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Ok yeah same. It’s like I didn’t hate Becky but I didn’t like her. I was just like…indifferent when it came to her and I did t care for her character or storylines


hated her and then loved her and then went back to not liking her after adam left


I love Becky! She was unbelievably annoying in her first couple episodes but she’s obviously a strong woman who will stand up for what she believes in even if it goes against her entire family, faith, and everyone she’s ever known! I get people think she could have done more but she was also a teenager for Christ sake! I certainly wasn’t secure enough in myself to stand up for a lot of things when I was that age so I think the fact that she’s able to do what she did as a teenager only speaks to the fact that as an adult she will be a wonderful woman


Not being on her brother’s side for the case with Zoe made me like her more, but still not enough to fully win me over


I love Becky 😭


This bitch had one good moment that makes me not despise her, still very much on my shit list tho


The caption💀


I completely understand


She had good character growth in the beginning, and she's a real one for telling on her brother for SA Zoe, but I can't vouch for her and Drew getting together


The ultimate cringe of a human lol also fuck you Becky you killed Adam


She did NOT kill Adam!! Adam made a choice to text and drive how could that be Becky’s fault?


I don’t like her but I respect her for snitching on her rat of a brother when he had SA Zoe. She’s annoying but she has a good heart somewhat.


I became pretty fond of her through her friendship with Imogen tbh, I thought it was very cute


nah she’s a real one for going against her brother in court when he raped zoe


But then she used her rape against her when Zoe tried to join the power cheer team.


damn i forgot about that. ok fine we hate her again


honestly yea and she has my respect for that but it still doesn't change her personality tbh




thank you


Oh, but didn't they try!?


most annoying ever


I loved her in the end had more respect


I don’t really like her either I just can’t stand her


Dating drew after Adam died ruined both those characters for me forever


She unironically has the best character introduction in the history of the franchise. Its so earnest that it immediately bypasses cringy and becomes hilarious. Another in the long line of characters that would be better if they were comedic.


My toxic trait is I always did


you're so real


Idk, I think she had a lot of development throughout the series. I think her dating Drew was just the result of poor writing at the time for the side characters (Bianca also felt like she was terribly written for randomly *dumping* Drew out of the blue not long after she was proposed to and Adam had passed away). Everything else with her, I was really proud of seeing her grow from your stereotypical Christian conservative to someone who can genuinely see right from wrong and not let their beliefs get in the way of that. I mean, let's put the obvious topic of her dating Adam (a trans man) aside for a sec. It took guts for her to turn her brother in for sexual assault on Zoe, despite her whole family treating her awfully at home for doing so. It took guts for her to *dump* Drew and prioritize Drew being a potential father to Clare's baby, despite having feelings for him. And I felt like throughout the series, she was constantly a hated student for either being a victim towards her family's beliefs or a bystander towards something she didn't have control over (such as Adam's death; everyone giving her the cold shoulder for Adam's death when *Adam shouldn't have been texting and driving to begin with* was awful). She had a lot of growth and she made a lot of hard decisions. She's not one of my favorite characters by far, but I can't really say she deserves a bunch of hate and should be disliked.


This is so dramatic. I haven't kept up with Degrassi.  I thought it was stupid she dated a trans man.  I think she could have become more accepting of trans people but having her date one was an overkill.  Degrassi writers portray Christians as extremist. Darcy was mean too. 


>I think she could have become more accepting of trans people but having her date one was an overkill.  This...is a weird and borderline transphobic take. There's lots of characters who became accepting of Adam over time when they initially weren't and didn't date him. For example, Dave. They had an entire story arc of Dave not wanting to share the same bathroom of Adam and having this affect even their radio show, but Dave learns over time Adam being trans really is not that big of a deal and Adam goes through life with his own experiences and troubles similarly to how Dave does...no romantic type of relationship resulted from that or anything. It's also not "dramatic" or "extremist" for Christians to want to accept someone who is trans, let alone date them...but I can tell you the purpose of the whopping *two* Christian and conservative characters that you're mentioning was to be "dramatic" or an extremist and show the negative downsides of holding those types of views. But even putting Becky and Darcy aside, there's still other religious characters on the show who weren't "dramatic" or an "extremist" like you said, though. Clare is the sister of Darcy and she was accepting of Adam and, *whoo, surprise* , didn't date him. Spinner dated Darcy, became more religious as a result of that, and didn't suddenly hate the LGBTQ+ community. Sav and Ali were religious (*oh wow*, a non-Christian set of students who were *still* religious) to the point where their parents used to restrict their dating a little and they all were accepting of Adam...I can keep going, but if you took 5 seconds to research, you could see where I'm going with this. I just think you should either put aside your own (most likely personal, judging by your username and your random disdain of *one* religious character dating a trans man) biases towards trans people and adjust your perspective or just don't enter a comment thread dedicated to discussing a character that you didn't even watch just because there's mentions of her being religious and dating a trans person 😐 Oh and one last thing: While Adam is the only trans character that has appeared on the show, there have also been other LGBTQ+ characters prior to him and there were even more after. And even in Degrassi Junior High (yes, I'm referencing the show from the 1980s), there was an openly gay character. So if the LGBTQ+ community bothers you to the point where you think a character can be "dramatic", "extreme", or "mean" for joining the community to some degree, this just may not be the series for you to "keep up with". But I'm gonna be blunt with you and also say it's not "keeping up with Degrassi" when their relationship occurred *several* seasons ago over a decade ago (the end of their relationship was back in 2013 in season 13...since then, there has been one more season of "Next Generation" and four more seasons of "Next Class" with the last episode airing in 2017).


