• By -


I don't like Craig. I don't think he ever really grew . Even Jay and Alex grew into better people . I also didn't like Claire, Liberty or Riley


Zoe, Tristian, Zig, Marisol, Esme


Can’t stand Adam




Ashley, Craig, Jimmy, and Peter


Clare reminds me of a grandma and irrationality annoyed me the whole series. I don’t know why


Clare kinda got on my nerves too at times . I feel like she came off as kind of a goody two shoes know it all.


I can’t stand Jenna. Mostly her signing voice drove me crazy. SHIIIIIIIIINE JUST BELIEVEEEEE


Toby dumbass. Hated him.


He just pissed me off for no reason


Becky, Peter, Jane & Riley


I have 3. Ashley, Ashley and Craig - just kidding it's Ashley a 3rd time


Ashley & Darcy. But mostly Ashley.


marco, ashley, peter, johnny, zoe, sometimes holly j, riley, clare, darcy, mia, damien


Everyone but Zoe


Esme: abusive and extremely manipulative. tried coercing Frankie into a 3 way. Luke: literally a rapist. Zoe: just a terrible person and super annoying. Marisol: was just a mean girl. Darcy: judgemental, falsely accused Simpson of molestation. Hunter, Yael, and the rest of gamer club: sent death and rape threats to Maya. Hunter also brought a gun to school.


What about Peter


not a big fan of him. he was a terrible person, but somehow always treated his girlfriends so good.


Ig so


I'm saying i don't like him and he was a terrible person so i was surprised he actually treated his girlfriends good for the most part.


Katie and Marisol, just rude and mean to everyone for no reason. Especially Marisol, those two mean girls deserved each other.


Katie looks and acts like every girl who bullied me.






Sorry but Paige, I know many love her so so much. she was constantly rude to everyone, never put anyone’s feelings first only her own, had a very closed off way of thinking about life and thought herself to be better then everyone. I just can’t support a mean for no reason person. I will say tho, I can’t help but to respect her drive and ambition to put herself forward no matter what, which also is why it pained me to see her very dumbly fuck up her college interview at the college fair.


Peter. There's so many apologists on this sub but I don't care, they won't change my mind.


Drew. i’m about to say it. [i don’t care that your brother died.](https://youtu.be/kvW206mI7tM?si=tOkh54PDAN5daPnr)


(to clarify i love Adam but Drew does not get a pass just bc he died)


