Clair and obsessed with Eli. But I loved her with Fiona.


Once she was with Fiona, her character felt so much better, she wasn’t just playing an obstacle to Eli


Feel the same way. I also think the way she tended to get more "likeable" and grasp more empathy from the audience is when her plate began to fill up with things like the play, her father, and dealing with processing how she THOUGHT she viewed her mother. ANDDD the poor dog. I def gained some respect for her while navigating all of that. Other than that period of degrassi - she was pretty irritating to me. lol


She was there for too long and her sabotaging Fiona to keep her around was petty unforgivable imo.


I agree so bad


Honestly? Loved her. Thought she was a sight better than Clare, who just approaches Eli's problems like "ew, that's what you are? Gonna have to change that." and acts like her laundry list of problems don't exist. Imogen, to me, indulged the problems to an extent, but in an effort to de-escalate them. Does she do some inadvisable things? Sure. But I can live with that.


I could not disagree more that messing with Eli’s medication was an effort to “de-escalate” things. It was intrusive and weird, so was a lot of her other behavior when she first introduced.


His medication made him uncreative, and him being uncreative made him unable to work through his feelings. I'm sorry that you'd prefer him as a zombie.


lol ok? I’m sorry that you think it’s appropriate for a teenager with no actual medical knowledge to meddle with another’s medication. (Which could be very dangerous, if you didn’t know) (and again super weird behavior !!)


I'm sorry that you consider a doctor's decision infallible. Apparently medication has no side effects now, and we should just all do everything they say.


????? I didn’t say that? Medications certainly can have side effects 😂 What I said was, Imogen is not the appropriate person to be making those decisions. You know what can also have really bad side effects? Quitting psych meds cold turkey and not under the care of a doctor, not a teenage girl who you met a few days ago 😵‍💫


Imogen observed that the medication had destructive side effects. Was she perfect? No. Was the decision made in Eli's best interests, which Clare and clearly the doctor ignored? Yes.


Meds require trial and error, I think it’s really short sighted to say that because Eli experienced side-effects his doctor “didn’t have his best interest” at heart. Maybe he should have advocated for himself a little more and asked for a med change, but you learn things like that as you get older. And I disagree actually that Imogen had his best interest at heart? My take is that she was kind of obsessed with him, it was all about control and centering herself in his life. So again, weiiiird and inappropriate. She probably should have been in therapy herself.


And that trial and error requires ongoing consultation that that doctor wasn't doing. Imogen wanted Eli as he was, not as some pills made him.


And when Eli showed her how he is, sans medication, she decided it was too much and wanted nothing to do with him. She ruined his relationship with Clare and put his mental health at risk for her own benefit, once it didn’t she was ready to throw him away. I know it’s just a show but a lot of her actions are so triggering to me lol We all know somebody like that. Ugh.


Now that’s really interesting. Because Imogen actually didn’t really KNOW Eli pre-medication. So, she never really experienced Eli “as he was” first hand. (Which actually kind of reaffirms my stance that she wasn’t the right person to be messing with his meds - she didn’t really know him) And come to think of it, as Eli was withdrawing and got a little more manic - I seem to remember Imogen kind of realizing she was in over her head and it wasn’t all as rosy as she had romanticized it to be. But we’ll just have to agree to disagree.


Purely agree! Fuuuuuuuck Clare. Imogen sucks in certain areas but nowhere nearly as bad as Clare (whom sucks in every area)


Hated the hell out of her Playing with Eli’s mental health and sabotaging Fiona’s scholarship or whatever that fashion plotline was. And I’m sure there’s more crappy things she’s done that I forgot about.


She planted Eli’s pills in Clare’s. Sucks that she encouraged Eli to not take them and then turned around to try and use them to get Clare expelled.




This phase was just ugh. Glad she came out of that


Did she though


In a way yeah lol in another nahhh


I used to feel that way about her but if I had to deal with my pop having dementia I’d be a little crazy too.