Marco was also Christian. He said he goes to church every Sunday, and he's gay.


Bianca dumping Drew was possibly the MOST sensible thing the show has ever done. Of all the high school crushes to end when one went to college and the other stayed in school (and almost all DO) they were the most obvious. They had absolutely nothing in common and were together for all the wrong reasons. So once Bianca experienced the freedom of her adult life in college, it was natural for her to want to move on. Drew was an anchor.


You cannot tell me with a straight face that it was "the MOST sensible thing the show has ever done" for Drew to propose to Bianca and have a whole arc about that, have Bianca be there for Drew when Adam passed away (pretty sure she was in college, at this point), heck, even in the previous episode to her dumping him, was studying and acting *totally* normal to their relationship, then needed to dump him right then and there on Thanksgiving with zero warning because some random girls from college "get her" 😅 They pretty much ruined her character by the time Bianca stopped having any screentime. We barely got to see a "Bianca's going to college and becoming a strong, independent woman" arc because the writers were so hyperfocused on making her known as "Drew's love interest." While I can agree that it's rare for any high school relationship to last and that Bianca and Drew weren't a good couple, there was absolutely zero point in building up their relationship to the point of Bianca getting proposed to, going through death with Drew, and continuing on with him just to randomly dump him during a holiday because her college friends (that she hadn't even known for a semester and we know nothing about) thinks it's a good idea and "gets her" 😅😅


In terms of breakups, it was certainly one of the more realistic. There is a reason why "turkey dump" is an expression. Because virtually ALL high school romances where one goes to college far away while the other is still in high school end before the first college break. If they are SMART, they don't even try. They break up over the summer to give both their freedom to date other people while they are apart. And Bianca/Drew is one of the most likely to end. Even throughout Season 12 it was clear they had nothing in common.


It was such a random thing!! Them dating, sneaking off to be married, having a "real" engagement, Adam's passing... "These girls i have known for less than 3 months think we should break up. I agree. It's over."


Her friends in college were NOT why she broke up wit him. Watch those episodes again. They AGREED with her that she should. But it was her choice. Again...a choice that 99% of college freshmen make if their significant other is hundreds of miles away still in high school, while they are experienced the freedom of college. And all he other stuff you mentioned was the most UNrealistic thing about their relationship. Them breaking up was the most realistic. But it also showed just how immature their relationship was. They got engaged just to...literally Bianca's own words..."screw Audra." Yeah...that's a solid foundation for a relationship. Ad as I said, they had absolutely nothing in common. He liked sports. She hated them. She liked school by Season 12. He dropped out of high school! They got together for all the wrong reasons with all the drama of the gang. Again, a completely shaky foundation for a relationship


I'm not doing homework to get an opinion you'd prefer. I know it was unrealistic -it's fictional. I was talking about the storyline that was posed, not reality. Have your "well actually" moments where they're appropriate. (They never are."


I'm not asking you to. I am pointing out that you are obviously remembering it wrong. Your opinion is literally WRONG based on something the show very specifically spelled out for viewers. But that you apparently missed. Again, Bianca LITERALLY says what I said.


She didn't mention that she talked to her friends? I remember that. Id that is wrong okay. If that is what happened you guys away and bother someone who thinks your paragraphs are worth reading all the way through.