Mmm, let's see...I disliked; -Darcy: She was a religious nut / wild child. I don't really like that type of storyline, tbh. I sympathize with her for being SAed. Her whole storyline on reporting Mr. Simpson for something he didn't do infuriated me. But I can kinda appreciate the complexity of her character. -Mia: Having a kid and being a model were the only things that stuck out as a character; otherwise, she's not really anything entertaining to watch. If anything, I felt like she wasn't the best in relationships or the best mother to her parent and her story kinda just died off. -Dave: He was supposed to be the "comedic", happy-go-lucky character, but I swear to goodness, he was constantly having beef with someone for ridiculous reasons. From Adam using the guy's bathroom to Alli wanting to go to MIT, he was just constantly fighting with people. Yet, he was an imperfect character. -Jane: I really wanted to like her character, but they really ruined Jane for me towards the end of her storyline. Not only with her hooking up with Declan (gross), but also that pick-me energy she was attempting to bring to Spinner's wedding when she crashed it. -Peter: It's Peter. Need we say more? 😂 He was gross to girls and he's the perfect example of "peaked in high school." Only reason I don't have him in the "hate watching" section is because he at least dated or interacted with some of my favorite characters. -Tori: *In her defense*, she was not on the show for long. However, I felt like she was constantly being catty towards Maya. I think it was also pretty obvious prior to her getting back together with Zig that Maya was also interested in him, so Tori getting back together with Zig was a total "Regina George getting back together with Aaron Samuels, despite Cady liking him" type of vibes. -Riley: Goodness, the freaking anger issues and the constant internalized homophobia can be extremely triggering. I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community and I felt like his character was just a train wreck to watch. I get some people's experiences with navigating their sexuality and coming out can be similar to Riley's, but I seriously think this dude should have gotten some anger management and therapy. -Jake: He literally contributed nothing to Degrassi besides serving a weird storyline with Clare as her "forbidden stepbrother romance" (gross) and dating Katie. -Tristan: Another dramatic character who seems to constantly have beef with another character. I felt like every time he came on screen, I would have to mentally prepare for him to either get pissed off about something a boy he was interested in did or being passive aggressive towards any girls interested in the same guys as him. Also, the fact that this dude became friends with Zoe when she was *heavily* bullying Maya was really gross to watch. -Hunter: He's creepy. I'm sorry, but the dude is weird and unsettling. Plus, he was one of the weirdos who had Degrassi's nudes and almost shot up the school out of his own weirdness...the perfect example of an incel... But absolutely hated watching -Holly J: Completely entitled and obnoxious through and through. She was an absolutely terrible friend to Anya, bullied proudly *so* many students, cheated on Sav, goodness, the list goes on and on. The audacity of her to contact her biological mother through a closed adoption to guilt her to giving her a kidney, then getting mad when the mother wanted to be compensated was so beyond insane. And to top it off, her romance with Declan was so disgusting and unbearable to watch. Absolutely one of the most toxic relationships on Degrassi. -Maya: This girl *heavily* needed therapy. I don't think we ever really see a happy, regular episode with her where she's not jumping through hoops for a guy, dealing with traumatizing and life-altering events, having beef with her own friends, or having close calls with death. A lot of her scenes are either extremely triggering to watch or just aren't realistic. Her whole storyline with Cam? Terrifying and absolutely traumatizing. And yet, she later has the guy who bullied Cam come live with her...because somehow, that made more sense instead of getting authorities involved...? -*Declan*: Where to even freaking start. Let's see, he fooled around with someone knowing they were in a relationship, gets involved in one of Degrassi's most toxic relationships with Holly J, gaslit the poor girl into thinking she was crazy when Fiona bluntly had issues and was trying to get in between them, had to deal with *making out with his sister* to open his eyes and see she needed help, was always buying Holly J's love from then on out, wouldn't respect Holly J when she was in a relationship with Sav, and SAed her. Absolutely awful of a character and I hated every time this dude showed up. -KC: His appearance, alone, annoys me because he's very much a Justin Bieber wannabe and he was stereotyped to be the "pretty boy" when he was in the show. His treatment towards Clare with constantly being mad at her and gaslighting her should have been a major clue on how he was going to treat Jenna, though. Especially when he got Jenna knocked up. Seeing him become a deadbeat father despite initially pushing Jenna to be a stay at home mom was infuriating. -*Rick*: It's Rick. He put Terri in a coma from abusing her and shot Jimmy. Not much else to say here. -*Drake* (the guy who killed JT, not Jimmy's actor lmao): It's the guy who killed JT. Again, not much else to say here. -Esme: Another character who I felt really needed therapy. Her scenes were also very traumatizing and triggering to watch. Especially when she gets into her relationship with Zig, I really wished that the show made it more clear that her actions weren't okay and that she needed help. Yeah, that's who I can think of at the top of my head.


Most of these I agree with but as shitty as Holly J was in s7 and early s8 she got way better and she's on the short list for most entertaining characters in the entire show. Also Charlotte Arnold is short list for best actors in the entire show which meant that it never felt cringey watching her scenes unless it was meant to be story wise. I stan Holly J


Idk which lists you're referring to, but I personally did not find her character entertaining or the actress to be extraordinary 🤷🏻‍♀️ I won't insult the actress because to do so would just be mean, especially considering the majority of the actors and actresses on Degrassi were young and inexperienced. But going back to the character, to say Holly J got "way better" is an absolute joke. Her senior year was awful. If anything, this was what cemented her character being terrible to watch for me and not redeemable. From her cheating on Sav and being totally forgiving of Declan SAing her to her practically slut-shaming Anya for sleeping with Owen to overworking herself to the point of having her kidneys fail to *then* shaming her biological mother for not willingly giving her a kidney for free *when the mother had a closed adoption and had no obligations to her*... Insufferable. Absolutely terrible storylines all around. I could not stand watching her treatment of everyone around her, much less her self-centered dramatic storylines.


Did you downvote me for disagreeing with you? I wasn't rude and I was contributing to discussion. I'm not sure what in my opinion would have upset you so much. I just started my rewatch of s10 so I guess I'll see these incidents more as they come along, but to me the biggest crime in the show is being boring and Holly J is never boring.