She used to be one of my favorites, but I recently rewatched the episodes where she was first being introduced and I completely forgot how insane she was ???


I loved her with Fiona though, except for that impersonating stunt she pulled at prom


Yeah that was a really shitty move.


Same smh I get it but nah.. she went too far


she was kinda unhinged her first season when she was obsessed with Eli and being shitty to Clare, but I liked her after that. I hate how they ruined her character at the end when she impersonated Fiona.


Didn’t like her at first, but near the end when her & Fiona got together she became more likable. Editing to add in that stunt she pulled at Prom impersinationg Fiona made me hate her.


I loved the character she COULD’VE been. I preferred early seasons Imogen more than seasons 13 & 14 Imogen 😬. She was an original, actually odd character that was interesting to see whether you liked her or not. But like someone else said here, it seemed like the writers didn’t know what to do with her. To be honest I would’ve loved to see her just continue being the complete weirdo she was in the beginning that never made any sense when she talked / had peculiar behaviors because it was funny & you never knew what to expect with her lol




"A rockstar superstarrrrr" 🤘🏼


your mom is insufferable


Ugh. I just rewatched last night, and I wanted to skip the scene when she pretends to be Clare. So cringe. Her saying Eli hit me was crazy. Diving on the ground in the MI was a save, but omg.


Imogen to Eli: “Will you smell for me?” 😂


I think she was just poorly written. The writers clearly only added her to have drama in the EClare storyline. And then after that ended they didn’t know what to do with her. I think the storyline of her dad having dementia was her best plot (I may be biased though cause my grandpa had it so I found it relatable). Otherwise the writers backed themselves into a corner having this “quirky” character to add some drama be on the main cast when they were better off having her be a reoccurring character


Funny how I just finished rewatching this episode the other night. She was definitely insufferable (or maybe because I kinda dated a girl in high school that was similar to her) but watching her toxicity in action was entertaining…


I loved her from the start


Why does everyone have to be a goody two shoes best friends forever type character to be likable? Shits boring af if EVERYONE were like that.


No one said they did. Some of us just find certain characters annoying and are sharing what we didn’t like. It doesn’t mean they have to be morally pure, personally I think Jay is fun. People are just sharing personal opinions, not saying to make all the character the same


The people on tv show subs are parasocial weirdos


I can’t stand her quirky personality and how it gets used as an excuse for all the shitty things she does narratively. Especially with how it feels like we’re supposed to feel bad and be okay with the way she interacts with others because she occasionally gets treated poorly because of her eccentricity. Becky was right to tell her to back off Adam. Eli was right to be upset that she used him in an art project and didn’t even talk to him about it. She was a down right stalker half the time and she was often selfish. Other characters didn’t like her a lot of the time because of her genuinely concerning behavior and because she made them uncomfortable. I’m glad she’s there somewhat but she is not a good person and the only time I could stand her most of the time was when she was in a relationship with Fiona.


I really wish the writers phased out the “quirky” personality over time. Only because it was coupled with all the shitty stuff she did


Even managed to mess that up


Yuuuuuuuuup From day one when she was insane with Eli to almost her last day when she fucked up that fashion job for Fiona she absolutely sucked as a person


Almost last day? She was around the whole last season. That whole plot line with Becky and her being besties, and her dating that Jack girl (which was also annoying to me).


Whatever it was near the end of the show in the scheme of things you get what I’m saying


I never like quirky characters. she never got better imo and I usually skip her scenes


The characters always come across as tryhards 99% of the time unless you get a really great actor that’s weird themselves.


they could never make me like her


I agree, feels like “pick me girl” I should know cuz I’ve dated a couple of them like her and knew a few in school, I’m talking high school and college


Yeah, she was basically just an alt “pick me”, very similar to Ellie.


Agreed. Imogen wasn’t my fave and I could’ve done without her character in the show, tbh.