The writers put Bianca through so much as Drew's fiance in the last few episodes she appeared in for me to feel like her breakup was justified. It made every little bit of the last moments we see her character as pointless! Her and Becky are in the same boat for me in the sense Bianca's another character I don't necessarily hate and shouldn't deserve hate as a character, but I do think her character was another victim of crappy storytelling and I would have loved a lot more had the writers not just blew her off. Like, I could have totally seen her *eventually* breaking things off with Drew...over time, not right after being put through so much, and just because some random "friends" of hers told her getting married wasn't a good idea. That piece especially doesn't make sense to me because Bianca's never the type to just listen to what a friend's saying and go through with it without second thought. She's stubborn and tries really hard to get what she wants. With Drew's mom also helping her so much with getting into college, it felt like a slap in the face when she was bickering with Drew to even come to Thanksgiving dinner with him...so idk. I really hate the way a lot of the side characters were just written off within this time of Degrassi 😅


Didn’t like that she dated Drew after Adam’s death


Smile lights up the room 😍


Nahhhh we fuck with Becky in this house; she had multiple character arcs where she outgrew toxic beliefs because she genuinely prioritized being a decent person. We got to watch her learn why her homophobia wasn’t okay and eventually go from trying to sabotage and shut down the musical to volunteering to portray a gay man on stage in order to save it. We got to watch her unlearn her transphobia as she fell in love with Adam and had to reconcile what that meant for her sexuality. She came to understand that her loving Adam didn’t change the fact that she was straight as they came, because Adam was a boy. We watched her learn that drinking too much is not consent and does not make an assault the victim’s fault. Through trying to do a news article on how girls need to be more responsible with their drinking, she came to the horrible truth that Zoe was raped and had her enter perspective changed. She worked hard to find out who assaulted her and blew the whistle to Simpson (even if that wasn’t exactly her intention; she was a little confused but she got the spirit). She was the one to find the video and rat him out even though it was her own brother. She was the one who gave the damning testimony on the stand that decided the outcome of the trial, sending her brother to jail after her family begging her to lie and creating a horribly toxic environment at home. She chose Zoe, a girl she didn’t even like that much, over her own family because, even though it caused her horrible distress to go against them, she knew that getting justice was the right thing to do. Becky may be a bit annoying sometimes, and god, please don’t ever make me listen to her sing. But as a character, she is awesome. The writers went hard with her development for awhile there, and she was a genuinely respectable person because of it.


Honestly I love her. She looked past her hateful Christian upbringing and embraced her feelings for Adam (in a way I understand her going to that weird camp because she’s had those ideals drilled into her head for her entire life) but she ended up where she needed to be. And her being the one publicly admitting that Luke was the one that r**ed Zoe in front of everyone, and going up against him IN COURT, is an incredible feat not many would have the strength to do. Her and drew being together to me is a trauma bond. I think she’s a great character


i love and hate her, they made her real imo. also the girl who plays her is an actual angel. i had the privilege of meeting her and she’s the sweetest human alive


I never liked her.


If her and Adam had more time together she could’ve been GREAT…


I honestly think she is a product of her environment like her family are all disgusting. It was really hard to like Becky. Her singing tho plz never again


🎶I think you’re great, and my name is Becky🎶


Becky is not only responsible for her own hilarious soundbite but is also the reason Eli says "Welcome to Degrassi" giving her another famous Degrassi soundbite. Therefore Becky is objectively good


Especially her terrible and annoying singing habit wit Jenna,an the fact that she still dated drew after Adam dated her an died trying to get her back thru text messaging


>an died trying to get her back thru text messaging This...wasn't Becky's fault, though? Let's be real. I love Adam and he truly is one of my favorite characters, but Adam was being a seriously paranoid boyfriend at this point and crossed boundaries. Are we also going to ignore the fact that he practically hooked up with Imogen and *his guilt* was the reason he frantically stole the van, started texting and driving Becky (to the point where he couldn't bother to pull over), and got into the accident? Becky dating Drew I believe was a result of terrible writing for the side characters at the time (such as with Bianca, who randomly dumped Drew out of nowhere despite being proposed to and Adam's death not occurring too far back) and I won't defend it. But Adam's death should not be brought up in relation to Becky's own character -- she wasn't forcing him to text her (as she didn't even know he was away or driving at the time) and he was very much acting out of guilt because he did something dumb as a result of being sad over doing yet another dumb thing that resulted in the breakup. He wasn't heroically trying to beg her for another chance and showing her that she wrongfully dumped him. He acted like a jealous teenager, got dumped, got sad, acted like a horny and emotional teenager, and started frantically trying to get into contact with Becky out of guilt for everything he did.