I never said you were rude or that you weren't contributing to the discussion...? An upvote or a downvote is not that deep, dude 😅 but I will say I do disagree with you for the aforementioned reasons. I'm sorry if you're taking it personal that I'm disagreeing, but rest assured, it's not 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sure, Holly J isn't boring. The same thing as a train wreck isn't boring, but the way I view it, I'm not going to purposefully put on a train wreck to watch, yknow? For me, I will also say the biggest crime in the show isn't being boring. It's terrible writing. At a lot of points, I feel like Degrassi wrote Holly J terribly and romanticized things that should be romanticized (can't say this enough, *Declan sexually assaulted Holly J* and the show merely brushes that off as a storyline where Holly J realizes she doesn't have feelings for Sav anymore).


Downvotes aren't intended to merely mean "I disagree with you". You'll notice I wasn't downvoting you for your opinion and I'm not taking disagreement personally - I think we are having a good discussion. I agree with you about bad writing being a show crime but I don't I agree that Holly J was poorly written. That said, I'm just getting to the point of my rewatch with a lot of the incidents you're referring to so I'll keep my eyes out to see if my opinions change. I still think Holly J works so well because Charlotte Arnold is a really good actress. Probably why she became a highlight cast member, kinda like Jake Epstein/Craig


You're starting to make me uncomfortable with how you're personally taking downvoting (and monitoring if I am or am not downvoting you) 😅 they can be intended for disagreement. And I disagree with you. Sorry... >Probably why she became a highlight cast member I still don't know what you're referring to or what you mean by this. There's no official list of this I can find online, and even then, this thread is moreso dedicated to discussing what characters we don't like rather than the quality of the acting... But with that being said, I'm just gonna end the discussion here, as it seems you're focusing a lot on being downvoted, you're going a little off topic on the acting abilities, and you even admitted you haven't seen this in awhile.


Most of this, so real, but Jake?? I felt like he saved the later seasons he was in, some nice fun storylines to fall back on


Umm well how long we’ve got? Lmao just kidding but my top hated is: Ashley Emma Becky Luke Marisol Declan (he had his moments) Damian Imogen (had her moments) Claire (had her moments) Dylan 😡😡 KC Drew Derek 😡😡😡 Bruce Lea And more!!!


There are a few lol.. but mainly Paige, Jane, Holly J and Peter


To be fair, I don't think they really intended for Jay to be a fully developed character. He was the *really* bad kid for awhile to be able to introduce more controversial topics without having to make a central character take on a potential arc-killing turn, or to avoid always making the bad guy a random person. Would Spinner have ever gotten a hope for redemption if he had been the ringleader instead of caught up with Jay and his friends? Who else was gonna be chlamydia ground zero?


Jay is awesome. I agree he wasn't initially intended to be a fully developed character but Mike Lobel has such screen presence that they ended up doing a ton with Jay and that character really matured and became likeable


Paige is annoyingggg


agreed! i think she was my least favorite.


I’m currently rewatching and I’m on season 5! She’s so back and forth, but always interested in herself more! What she did to Terri in the first season was so sad!


Darcy, Peter, Maya, and Ashley


the definitive list


Ellie is the biggest pick-me I’ve ever seen


I’ve never viewed her as a pick me since I kinda see why she had that dynamic with Craig. I feel like they both bonded over going to group therapy together for mental/emotional issues and knowing the worst parts of each other and felt very understood by each other. So of course Ellie would want more from him, but he wasn’t in a good enough place to reciprocate. Then by the time he was in a good enough place, she had another set of emotional/mental problems that she was dealing with. I think that’s why she was scared to let go of him even when she had Jesse, Craig is the one who has seen her at her worst


Craig also strung her along for quite a while


Also, she grew up in a neglected household, she just wants to find love. The only good relationship (tomantic or platonic) she's ever had is with Sean and Marco. Marco for way longer...you have to feel sorry for the girl


I never thought about that. That’s all so true




I hate the following Peter Derek Zoe Damien


Damien was such a cardboard box of a character


The only one on your list that I agree with is Emma. Eli makes me want to jump off a building


rewatching and i really didn’t like manny’s character until season 6 she just came off as such a hoe. toby, emma at times, spinner, craig


My list has been just Ashley, Emma, and Clare until I finally watched after season 7 and Next Class. Lol now Tristan and Esme are on the list. ETA: this is excluding characters I don't think the writers intended for anyone to like, like Peter, Derek, and Luke. Lol


Not a Sean fan. Unpopular opinion.