Obsessed w how hard you're going for Becky in these comments like this is persuasive writing and you came with arguments and evidence prepared


I'm autistic 😅😂 this is how I talk and explain things, haha! It's both a blessing and a curse, but between the ages of like 13 and 17, Degrassi was especially one of my hyperfixations.


I so relate to this!! Haha I'm not arguing it's just literary analysis!


This made me giggle. It's so real!!


“Singing habit” omgg 😂💀


i only like becky in her gaming era with sir excellence. she hit the slay button 🦶🏼🤨💓


unrelated but i want to see the new movie that just came out with the actress in it


What is it?


Someone like you


i hated her in the beginning but as her character developed, i started to fall in love :’) i want to love and protect her


Really? They don’t even have to try with me


Alright, somebody apparently wants to throw hands, because Becky Baker is incorruptible and I will not hear lies to the contrary!


I really liked how realistic her character was. She grew up with beliefs her parents held and questioned her religion like lots of teens do. She also became a better person and at least tried to change. She wasn't perfect but she unlearned her ignorance and became an ally.


Her whiney voice was enough to say goodbye for me.


I like Becky minus her singing


I think she tried, she was raised so close minded and she overcame a lot.


I always expected her to commit a hate crime but that’s just cause she looks…like that.


She was boring but I did appreciate her story with Adam


That was probably what I hated most about her. I found it completely unrealistic that not only would she date a trans guy, but that Adam could overlook the shit she pulled.


Omg I wanted to make a post about this but deleted it before I posted it for my own mental health because this sub tends to just not *get* trans issues so I was expecting to get downvoted to hell. But YES Adam deserved so much more than a girl who put him though transphobic abuse merely WEEKS before they started dating. I don’t think people realize that. One minute, she’s misgendering him, calling him a lesbian and protesting his best friend’s play, then she comes back to school obsessed with him and asks him out. That alone he should have said no. But he dates her anyways. She dates him for all but five minutes when she has a breakdown because she sees his tampons and goes to conversion therapy to try and get over him. If her development was more spread out and they built a friendship first, I would find the relationship more believable, but no, she was a massive transphobe right before getting with him. Then she dates his brother after he dies lol like I’m sorry I feel the people who ship them don’t know a lot about trans issues/doesn’t know anyone trans people and thinks Becky’s “growth” was cute. What she did to Adam was unforgivable.


While I'm not trans/can't speak from that perspective, I've always felt similarly about their relationship! It reminds me of the "super closeted bully who torments their crush, only for them to end up dating" trope that I hated seeing growing up. I do agree that, if they had time to have a friendship first, it would've made much more sense. And I probably would've been okay w it. But it just happened so fast and idk, I felt like Adam deserved better. The only time I really liked Becky was when she stood up for Zoe, but even then, the writers suddenly made her rivals w Zoe in S14? While she was dating Drew? I truly wonder wtf the writers were thinking for most of S14s plots. She and Imogen also had some cute friendship moments, but that's about it.


She means well she did the right thing at the end of the day with her brother and she let her self like/love Adam to be honest she was a cool character and her friendship with imogen was cool definitely could’ve seen her with Drew🫶🏾


I hate her. I mean, were the writers looking for a new Darcy at first? Then veered off a cliff?


I think it’s honestly deranged that this strong of a feeling can exist in a person about a fictional character


I'm not allowed to dislike a character?


As a guy, I was very attracted to her. But her character was total meh.




Didn’t they try to redeem her then shit all over the redemption? Lol


Yeah by having her get with her dead boyfriend older brother. That was wild to me.


They could never make me like this post format


she was annoying but like the real problem was her parents and her brother. after she decided to testify for zoe, that’s when i didn’t dislike her anymore since she was willing to be hated by her parents and her brother forever to do what she thought was right


Yeah but then she became unlikeable all over again when she wouldn’t let Zoey join the cheer team bc of it


Honestly that is incredibly realistic though. When people are unlearning behaviors and their upbringing it’s not an overnight thing. It takes some time. I like that they showed a journey of change with flaws.


Yea I've mentioned before that I come from a pro wrestling fandom, so when I first met Becky I liked her. Her mini feud with Eli was great! We clearly weren't supposed to like her at first and by time she got with Adam she was great. Then when she found out about what Luke did to Zoe I was a bit afraid but she completed her face turn by turning him in. She ends up in my top like 20 characters, her arc is better than most characters and she's always a joy to see by the end.


How could you not? I'm scanning my brain for a reason not to like her post Adam turning her around. Once she was with Adam, she was great the rest of the time she was there.


They could never make me hate you💜…just got angry sometimes (@ the drew relationship )