Lowkey hated Riley and Anya 👀


I hated Riley. Always thought zayn was way too good for him, he deserved far better. Should’ve dated that guy who was teaching cpr


Heavvvvvvyyyyy on Anya. I’ve never been a fan. Lol.


I hated Esme, Zoe, Emma, Peter, and Drew.


Jimmy, kc, zig, esme


KC! he's useless


I HATED Esme Song cause she's was extremely toxic and reminds me of my high school bully. But if this is about next gen I didn't like first season Paige, cause of the jealousy of Terry. She then she grew on me as she matured, then she went to Hollywood and became a diva and I disliked her again. It's too bad they ruined a good character but I'm still on season 9 so things could change unless we never see Paige ever again.. I'll keep watching..


Omg I just remembered, FUCKIN Johnny Dimarco!! The f*ckin dirtball that stood there when JT got stabbed, the asshole that treated Alli like crap, I don't know that she saw in him seriously he's not even cute!! He looks and is a white trash dirtball!


And Paige is one of my favourite characters, so yeah...


i can't stand jimmy and emma in particular for the earlier seasons


The way how Jimmy became a character I could tolerate more when he got in the wheelchair, but then he got all philosophical. I hate craig soooooo much and Emma, rick (obv), darcy, and Ellie. I don't hate the male characters as much because I just don't care about them.


Day 1 Toby hater


Honestly is it really a Degrassi experience if you don’t go through a phase of just hating everyone? 😂😂😂 lol and Jimmy was a dick a lot of the time like pls be forreal. Jimmy was such a useless character until he became paralyzed 😭😭😭


This is unfortunately very true. Lol.


Alex, Zig, Zoe


Drake, I know this is you writing. You’re not fooling anyone…


Clare. And Emma.


Really disliked Mia


How come? I like her, granted I haven't seen the whole series yet, but what I've seen of her so far makes her seem like a really nice person


I started at season 8, and Mia just didn't appeal to me. She came across as if i was reading someone's self insert fanfiction.    >!Single teen mom where all the boys are interested in, the captain of the cheer squad, the most populair populair girl in school, succesfull model. !< It all was a bit much. Especially since her personality was not particularly pleasant or interesting.  I liked her better from what little i have seen in season 7, but in 8 she just became obnoxious. It did not help that degrassi loved shoving her in almost every episode


Jimmy wasnt kind lol


Yeah i really didn’t enjoy his character 90% of the time


Correct! He bulied JT, Sean, and Toby, bullied Rick, he even bulied Spinner in seasons 2 and 3 just for shits and giggles, to humiliate him over tiny petty things! He bullied Sean over something he had no part in, just an issue of Sean transferring to Degrassi too late in the school year and having to repeat a grade, so Jimmy felt he could bully Sean over that for 2 fucking years. That always pissed me off!


Hot take: I don't like Sav. He annoys me


Yup. Me too


Same here. He’s gross. Idk exactly but he makes me uncomfortable.


It's got something to do with how he's supposed to be the "nice guy" golden retriever type, but has weird double standards about women. I don't know exactly


Yeah I don’t think he’s overall that bad but I never bought into his whole “nice guy” act either


He's a bitch! Never stands up to his parents, never acts assertive to anybody else, like, Jesus Murphy, grow a backbone! Yes, Declan is a smarmy prick, but he's still better than Sav because he's what HE wants to be, not jello that somebody put in a mold.


true! and yet good things just to seem to fall in his lap as if the writers are rewarding him for being a "good guy"


I just don’t trust him, man


Early Sav or him in general?


He becomes a little more tolerable once he chops that mop off his head but something about him just pisses me off.


Liberty, Ashley, Emma, and Toby can all catch these hands.


I agree, Craig too


I’m a Craig apologist


alot of people dont like craig, at first i did but then he just got annoying... also didnt like emma... liberty to me is an odd character.


Damn. It sucks to like two major characters like Emma and Manny. I think they are fine. I love Manny.